December 11, 2020 Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston Vol. 51, No. 36 Pope Proclaims Bishop Will Year Dedicated Celebrate to St. Joseph Christmas By Junno Arocho Esteves, Catholic Eve Mass at News Service arking the 150th anniversary of St. Joseph being declared patron of the the Basilica Muniversal church, Pope Francis pro- claimed a yearlong celebration dedicated to the foster father of Jesus. Faithful Can Watch In a Dec. 8 apostolic letter, “Patris Corde” Livestream on Diocese’s (“With a father’s heart”), the pope said Chris- tians can discover in St. Joseph, who often Website and Facebook, or goes unnoticed, “an intercessor, a support and a guide in times of trouble.” Midnight TV Broadcast “St. Joseph reminds us that those who ap- pear hidden or in the shadows can play an in- comparable role in the history of salvation. A By Colleen Rowan word of recognition and of gratitude is due to ishop Mark Brennan will join them all,” he said. the Catholic community of As Mary’s husband and guardian of the BCharleston on Christmas Eve son of God, St. Joseph turned “his human vo- this year as he celebrates the 8 p.m. cation to domestic love into a superhuman Mass at the Basilica of the Co-Cathe- oblation of himself, his heart and all his abil- dral of the Sacred Heart. Those out- ities, a love placed at the service of the Mes- side of the capital can join in the Mass siah who was growing to maturity in his by tuning into the livestream on the home.” Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston’s Despite being troubled at first by Mary’s website and Facebook page. The Mass pregnancy, he added, St. Joseph was obedient will also be televised at midnight to God’s will “regardless of the hardship in- around the state. volved.” “It will be a joy to celebrate the “In every situation, Joseph declared his anniversary of the Lord’s birth with own ‘fiat,’ like those of Mary at the Annunci- the parishioners there and to invite ation and Jesus in the Garden of Gethse- others to join us by livestream and mane,” the pope said. “All this makes it clear television,” Bishop Brennan said. “I that St. Joseph was called by God to serve the celebrated Christmas last year at my person and mission of Jesus directly through cathedral in Wheeling, which meant the exercise of his fatherhood and that, in I could not travel south, so I was de- this way, he cooperated in the fullness of termined—COVID-19 or not—to time in the great mystery of salvation and is celebrate the feast in my co-cathedral truly a minister of salvation.” in Charleston this year.” St. Joseph’s unconditional acceptance The faithful can watch the of Mary and his decision to protect her “good midnight TV broadcast of the name, her dignity and her life” also serves as Mass on the following stations: an example for men today, the pope added. WTRF-TV 7 in Wheeling, “Today, in our world where psychological, WBOY/NBC for Clarksburg/Mor- verbal and physical violence toward women gantown, WDVM in Martinsburg, See “St. Joseph” on Page 2 WOWK Charleston/Huntington, and WVNS Beckley/Bluefield. The basilica is requiring reser- Pictured at right is the statue of St. Joseph at vations for all Christmas Masses. the Cathedral of St. Joseph in Wheeling. In addition to the church, there Colleen Rowan Photo See “Christmas” on Page 2 Inside: Bishop Brennan Part of Integrating Ecology, Giving Goes Way Beyond Tuesday with Almost Economy, and Human Dignity Panel, Page 3 $800,000 Raised for Parishes, Ministries, Page 4 2 The Catholic Spirit December 11, 2020 tron,” he said. of justice in “full adherence to the divine law, which St. Joseph ... The Apostolic Penitentiary, a Vatican tribunal that is the law of mercy.” Cont’d from Page 1 deals with matters of conscience, also issued a decree “Therefore, those who, following the example of is so evident, Joseph appears as the figure of a respect- Dec. 8 stating that plenary indulgences will be St. Joseph, will perform a corporal or spiritual work of ful and sensitive man,” he wrote. granted to Catholics not only through prayer and mercy, will also be able to obtain the gift of the ple- Pope Francis also highlighted St. Joseph’s “cre- penance, but also through acts of justice, charity and nary indulgence,” it said. ative courage,” not only in finding a stable and mak- piety dedicated to the foster father of Jesus. Indulgences will also be granted to families and ing it a “welcoming home for the son of God (who Among the conditions for receiving an indul- engaged couples who recite the rosary together and came) into the world,” but also in protecting Christ gence are a spirit detached from sin, receiving sacra- thus imitate the “same climate of communion, love from the threat posed by King Herod. mental confession as soon as possible, receiving and prayer lived in the Holy Family. “ “The Holy Family had to face concrete problems Communion as soon as possible and praying for the Other acts of devotion include entrusting one’s like every other family, like so many of our migrant Holy Father’s intentions. daily activities and prayers for dignified employment brothers and sisters who, today, too, risk their lives to However, the decree also highlighted several ways to St. Joseph, reciting the litany or any “legitimately escape misfortune and hunger. In this regard, I con- to obtain the indulgence throughout the year, in- approved” prayer to St. Joseph. sider St. Joseph the special patron of all those forced cluding to those who “meditate on the prayer of the During this time of pandemic, the Apostolic Pen- to leave their native lands because of war, hatred, ‘Our Father’ for at least 30 minutes or take part in a itentiary also decreed that special indulgences will be persecution and poverty,” the pope said. spiritual retreat of at least one day that includes a granted to the elderly, the sick and all those who “for As a carpenter who earned “an honest living to meditation on St. Joseph.” legitimate reasons are prevented from leaving their provide for his family,” Christ’s earthly guardian is As a “just man,” the document continued, who home” by “reciting an act of piety in honor of St. Jo- also an example for both workers and those seeking guarded “the intimate secret that lies at the bottom seph and committed to fulfilling the conditions as employment and the right to a life of dignity for of the heart and soul,” St. Joseph practiced the virtue soon as possible.” themselves and their families. “In our own day, when employment has once more become a burning social issue, and unemployment at times reaches record levels even in nations that for decades have enjoyed a certain degree of prosperity, there is a re- newed need to appreciate the importance of digni- fied work, of which St. Joseph is an exemplary pa- Christmas ... Cont’d from Page 1 will be seating in the gathering space and parish hall. “It will be a great joy to have our bishop spend Christmas at the basilica,” said Very Rev. Donald X. Higgs, Assoc. V.F., rector of the basil- ica. “What a wonderful way to end this most difficult year by having our shepherd lead us in the celebration of the Lord’s birth.” To Report Suspected Cases of Sexual Abuse of Children Sexual Abuse Awareness Training To Report Suspected Cases of Sexual Abuse of Children: The Diocese The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) requires that all of Wheeling-Charleston encourages reporting to civil authorities first and fore- Dioceses/Eparchies have in place a Safe Environment Program for the protection most if a crime has been committed. We also encourage utiliz- ing www.report- of children and young people. In accordance with these requirements, the Diocese bishopabuse.org to make a report about any bishop in the U.S. If you have reason of Wheeling-Charleston’s Safe Environment Program consists of the following to believe that a bishop has engaged in sexual mis- conduct or has interfered with components for persons seeking employment or to volunteer—directly or indi- an investigation into sexual misconduct, please contact civil authorities in the ap- rectly—with children: background check; receipt of the Diocese’s Policy Relating plicable jurisdiction and visit www.reportbishopabuse.org. to Sexual Abuse of Children; and sexual abuse awareness training for adults. Sexual To Report to Civil Authorities: Contact your local law enforce- abuse awareness training may be completed online or via live workshop. For more ment: numbers will vary based on your location. If you believe someone is in im- information on the Office of Safe Environment,please go to www.dwc.org, click mediate danger, call 911. To confidentially report any incidence of suspect- ed “Diocese”, then “Offices,” then “Office of Safe Environment.” child abuse or neglect, including sexual abuse, contact the West Virginia Bureau for Children and Families’ Child Protective Services by calling the Child Abuse Hotline at 800.352.6513. You may report anonymously to this hotline if you prefer. Office: 1322 Eoff St. To Report to Diocesan Authorities: The diocese encourages report- ing Mailing: PO Box 230 to the appropriate civil authorities first and foremost if a crime has been com- Wheeling, WV 26003 mitted. The diocese also encourages reporting to the appropriate church au- (304) 232-0444 thorities. To report suspected cases of sexual abuse of children by personnel of the Fax: (304) 233-8551 Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston to the Diocese, contact one of the following de- Web site: www.thecatholicspiritwv.org signees at 1.888.434.6237 or 304.233.0880: Mr.
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