• AUSTRALIA $2.00 • BELGIUM BF60 • CANADA $2.00 • FRANCE FF1 0 • ICELAND Kr150IN$IDE·. • NEW ZEALAND $2.50. • SWEDEN Kr12 • UK............. £1.00 • U.S. $1.50 . ····•cne:··.··•Econ ·· ................ ·i lra•tranal·· TH£ ····· ),···.·······•··••••···l~(~r,.t/9fl~ls0Ciiit~t'l$viel¥J•~r;~ 1?to•i .... ·.. ·. A SOCIALIST NEWSWEEKLY PUBLISHED IN THE INTERESTS OF WORKING PEOPLE VOL. 61 NO. 33 SEPTEMBER 29, 1997 Bosnia vote S.F. strikers win takes place under victory for all labor NATO guns BART workers push back two-tier pay BY MAURICE WILLIAMS NATO officials hailed the recent sham BY NORTON SANDLER elections held in 142 Bosnian municipali­ AND ASKIA TOURE ties as a success. Bosnian residents voted as SAN FRANCISCO-"We NATO troops in armored personnel carriers raised the bar for all workers and helicopters patrolled the region, part of by winning this strike," Steve the 36,000-strong U.S.-led occupation force. Gilbert told theMilitant. "The U.S. Gen. Wesley Clark warned ahead of fact that we ended the two-tier time that the military operation "has the system and won the wage gains authority and capability to use lethal force" we did sends a message to against violent disrupters. "Should it be so other workers that they can win threatened, it will use that force," he de­ some gains too, if they fight." clared. Gilbert has worked for six The September 13-14 balloting was or­ years as a mechanic at Bay ganized by the Organization for Security and Area Rapid Transit (BART). Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) and other Some 2,500 Bay Area tran­ imperialist representatives, who controlled sit workers who are members the electoral process and must certify the of the Service Employees In­ results. These officials warned residents that ternational Union (SEIU), the communities that do not accept the election Amalgamated Transit Workers results will have sanctions imposed on them. Union (ATU), and American The elections were considered a fake by Federation of State, County, many people in the area. "This is a farce," and Municipal Employees said Vaskrsije Kusmuk, a 65-year-old resi­ (AFSCME) stood up to a care­ dent in Pale. "If this was really a democratic fully orchestrated and high­ election we would not have these foreign pitched campaign in the big planes and these foreign tanks rolling business press and broadcast Transit workers picket in San Francisco's financial district during strike against rail boss through our streets." media here· to-score some solid Some refugees who were driven from gains during their week-long strike, which their homes during the 1992-95 war re­ ended on September 13. again September 15. The strike began September 7, when a turned to vote. Workers began returning to their jobs A ratification vote by the membership of "cooling-off' period mandated by Califor­ Leaders of the Bosnian Serb Democratic immediately after the tentative settlement the two unions is scheduled for Septem­ nia Governor Peter Wilson ended and the party and the Bosnian Croatian Democratic was announced and trains began running ber 19. Continued on Page 12 Union spoke of boycotting the polls. Both organizations dropped such threats after 4 Sinn Fein joins talks on Ireland 5 000 Co~:;iPage. BY IAN GRANT The following day, a 400-pound bomb used as an excuse for the Unionists to stay ' Y AND TONY HUNT exploded outside the police station in a the out of the talks. • T ~ LONDON -A new phase in the struggle town of Markethill, in County Armagh. The Following the explosion, the talks were • 1 11 for Irish freedom opened September 15, Ulster Unionist Party, (UUP) the largest of adjourned for the day by their chairperson, Ill exas 0 r when the London government finally en- the loyalist (pro-British) parties who had up former U.S. senator George Mitchell. rr• e tered formal negotiations that include Sinn to that point refused to join the talks, seized In a statement at the opening of the talks a Irmative Fein, the leading party fighting for an end on this as a pretext to call for Sinn Fein to Adams, who led the Sinn Fein delegation, to British colonial rule in Ireland. This was be excluded. The Irish Republican Army said, "We are here as an Irish republican • the first time since the partition of Ireland (IRA), whichhasobservedacease-firesince party. We do think this could be the begin- action in 1921 that the British imperialists had en- July 20, immediately denied responsibility ning of the end of conflict on this island if gaged in such talks. Sinn Fein's involvement for the attack. the political will is there to build agreement, comes 15 months after the present series of Sinn Fein president Gerry Adams said the and we certainly have that will. BY LEA SHERMAN talks began. explosion was regrettable, but should not be "We think the logic for a small island like HOUSTON - In response to mounting this and for 5 million people is to have the attacks on affirmative action, some 5,000 unity and independence of Ireland," he con­ students and others demonstrated at the tinued. "That issue is on the agenda because University of Texas at Austin September 16. we put it there." In addition to the Sinn Fein Hundreds of students also held a sit-in at delegation, representatives of the Irish Gov­ the law school after the rally. The protest ernment, the British Government, the So­ came amid a growing fury over remarks cial Democratic and Labour Party (SDLP), made by Lino Graglia, a tenured university Alliance Party, and the Women's Coalition law professor, against affirmative action. were also represented. Graglia spoke at a September 10 press conference launching a student group that Divisions among Unionist parties supports the Hopwood decision, a court rul­ Bitter divisions are wracking the Union­ ing that overturned affirmative action pro­ ist parties - so called because they favor grams at the University of Texas (UT). the continued "union" of Northern Ireland "Blacks and Mexican-Americans are not with Britain. The Ulster Unionist Party academically competitive with whites in (UUP) stayed away from the talks when they selective institutions," the professor de­ opened. David Trimble, leader of the UUP, clared. "It is the result primarily of cultural issued a statement saying that given certain effects. They have a culture that seems not conditions he intended to participate "as to encourage achievement. Failure is not soon as possible." The UUP leadership in­ looked upon with disgrace." stead met leaders of two smaller loyalist The debate on affirmative action has been groups, the Progressive Unionist Party heating up as the impact of the Hopwood (PUP), and the Ulster Democratic Party decision has become clear. The case was (UDP), which have links with rightist ter­ originally filed as a challenge to affirmative ror gangs the Ulster Volunteer Force (UVF) action policies in admissions at the law and Ulster Defence Association (UDA) re- school. Since implementing the court rut- Continued on Page 14 Continued on Page 11 Sterilization policy sparks debate in Sweden- page 6 IN BR~f------------------------------ Japan GDP plummets agreement" with the Havana, "would lose The gross domestic product (GDP) of duty free access of its products to the U.S. Japan dropped 2.9 percent in the three market." Ros-Lehtinen took it a step further months ending June 30. This represents an by dropping each CARlCOM member a let­ annualized rate of decline of 11.2 percent - ter saying that repercussions for such deal­ the fastest drop since the 1974 worldwide ings would be felt "individually and as a unit; recession. Shimpei Nukaya, administrative politically and economically; in the hemi­ vice-minister of Tokyo's Economic Planning sphere and globally; in the court of public Agency, said the decline would make it dif­ opinion and in real terms." ficult to meet the government's goal of 1.9 percent growth in GDP for the fiscal year House backs anti-immigrant bill ending March 31, 1998. On September 5 the U.S. House of Rep­ resentatives voted 261-150 in favor of a Seoul bails out collapsing banks measure to include the deployment 10,000 The Bank of Korea announced Septem­ troops along the U.S. border with Mexico ber 8 it would pour $2.2 billion into the sink­ in the 1998 defense bill. The measure, in­ troduced by Democratic Congressman ing Korea First Bank and other banks i~ ~n effort to prevent a major currency cns1s. James Traficant, is supposedly aimed at Korea First got a $1.1 billion, one-year loan fighting drug trafficking and illegal immi­ at below-market interest rates. This is the gration. California Republican representa­ fourth bailout in the history of the central tive Brian Bilbray also backed the measure bank. Park Ung-suh, president of the as a way to guard against "drugs and the vio­ Samsung Economic Research Institute said, lent activity that is going on along the bor­ "Government support for the bank is abso­ der." lutely necessary to avoid financial panic." The $650 million project is opposed by The banking crisis has been fueled by the A woman joins August 30 march in Santiago, Chile, organized by the families of the U.S. Defense Department and the Jus­ bankruptcy or collapse of five major indus­ thousands of people who were "disappeared" during the dictatorship of Gen. tice Department, who argue for hiring more trial conglomerates this year, which resulted Augusto Pinochet. Sign reads: "Your son comes home. Mine does not." border cops instead. The Immigration and in bank-issued rescue plans of billions of Naturalization Service already plans to beef dollars.
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