Wisconsin Radio 11- 1 -74). Prog sep from AM. Format: Top-40. Rates: Net: ABC/I. Rep: Corlett. Format: MOR, C &W. Spec $33; 33; 33; 33. prog: Farm 10 hrs wkly. Joe Dahlvig, pres & gen mgr; Brad Dahlvig, coml mgr; Denny Gebert, prog dir; W WOM -FM -See Middleton. Rus Gowey, mus dir; Ray Bohnert, sec, trees, news dir & chief engr. Rates: $6.50; 5.90; 6.50; 5.90. WZEE(FM)- Listing follows WTSO(AM). Madison WIGM -FM -Dec 14, 1968: 99.3 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 240 ft. Manitowoc Format: MOR, C &W. WERN(FM) -March 30, 1947: 88.7 mhz; 25 kw. Ant 990 ft. 732 N. Midvale Blvd. (53705). (608) 266 -0036. WCUB(AM)-(Two Rivers) November 1952: 980 khz; 5 Menomonee Falls State of Wis. Educational Communications Bd. Format: kw, DA -2. Box 98 (54220). (414) 682 -8226. Cub Radio Ed. Anton Moe, exec dir; Nancy Bauer, instructional Inc. (acq 1- 1 -61). Net: UPI. Rep: Weiss-Powell. Format: WFMR(FM) -July 30, 1966: 98.3 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 328 ft. sys dir; Paul Norton, deputy dir; Norman Michie, prog C&W, farm. J.E. Severson, pres; Lee Davis, exec VP Stereo. 2457 N. Mayfair Rd., Milwaukee (53226). (414) dir; William P. Estes, pub info off; William C. Woods, dir & gen mgr; Bruce Smith, sls supvr; Bob Irish, prog dir; 255 -3100. Classical Bcstrs of Greater Milwaukee Inc. Bill Walters, farm dir; Mike Kinzel, news Barry, of engr. dir; Lee (acq 9- 21 -83). Rep: CMBS. Format: Class. Al Rogers - chief engr. Rates: $38; 36; 34; Aslakson, pres & gen mgr; Billie Rogers -Aslakson, gen WHA(AM) -1922: 970 khz; 5 kw -D. 821 University sls mgr; Holly Basting, stn mgr; Mark Kremer, mus dir; WKKB(FM) -owned with WCUB(AM). Sep 1, 1966: Ave. (53706). (608) 263 -3970. Regents of U. of Wis -Co Donn Harvey, chief engr. Rates: $60; 50; 60; 50. 92.1 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 160 ft. Stereo. Prog sep from AM. System. Net: NPR, Wisconsin Public Radio. Format: Ed, Net: MBS. Format: MOR, Tom talk. Jack Mitchell, dir; Jim Fleming, prog dir; Monika big band. Shanahan, sls supvr; Joe Allen, prog dir. Menomonie Petkus, news dir; Al Rieland, chief engr. WHA -TV affil. WHWC(FM) -June 28, 1950: 88.3 mhz; 10 kw. Ant WOMT(AM) -Nov 8, 1926: 1240 khz; 1 kw -U. 3730 1,050 ft. 732 N. Midvale Blvd, Madison (53705). (608) Mangin St., Box 685 (54220). (414) 682-0351. Seehafer WHIT(AM)-Aug 12, 1964: 1550 khz; 5 kw -D, DA. 5024 266-0036. State of Wis Educational Communications Bcstg Corp. (group owner; acq 1- 1 -70). Net: CBS. Rep: E. Lacy Rd., Box 4408 (53711). (608) 271-6611. Hudson Bd. See WERN(FM) Madison. Massa. Format: Adult contemp. Don Seehafer, pres & Bcstg Corp. (group owner; acq 1- 1 -69). Net: ABC /I. gen mgr; Ben Jakel, coml mgr; Bob Jung, opns mgr; Rep: Selcom. Format: Old. James A. McKenna Jr., WMNE(AM) -May 1951: 1360 khz; 1 kw -D. Box 1360 Fred Barry, news dir; Damon Ryan, sports dir; Ed pres; Jim Schmitz, gen mgr; Michael Ryan, prog mgr & (54751). (715) 235 -2112. Phillips Bcstg Co. (acq 6-23- Duellman, chief engr. prom dir; Ted Knupp, coml mgr; Dave Preston, mus dir; 75). Net: UPI. Format: C&W. Spec prog: Farm 15 hrs wkly Michael A. Phillips, owner- manager. Ryan Mulcahy, news dir; Al Skinner, chief engr. WOTC -FM -See Two Rivers. Rates: $16; 16; 16; 16. WMEO(FM)- Coowned with WMNE(AM). July 19, WTRW(AM) -See Two Rivers. 1967: 92.1 mhz; 1.3 kw. Ant 490 ft. Prog sep WIBA(AM) -April 2, 1925: 1310 khz; 5 kw-U, DA -N. Stereo. from AM. Format: Top Box 99 (53711). (608) 274-5450. Badger Bsctg Inc. (acq Marinette -40. 9- 1 -78). Group owner: Register Broadcast Group. Net: WVSS(FM) -April 22, 1969: 90.7 mhz; 1.05 kw. Ant CBS, MBS. Rep: Blair. Format: MOR. Spec prog: Farm WAGN(AM) -See Menominee, Mich. 75 ft. Stereo. 820 S. Broadway St. (54751). (715) 232- 8 hrs wkly. James C. Worthington, pres & gen mgr; 2432. Board of Regents, U of Wis Systems. Format: Deane D. Osborne, gen sls mgr; Barney Luv, prog dir; WCJL(AM) -July 25, 1969: 1300 khz; 1 kw -D. 844 Div. Spec progs: Class 10 hrs, Black 1 hr, jazz 10 hrs Robert King, news dir; Cathy Simon, prom mgr; Fred Pierce Ave., Box 689 (54143). (715) 732 -4444. CJL wkly. Arthur Matthews, gen mgr. Baumgartner, chief engr. Bcstg Inc. (acq 10- 10 -78). Net: UPI. Format: C&W. Spec prog: Farm 1 hr wkly. Leon R. Felch, pros; Jim Cal- WIBA -FM -March 1947: 101.5 mhz; 50 kw. Ant 450 ft. low, prog & mus dir, gen mgr & chief engr; Carol Rae, Merrill Stereo. Dups AM 3 %. Format: AOR. Spec prog: Jazz 5 corn! mgr. Rates: $6; 6; 6; 6. WJMT(AM) -May 10, 1960: 730 khz; 1 kw -D. 1018A E. hrs wkly. Jack Mitchell, prog dir; Christa Lane, mus Main St. (54452). (715) 536 -6262. Roberts Bcstg Inc. dir. WCJL -FMSee Menominee, Mich. (group owner; acq 11- 14 -75). Net: NBC. Rep: Masía. Format: MOR, progs: Farm 7 hrs, 1 WTDY(AM)- September 1948: 1480 khz; 5 kw -U, DA- WMAM(AM) -Oct 8, 1939: 570 khz; 250 w -D, 100 w -N. contemp. Spec Ger hr, Pol 1 hr wkly. W. Donald Roberts pres; Ronald 2. Stereo. Box 2058 (53701). (608) 271 -1484. WISM Inc. 400 Wells St. (54143). (715) 735 -6631. Marinette Central Jr., Bcstg Co. (acq 9- 1 -60). Group owner: Frank J. Russell E. LaPorte, gen mgr; Doug Rogers, prog dir. Rates: (acq 11- 1 -59). Group owner: Mid -West Family. Net: $7.50; 7.50; 7.50; 7.50. NBC Talk, RKO Two. Rep: McGavren -Guild. Format: Stns. Net: NBC, Wisconsin. Rep: Devney. Format: Adult contemp. William R. Walker, pres; Philip Fish- MOR. Spec prog: C&W 6 hrs wkly. Frank J. Russell, WJMT -FM -Aug 25, 1968: 93.5 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 220 ft. er, VP; Bill Vancil, VP & stn mgr; Charles G. Mefford, VP pres; Howard L. Emich, gen & coml mgr; W. J. Stereo. Dups AM 100 %. & gen mgr; Rex Hansen, sls mgr; Boyd R. Britton, news Liegeois, prog dir; Paul V. Anick, chief engr. Rates: $5: 5; 5; 5. dir; Chris Cain, chief engr. Rates: $34; 26; 34; 13. Middleton WLST(FM)-Co-owned with WMAM(AM). Sep 1, 1976: WMGN(FM)September 1948: 98.1 mhz; 50 kw. Ant 575 mhz; 100 kw. Ant 420 ft. Prog from WHIT(AM) -See Madison. ft. Stereo. Midwest FM Inc. Format: Adult contemp. 95.1 Stereo. sep AM. Format: MOR. Rates: $42.50; 34; 42.50; 17. W WOM -FM -Oct 12, 1970: 106.3 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 380 ft. Stereo. Box 4408 (53711). (608) 271 -6611. Hudson WMGN(FM)Listing follows WISM(AM). Marshfield Bcstg Corp. (acq 1- 1-69). Net: ABC /I. Format: C&W. James A. McKenna Jr., pres; Jim Schmitz, gen mgr; WNLT(FM)See Baraboo. WDLB(AM) -Feb 2, 1947: 1450 khz; 1 kw-D, 250 w -N. Ted Knupp, coml mgr; Michael Ryan, prog & prom dir; 1710 N. Central Ave. (54449). (715) 384 -2191. Goetz Dave Preston, mus dir; Ryan Mulcahy, news dir; Al WNWC(FM) -April 30, 1959: 102.5 mhz; 50 kw. Ant Bcstg Corp. (acq 7-65). Format: Adult contemp, farm. Skinner, chief engr. Rates: $20; 20; 20; 20. 460 ft. Stereo. 5606 Medical Circle (53719). (608) 271- Spec prog: Ger 1 hr wkly. Nathan L. Goetz, pres; 1025. Northwestern College (acq 1- 19 -73). Net: UPI, Intl Jack Hackman, VP & gen mgr; Khris Clark, coml mgr; Media Service (Washington, D.C.). Format: Rel. Spec Sherry Ann Taylor, prog & mus dir; Don Meyers, news Milladore prog: Farm 1 1/2 hrs wkly. William B. Bernsten, pres; dir; Les Leonard, farm dir; Gary Diamond, chief engr. on air, target date unknown: 88.5 Paul Ramseyer, gen mgr; Carl Ramsey, stn mgr; Greg Rates: $24.71; 12.82; 12.82; 12.82. WGNV(FM)Not mhz. 2929 W. St., New Smyrna Beach, Fla. Walters, prom mgr & prog dir; Gordon Govier, news dir; c/o Canal Radio Inc. David Woodcock, chief engr. WLJY(FM) -Co -owned with WDLB(AM). Dec 1, 1965: (32069). Cornerstone Community 106.5 mhz; 100 kw. Ant 800 it Stereo. Box 630 (54449). WORT(FM) -Dec 1, 1975: 89.9 mhz; 2 kw. Ant 905 ft. (715) 384 -2192. Prog sep from AM. Format: BtfI mus. Milwaukee Stereo. 118 S. Bedford St. (53703). (608) 256 -2001. William Allen, coml mgr; Jack Hackman, gen mgr; Back Porch Radio Bcstg Inc. Rep: Natl Federation of Jay Meyers, prog dir. Rates: $15.29; 15.29; 15.29; WAWA(AM) -See West Allis. Community Bscters. Format: Div. David Le Page, stn 15.29. WBCS(AM) -1955: 1340 khz; 1 kw-D, 250 w -N. 5407 mgr; Lucy Sumper, mus dir; Dave Wilsher, Steve W. McKinley Ave. (53208). (414) 4534130. Great Trails Braunginn, news dirs; Kay Burns, admin dir; Vincent Mauston Bcstg (group owner; acq 10- 1-62). Net: ABC /D, CBS. Curren, chief engr. Rep: Torbet. Format: C&W. Alex Williams, pres; Rich- WRJC(AM) -Jan 4, 1962: 1270 khz; 500 w -D. Box 58 ard Holcomb, gen mgr; Gerald Ferch, sls mgr; Cliff (53948). (608) 843 -8001. WRJC Bcstg Co. (acq 1983). WTSO(AM)-January 1948: 1070 khz; 10 kw -D, 5 kw- Blake, prog dir; Doug Yeager, mus dir; Wendy Schultz, Net: MBS, Keystone, Pearse. Format: Top -40, C&W, N.
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