\ . - M S Catible, TVJefifunds posssible— BJlTBYoncc:os down F.Redskins -— c r ^ . i ____- -------------- C l B s a i f i e c T o u r r ^ ^ I. -.V Inoducud lor Ch<icir H I P a r eis closinijics: Hanocrannd^orutiatai s r C l o c k s~win , clock plus woodon.Olll ____ ilmlf dotki, loppn-j tiy f ■ [uigrguii'a Cj'II .I3C-303--£ r Shop . I S c P c -----------' ' N easily-— e i a m b l e fo rr p a t r o n s5 - D 1 - X -1 ‘ , l t l > ^ ■ )_ ■ fc < L A _ - i mr i T W Y S ' © a ... 8 4Uh th yoar, No. 325 T w in Falls, [dla a^ h o Tuer.day, NovonyonibLT 21, 1989 s e f e j ie c t s i l li m i t s c M-U.SS o a i d , i ® E J . — ------ The- A ssu d .itv il-|»n !?K— : support lor U,.S.'lriends dedetermmmg continued 1J,S,=TsupporJ Opponeniss o |- U .S . a id lim i cd UM.I elccied .ilemoei.ilie.iUv dcclcdd o giiveniiiieiit and allies ar<around the world. fo3for 1:1.... Salvador^lim '.ule-wwai^iuy : lo.. liiislt dviringa iin appearance. Ill____ :-•Ilieie i IS a Ircelv e[ “ ‘T^'W ASl llNGTOhr“ TIriic House on kiaho's; rcpre.scnialives.re Democraf 3. ^cin^ii^oTin?hTrsrrii W;ishMigiMn'. -V.’I'veimnirnr ‘'v dning tlieir vcn;iv heiTi iTiirriuid le n n ir T"Tinn rm ni ihc iieeduiii • ■ . fvj(»nd;iy rcjectcd anin atlvnipt lo iiiclmrd-Su Rep. Duvid-Bojiior.-- D-MiS-Jich.. said r c p c n i* l!y intciilcrruplcd Senale llni'r trynrying lo gel prolcction fromIII Ihese of lliosi; cleelinii1..- he said. -'VTCslrict U .S . inililnry iiidjoiiid war-l^n Larry Craig,iig, voted againsl allowing lawniiikersla were comin,ng under .proceedings... :and Capitol police mvl'ai.Msi-led';,, Kiierrillas euminii,„ , „ .lo ^'■‘1Ild lo i:i Salvador • ■'• El Siilvifdor. hcedinyiiig P resident' iHe’ainendm•Inieni to be oftered. l lIk e a V y ■ ■ p r e s ,s uTe-~rr. h |—Cr i r i istr.iii—toicihirejootei;ted-.sevoiaI-prr>tc<tc-i— he center oftlie eity. arul we Tusi ^ — lcilH-'st...lOd-CTcn• Tc.'iiK Ih a t tiie new ---------- ■ Busii'.s ailinoni(ion nolnot to furlher The Hous)use then voted 310 to 107 groupsgr to take aciion agIgainst Fl from Itie etiamtxnb e r. ■resideiii Crisliani rn his clf .1 Central American ion'cam c jusi a feu III! Ihe murders o f six ■” weaken llic country’ry’s "rrcely. lo approve'c lliei foreign aid measure Salvador,Sa including heavy Ilobbying Hiiuse actio esimc uriler/’ Bush lokl fcpiiri "'‘tiir'iii'-lulhm'l ............dcinocniticiilly clccted1 gtgovernnicnl." and sentit itto-thc-Scnatc;nvhcrc-n and-an dcmcmstrntions aiat •:omc • hour-;'alter HuHush 'laid a cntoff ot r m d ivM. o ih c rs la si ‘ IC lioauied Air Force One Icr!r'fd;iv Jesiiif'tViiOMs and Amid’bitter and at tin)times personal similar debai■bate w as likely, members’nn district orfices. U.S. mililaryry aid to lla' neu if eam p.iigiiing fo r ( i( )1’ camri( week, had reaivakciikcned li'pg-dtiriiiani debate, ihe lawmakerss v.volcd 215 lo Lalcr. inderscoringuntl eongrcssioriiil In W ashington, the NNational government of rightist I’rcsideni •'1 hi* is nol itie lime to imdedeimiiie congressional lensu -----------194. on-a proceduralal move tiial outrage overver lasl week’s murders of Conference.ofCalhylicCi ; IUistiops Alfredo Crisristiani would-be ■' fragile democracy im ri~TTiTiiiei ■ ■ K cp T -D av id -OO b b t: c y r D -W is .T - h iid ...... effeclively kepi the restri:strictions from six Jesuit priesls,pr llieir housekeeper e,\prcssedcx support for prop(ipo.sals "lo "absolutely unatiiacceplable." ■' Hack ... It’s lolally imaccepjpiable, proposed lo add languagelan. liial would bcjiig ad'dcd to a SSI4.6 M billion .and her daughter,d thc House withholdwi substantial ponirtions of A pitclicd wei,vecklong ba llle ai-aiiiM nd the day of tlicse Mar.sist aali.ieks li.uc held back. 3U pcrccni of this . foreign aid bill.. Tin,riic measure approveda anon-l)lnding resoluiion mmi ilitary aid whilC- thiTp'crTVTomiairtTe 'd i e l e f n s t F MMLN guerrillas \vas hould end rigiil now.” Hiisii sasaid. fiscal veai’s milil:ililary money until incl.mles $533 millionon tor I’olanil asserting thattha bringing ihe killers lo ofof the Salvaih)ran governiiiineril and windiiu; down11 ^M onday as thc leheis "M y pitch is this: itiai we munusi nnl al'lei Apiil I ofne.MICM year. and IIuiig,ary, and mimililary and justice wouould "hc instrumental in mmi ijjla ry is te ste d ." w iih d rew I'rom11 San5 Salvador int.. the ^ ' ______________________< L ________________________ ^ F ^ -¥Pentaqoim - m i g hr t g r g e e — $ 2 0 b i l l il o e f i l e dd c u t thhe e AssocMleil 1‘ress ■ •'lilis IS .1 wol.sl(i.sl-L.ise scen.inu,';_______ __________ H ,-H ii.-. .'.,ITd— .I~ ___________________*---------------^VTCynTTNlTION-- (AF) IXDeleiisc secrctaiv wanisIS ithe servKcs lo Seerlecrclary Dick Ciicney. spurr^■ rrcd hy coiuliicl the "Inidgcidgcl exercise'’ to he refoieforms in Fasleni Fur..pi-andid fisc.il leady lo lesp.niil.I. gigiv e n tlie ch am ie s prc^ircssurcs at iiomc. on Mulonday .otcuinng mulctIct Soviel leader naly/ed ’'w orsl-casc seenrnaiio" Mikhail (;uihache\he\ and the tnidgel i)udipiiilgel euls-llial co u ld iiieliulele a S:o pressuiesot the n.itnti.ituin's dclicit. billslillio n .skisti in p r o je c te d spci'ciuhng.. "In a dynamic c foiOl th e I ‘I'M fis c a l v c a r. so.ouiccs have .. dynamice pip r o c e s s a n d p la n .- . — ----------- — -saidaid.- ----------------------------------------------- -ticconlmgiv.” Williailhainxsnid............ .................... --------------------------------------------J., -Tli-eneyrinlnoie'lhao-Tuiirir iio u i s ------- Thcie"iVie..l-p.ii■p.iiirwhcn-y.-iirciir----------- oif f cconfcfciices wilh llic I’eiila,tai’,i.n's liie defense budeci.":ci." lie s.iid. civiliviliaii leadersliip. llie ciiiefss (of llic t)vcr Ihe weekjckeiul. Congress AUmy, rn Navv and Air l orccrc, and approved a S2S(,so billion defense Jooint in Chiefs Chaiiniaii (icn.1. Colin Inidgel tor llic ‘)‘>li Cise.il year dial I’ow■imcll. alsu rcvie\\ed tiic nullihi.iiv-s beiMuUei I suuggcslions g i lor dealing wiiIlh his Anoihcf scmoi.1 !’I’eiil.icnii o lfic ial. oirders r d . to cut siieiuliiig t'vV ^StH 0 Nvhi. sp o k e ..n e.iii.eiimlili.ni lie not he V; b)illion ill between 1‘l'<.V'‘M . ..lliLi idenlil'ied In ii.micm ie . said C h e n ev is ■■ 'th'' . ouices ^aul. .KTuU.iUiu.:uilhih !!$iKk-ci Diieei.T •Ihe long-ningc eutback.ks ...ic Riihaul l);omeii < Ihhix o u g lil lo b e Ih o n i o . t painuitp.i possible spemlin!’ni- ■cut lor the I W i :onsideieii by Pentagon lcleaders fiscal veai. oi ahoiilu 'iil 5>20 b illio n in ■ incc liic end o’fih e Vietnam WWar cuts finiii du pioje.ojeeled ^.?|7 |,ilh.n> . ■ ;■! ^ . Ihey envision possibK' closi.siiij; .IS a ic M s e .l I'lgi):igured sellled on nariy as 15 ,-\ir l-urcc liases;; ceiii'ling eailier lliis ye.ii ihi'thnl lakes iiil7alion )ack, five Ait Foice llgiiler vwiiu'.s; mio aeenitiii .trelclmig mil thc purctiase " fifiiu- H- Ihe 1-eni.Hvn eex| x p ec is to h a \e ils ! slealih honiber; mothtiallinlini; llie |0'J1 s|v;iidiin' pioiiMoieeiion sulniiilled s'uvyJs.I'our b.utlesliips and nt'lcaslat 10 the OllKe off MNkuKigemeiil and wo carticis,' and cliiiiiiiatimi,iV iip' ib U udgel 1)N. Dee. s. ttitlie oilU-i:ii said, our Arniv divisions, saidid one Chen,ev .uderelered the armed __________________________ P■entaiion e n ' ulTieial uh<. ssp 'o k e .services l.isi U eekek tto eiiiiic up'wiih ----------------th e s i.H fn — — n1 nii.i s|'>ciidi!iii m i ' . ------------ ----------1 - , - ' I 1'rivatcly. ^ Tlm...N.w.pholcVANOrAnrNZ Pentagon, spokcsiiian I’ele:. tnil didn’t diuvl hovhow.the i iils^liLmld----------- .11 iu'.ulb*~htrTnnTtr~~' ' ~ hiefs rcponed hack - Despite Sun Vailcjllcy's snow -m nking effortorts. Bald Mountain willI] notn bu ready for skiers:rs on Thanksgiving Dayay. as it often is a nny y decisions about il'ie rep.-polled The seivui- chid .sUgyuggesliiiiis. • to iiirn Muiul.r. wilhMill details Seow Ilack ^cleB l a y s o pj ' e n l e g ofc ski a;a r e a s ~ i [Jy N. s, n o k k i ;n t vM-D i -;i; e.xpeclanl skiskiers, snowfallsni remained on Ihehe t>rown said. ■200,Oi>00 Czech•Ms I 'I'inics-Ncws writer D esp ite theth dusling of snow atop crestere of Bald Mountain. the (ircvhahawk run is 1.500 thc Sawtoulllulh Mountains, it looked The run thai the Sun Val'a lle y C'o. v e itic al feet. WiliiWi the mild wcaliicr I........... TWIN-FALLS - Sun>tinshine and and felt muin u rc lik e s p r in g on H ald iiasiia: opened on past,,lhank>ksgiviiigs ihis yelir. it's thethe firsl lime ihc resort 'march jfor freediiom ; warm weather liuvc.* eeviiporiiled Mountain caearly liiis week, Kclclium [JOijo ;iongcr exists, crcompany iias had lo makla k e e n o u g h >«novv to [ hopes for a Tliimksgiviriv in g o p e n in g lo c als said1 il felt so much like spring spokcswomiinsp' Shannon HBesoyan allow skiing onn a;i run itial long.
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