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And wh').t about that.,the.>befter.t"cdistract att<jntlOn from ada . The Oldest Anglo-Jewish Week1~ in Weste,m Cm. This is the conclusion reached by (Issued weekly in the intereiti of Jewl8h Commumty Il.ctlVlti.. By . DR. SOLOMON FRANK .peoples, to participate actively in most recent volUminous: bnd voci~ }hems,:elv!s. 'l;'1}.ey._wll usefit to facili­ in Winnipeg and Western Canada) By J. X. COHEN agents. It is foreign to the sp~rit o~ ~he Negro _.- world building and to accomplish the Emporia Gazette. "In' sununary, ferous barrage of ~ropag~da, col~~ ,~~fe·~tttlir-C~llk-i;\.when i again they Member of the J _wish ;reiegraphic Agency people. The phenomenon. of antI-SemltI~ffi; among It is an axi~m that tolerance applies equally to all "tl THEN - the news was made their jomt purpose by the pro'cess the Yalta conference, seems to be the' calculated iby politicians - W~ .:raise- _.hope_ ..to __ ha~~_:::Der__ Tag". Whether Negroes is of comparatJvely recent orlgm. ,V V 'public, two weeks ago, of the of give and take. Be~ause our lea:d­ triumph, not. of Roosevelt, not of feverish, and bitterantagoriism ·'iiie"m:ad"a,Fi;;ntllre- will be under a Published every Thursday by peoples if it is to be completely effective in eradicating I do not want. to paint too bland a picture of EMPffiE PRESS LTD. prejudice and hate. The Negro population of North momentous conference of "The Big t:rs- have made this possible at Yalta, Stalin - not of any man, but of an against Negroes and Jews, flUng Kaiser, a' ,Hitler, ,or some other Printers and Publishers America, nwnbering some thirteen millions, is our ally N egro-Jewish relations. There are, indeed, sources _ Three" held' at Yalta, -this writer all of ~s must look to that conference idea - the notion that ~e poor old hysterically about by inspired press paranoiac, we cannot know. This in the struggle for racial democracy and it' is ,vitally of friction between our peoples. They 11.re the c'onUnented on its importance. It was as a rp.omentou5 in~ident in contem­ world is weary and desperately and radio' during the political cam-much we do know: he who helps the BEN M. COHEN, Business Manager important that there be unity in thi~ common str.uggle. whetstone which reactionaries hand Negroes to 'Phone 54400 . Evenings 54 345 The following article, consisting of a speech delIvered then pointed out that Messrs. Chur- porary history. wants an enduring peace and' free­ paign just ended? Much of that spread of anti-Semitism will help . Head Office: 213 Selkirk Ave., Winnipeg, Canada by Rabbi Cohen before the National Association for sharpen any latest prejudice. There is point in· chill, Roosevelt and Stalin had made During the passing weeks since the dom. And' the men have yielded to campaign smacked of the techniques the German effort at world domina­ Entered as Second Claaa Mail Matter at Ottawa the Advancement of Colored People, -. points out the rehearsing the reasons for this friction. It will the idea. Hitler used in his . early climb to tion. He who would save the world H. SOKOLOV, LL.B., Contributing Editor a lasting contribution to the building results of the conference have been bitter irony of racial conflict between the two minori­ help bring the situation out into the light. Light of a new world order by their joint announced" these have become the MILDRED SHANAS, M.A., Managing Editor ties, Negroes and Jews. - The Editor. "Much remains to be worked out. the power which has brought the from future catastrophe must help is the greatest therapeutic agent I know, next meeting. The transactions of diplo- subject of much discussion'. Friends Thursday, March 1, 1945 We must make sure that the details entire world to disaster. stamp out anti-Semitism among Vol. XXI-No.9 to love, for removing friction in human relations. macy are necessary. Notes! proposals, have' supported the conclusions' - The "Harlems" were pre-war Negroes-what a ludicrous tragic of the promised sett1 ements . and TIME and again I have asked Jewish audiences Four chief areas of conflict are frequently . cOWlter-proposals and treaties are reached. Adverse critics have diI­ feeding grounds for German agentS combination! elections fulfill the language of the mentioned. They arise from the housing situation, the 'instruments of. international r fered.with the results. Some nations spreading Jew-hatred among Ne- Over one hundred years ago the F.l before whom I discussed the righting of promises, and of course there will ,Speaking Of Anti-Semitism wrongs to Negroes to try this psychological trick the merchant-consumer relation, the professional unde~standing and are essential. have felt aggrieved: because they be future friction. groes, As the day of German doom eminent French Jew, Adolphe -to substitute Jew for Negro as the sorry tale is situation and domestic service. Nothing, however, can take the place were not specifically mentioned. All approaches, German strategy pre- Cremieux, in an address before the unfolded. I ask Jewish people to' note how their of the personal conference. Face 'to of these comments neglect the one "But all credit should go to the pares to go underground. There it General Anti-Sla,very Convention Speaking of anti-Semitism, and who doesn't?, -Housing conditions for Negroes, the outrageous I temperature mId blood pressure rise in resent­ congestion and the unfair rentals :-these . need face contact is the, first step on the paramount issue. Yalta did not pre­ President for bringing back a firm will plan hetter for the third Ger- held in London said " . I am a 'a writer in the Montreal Family Herald con­ ment. Today I ask you to reverse the procedure. road towards the turning of a world tend to solve, all problems. It set foundation for a future happy· man attempt ,at world domination. descendant of those Hebrews who tributes this thought: "Every person must be no detailing. To what degree the responsibility for When you hear of injustice to Jews, substitute of war into a world of peace and for itself one task and performed it world." Whatever German leaders may de- were first to proclaim the abolition judged on his own record. It is so easy for us to these conditions it to be laid to, landlords who t Negroes; see how your temperature and pressure happen to be Jews is a matter for careful scrutiny. goodwill. The great leaders of the admirably. That was the creation This is the contribution which cide to discard as ineffective for of slaverYi and I, this dayl only say that all redheads have bad tempers, or th:3: Yalta has .made to world order. interim purposes~ whatever they repeat what the Jews always sought , all of· a certain group are queer or bad. ,Yet lf go up. Direct your resentment against the bigot There are Jewish owners of property in Negro' United Nations have' shown their of a spirit of better understandil1g. who would embitter their friendly relations .that willingness to c~me together, to talk. Goodwill is the paramount need of It is to be hoped that in future may determine' to utilize as per- .in principle. ." Many examples we are to remove intolerance, we must forever sections. But we know that a large proportion have always obtained between Negro and Jew. of the problems they have in com- the world. It is the keystone of the when we look at the critical prob- manently helpful, of one thing you could be cited of Jews who played insist that the only fair way to deal with any of the houses in Harlem, for instance, is con­ Conflict between our two groups, which bear trolled by estates which are non-Jewish owned. monl to give expression to the feel- new world order.' And the desire lerns facing the world, that we do. may be sure. From their whole an important part in the anti-slavery person is on the basis of his individual character­ so in the spirit of understanding armory of horror, they will certain- movement in this -country. One istics." Here is the whole answer to race hatred. the chief burden of intolerance, is bitter irony. The agents who collect the rent, however, and iI~gs harbored by their respective '"for goodwill was unquesti~nably Negro and Jew, two of the world's woefuly mal­ with whom the tenant comes into direct contact, engendered at Yalta. Iy retain anti-Semitism. It has might go back to the Old Testament, If Jews were not regarded as a nationality, bnt jf;;;==========;:;'1~1 pre-~minent at Yalta.
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