1949 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 13185 an application :filed for a patent on a para­ The roll was called, and the following Mr. BRICKER asked and obtained chute; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Senators answered to their names: · consent to be absent from the Senate on 1496. By the SPEAKER: Petition of K. P. .Anderson Holland Miller Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of Koenig and others, Denver, Colo., requesting Bricker Humphrey Millikin next week. Congress to amend the Railroad Retirement Byrd Ives Murray Act so as to provide needed pension beJ:?-efits Cain Jenner Neely Mr. HILL asked and obtained consent to railroad workers and their families; to the Chapman Johnson, Colo. O'Conor to be absent from the Senate on Monday Committee on Interstate and Foreign Com­ Chavez Johnson, Tex. Pepper next. Connally Johnston, S. C. Reed merce. Cordon Kem Robertson On request of Mr. LucAs, and by unan­ 1497. Also, petition of Interstate Compact Donnell Kerr Russell imous consent, Mr. GRAHAM was excused C'om.missioner, Austin, Tex., relative to reso­ Douglas Kilgore Saltonstall lutions passed at a convention at Bismarck, Downey Knowland Schoeppel from attendance on the sessions of the N. Dak., August 24, 1949, in reference to the Ecton Langer Smith, Maine Senate for the next few days. proper planning in the development and use Ellender Leahy Sparkman COMMITTEE MEETING DURING SENATE of our land and water resources; to the Com­ Ferguson Long Stennis Flanders Lucas Taft SESSION mittee on Public Works. Frear McCarthy Taylor 1498. Also, petition of Francis Jean Reuter, Fulbright McClellan Thomas, Okla. On request of Mr. O'CoNOR, and by Silver Spring, Md., relative to a grievance of George McFarland Thomas, Utah unanimous consent, a subcommittee vl Francis Jean Reuter aga;inst the Air Corps Gillette McKellar Tobey the Committee on the Judiciary was au­ in reference to a notice of separation; to the Graham McMahon Vandenberg Green Magnuson Watkins thorized to sit this afternoon during the Committee on the Judiciary. Gurney Malone Wiley session of the Senate. Hayden Martin Williams HUl Maybank Withers TRANSACTION OF ROUTINE BUSINESS Mr. LUCAS. I announce that the Mr. LUCAS. Mr. President, I ask SENATE Senator from Mississippi [Mr. EASTLAND], unanimous consent that routine matters the Senator from North Carolina [Mr. may be presented for the RECORD, wfth­ FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1949 HOEY], and the Senator from Pennsyl­ out debate. vania [Mr. MYERS] are absent on public The VICE PRESIDENT. Without ob­ (Legislative day of Saturday, September jection, it is so ordered. 3, 1949) business. The Senator from Wyoming [Mr. EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, ETC. The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian, · HUNT], the Senator from Tennessee The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the on the expiration of the recess. [Mr. KEFAUVER], the Senator from Ne­ Senate the following letters, which were The Chaplain, Rev . .Frederick Brown vada [Mr. McCARRANl, and the Senator referred, as _indicated: from Maryland [Mr. TYDINGS] are ab­ Harris, D. D., offered the following AMENDMENT OF SOIL CONSERVATION AND prayer: sent by leave of the Senate on official DOMESTIC ALLOTMENT ACT business. Eternal God, in whose peace our rest­ A letter from the Acting Secretary of Agri­ The Senator from Wyoming [Mr. culture, transmitting a draft of proposed less spirits are quieted, from the flicker­ O'MAHONEY] is absent on official busi­ legislation to amend the Soil Conservation ing torches of our own understanding, ness. and Domestic Allotment Act, as amended we would lift the difficult decisions of the Mr. SALTONSTALL. I announce that (with an accompanying paper); to the Com­ public service into Thy holy light. Grant the Senator from Connecticut [Mr. mittee on Agriculture and Forestry. us inner greatness of spirit and clearness BALDWIN] is absent by leave of the Sen­ COST OF DAMAGES CAUSED BY MILITARY FORCES of vision to meet and match the large de­ ate on official business. AT CERTAIN PUBLIC AIRPORTS signs of this dangerous yet challenging The Senator from Vermont [Mr. A letter from the Secretary of Commerce, day, that we may keep step with the AIKEN], the Senator from Maine [Mr. transmitting, pursuant to law, certifications drumbeat of Thy truth which is march­ BREWSTER], the Senator from Nebraska by the Administrator of Civil Aeronautics of ing on to a brighter tomorrow when Thy [Mr. BUTLER], the Senator from New the cost of rehabilitation and repair of dam­ ages caused by United States military forces kingdom shall come and Thy will be· York [Mr. DULLES], the Senator from at Los Angeles Municipal Airport, Los An­ done in all the earth. In the Redeem­ New Jersey [Mr. HENDRICKSON], the Sen­ geles, Calif., the Porterville (Calif.), Munici­ er's name we ask it. Amen. ator from Iowa [Mr. HICKENLOOPER], the pal Airport, and the Alice (Tex.), Municipal THE JOURNAL Senator from Massachusetts · [Mr. Airport (with accompanying papers) ; to the LoDGEl, the Senator from South Dakota Committee on Interstate and Foreign Com­ On request of Mr. MAYBANK, and by [Mr. MUNDT], the Senator from Minne­ merce. unanimous consent, the reading of the sota [Mr. THYE], and the Senator from PETITIONS AND MEMORIAL Journal of the proceedings of Thursday, North Dakota [Mr. YOUNG] are absent September 22, 1949, was dispensed .with. Petitions, etc., were laid before the by leave of the Senate. Senate and referred as indicated: MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT The Senator from Indiana [Mr. CAPE­ HART] is absent on official business. By the VICE PRESIDENT: Messages in writing from the Presi­ A resolution adopted by the American Le­ dent of the United States submitting The Senator from Oregon [Mr. gion at 'ts thirty-first annual natioiul con­ nominations were communicated to the MoRsEl and the Senator from Nebraska vention, Philadelphia, Pa., favoring a strong [Mr. WHERRY] are neces'sarily absent. and adequate merchant marine; to the Com­ Senate by Mr. Miller, one of his secre­ The Senator from New Jersey [Mr. mittee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. taries. SMITH] is absent on official business with A resolution adopted by the City Council CALL OF THE ROLL leave of the Senate. of the City of Cambridge, Mass., favoring the The Senator from New Hampshire enactment of legislation proclaiming Octo­ Mr. MAYBANK. Mr. President, it ber 11 of each year as General Pulaski's Me­ had been my intention to suggest the [Mr. BRIDGES] is detained on official morial Day; to the Committee on the Judi­ absence of a quorum, but if it is agree­ business. ciary. able, I will ask unanimous consent that The VICE PRESIDENT. A quorum is A resolution adopted by the board of direc­ Senators may have leave to insert mat­ present. tors, National Paper Box Manufa( turers As­ ters in the RECORD, because some have LEAVE OF ABSENCE sociation, Philadelphia, Pa., protesting to catch trains. Mr. IVES. Mr. President, in behalf against the enactment of legislation provid­ of my colleague, the junior Senator from ing compulsory health insurance; to the The VICE PRESIDENT. The Chair Committee on Labor and P11blic Welfare. suggests that if a quorum is to be called, New York [Mr. DULLES], I request that it might be better to have it called now, he be excused from the session of the REPORTS OF COMMITTEES so that Senators who have any routine Senate today, and from the sessions of · The following reports of committees business to submit may be present. the Senate during next week. were submitted: Mr. MAYBANK. I suggest the ab­ On behalf of myself I ask that I be By Mr. GEORGE, from the Committ ee on sence of a quorum. excused from the session of the Senate Finance: The VICE PRESIDENT. The Secre­ next Monday, September 26. H. R. 5598. A bill to increase compensation tary will call the roll. The VICE PRESIDENT. Without ob· for World War I presumptive service-con­ jection, it is so ordered. nected cases, provide minimum ratings for 13186 'CONGRESSIONAL RECORP-SENATE SEPTEMBER 23 service-connected arrested tuberculosis, in­ to the Committee on the District of mission and three members of the Commis­ crease cer..tain disability and death compen­ Columbia. sion shall at all times constitute a quorum. sation rates, liberalize requirement for de­ (Mr. TAFT introduced Senate bill 2596, (c) The Commission shall have an offi­ pendency allowances, and redefine th~ terms relating to education or training of veterans cial seal which shall be judicially noticed. "line of duty" and "willful misconduct"; under title II of · the Servicemen's Read­ (d) Eac·h member of the Commission shall without amendment (Rept. No. 1103). justment Act (Public Law 346, 78th Cong., receive a salary at the rate of $12,000 a year, . By Mr. THOMAS of Utah, from the Com­ June ?2, 1944), which was referred to the and shall not engage in any other business, mittee on Labor and Public Welfare: Committee on Labor and Public Welfare, and vocation, or employment. S. 250. A bill to i>.uthorize the Federal Se­ appears under a separate heading.) (e) The principal office of the Commis­ curity Administrator to assist the States in (Mr. McCLELLAN introduced Senate Joint sion shall be in the District of Columbia, the development of community recreation Resolution 131, to require the transmission but it may meet and exercise any or all of programs for the people of the United States, to the Congress of a balanced budget for its powers at any other place and may estab­ and for other purposes; without amendment the fiscal year 1951, which was referred to lish such regional offices as it deems neces­ (Rept. No. 1105). the Committee on Expenditures in the sary. The Commission may, by_one or more By Mr. SPARKMAN, from the Committee Executive Departments, and appears under .
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