Relationship between Salinity and Crop Proouction in Different Hydrological Regimes Downstream of Muhuri Flegulator by A. K. M. Alauddin Chowdhury In partial fulfillment of the requirement for the MAS"lER OF SCIENCE TNWATER RESOURCES DEVELO:'MENT , ,~ i -~ INSTITUTE OF WATER AND FLOOD MANAGEMD,T BANGLADESH UNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY 2007 BANGLADESH UNIVF.RSITY OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY Institute of Water and Flood Management The thesis titled 'Relationship between Salinity and Crop Production in different Hydrological Regimes downstream of Muhuri Regulator' submitted by A. K. M. Alauddin Chowdhury, Roll No: MP0428038, Session: April 2004, has been accepted as satisfactory in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Water Resources Development on 291hSeptember, 2007. BOARD OF EXAMINERS Chairman Dr. Md. Re7..ll.urRahman Professor IWfM, BUET J"01'fl-J! Member Dr. Abul fazal M. Saleh Professor IWFM, BUET Member Dr. M. Shahjahan Mondal Associate Professor IWfM, BUET Member Director (Ex-Officio) IWFM, BUET ~~ .......... ,, . Member Dr. Manoranjan K Mondai (External) Senior Agricultural Engineer Bangladesh Ricc Research Institute, Gazipur CANDIDATE'S DECLARATION It is hereby declared that this thesis or any part of it has not been submiUed elsewhere for the award of any degree or diploma. ~ A.K.M. Alauddin Chowdhury Roll No: MP 0428038 Session: April, 2004 • Dedicated To My Mother TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Page no TABLE or CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES LIST OF FIGURES APPENDICES Xl11 LIST OF ARRREVIATIONS ,GLOSSARY ACKNOWlEDGEMENT XVI ABSTRACT xvu CRAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION U General I 1.2 Rackground of the study I 1.3 Objectives 3 1.4 Limitations 3 CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW 5 2.1 Cause of Salinity 5 2.2 Quantification of Salinity 5 2.3 Classification of Soil as per Salinity 6 2.4 Classification of Water as per Salinity 7 2.5 Saline Area ofRangladesh 9 , 2.6 Relation between Salinity and Crop Yield 11 2.7 Classification of Crops as per Salinity Tolerance 12 ,2.8 Impact of Salinity on Different Crops 13 2.9 Problems other than Salinity in Protected Area of Coastal Regi,m 18 2.10 Salinity Management 18 CHAPTER THREE: STUDY AREA 21 3.1 Introduction 21 3.2 Location of the Study Area 21 3.3 Main Rivers of the Study Area 22 3.4 Water Control Infrastructure in the Study Area 25 3.5 Hydrological Regime of the Study Area 25 3.6 Climate of the Study Area 28 3.7 Soil Characteristics of Different Hydrological Regimes of the 29 Study Area 3.8 Salinity Status of the Study Area 30 3.9 Drought in the Study Area 30 3.10 Cropping Pattern in the Study Area 30 CHAPTER FOUR: METHODOLOGY 31 4.1 Introduction 31 4.2 Purpose of Sampling 32 4.3 Collection Procedure ofSoi! and Warer Samples from the Study 32 Are, 4.4 Sampling Locations 33 4.5 Measurement of the Salinity 39 4.6 Crop Yield Record 39 4.7 Selection Procedurc of Fanners for Inten'jew 39 CHAPTER FIVE: RESULT AND DISCUSSION 41 5.l.Soil and Water Salinity 41 5.1.1 Soil salinity in aman season 41 5.1.2 Water salinity in aman season 42 5.1.3 Soil salinity in rabi season 43 5.1.4 Water salinity in rabi season 44 5.1.5 Salinity movement in soil layers 45 '" 5.1.6Comparisonbetweensoiland,vatersalinityin aman 49 andrabiseasons 5.2 CropYield 51 5.2.1Yieldoftice in amanseason 51 5.2.1Yieldofkhesariin rabiseason 51 5.3RelationbetweenSoilSalinityandCropYield 51 5.3.1Relationbet\veenaveragesoilsalinityandcropyield 52 5.3.2Relationbetweensoilsalinityandriceyield 53 5.3.3Relationbetweensoilsalinityandkhesariyield 55 5.4YieldofLemil 58 5.5Farmer'sOpinion 58 CHAPTER SIX: CONCLUSION AND 62 RECOMMENDATION 6.1Conclusion 62 6.2Recommendation 62 REFERENCES 64 VIll .'. LIST OF TABLES Page No Tables Table2,1:Soilsalinityclassesandcrop grov.1h 6 Table2.2:Soilsalinityclassesby SRDJ 7 Tablc-2.3:Qualitycharacterizationofwater 7 Table-2.4:Watersalinityfor irrigationpurpose 8 Table2.5:Criticallimitof salinityof irrigationwaterforrice 8 Table-2.6:Waterqualityratings 8 Table2.7:Salineareain Bangladesb(excludingSundarbans) 9 Table2.8:Percentageof arablelandsin eachsalinityclass 11 Table2.9:Relativetoleranceof cropsto soil salinityforinlandsaline 12 soils Table-2.lO:Germinationpercentageof somefieldcropsas affectedby 14 saline waler Table-2.11:Percentagedecreaseof yield due to soil salinityat early 15 growthandreproductivestagesof rice Table2.12:YieldoHour ricevarietiesgro",,'I1undersalinecondition 16 Tablc-2.13:Yielddecrementto be expectedoffield cropsdueto 16 salinity Tablc-2.14:Yielddecrementto be expectedof vegetablecrops dueto 17 saiinity Table3.1:Descriptionofthemainriversof the studyarea 24 Table3.2:Thetemperature(oc)andrainfall(mm)conditionof 28 Mirsarai upazila Table-3.3:Thetemperature(oc)andrainfall(mm)conditionof 29 Sonagaziupazila Table3.4:Generalinformationaboutsoilandlandof the studyarea 29 Table3.5:ThesalinitystatusofMirsarai and Sonagaziupazilas 30 Table4,1:Locationof soil samplingin amanseason 33 Table4.2:Locationof watersamplingin amanseason 34 Table4.3:Locationof soilsamplingin rabi season 36 Table4.4:Locationof watersamplingin rabiseason 37 Table5.1:Soilsalinityandyieldof rice in old protectedarea 41 Table5.2: Soilsalinityand yieldof ricein newprotectedarea 42 Table5.3: Soilsalinityandyieldorrice in unprotectedarea 42 Table5.4: Soilsalinityandyieldof rice in affectedarea 42 Table5.5: SalinityofFeni riverwaterat Muhuriregulatordo",n 43 Table5.6: Soilsalinityandyieldofkhesari in oldprotectedarea 43 Table5.7: Soilsalinityandyieldofkhesari in newprotectedarea 44 Table5.8:Soilsalinityandyieldofkhesari in unprotectedarea 44 Table5.9:Soilsalinityandyieldofkhesari in affectedarea 44 Table5.10:WatersalinityofFeni riverat Muhuriregulatordown 45 ,Table5.11:Yieldof Lentilin thestudyareain comparisonwith 58 averageyield Table5.12:Percentageoffarmer's opinionon soil salinitydueto MIP 59 Table5.13:Percentageohman ricecultivars 59 Table5.14:Percentageofrabi cropscultivars 60 Table5.15:Percentageofrespondentsidentifyingmainproblemof the 61 studyareain cultivatingHYVricein amanseason Table5.16:Percentageofrespondentsidentifyingmainproblemof the 61 studyareain cultivating HYVricein boroseason LIST OF FIGURES Figures Page No • Figure2.1: Salinearea in Bangladesh 10 Figure3.1: Locationofthe studyarea 22 Figure3.2:Maiurivers ofthe study 23 Figure3.3:Differenthydrologicalregimesof the studyarea at 26 Mirsaraiand Sonagaziupw:i1as Figure4.1: Locationorthe soil and watersamplingin anumseason 35 Figure4.2: Locationorthe soil and watersamplingin rubiseason 38 Figure5.1: Soil salinityin differentsoilla}eTof old protectedarea in 46 amanseason Figure5.2: Soil salinityin differentsoil layerof new protectedarea in 46 amanseason Figure5.3: Soil salinityin differentsoil layerof unprotectedarea in 47 amanseason Hgure 5.4: Soil salinityin diffcrcntsoillaycr of affcctedarea in aman 47 season Figure5.5: Soil salinityin differentsoil layerof old protectedarea in 48 nlbi season Figure5.6: Soil salinityin differentsoil layerof new protectedarea in 48 rabi scason Figure5.7: Soil salinityin differentsoil layer of unprotectedarea in 49 rabi season Figure5.8: Soil salinityin differentsoil layer of affectedarea in rabi 49 season Figure 5.9:Comparisonbetwccnaveragesoil salinityof different 50 hydrologicalregimein amanand rabi seasons Figure 5.10;Comparisonbetweenaveragewater salinityofFeni river 50 in amanand rabi seasons Figure5.11:Averagetopsoilsalinityand rice }ie1dIndifferent 52 hydrologicalregime Figure 5.12:Averagetopsoilsalinityand khesariyield in diflerent 52 hydrologicalregime figure 5.13: Relation between topsoil salinity and rice yield 53 in old protected area Figure 5.14: Relation between topsoil salinity and rice yield 54 in new protected area Figure 5,15: Relation between topsoil salinity and rice yield 54 in unprotected area Figure 5.16: Relation between topsoil salinity and rice yield 54 in affected area Figure 5.17: Relation between topsoil salinity and khesari yield 56 in old protected area Figure 5.18: Relation between topsoil M.linity and khesari yield 56 in ne", protected area figure 5.19: Relation bet",,-eentopsoil salinity and khesari yield 56 in Wlproteeted area Figure 5.20: Relation between topsoil salinity and khesari yield 57 in affected protected area '" APPENDICES Appendix PageNo AppendixA: Nameanu addrcssof the sele~tedfarmersfor soil 68 samplingand crop yieldrecord of his plot in aman ,eason Appendix13:Nameand addressof the selectedfarmersfor soil sampling 69 and crop yield recordof his plot in cabiseason AppendixC: Interpretationof soiltest valucs basedon critical limits 70 AppendixD: Classificationof soilson the basis of organicmatter 67 AppendixE: Classificationof soilson the basisof soilpH values 67 AppendixF: Soil (llldwatersalinity(lllalysisreportofSRDl, Noakhali 71 IIIaman season AppendixG: Soil and watersalinityanalysisreportof SRDI,Noakhali 72 in rabi season AppendixH: Questionnairefor Fanner's interview 73 Appendix1:Pictureof samplingand fanner intcrview 75 Xlll - LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AA Aff~ted Area BARC Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council BBS Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics BRRl Bangladesh Rice Research Institute BINA Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture OWDB Bangladesh Water development Board CDSP Char Development and Settlement Project DAE Department of Agricultural Extension dS Jeci-Siemens EC Electrical Conductivity ESCAP Economic and Social Co-operation for Asia lind Pacific fAO Food and Agricultural Organhation Fe Field Capacity HYV High Yielding Variety ICZMP Integrated Coastal Zone Management Project MAA Muhuri Accreted Area Mlr Muhuri
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