R(jBlN~ l: COJ.:.t~ MN utdl1ED l "I,.,' , , I ~11'-Q. -{_.f?_~~ ~ ,,' I- • FALL CLEARANCE ., ~~, Used Cars Ind Trucks '., .. ' ',,'- - Now On- TI-IEDAILY' NEWS '~~ • •• Terra Nova Moton Ltd •. ' • ________________-~-------------- ~ oo.~ , Vol. 66: No,.191 5T; JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1959 (Pricer 7 Cents) Charles Kiltton &Sons BE • • NeE .. O'Dee e eralDS, n aos' 4 Fortress Evacuated ... - . , I VIENTIANE, Laos (Reuters)-1 unconfinned reports or the pre- Foreig~ Mi n i s t e r Kampan' too slowly, . ; .'0 ,Laotip.n troops have been Dr·lsence o( 700 soldiers from Com· Panya said Tuesday in Bangkok, I a North ' ~eanwhile VI~ N~tn I.' , I dered to evacuate Sam Teu Fort, munist North Viet Nam and where he arrived on his way to (oreign ministry spo:;csman 'o:~" I menaced by an a p pro aching I about 80 other Pathel Lao men, the Unit~d Nations headqua~ters: it was an "imEEdent slander" to . l, l 'I 'force of 150 pro - CommIL11st 1 Th2 foreign minister said the, in ~ew York, that 4,000 Commu· say that ~orthVlet:1amcoe regll,·.· I i , Pathet Lao rebels, end p~pare Isame rebds who overran five nist troops had penetrated 30· lars were aiding th~ rebels' in' . , I' (or guerilla action from the sur· lorts along the River 1>Ia in miles into Laos and that North I Laos, the New China :leWS ag~ncy" rounding Jungle, it was announced I :lOrthern .Sam Neua were be- Viet ~am had fired howitzers', rcrort~d. ! Tuesday. I I1eved likeiy to attack Sam Teu across the border. A Hanoi, North Viet Nam, I Acting foreign minister Sisouk: Fort within the next few days. i "We are overwhelm~d in num· broadcast Tuesday. said Ph am . I ~!a Chnmpassak told a press con·: He reported continued guerilla' bers," he sai~. : Van Dong, the North Vietnamese: . (2re~c~, he could not rule out the I a~tivities in the valley of the I ~e said. no formal request for: pr~mier, ?~d sent a message !~.' i i posslblllty that the rebels might. Rlv~r Ou, In Luang Prabang' SEATO BId had yet been made Prime ~!lnIstzr Nehru o( IndIa :l r turn and drive 0:1 to the prol'in·1 pro,'ince, and attacks on lorts in I but he ·~ad consulted with GZ:l, asking _'lim to u~e his influence .1 'cial capital of Sam Neua, 33 ' the ~uongkhoua region of PJong Pate Sarasin, SEATO secrtsr)". ttl bri ~ about "reactivizatlon' 01..: ;l 'miles to the nort!Jwest. 1 Sal)' province. II general, on such a pos,ibility in I the international commission m' In the same ar~a, there were. FORCE OF 4,OOIl case the UN failed to act or acted Laos." .. , , 'S . , ., ~ING Bishop Speaks On· 'I'" il Quebec's Attitude -'I," l' Q Won't Change Clergy Shortage' '. Dy ALAN DO!l.'NELLY : Mr. Sauve will be named to suc· By KENNEDY WELLS : Irom its members. ~ I Cnnndinn Press St.a!f Writer ! ceed !I!r. Duple~sls, Althoug~ ~!r.1 sn: AN:-IE d~ BELLEVUE, Earlier in the a!t2r~oon Bl,hop _.- , OTTAWA (CP)~uel)Oc's 10:1g· 1 Sauve did not specifically meo': Que. ICPI-The .bp,:ican Church' ~ P"-1 of Ottawa told the': , ., ,lived opposition 10 tax·sharlng: lion federal - provincial relations,' of Canada Tue5dny ended its 20th s)'llod that even tlou~h there i, ': , .. , agreements with the (ederal gov·' on, of the key· bases o( the Du·· 1enerol synod with a (\ldous '. ~ of clergy thera is no .: . I j ernment Is not expect2d to dim· plessis government's policy was' hurst of activity, pa,sing motio:ls point in "pressurhg" young men ' . inLsh with t!l'~ death of Premier I its insiste~ce on provincial auto-' and a:lprol'ing reports with al· to ent"r the ministry. __ , DuplessLs, i nomy.. most us~lmb]yline .sPEd. "1 be;ieve that oce rlason the ~ I Since the S€cond World Wa~ the: Mr, Sauve is known as a strong In all, more than 10 reports,' ch'Jl'cn is failiug to attract Delll-; ! Quebee leader had been the per·' sup;lOrter o( that position, motio:l, and statements werc·, minister, is because men have . Lnos-This photo taken in April of 1958. shows Communist l'athet Lno troops mllr(:hlll~ through si!tent ad,'ocate of provincial au· I , The centr.al iS,sue is the shar·· ~:'~It ",ith at .qn afterncon se.osion, be:~, p,:ssured into the minls-.· I tonomy, As the great dissenter at 109 of taxatIOn fields tmween Ot·, oIhlch lasted three hO'~rs, ~l\d In, DIS hop Reed tohl the. scuss ~amIlC\ln, Laos, At thc time, the~e Red troops were sup posedly training so they could be intcgrated directlv into federnl'provi:Jcial conferences, he tawa and the provincial govern· l::,legatt:s \l'ere ab:e to go home church's 20th general s~l1iY1 duro '. " Ro~,ll Laotian Army, They are now assisting Communist troops allegedly invading Luos- from neighboring kept rlemanding that ottawa stop ment;. It will a~ain come to the a day carly. ing a debat2 0:1 the means o( . Opening \,id \mn,-vPI Photo, collecting taxes he said should gO' fore In a meeth~ here Oct. 15' The reports included ore o~ the' recruiting new priests, I, to t~~ pro\'inces, ' and 16 be(wzen Finance !I!inister estab,ishment 0(' a (ixed prima·' T~e sr.ortagc of new min:,t~rs , I At the last conference here In I Fleming and the provincial trea· tial see, a matter CIOSI to t~e was giren sharp emphasis lIist' I Julv Mr, Duplessis sald bluntly It surers. heart of "rcr.b ish 0 p Howard I Frida,' wr'm Bishop God:rey I, . - .. G - .... ,~ "stealing" when Ottawa col· I At their last meeting Jijly 6 Clark of Edmonton, the new pri.· Gowlr o( Xel\' Westminster, B.c.. ,II. l~cteJ those tax~s and spent the and 7, ell the provinces but Dne' mate. pre;enting his- report on "statis­ ~ h~:; morning tD Khrushchev . :Successful Th I ng S 0 I ng money for provincial purposes. i ~ueb1e--urged the c~ing Df a I. Archbishop Clark has come .out. tic,s a,~d the state of the chllrcil,:' . :he school ~ow Quebec's Youth and Wei· full·scalc conference with heads, In fa"or of a 11xed see-sImilar saId If a church cannot recrJlt l:e p~tponed (are Minister PaUl Sauve has of governme:1t to negoliate .a, to that In England at .Canl~rbur)' I )'O\I~g mini~ters it ~'ill die." _",. thi! month, Not Like said the dead premier's colleag· better tax·sharing d~al (or the -for th~ church's rnma,te~, but. B;shop Ivor NOrris of Bra:1don, , ' Experiment 'W ues "are co~vinced the best way provinces, ,the rerort indicated it will be \bn., said Tuesday in his report , 'Il'iler 1st, but to honor h~s memory Is to con· Mr, Fleming explained t!Jen: some time belore one is set up.' C" T!'cruitmmt that during the .'e in the nu Stalin Mac S ay, tinuc his work," i "Mr, Dup:essis indicated fre-: The committee on the fixed see, I" ,t 70 years while the Anglican ,., the date (C~~E':('~;I;IS~ ~o~:m~l~:~ !?ci That ,<tatement carries weight, iUently he was interested more' considered Ottawa, Toronto 3:1d p"~ula:ion of Canada was qU3d· , I '" ~I'rtember I I RY,.\X . h I f By ALAN H.~R\,EY I In fact, things seemed almost' with Ih2 ~eneral expectation that', inCll.!h th!l!l in conferences," ; Winnipeg as poslible locations, rupled the number of mini<ter~ i : Il'rsity and )'001 iiI e with the wolves,. tX~erlment In t e educat on 0: Prlme.M1 n i;) t e r MRcmlllbn too good tn be trUe, The weat~er: -- . - 0 --.-- . and none got 11 majodt)' vote: scarce,y doubled, , I !le": like a wo!f.." children o( the Sons of Freedom: smilingly admits. thaLthlng! lire itself, Inllbg electors Into a,som. • ----. ----....-.-.--.---.- ---- .. -_ .. - - -- -- . I, .on Center , , '.' :\l'ilher . loving ~ikitll Doukhob?r iCct Tlmday ap-. brelildng 'bls ·way,·. nolent, coulciJ\'t-care -less·about- P sOn' I .•. [·ri by the KJ·ru.,hdlC,', who for pea,red Itkel, to be a ,UCCeSS, With the disarming Irankness poltlc~ moods, wa.'!. one-reaSon . e.a-r on· T T C·b 01 h~ pOlitical life has lived \\hlle Iotal enrolment ligures that hll.! become. something of a for Conservative optlmlsm, 0 ag ar I au L'll "O!\C; of Communist l:J. , w~re not available, re~orls Irom poUtlcal lradelll1ll'k, "Supermac'.' Opinion polls' showed the gov- : Ihe three school dlstrlcts a/(ec- acknowledgeg....,.pril'at-.!ly and pu]). e'll.;,'cnt forces wHh !I clear edg~ T- ht M i ,Pre'~dcl1t Richard M. I ted indicated that mos~ parents! lIcly-that fortune has lavored over the oppo,ilion LDhor party, I.g O· n e' y WI~NIPEG (CP1-Caribon in' north during the wint2r In an ef· al!e."'r,~ the Soviet prp.! had honored a promlire they I his Conservative government in I Little more than a year ago, La. northern Manitoha sCOli will be (ort to lollow the caribou bearing ito wili I isit the United ~ made last month to send t.1elr Ithe last few mO:1lhs.
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