BRINGING UP FATHER By GEORGE McM \M S ' I JUNEAU'S MOST POPUIAE bA.V OOC WV.-UZ. 1 1 Aow UEsTEllS- THERE. I'b NOTr\iNl‘ I j] I'LL KEEP UP The (5LUFF ji AUITTL.E WEAOOF- THE MATTER V/ITH N't FOOT- (- I WITH I'LL bNEM^OUt Candies, Ice Creams ! p® / if ~|tME WHEN AOO 'dAOO pretended thw it wuz r~ { v/hiue %he iti oot I ,—Li!_| HAO A\ ‘aPRAINEU and Sherbets SPRMNEO THEIS TOO ‘a/MO 111 OEroRE “aHE DOEV j j2 '* Ats\Aue rioT -uxi'iii; ] ITV/bl-TOUWENOTA I E>He. UL TsTILU -- | RH-.HT COl'\U I--' MADE IN JUNEAU BY TIIE nOLTOR > *3 OOT OF r Over qvjkja: I rr ‘X \ J S. & F. CONFECTIONS V Wholesale Phone 16 _- J'r \. Retail Phone 317 I Juneau Music House Parlors 1 ■ n a I. .!. SI I \KICK Jeweler and Optician Watches, Diamonds, Silverware Jewelry ■ ____ ^ f=_“ WE WANT YOU TO KNOW That one of the last of the de sirable houses for sale in Juneau has just been placed on the mar- ket. V. -------- Well located in every way. Athlete Breaks Will Norwegian THREE FINISH Six Stories About BEAVER TEAM Paris give you both a home and Queen a ■— profitable investment. f All Pole Records (.holies Hoff, to Vaulting lie Published IN DOG DERBY HOME GROUND May we tell you more about it? NEW YORK. March a. (Dy Asso- Today The Empire begins Hie ciated Press I. Charles Hoff, Nor SEE Suzie’s Beau? Ross Moxlev of The Pas Is first of it series of six stories, wegian all-around athletic star whos. running consecutively mid deal- NOW ASSURED have been the r.eltsa Winner in Saskatche- performances ing with the achievements, per- ALLEN Inc. tion of the indoor track season here wan I 60 Mile Race sonality and career of Charles PORTLAND. Ore., March 5. Loop I SHATTUCK, didn't lik" pole vaulting, and took Hoff, athlete now in for a baseball | j Norwegian jtion perniancnl park I Insurance — Heal In Estate it up under protest but today PRINCE AUlEItT. March !i Ross j this country. Hoff personally | for Die Portland club of the Pin ?i'i<• ] stands in a class by himself, in this Muxley, of The Pas, won the Sas- supplied the Associated Press jCoust league has been secured by j hohh-r of all spectacular specialty, katchewan 100 mile, four laps, dog with most of the data j I ho club. The site, 500x50(1 feet.; indoors or out. i world's records, derhy and the Premier King Cup. I | i close to the business center, was j It was little more than four year- His time for the fourth and last ■ -■ purchased about a year ago by that this slim, dark haired FIRE ALARM CALLS ago lap was 1 hours, 12 minutes and 20 I Thomas S Sliibe of Philadelphia. 7 youngster then 1!) and now only 23 president of the Amer seconds. Philadelphia 12 Third and Franklin. — first took a vaulting pole in his as a Eight thousand persons saw him icans, personal investment, and 1-4 Front and Franklin. hands. Yet within less than a yeat lie has now transferred title to lie finish. klukwanholds 1-5 Front, near Ferry Way. he had soared to a world’s record I'ortland club. Verne Johnson, of llig River, was l-fi Front, opp. Film Exchange. height, 13 feet C inches. Since then A lease for two on the i second, and Harry Olenskv, The Pus, years more 1-7 Front, opp. t'ity Wharf. he lias improved his own mark foe> was third. LEAD IN MAPLE Vaughn Street grounds is held by i 1- 8 Front, near Saw Mill. times until now it is 13 feet 1113-1 the Portland The total time made for the on club, which plans to! 2- 1 Willoughby at Totem Cm inches. have the new tire distance 111 the four laps was "..j grounds ready when] 2-8 Willoughby, opp. Cole H un Indoors, this "vaulting Vikin.j,' follows: BUSTERS' RAGE that lease expires. The new grounds I 2-4 Front and Seward. adapting himself to new conditions j Moxle.v, 1(1:44:31). I will be near Hie Multnomah Amateur I 2-5 Front and Main. and a strange setting, has shattered Johnson. lfi:29:Q9. | Athletic club house. 2-G Second and Main. records with the same reckless aban- Olensky, 17:03:21. Klan of Klucklco Climbs ^ * * 2-7 Fifth and Sewird. don and in the brief space of a few j APIA, March 5. Samoa's first 2-9 Fire Hull. weeks has the from to has been com- 2-2 captured imagination Fourth Second hydroelectric project >n/iy«; r)AK.gvv Gasineuu and Hawn Way. as fe\v athletes and 8-4 of American fans pleted electricity now is light ~~ Second and Gold. PRO FOOTBALL NOT Place in Fifth Round. ,Tj have ever done, not even excepting ing homes and schools in 2-5 Fourth and 'i:.r $ Upolu Harris. that other Scandinavian pro- TO BE LIMITED TO A power dam was built above 2-G Fiftli and Gold. great At I lie end of lilt' fifth round in just \ Mile. Clirisliane Dargyl has duct, Paavo Nurmi. M' Robert L Stevenson's favorite swim- 2-7 Fifth and East. j>jg.OHAH:^Eg COLLEGIATE STARS the Elks’ howling tournament for been chosen Queen of the record witn 2-8 Hoff broke the indoor _ ming pool and the water was car- Seventh and Gold. five player mixed teams, the Kluk- Dance in the Paris mid-Lent a vault of 13 feet 1 inch in his first ried by spiral piers across the road 8-9 Fifth and Kennedy. NEW YORK, March 5. Walter wans continued to lead, with a total festivities. She will be re- American appearance, at the Mill- Dr. Charles II. Wilcn, New of "Loving Hearts," where it 4-1 Ninth, back of power house. Trumhull says that when profession- of 11,213 pins, 'llie Kluektoos (limit- drops ceived the i‘resident ofi j by 4-2 rose games February -1 and has York dentist, is to marry al Hu feet to the bed of it stream on — Calhoun, opp. Juneau Apts football becomes really establish ed from fourth to second place, re- France. since steadily battered this mark. world s which tho power house is situated, i 4-2 Distin Ave., and Indian til Suzanne Lenglen, i-d its great asset will he that it SI. Paul which to placing dropped 4-5 Ninth His latest flight cleared the liar at woman tennis Prison labor was ♦ ♦ ♦ and Calhoun. .will not have to depend upon col while Ilutte retained its employed. champion fourth, 4-G 13 feet 4 inches. Csp the Class!Iti'ilw n Seventh and Main. to reports lege teams for its material. More on third Uey I*ay player, according grasp place 4-7 W. Kroigsman, who serves as Nor- —‘ Use the Classifieds. )M to? rnip m* Tr* Twelfth, at Northern I. dr) from i’aris. land more material will come from \ The New Yorkers climbed two They Pay. pupur* Kmplre. way's national track and field direc- 1-8 Twelfth and Willonghby. • 'lie outside mid stars will he oroat- notches into sixth place and Port 4-9 Home tor, is his coach and counselor. cd Grocery. j instead of purchased at stagger- land made a similar advance, land HENRY BAMAN Manager "Most of my athletic experience TDVC DDIIUM On |-:-M cost. lug in seventh position. Juneau took - seward street lias been In running, cross country ing ■ -B The first time that some eleven u fall, loosening its hold on tenth rnTt BnunN oil. and Jumping," Hoff explains, "I RESIN BALL IS with practically no college men on place and landing in the collar with TRY OUR DELICIOUS HAMS AND BACON JUNEAU TRANSFER didn't like the idea of pole vaulting, it slaughters a team made up of old a thud. AND WILDROSE LARD but my coach was convinced 1 college stars the fans will get a The standing of the thirteen teams COMPANY would make good at it. He (bought PHONE 38 RES. PHONE 5.r) — 2 RINGS new angle on the game. at the end of the fifth round, its an- NOW —____ my building and equipment suited to BOTHERING | Packs and Stores Could Get Material nounced by the howling committee, Moves, Freig'.t this event and finally persuaded me j Suppose you (let any one of the was: and Baggage to try it great coaches of the country tour Kluekwan 11,213 “It wasn't long before I discovered COAST LEAGUE tlie cities and villages, the mines, Kiuckloo 11.070 that it was naturally easy for me j I the mills, the factories, the lumber Ilutte 10,99-1 and after that it was just a case of LOS A NO ELKS, Cal., March 5. anil the farms and pick his St. Paul 10,983 developing my form.” President Williams of Icumps tln> Pacific own material, wouldn’t he have a Frisco 10,912 It was in September, 1922, that Coast Itasoball League announced pretty good squad? New York 10„S37 Hoff the of the attracted attention yesterday he has asked Baseball And if he could pick his own as- ; Portland 10,784 athletic, world will his first record Commissioner Landis if will pitchers and drill that material as Milwaukee 10,773 vault, 13 feet li inches, made at jslstants he allowed to use resin.
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