CALNE TOWN COUNCIL Minutes of the Town Development and Planning Committee Meeting Wednesday 13th November 2019 Town Hall PRESENT: Cllr Robert Merrick (Town Mayor) Cllr Rich Jones (Deputy Town Mayor) Cllr John Boaler Cllr Declan Boore (Substitute for Cllr Glenis Ansell) Cllr Heather Canfer Cllr Jon Fisher Cllr Alan Hill (Vice-Chairman) Cllr Samuel Pearce-Kearney Cllr Tom Rounds OFFICERS: Mark Edwards Head of Business Natasha Griffin Committee Clerk APOLOGIES: Cllr Glenis Ansell and Cllr Robert MacNaughton ABSENT: IN ATTENDANCE: Councillor Tony Trotman PUBLIC & PRESS: PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: 4 members of the public were present. Steve Burns, Divisional Director, Hills Group was in attendance to provide an update on the link road at the Hills site. Mr Burns supplied photographs for members to see the progress with the new weighbridges and sorting equipment. The traffic management plan will go live on 2nd December and from that date any vehicles in breach of the plan could be banned from the site. Letters have been drafted to all customers and maps will be issued to drivers on the weighbridge. Any breaches should be reported to Hills. 111/19 APOLOGIES Cllr Ansell and Cllr MacNaughton. 112/19 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST None. 1 113/19 MINUTES It was proposed by Cllr Boore, seconded by Cllr Boaler and UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED To approve the minutes of the Town Development and Planning Committee held on Wednesday 23rd October 2019 as a true record, and these were signed by the Chairman. 114/19 PLANNING APPLICATIONS Application Location of Description of Comments Number Development/ Development Ward 1 19/10157/FUL Marden View Erection of a No objection. Brewers Lane single-storey Calne Wiltshire conservatory at SN11 8EZ North elevation of CALNE the property. SOUTH AND CHERHILL 2 19/10258/FUL 80 Oxford Removal of No objection. Road Calne existing single SN11 8AH storey extension CALNE and bay window to CHILVESTER the rear of the AND ABBERD property with single storey extension constructed from the back of the existing garage and across the rear of the property. New raised parapet to garage and extension with roof lanterns to flat roof. Existing garage converted into bedroom with alteration to the front elevation of garage including material. 2 Application Location of Description of Comments Number Development/ Development Ward 3 19/08611/FUL 5 Foxglove Retrospective No objection. Way Calne planning Wiltshire SN11 application for 9QE single storey brick CALNE outbuilding at rear NORTH of property. 4 19/10136/FUL 12 Quarrydale Proposed Two Members Close Calne Storey Side recommend SN11 0BQ Extension & approval; CALNE Single Storey however, have SOUTH AND Rear Extension concerns CHERHILL regarding the possible issues with access to the lane alongside the house by emergency service vehicles. 5 19/09692/TCA 11 Orchard Ash (T1) - Reduce No objection. Close Calne laterally and SN11 8HA vertically by 8 CALNE metres to create SOUTH AND "urban pollard" CHERHILL where tree is heavily weighted over road and towards buildings on opposite side. Sycamore (T2) - Remove to stump; Sycamore (T3) - Remove to stump; 6 19/09304/TCA 45 Horsebrook OD - 3.5 Metre No objection. Calne Wiltshire Crown Reduction SN11 8HG to G1 Sycamore CALNE Group,T1&T2 CENTRAL Sycamores and T3 Ash and Crown 3 Application Location of Description of Comments Number Development/ Development Ward Raise to Give 2.5 Metre Clearance from Roof, Parking and Street Lighting 7 19/09851/FUL 19 Low Lane Extensions to Members do Calne Wiltshire dwelling, two not object to SN11 8EQ storey at rear, the porch to CALNE single storey at front, but have CENTRAL side, porch to front concerns with the single storey extension at the side in relation to possible invasion of privacy, and the plan to build up to boundary fence which could create problems relating to party walls. Members object to the two storey extension at rear as it contravenes core policy 57 iii and vii. The gradient may also create a problem in elevating the house in comparison to those that 4 Application Location of Description of Comments Number Development/ Development Ward surround it. 8 19/09169/TPO 87 Fynamore Fell 1 Cherry Tree Members do Gardens Calne (T1) not object to Wiltshire SN11 the felling of the 0UB cherry tree but CALNE would prefer CENTRAL that it was replaced with a similar tree in its place. 9 19/10295/VAR Oxford Road Variation of Members do Calne condition 7 not object to CALNE (approved plans) the NORTH, of planning amendments. CALNE permission SOUTH AND 15/05831/REM CHERHILL Minor material amendments plot 166-176 115/19 PLANNING APPLICATION DECISIONS Members noted the planning application decisions. 116/19 ISSUES LOG Issue Action Update Link road – Prince Charles Drive to Construction has commenced. Sand Pit Road Oxford Road / Sand Pit Road – A response letter to Cllr Sturgis is concern over safe routes and planned – Action Cllr Ansell. crossing points Refuse – Church Street / Bank Row It was proposed by Cllr Canfer, alleyway seconded by Town Mayor, Cllr Merrick UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED that Cllr Hill should contact Wiltshire Council and discuss with an Officer the best way forward to resolve the issue of refuse being left at Church Street / Bank Row alleyway. To consider any CIL projects There were no projects put forward. Cllr Merrick requested that 5 Councillors actively start thinking about potential CIL and S106 projects. To consider S106 projects There were no projects put forward. Town Bus Service Free Use of the bus happened during the Half Term week and further offer is available for February Half Term if requested The Town Mayor, Cllr Merrick, noted his thanks to the events team following the success of the films shown in the Town Hall during half term. Boundary fencing – Weston Meadow Members noted that planting has been undertaken to the boundary. River Marden – through Wessington An update on the modelling project Park will be provided to the Amenities Committee. It was proposed by Cllr Hill, seconded by Cllr Rounds and UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED that this issue, River Marden, through Wessington Park, should be removed from the issues log. Speed watch Members noted that there has not been a response received from Wiltshire Police and so no further action can be taken at present. CATG – Crossing Point in Curzon Cllr Trotman (Unitary Member) will Street ask for a Highways Officer to attend a future TD&P meeting. At present, it has been assessed that the crossing point does not meet the criteria for a zebra crossing. It was discussed how the crossing point creates confusion for both pedestrians and vehicles and therefore the issue needs to be addressed. Calne Springs Showroom – Cllr Boaler and Cllr Rounds are community group day planning events to promote the showroom to community groups. Cllr Boaler updated that a leaflet is currently being created and event dates will be provided soon. 6 117/19 WORKING GROUPS / OUTSIDE BODIES 117/19.1 Calne in Bloom Working Group Cllr Merrick, provided an update of the meeting and informed members that the discussion related to entry into South West in Bloom in 2020. They would like a vibrant colour scheme and the theme is ‘Bee sustainable in Calne’. 117/19.2 Calne Community Safety Forum Members received the notes of the meeting held on 18th September 2019. Cllr Boaler referred members to item 10 of the notes and informed that he is a member IAG, independent Advisory Group and can attend the next CCSF meeting to feedback. 118/19 BRITISH TELECOM PROPOSED PAYPHONES REMOVAL CONSULTATION It was proposed by the Town Mayor, Cllr Merrick, seconded by Cllr Fisher and UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED to accept the removal of payphones at Foreman Street and William Street in Calne. 119/19 SAINT EDMUND'S CATHOLIC PRIMARY SCHOOL - ADMISSIONS CONSULTATION 2021/22 Members did not raise any comments for consideration in relation to Saint Edmund’s Catholic primary school admissions consultation. 120/19 HIGHWAYS 120/19.1 CATG Meeting Members received the notes of the meeting held on 2nd October 2019. 120/19.2 Transport Strategy Cllr Boaler attended the meeting held on 7th November and informed members that a short list of schemes has been drawn up and there will be a briefing in the new year for Calne and Calne Without Councillors. 120/19.3 Temporary Closure of Footpath 16 Members noted the temporary closure of footpath 16. 7 120/19.4 Waiting and Parking Restrictions Members did not have any new requests to submit for the 2020 review at this time. 120/19.5 Highways and Environment Newsletter - October 2019 Members noted the Highways newsletter for October. 121/19 BUDGET & RESERVES Members noted the TD&P budget and reserves. 122/19 ACTION PLAN Members noted the TD&P action plan and requested a list of CIL and S106 projects to reported to future meetings. Meeting Closed at: 7.17 pm Signed………………………………………… Dated…………………………………………. 8 .
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