S7828 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 19, 2018 offers that, I believe, would glide finement and the shackling of pregnant hook in hopes of gaining concessions through the House and Senate: No. 1, prisoners. from China on North Korea and got pass the six bipartisan appropriations The bill got 87 votes. Those 87 votes none. North Korea continues to expand bills and a 1-year CR for DHS or, No. 2, are an entreaty to the new Congress to its nuclear capabilities. pass a 1-year CR for all seven remain- do more. It is called FIRST STEP for a Mr. President, do not make the same ing appropriations bills. lot of reasons, one being that many of mistake again by interfering in the Leader MCCONNELL proposed a short- us feel we have to go further and do case of Huawei’s CFO. Mr. President, term CR just a few minutes ago. We more. Next year, hopefully, we can, and do not capitulate on U.S. trade policy would have preferred one of our two op- the resounding support from both sides without meaningful, ironclad commit- tions, but I am glad the leader thinks of the aisle that this bill got should ments from China to end its predatory the government should not shut down help us. It should importune us not to trade practices, its theft of our intel- over the President’s demand for a wall, let this be the last proposal but the lectual property, and until China al- and the Democrats will support this first in this area. The law will bring lows U.S. companies to compete freely CR. The President and the House more justice to our justice system. I in its markets without technology should follow that lead because shut- was proud to vote for it and so grateful transfer or other coercions. To do oth- ting down the government over Christ- for the work of my colleagues who erwise would put the future of this mas is a terrible idea—one of the worst pulled a diverse coalition together to great Nation at great risk. to come down the pike in a very long get it across the line. f time. f TRIBUTE TO BILL NELSON f CHINA Mr. SCHUMER. Finally, Mr. Presi- FIRST STEP ACT Mr. SCHUMER. Mr. President, on dent, I have come here to speak about Mr. SCHUMER. Mr. President, on the China, negotiations are ongoing be- a dear friend and a wonderful col- CJR, criminal justice reform, I am tween the Trump administration and league, the senior Senator from Flor- really deeply heartfelt in thanking ev- Chinese officials about a potential de- ida, BILL NELSON. eryone who was involved in the crimi- tente in our trading relationship. Of A Floridian born and bred, BILL NEL- nal justice reform legislation. import to the Chinese is the recent ar- SON didn’t grow up with a silver spoon I thank Senator DURBIN, for whom rest of Huawei’s CFO on charges of vio- in his mouth. Everything he has this issue was a year’s-long passion. lating U.S. sanctions law, which is only achieved in life, he achieved because he When Senator DURBIN gets his teeth one area of concern when it comes to worked for it. Hard work is one of his into an issue, he does not let go until Huawei’s technology. credos. he achieves it, and he is great at get- Let me be very clear. The United In high school, BILL raised cattle in ting it done. It was a real victory for States should not make any—any— his spare time. That is not every teen- him. concessions until and unless China ager’s idea of a good time, and that is Senator BOOKER felt this issue so pas- makes credible and enforceable com- something we never did in Brooklyn, sionately from his residents in Newark mitments to end all forms of theft and but it led to a lifetime association with and in seeing what had happened to extortion of American intellectual Florida’s 4–H Program, which con- friends of his and people he had known. property. tinues to support Florida’s agricultural He was a brilliant legislative tactician As Ambassador Lighthizer recently community today. in knowing just how far to push and in pointed out—and I cannot commend Just as important, BILL’s extra- getting the most he could from a Con- him enough for the good job he is curricular animal husbandry allowed gress that was not from our side of the doing—during the Obama administra- him to save up the $10,000 he needed to aisle. tion alone, China made no fewer than attend college at the University of Senator WHITEHOUSE carried the 10 independent commitments to get rid Florida. Even then, public service was mantle of making sure that while peo- of forced technology transfers and never far from this generous man’s ple are in prison, they are given ade- cyber theft policies. thoughts. He gave his first political quate preparation so when they come As we know, China cyber espionage speech as a candidate for junior high out, they don’t become recidivists continues unabated. Just last week, it school president—a race he won. In col- again—free from drugs, with job train- was confirmed that China was behind lege, he interned for Florida’s Senator ing—and so they can become useful and the data breach of Marriott hotels, and George Smathers, whose son Bruce productive members of society. we know that they continue to require happened to be his roommate. Senator HARRIS also added her pas- any company that sells things—and That internship turned out to be the sion and experience as attorney general there are so many companies that sell lesser contribution of BILL’s friendship to the great arguments for this bill. things in China—to transfer their tech- with Bruce because a few years after I don’t want to leave out colleagues nology. law school, Bruce would introduce Bill on the other side of the aisle. Senator If we continue on this path that we to Grace Cavert, who became Grace GRASSLEY played a real role as a have for the last 10 or 15 years, we will Nelson, the love of BILL’s life. statesman. Senator LEE did tremen- no longer be the leading economy in For those of us who know BILL, we dous work on this bill. Again, like with the world. All the great ideas Ameri- know he loves Grace more than any- Senator BOOKER but from an opposite cans have because of our free and open thing in the world. They are truly a point of view, he knew when to hold and entrepreneurial system will be sto- dream team. Just to watch them to- and knew when to fold. len, purloined, and China will domi- gether, caring about each other so, I thank all of them because this bill nate. brings joy to anyone’s heart—certainly will make an extraordinary difference We are there for fair competition. mine. Many of my colleagues, of in countless lives by making our sen- China doesn’t compete fairly. I have to course, know Grace as well and have tencing laws fairer and smarter, by giv- say, neither the Bush nor the Obama worked closely with her, not the least ing judges more discretion so low-level, administration stood up strongly to reason being that she is the authority nonviolent drug offenses will not al- China. This administration shows signs in that household today. ways be subject to arbitrary manda- of doing it. With Grace by his side, Senator NEL- tory minimums; by giving prisoners My message to President Trump: SON embarked on what would be a dis- with good behavior and who work hard Don’t back off. Follow Mr. Lighthizer, tinguished career in public service in to rehabilitate themselves better op- not those in your administration, as Florida as Congressman, tax commis- portunities to prepare for their inte- reported, the Senate, Mr. Mnuchin, Mr. sioner, and eventually Senator. Of gration back into society as productive Ross, and others, who want to settle course, along the way, Senator NELSON citizens who can contribute to their for next to nothing. That would be a would also earn the title of ‘‘payload communities; and by ending the most disgrace. specialist’’ abroad the Space Shuttle abusive practices of our criminal jus- President Trump has tried the concil- Columbia. As most folks know, then- tice system, like juvenile solitary con- iatory approach. He let ZTE off the Congressman Nelson, who was chair of VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:15 Dec 20, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G19DE6.010 S19DEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE December 19, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S7829 the House Science, Space, and Tech- Every one of us salutes the great sen- I want to say that the time I spent nology Committee, participated in a ior Senator from Florida, everything with him down there in Texas long be- weeklong space flight on the Columbia. he has accomplished in his distin- fore he was even in the position he is in What most folks don’t know, however, guished career in the Senate, and just today—he has been a great hero down is that the launch for the mission was the great man that he is. there not just to the people in Texas aborted not once, not twice, but three I yield the floor.
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