50¢ OCTOBER, 1962 ~iur a ~ift ~uharriptinn for ~qriatmaa fo f3U.,NIHG.Tu~ ,VT. .. I 'f SCAo..E.Of Mt LES , - - '1ASSffC ANI\Ji~ - - ...t'~S~TTS C.ONNi; Tieu,- -­ -- _ PARADE 10138 National Grand Champion Stallion 1955 National Reserve Champion Saddle Horse National Reserve Champion Harness Horse First in Combination and Harness Pairs several times - PARADE SIRED - Panorama: 1962 National Champion Harness Horse Bay State Estrelita: 1962 Reserve Champion Mare Broadwall St. Pat: Grand Champion Stallion Pacific North West 1962 Broadwall Brigadier: Grand Champion Stallion and winner of Get of Sire Class, 1962, Estes Park, Colorado We have sons and daughters for sale - reasonable. It gives us great satisfaction to see so many Broadwall horses in the ribbons in the pleasure clfJ'sses. BHJJHDWJlll f j)J}JJ] Mr. and Mrs. J. CECILFERGUSON Greene, R. I· TABLEOF CONTENTS SPECIAL FEATURES Resolution In Memory of Robert Lippitt Knight . 5 .fetteis le, New England Trail Ride . 6 Morgan Horse Club .. Treasurer's Report . 8 Directors Meet During National Morgan Show . 8 Morgan Horse Club Elects "Fergie" President . 8 the ldilo'LS Secretary's Report . 8 Western Horsemanship . 9 Frederick Show Bigger and Better Than Ever . 10 Gold Cup Show . 12 The Elm Creek Trail Ride at Oklahoma City. 14 Dear Sir: Pine Ridge Morgan Association . 28 As one of your most interested sub­ A Hoosier At The National . 46 scribers, I want to cong ratulate you REGULAR FEATURES on the excellent job you are doing with Lette rs lo the Editor . 4 "The Morgan Horse". I have taken it Morgans in the Land of Enchan tme nt . 15 ince the first issue. Was especially New England News . 16 Pa cific Northw es t News . I 7 interested in the recent articles: "The Mid Atlanti c News . 18 Story of Jack Davis," of his purchase Bree ders a nd Exhibitors . .. I 9 of Red Vermont from me - and the Nor1h Central News . 20 featu re article about Paragraph and her Miss issippi Valle y News . 21 progeny. Nonhe m Cal.ifomi a. 23 Ce ntral State s New s . 24 I took Red Vermont and Paragraph Buckeye Breeze . 25 and another filly by the same sire, Jubi. Here Comes Ind ia na . 26 lee King , to Vermont in May, 1937, all Justin Morga n Ass ociation . 26 Circle J Marga n Ass ocia tion . 27 were two years old. They were all The Wh eat Sta te Morgan Horse Associa tion . 27 thred hamµioruhip wiMel\5 u:nder Arizona Morgans . 28 add le as three year olds in 1938. With Penn -Ohio Boosters . 45 the good advice and gro und work of So. News a nd Views . 47 Mid America Morga n Club . 48 my husband , the late John C. Wood , New York News . 49 I trained and showed them myself. The third and most sensational one of the Officers of The Morgan Horse Club trio was Jubilee Kay - as she won President . J. CECIL FERGUSON ma ny lst prizes and champion s at Gree ne, Rhode Isla nd mailer shows. Then in Sept. 1938, Eastern Regional Vice President . MRS. ROGER E. ELA he won the 3-Gaited Saddle Cham­ Wayl a nd . Mass. pionship at Easte rn States Exposition , Mid-West Regional Vice President .. .. ........ ..... J. ROY BRUNK Roches ter. Ill. defeati ng some of the top Ame rican Western Regional Vice President ............... DR. HENRY P. BOYD Sadd le horses, all of them 4 years old Sa n Rafael. Calif. or over. The thing I was most proud Treasurer . CHAUNCEY STILLMAN of about her, was the fact that she did 230 Park Avenue, New Yark, N. Y. Secretary . ... .. .. .. .. ...... .. ... SETH P. HOLCOMBE all her winning with an 8 ounce shoe P. O. Box 2157. Bishops Comer Brcmch, West Hartford 17. Connecticut and a normal toe. She was a born show horse. I sold her as a five year The Morgan Horse Magazine old to Mrs. Huntington Smith of Omaha, Neb raska and she continur d Vol. XXII October. 1962 No. 9 howing her for several years, winnin g A Monthly - The Official Publication of THE MORGAN HORSE CLUI, Incorporated many Lad ies and 15 hand Open Saddle Secretary 's Office, P. 0. Box 2157, Bishops Corner Branch, West Hortford 17, Conn. classes at the top shows of. the country. Please send all correspondence regarding 1ub1crlptlont and advertl1lng to publlcatlon Wishing you continued success with office : The Morgan Horse Magazine. Leomln1ter, Ma11. - Dlal KEystone 4-6506 , the Magazi ne, I am Please send all correspondence regarding subacriptlons and advertblug to publication office: The Morgan Horse Magazine, Leomluster, Mma. Most sincerely, Publlsher ..... .. .. .. ... ... ... .. ...... .. .. .. Otho F. EUMy Grace Brunk Woods Special Features . .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. ... ..... .. Em Pedler Whatley Ranch Circulation . Roaalle McGuire DeBeque, Colo. CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Phylll1 tart.er Gall L. Green Peggy McDonald Ayellen Rlchords Dear Sir: Lorrayne lyers Doris Hodgin Jeanne Mehl Ruth Rogers Louise lockley Dorothy Lockard Eve Oakley Pauline Zeller Forgot to let you know we moved. larbara Cole Dorothy Colbum Mabel Owen Charlotte Schmidt Helene Zimmerman Jude en larwood Helen Lawleu Jo Ann Merian1 Sure miss our issues but they'll catch Ruth & Mary Allee Vidoloff up to us one of these days and then The Publisher ond staff of The Morgon Horse Mcgoz ine ond the Morgon Horse Club, we won't get a bit of work done for Inc., are not responsible for op inions and statements expressed in signed articles or pa id odvert lsements. These op inions are not necessarily the op inions of the staff of a coup le of days. In May when I was this journal . in Washington, I took time to stop by SUBSCRIPTION RATES Mt. Vernon and meet Mr. and Mrs. One Year $4.00 Two Years $7.50 Three Years $10.50 Beckley. They were kind enoug h to Canada $4.50 Foreign Rates $5.50 per year take time to show me all the Morga ns The MORGAN HORSE MAGAZINE, publ ished monthly except January by THE MORGAN at their farm . Was certainly impressed. HORSE CLUB, INC. • Secretary 's Office, P. 0 . Box 2157, Bishops Corner Bronch, West Hortford 17, Connecticut . Printed by The Eusey Press. Leominster, Mass. Entered os My first close-up of Morgans in the second class molter at post office, Leominster, Mass. Closing date for copy and adver ti sing 1st of month preceding date of publicat ion. ( Continued on Page 66) Copyright 1962 by The Morgan Horse Magaz ine . OUR COVER By J. CECIL FERCU o , President The Morgan Horse Club, Inc. Some years ago the Morgan Horse Magazine became such a liability to our Club, the directors wanted to reduce it to six issues a year or give it up entirely. With the full support of Mr. Frank B. Hills [ fought hard to keep it on a monthly basis even though it put a strain on the Club's finances. Fortunately the interest in Morgans has grown Vermont is famous for many things, and our Club has been able to support the Magazine. This is not not the least of which are the famous sound business to run the Magazine at a loss each year. covered bridges of other years. This month we are pleased to feature Denny Emerson on Miller's Commander com­ There are several ways to overcome our diffjculties. One is to ing through the West Woodstock increase subscriptions to a point where commercia l houses will be interested covered bridge during the 100 mile in taking advertising space. This can be done by each subscriber getting ride. We hope this scene will help to a friend or neighbor to subscribe. ( Card enclosed for this purpose). Thi, inspire more Morgan owners to pro­ is a painless way to help the Magazine. perly train and condition more Mor­ gans for next year's ride. Truly a great place to show the Morgan Another way is to charge for pictures put in the pictorial section but stamina. this seems too commercial. The quickest and most practical way would be for each Regional Club to have a page assigned to them each month for their Club news Resolutionin Memory and for which they pay $45 per page. We would reserve space of RobertL. Knight so the Regional Club news could be printed at the last minute. 'this The following resolution, introduced would be less expensive to the Regional Clubs than the cost of printing by Judge Kenneth Robinson of Wind­ and mailing News Letters and would reach more people. sor, Vermont, was unanimously passed at the annual meeting of The Morgan ft would be interesting to learn from the public what they enjoy Horse Club, Inc. m our Magazine? The September issue had two and one-third pages of Transfers Be it hereby remembered that the members of The Morgan which not only cost the Club about $ 110.0 but involved a lot of of.fice Horse Club, Inc. desire to ex­ work. Is it worth this much to our readers? press their sorrow in the loss on June 27, 1962 of ROBERT We need articles of general horse interest so if you read a good LIPPITT KNIGHT of Providence, article, send it to the Morgan Horse Magazine, in Leominster, so we Rhode Island, Director of The may consider it for publication. Morgan Horse Club, Inc. from 1931 to 1949 and owner of If every person interested in the success of this Magazine would the Green Mountain Stock Farm, Randolph, Vermont. Mr. consider it his or her problem, take advertising space, get new subscribers, Knight's "Lippitt" Morgans we could put our Magazine on a sound basis. carry o high percentage of Justin Morgan blood.
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