r' HIGH TIDE LOW TIDE 1-10-70 1-10-70 4.7 at 0636 0.2 at 0036 5.7 at 1848 0.5 at 1224 __ tOURGlASS 01\..\', J '~.!,.,~... " ..... M ~...,.;:-- All The News ts VOL. 9, No. 8596 KWAJALEIN, MARSHALL ISLANDS Frlday, 9, 1970 -------- Judge Boyle Blocks Theories at Inquest EDGARTOWN, MASS -- Judge James A Boyle refused to allow testlmony that Mary Jo Kopechne mlght have been saved lf U S Senator Edward M Kennedy had summoned help promptly, lt has been learned Sklndiver John Farrar, who had expressed that oplnlon publlCly, was per­ mltted to testlfy only about his role In recoverlng Mlss Kopechne's body from Kennedy's submerged car on Chappaqulddlck Island last July 19 The information came from a courtroom source at the secret Kopechne In­ quest WhlCh ended yesterday after 3 1/2 days of testlmony Army Predicts Lengthy "The law," the source said, "lS In­ teres ted only in facts--not conJec­ ture, theory or casual opinlon My Lai Investigations That's the way thlS lnquest was con­ ducted, rlght down the llne " WASHINGTON -- Wlth four soldlers KOPECHNE INQUEST WITNESSES--Among the Kennedy and hlS legal team had con­ now charged, U S Army sources say it wltnesses at the Edgartown, Mass , sldered Farrar's testimony the cru­ may take another three months to com­ lnquest are Nance Lyons, 25, (left), clal point of the lnquest, WhlCh plete lilvestlgations of 22 other men who attended a party on Chappaqulddlck sought to determlne whether the 28- suspected of lnvolvement In the al­ Island precedlng the drownlng and John year-old Washlngton secretary's death leged massacre of Vletnamese clvlllans Farrar (rlght), scuba dlver who re­ called for crimlnal proceedlngs at My Lal covered M1SS Kopechne's body Judge Boyle wlll glve hlS oplnlon Formal charges of premedltated mur­ on that In a report to the Superlor der were flIed yesterday agalnst Ser­ Agnew Visits Indon sia Court along with the transcrlpt of geant Charles E lrutto, 21 and Prlvate the lnquest. Only when all chance of Gerald A Smlth. 22 Hutto also was At Opportune Tim crlmlnal prosecutlon has passed can accused of assault ulth lntent to the report be made publlC, the Massa­ cornmlt murder JAKARTA -- U S Vlce-Presldent Splro chusetts Supreme Court has ruled A sex crlme dn~lL entered the case T Agnew arrlves In Indonesla at a Kennedy had sald prlvately he was for the flrst tJn~ as Hutto also was tlme when relatlons wlth the Unlted dlstressed by contlnulng speculatlon, charged wlth rape -=-od Smlth wlth ''In­ States are at thelr most cordlal for largely based on Farrar's publlc decent assault on a Vletnd.mese female" years, the vlrulent antl-Amerlcanlsm statements, that hlS nine-hour lag ln Slnce there wlil be a sort of Grand of the early slxtles diluted almost reportlng the accldent was responslble Jury lnvestlgat1.0n before lt lS de­ of vanlshlng pOlnt for Mlss Kopechne's death clded whether to court martlal the Agnew, zlpplng around ASla on an But lt was more than personal Ken­ two young soldlers, the Army refused Il-natlon goodwl11 tour to clarlfy nedy's attorneys thought testlmony to provlde any detalls President Nixon's ASlan doctrine of to that effect could be a blg factor But Army sources sald "a small num­ self re11ance, wlil flnd that Nlxon's In determlnlng whether the death ber" of alleged sldYlngs flgured In plan dovetalls smoothly wlth Jakarta's could be attributed to a violatlon of both cases own Vlew of ltS future In ASla law by Kennedy or by the two frlends Both Hutto and Smlth were due to be ThlS lS as economlcally strong and he sald helped hlm dlve In valn for dlscharged from the Army next Tues­ polltlcally secure as posslble, espec­ the body -- Joseph F Gargan and Paul day, completlng three-year hltches. lally In the uncertain months that Markham However, thelr releases have been wl11 follow the eventual U S wlth­ After Boyle has flIed his report, held up, and there are lndlcatlons drawal from Vlet Nam, but as self re- Dtstrict Attorney Edmund S DlnlS the charges may have been flIed at 11ant as lt can make it, closely llnk­ must declde whether to prosecute Ken­ thlS tlme to have them on record be- ed wlth other ASlan natlons nedy or anyone else in the case by fore thelr enllstments end The proposal by Forelgn Mlnlster taking lt to a Grand Jury for lndlct­ Adam Mallk earller thls week that Jap­ ment Guarded hlnts from DlnlS and Moon Flight Delay Called an should lnltlate a Marshall style hlS staff indlcated he would follow plan for developlng ASlan natlons In­ Boyle's recommendation on that Victory for Scientists dlcates that a lessenlng of dependence SPACECENTER, PLUS1'lN, TEXAS -­ on the US, whlle strengthenlng ltS State Supreme Court ~ostponement of knerlca's next two ASlan tles, polltlcally and economi­ Moon fllghts ]5 a vlctory for SClen­ cally, lS In Ilne wlth Jakarta's plans R iects Ray's Appeal tlStS and a budgetary move by the Space Agency, offlclals sald today US BaHling N Vi ts NASHVILLE, TENN -- James Earl Ray, Apollo 13, the thlrd Moon landlng, whose appeal In his convlctlon for was rescheduled yesterday from March On Mountain 51 p the sniper slaylng of Martln Luther 12 to Aprll 11 Apollo 14, preVlOUS­ Klng Jr was rejected by the State ly set for July 11, was scheduled for SAIGON -- An Amerlcan task force Supreme Court, began worklng outslde some tlme In the fall, probably In sweeplng down a 3,230-foot mountaln hlS cell today for the flrst tlme September or October clashed for the second day today wlth Slnce hlS lmprlsonment last March A Space Agency spokesman sald the North Vletnamese troops entrenched in Warden W S Nell of the Tennessee move was made partly because of heat­ caves. State Prison In Nashvllie sald Ray ed complalnts from lunar SClentlsts Fleld reports sald 47 Communist performed duties outslde hlS maximum and partly to save flscal-year funds. soldlers were killed, mostly by Amer­ securlty cell addlng that Ray's work He sald the factors "bore equal lean bombers and artillery that blast­ wlll lncludlng "palnting Jobs, general welght In the declslon " ed the caves and boulders along the clean-up Jobs and serving meals to The reschedullng was vlewed as a mounta~n slope Only three Americans men In hlS buildlng " flrst move In a stretch-out of the were reported wounded. The program was begun for Ray at seven planned Moon landlngs The North Vietnamese toll tor the the request of U S. D1St. Court Judge A Spece Agency offlclal sald earl­ two days of flghtlng on Black Vlrgln Wlillam Mliler after Ray complalned ler In the week that a plan under Mountain, 55 miles northwest of Sal­ hlS health was belng damaged and hlS conslderatlon called for two Moon gon, was put at 110 dead, compared rlghts vlolated by constant conflne­ 1andlngs thl~ year, two In 1971, none to U.S losses of two killed and nine ment In hls maximum securlty cell In 1972, two In 1973, and a flnal one wounded 1U 1974 Page 2 HOURGLASS Friday, January 9, 1970 j Girls' 5 wing Class s Y ga Oft r d Speclal Services is again offer­ YOG1~ Classes are beginning again lng sewing classes for Beginner All interested persons are welcome and Intermedlate young girls. The to attend the classes starting classes wlll be held at the Com­ Tuesday, Jan 13th at 7 30 pm. munlty Center on Mondays and Classes will be held on Tuesdays at Atn Id Hanson H ads MZC Work Thursdays from 3 30 - 5 pm. Girls 7 30 and Thursdays at 5 pm for at Interested should call 83331 to least 10 weeks in Room C of Bldg Martln-Zachry Constructors have been dOlng reglster Classes wlll begin on T1850 Bring a small rug on which all the major constructl0n work at K}ffi under Monday, January 12th to exercise (approx. 3'X 5') and the supervislon of the Corps of Englneers wear comfortable exercising Slnce 1959 .Cake Prices clothes. The course wlll be on MZC IS a jOlnt venture of Reed and Martln of 8" Round Double Layer $ 2.75 baslc prlnciples of Hatha Yoga and Honolulu and H B Zachry of San AntonlO, Tex­ 1/4 Sheet S1ngle Layer 3 00 cover the varlOUS postures, Yoga as (10 - 12 servlngs) breathing, breathlng exercises, The man headlng the MZC work force IS Pro­ prana, and many other fascinating Ject Manager Arnold Hanson, a CIVll englneer 1/4 Sheet Double Layer 5 25 aspects of this marvelous science Durlng Arnold's two 1/2 Sheet Slngle Layer 5 25 of ancient wlsdom. years here, he's been (20 - 25 servlngs) In our modern "Clvllization" responslble for con­ with its attendant stralns and structl0n of the new 1/2 Sheet Double Layer 9 60 stresses many people are flndlng Jr -sr hlgh school, Full Sheet Slngle Layer 9 60 a method for achieving radlant the dlstlllatl0n plant (TTp to 50 servlngs) health along wlth internal and ex­ and the Spartan fac­ ternal poise to overcome the ten­ lllty at Meck Island Full Sheet Double Layer 14 00 sions seemlng to engulf them by Incldentally, he de­ learning Yoga. The relatlvely slgned the new fIshIng * * * * * * * * * * * ~ * * * * * slmple exercises are deSIgned to pler sltuated behlnd balance the nervous system and the Crossroads Paid Your Rent? purlfy the entire body charging lt In a conversatIon Box renta13 that were due on wlth new vltallty and strength wlth the HourGlass to­ December 31, 1969 and have not and glVlng the person emotlonal ARNOLD HANSON day, Arnold noted, been paId by January 10, 1970, and mental control he never knew "The blggest problem wlll be closed on that date eXlsted.
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