ROB ROY SPEED HILLCLIMB Venue of the First Victorian and Australian Hillclimb Championship 1938 Clintons Road, Christmas Hills

ROB ROY SPEED HILLCLIMB Venue of the First Victorian and Australian Hillclimb Championship 1938 Clintons Road, Christmas Hills

ROB ROY SPEED HILLCLIMB Venue of the first Victorian and Australian Hillclimb Championship 1938 Clintons Road, Christmas Hills Celebrating Local Entrants in the 2013 Peking to Paris Rally RESULTS 22 nd HISTORIC & CLASSIC HILLCLIMB SUNDAY 24th NOVEMBER 2013 Congratulations Mike Barker – Elfin Clubman - Fastest Time of Day – 25.17 sec. Andrea Ashton-Ward - Ford Cortina - Fastest Lady Driver – 36.89 sec. CONGRATULATIONS TO THE FOLLOWING WINNERS OF THESE PERPETUAL TROPHIES BILL LEECH TROPHY Glen Bishop Austin 7 ARTHUR WYLIE TROPHY David Bell MG TA Special BRUCE WALTON TROPHY Peter Wilson Ford Special NORM BEECHEY TROPHY Peter Wymouth-Wilson Morris Cooper S HARRY FIRTH TROPHY Richard Milligan MGB TONY GAZE TROPHY Mike Barker Elfin Clubman DERRY GEORGE TROPHY Not Awarded DIANA DAVISON/GAZE TROPHY Andrea Ashton-Ward Ford Cortina TOM SYNOTT ENCOURAGEMENT AWARD Barbara Hill Austin 7 Special TATE ENGINES TROPHY Peter Wilson Ford Special PETEWELL ENGINEERING FASTEST AUSTIN 7 John Marriott Austin 7 Special FASTEST AIR COOLED RACING CAR (VHRR) David Palstra Newbound Special The R.G WIGLEY TROPHY David Bell MG TA Special MG B ANNIVERSARY HISTORIC TROPHY Richard Milligan MGB MG EX 181 Trophy Glen Renshaw MGA FASTEST TIME OF THE DAY (HISTORIC) Keith Simpson Brabham BT 16 LE TROPHEE DES CONDUCTEURS ANCIENS – 2013 Congratulations to Ken Innes Irons- winner in a Austin 7 Special ROB ROY MEETINGS SCHEDULED FOR 2014 MARCH 2 ND VICTORIAN HILL CLIMB CHAMPIONSHIP R0UND 2 APRIL 27 TH VHRR HISTORIC ROB ROY MAY 4 TH INTERCLUB CHALLENGE ROUND 1 (incl Club Championsip Event) AUGUST 17 TH VSCC VINTAGE HILLCLIMB AUGUST 31 ST INTERCLUB CHALLENGE ROUND 2 (incl Club Championsip Event) OCTOBER 5 TH COME & TRY DAY NOVEMBER 2 ND INTERCLUB CHALLENGE ROUND 3 NOVEMBER 23 RD 23 RD HISTORIC & CLASSIC 2 Class Results No. Driver Make Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Run 4 Best Place Split 1 Split 2 Split 3 Split 4 Class O/R CLASS A - Invited and Classic up to 1500cc Record held by John Black, Fiat X1/9 - 24.59 (26/11/2006) 311 Denis Williams Honda Civic 31.59 31.16 29.20 DNS 29.20 1 7 Split Time 15.16 15.54 13.89 - 144 Ken Parry Ford Cortina GT 29.52 30.40 29.88 30.68 29.52 2 11 Split Time 13.91 14.81 14.32 14.90 157 Rob Whiting Westfield 11 42.12 61.88 37.97 DNS 37.97 3 63 Split Time 20.59 19.51 17.47 - CLASS B - Invited and Classic 1501 TO 2000cc Record held by Norman Gowers – Morris Mini 850 - 23.18 (19/02/06) 5 Stephen Harrison Lotus Europa 33.95 32.44 28.53 DNS 28.53 1 3 Split Time 16.15 15.88 13.30 - 15 Mark Patane Alfa Romeo 1750GTV 31.85 32.09 28.74 DNS 28.74 2 4 Split Time 15.22 16.36 14.13 - 117 Graeme Edwards Renault R17 TL 32.55 31.64 28.95 DNS 28.95 3 5 Split Time 16.14 15.83 13.81 - 63 Terry Harvey Ford Escort 34.99 33.77 31.34 DNS 31.34 4 24 Split Time 17.76 17.44 15.77 - 20 Mike Ellsmore MGA Coupe 35.09 35.10 31.86 33.48 31.86 5 25 Split Time 16.95 17.08 14.82 16.03 757 Louis Santin Singer Le Mans 38.25 35.94 31.90 36.23 31.90 6 26 Split Time 17.42 16.68 15.06 16.88 64 Bob Jamieson Volkswagen Beetle 40.31 38.16 36.54 36.72 36.54 7 57 Split Time 18.45 17.30 16.37 16.52 75 Nigel Gray Singer Le Mans 44.35 43.82 38.13 38.29 38.13 8 64 Split Time 19.44 19.98 16.79 17.62 CLASS C – Invited and Classic 2001 to 3000cc Record held by Wes Thomson – McRea Spider – 22.73 (20/02/05) 114 Mark Ingham Austin Healey 100/4 35.62 35.49 29.91 DNS 29.91 1 14 Split Time 17.04 17.21 14.57 - 68 Andrew Clayton MG TC/Holden 38.91 39.90 30.91 DNS 30.91 2 20 Split Time 17.96 18.50 14.26 - 325 Robert Elms BMW 326 i.s 36.36 37.56 32.93 DNS 32.93 3 32 Split Time 18.01 18.88 16.49 - 16 Phillip Stafford MG Y Type Special 40.21 39.83 35.00 DNS 35.00 4 47 Split Time 19.47 18.72 17.06 - 3 Class Results No. Driver Make Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Run 4 Best Place Split 1 Split 2 Split 3 Split 4 Class O/R CLASS D – Invited and Classic 3001cc and over Record held by Rick Simmonds – Nissan GTR Turbo - 21.97 (25/02/96) 53 Nick Crocitti Ford Roadster 57.02 37.07 28.97 54.47 28.97 1 6 Split Time 16.89 17.23 13.74 18.18 90 Matt Bryson Leyland P76 31.78 31.59 29.47 30.83 29.47 2 10 Split Time 15.53 15.52 14.52 15.34 56 Gary Ball Jag D-Type Replica 38.72 37.87 31.08 36.67 31.08 3 21 Split Time 18.19 17.69 14.95 17.50 78 Michael Killingsworth EH Holden 40.56 41.09 35.57 39.65 35.57 4 51 Split Time 18.34 18.60 16.80 18.18 CLASS F – CLUBMAN SPORTS – post 1975 - all capacities Record held by Dale Hocking –Dalrick – 22.68 (01/02/09) 3 Mike Barker Elfin Clubman Type 3 28.06 27.13 25.17 26.89 25.17 1 1 Split Time 14.17 13.72 12.07 13.69 37 David Stone Sonic Super 7 41.15 39.93 30.75 DNS 30.75 2 17 Split Time 18.61 19.05 14.44 - VINTAGE SPORTS AND RACING PRE 1931 CAMS Group J (a) Record held by Richard Stanley –Amilcar/AC s/c - 24.46 (25/02/96) CLASSES G and H combined - Vintage Sports and Racing Pre 1931 Group J - all capacities 96 Glen Bishop Austin 7 41.87 DNS 33.94 DNS 33.94 1 39 Split Time 19.66 - 15.21 - 70 Phillip Hallo Austin 7 47.62 41.61 34.75 37.43 34.75 2 45 Split Time 27.80 19.70 15.35 16.95 82 Martin Stubbs Austin 7 Sports 43.91 DNS 38.92 40.56 38.92 3 65 Split Time 19.53 - 18.14 18.97 77 Barbara Hill Austin 7 58.98 51.89 45.04 44.96 44.96 4 72 Split Time 24.45 22.41 20.58 21.21 4 Class Results No. Driver Make Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Run 4 Best Place Split 1 Split 2 Split 3 Split 4 Class O/R POST VINTAGE SPORTS AND RACING 1931 to 1940 CAMS Group K (a) Record held by Graeme Raper - Monoskate - 24.16 (25/11/2012) CLASS I - Post Vintage Sports 1931 to 1940 Group K - all capacities 138 Walter Magilton MG J3 40.78 42.05 37.51 DNS 37.51 1 61 Split Time 19.60 19.55 17.36 - 29 Rhys Timms MG SA 43.17 41.43 39.18 42.39 39.18 2 66 Split Time 19.62 18.46 17.84 18.34 81 Doug Keith MG NA Magnette 48.35 46.50 42.75 DNS 42.75 3 69 Split Time 22.26 20.27 19.26 - CLASS J - Post Vintage Racing 1931 to 1940 Group K - all capacities 57 David Bell MG TA Special 35.20 36.92 30.78 DNS 30.78 1 18 Split Time 16.84 17.82 14.45 - 34 Ray Sprague Ford Special 33.49 32.84 35.11 DNS 32.84 2 30 Split Time 16.41 15.69 16.89 - 1 Ray Sprague Ford Racing 33.19 33.52 49.45 DNS 33.19 3 33 Split Time 16.33 16.28 13.98 - CLASS K – AUSTIN 7 SPORTS & RACING Record held by David Bishop – Austin 7 s/c - 27.84 (18/06/00) 50 John Marriott Austin 7 49.64 39.66 33.89 36.39 33.89 1 38 Split Time 16.78 18.92 15.19 16.65 41 Ken Innes-Irons Austin 7 39.16 39.64 35.86 37.94 35.86 2 52 Split Time 17.84 18.25 16.00 17.75 71 Ian Motley Austin 7 40.71 41.97 36.04 40.80 36.04 3 53 Split Time 18.54 18.18 15.94 18.14 93 Trevor Cole Austin 7 42.82 45.25 DNS DNS 42.82 4 70 Split Time 19.88 20.91 - - 821 Russell Dickson Austin 7 51.12 45.49 43.15 44.70 43.15 5 71 Split Time 21.03 20.06 19.68 19.12 CLASS L – AIR COOLED RACING – pre 1960 - up to 1100cc Record held by Ken Bedggood - Cooper JAP Mk5 1100cc - 25.20 (2007) 51 David Palstra Newbounds Special DNS 44.82 39.68 DNS 39.68 1 68 Split Time - 20.35 18.07 - 5 Class Results No. Driver Make Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Run 4 Best Place Split 1 Split 2 Split 3 Split 4 Class O/R CLASS M – AIR COOLED RACING – pre 1960 to 1972 - up to 1100cc Record held by Darren Visser, Bates Cyclo – 22.48 (25/11/2012) 263 Darren Visser Bates Cyclo 31.95 33.34 29.73 DNS 29.73 1 13 Split Time 15.29 16.68 14.15 - 49 Karl Malins Cyclo 500 33.87 35.48 35.36 DNS 33.87 2 37 Split Time 15.01 16.39 15.31 - 88 Mark Atkinson Falkenberg Jinx 43.63 44.42 34.20 44.56 34.20 3 40 Split Time 19.71 19.72 16.23 18.71 SPORTS AND RACING CARS – 1941 to 1960 CAMS Group L (b) Record held by Ray Gibbs – CooperClimax - 23.63 (30/11/97) CLASS 0 - Sports Cars 1941 to 1960 Group L Over 1500cc 99 Dick O'Keefe Proton Lotus 34.75 34.27 35.84 33.37 33.37 1 34 Split Time 15.94 - 16.48 16.07 31 Noel Cunningham Kieft De Soto 41.34 40.83 38.59 36.34 36.34 2 55 Split Time 18.64 - 18.15 16.88 CLASS P - Racing Cars 1941 to 1960 Group L under 1500cc 87 Terry White MG TC 33.44 36.36 33.47 DNS 33.44 1 36 Split Time 15.92 - 15.71 - 59 Mark Pitman MG TC 34.92 DNS DNS DNS 34.92 2 46 Split Time 17.78 - - - 12 Mark Wells Buchanan Sports 37.43 DNS 39.16 DNS 37.43 3 60 Split Time 17.20 - 18.22 - CLASS Q - Racing Cars 1941 to 1960 Group L 1501cc and over 54 Peter Wilson Ford Special 34.94 30.30 34.60 DNS 30.30 1 16 Split Time 17.19 - 16.56 - 62 Bill Redpath Redpath Olds/Special 35.56 30.81 36.41 DNS 30.81 2 19 Split Time 16.85 15.36 17.26 - 92 Frank Robinson Ford Milthorpe 36.74 36.92 43.64 40.70 36.74 3 58 Split Time 17.12 - 21.14 19.62 6 Class Results No.

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