Sampling in Uniqueness from the Potts and Random-Cluster Models on Random Regular Graphs Antonio Blanca1 School of Computer Science, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta GA 30332, USA [email protected] Andreas Galanis2 Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford, Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3QD, UK [email protected] Leslie Ann Goldberg2 Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford, Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3QD, UK [email protected] Daniel Štefankovič3 Department of Computer Science, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY 14627, USA [email protected] Eric Vigoda1 School of Computer Science, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta GA 30332, USA [email protected] Kuan Yang2 Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford, Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3QD, UK [email protected] Abstract We consider the problem of sampling from the Potts model on random regular graphs. It is conjectured that sampling is possible when the temperature of the model is in the so-called uniqueness regime of the regular tree, but positive algorithmic results have been for the most part elusive. In this paper, for all integers q ≥ 3 and ∆ ≥ 3, we develop algorithms that produce samples within error o(1) from the q-state Potts model on random ∆-regular graphs, whenever the temperature is in uniqueness, for both the ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic cases. The algorithm for the antiferromagnetic Potts model is based on iteratively adding the edges of the graph and resampling a bichromatic class that contains the endpoints of the newly added edge. Key to the algorithm is how to perform the resampling step efficiently since bichromatic classes can potentially induce linear-sized components. To this end, we exploit the tree uniqueness to show that the average growth of bichromatic components is typically small, which allows us to use correlation decay algorithms for the resampling step. While the precise uniqueness threshold on the tree is not known for general values of q and ∆ in the antiferromagnetic case, our algorithm works throughout uniqueness regardless of its value. In the case of the ferromagnetic Potts model, we are able to simplify the algorithm signific- antly by utilising the random-cluster representation of the model. In particular, we demonstrate 1 Research supported in part by NSF grants CCF-1617306 and CCF-1563838. 2 The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Research Council under the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) ERC grant agreement no. 334828. The paper reflects only the authors’ views and not the views of the ERC or the European Commission. The European Union is not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained therein. 3 Research supported in part by NSF grant CCF-1563757. © Antonio Blanca, Andreas Galanis, Leslie Ann Goldberg, Daniel Štefankovič, Eric Vigoda, and Kuan Yang; licensed under Creative Commons License CC-BY Approximation, Randomization, and Combinatorial Optimization. Algorithms and Techniques (APPROX/RANDOM 2018). Editors: Eric Blais, Klaus Jansen, José D. P. Rolim, and David Steurer; Article No. 33; pp. 33:1–33:15 Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, Dagstuhl Publishing, Germany 33:2 Sampling the Potts model on Random Regular Graphs that a percolation-type algorithm succeeds in sampling from the random-cluster model with para- meters p, q on random ∆-regular graphs for all values of q ≥ 1 and p < pc(q, ∆), where pc(q, ∆) corresponds to a uniqueness threshold for the model on the ∆-regular tree. When restricted to integer values of q, this yields a simplified algorithm for the ferromagnetic Potts model on random ∆-regular graphs. 2012 ACM Subject Classification Theory of computation → Randomness, geometry and dis- crete structures, Theory of computation → Design and analysis of algorithms Keywords and phrases sampling, Potts model, random regular graphs, phase transitions Digital Object Identifier 10.4230/LIPIcs.APPROX-RANDOM.2018.33 Related Version The full version is available at https://arxiv.org/abs/1804.08111. The theorem numbering here matches the full version. 1 Introduction Random constraint satisfaction problems have been thoroughly studied in computer science in an effort to analyse the limits of satisfiability algorithms and understand the structure of hard instances. Analogously, understanding spin systems on random graphs [22, 23, 28, 3, 21, 7, 8] gives insights about the complexity of counting and the efficiency of approximate sampling algorithms. In this paper, we design approximate sampling algorithms for the Potts model on random regular graphs. The Potts model is a fundamental spin system studied in statistical physics and computer science. The model has two parameters: an integer q ≥ 3, which represents the number of states/colours of the model, and a real parameter B > 0, which corresponds to the so-called “temperature”. We denote the set of colours by [q] := {1, . , q}. For a graph G = (V, E), configurations of the model are all possible assignments of colours to the vertices of the graph. Each assignment σ : V → [q] has a weight wG(σ) which is determined by the number m(σ) m(σ) of monochromatic edges under σ; namely, wG(σ) = B . The Gibbs distribution µG is defined on the space of all configurations σ by m(σ) P m(σ) µG(σ) = B /ZG, where ZG = σ B . We also refer to µG as the Potts distribution; the quantity ZG is known as the partition function. Well-known models closely related to the Potts model are the Ising and colourings models. The Ising model is the special case q = 2 of the Potts model, while the q-colourings model is the “zero-temperature” case B = 0 of the Potts model, where the distribution is supported on the set of proper q-colourings. The behaviour of the Potts model has significant differences depending on whether B is less or larger than 1. When B < 1, configurations where most neighbouring vertices have different colours have large weight and the model is called antiferromagnetic; in contrast, when B > 1, configurations where most neighbouring vertices have the same colours have large weight and the model is called ferromagnetic. One difference between the two cases that will be relevant later is that the ferromagnetic Potts model admits a random-cluster representation – the details of this representation are given in Section 2.1. Sampling from the Potts model is a problem that is frequently encountered in running simulations in statistical physics or inference tasks in computer science. To determine the efficiency and accuracy of sampling methods, it is relevant to consider the underlying phase A. Blanca et al. 33:3 transitions, which signify abrupt changes in the properties of the Gibbs distribution when the underlying parameter changes. The so-called uniqueness phase transition captures the sensitivity of the state of a vertex to fixing far-away boundary conditions. As an example, in the case of the ferromagnetic Potts model on the ∆-regular tree, uniqueness holds when root- to-leaves correlations in the Potts distribution vanish as the height of the tree goes to infinity; it is known that this holds iff B < Bc(q, ∆), where Bc(q, ∆) is the “uniqueness threshold” (cf. (2) for its value). Connecting the uniqueness phase transition with the performance of algorithms is a difficult task that is largely under development. This connection is well- understood on the grid, where it is known that the mixing time of local Markov chains, such as the Glauber dynamics, switches from polynomial to exponential at the corresponding uniqueness threshold, see for example [18, 17, 27, 1, 19, 2]. For random ∆-regular graphs or, more generally, graphs with maximum degree ∆, the uniqueness threshold on the ∆-regular tree becomes relevant. For certain two-state models, such as the ferromagnetic Ising model and the hard-core model, it has been proved that Glauber dynamics mixes rapidly when the underlying parameter is in uniqueness and that the dynamics mixes slowly otherwise, see [22, 23, 8]. The same picture is conjectured to hold for the Potts model as well, but this remains open. More generally, there has been significant progress in understanding the complexity of sampling from the Gibbs distribution in two-state systems, but for multi-state systems progress has been slower, especially on the algorithmic side. In this paper, for all integers q ≥ 3 and ∆ ≥ 3, we design approximate sampling algorithms for the q-state Potts model on random ∆-regular graphs (regular graphs with n vertices chosen uniformly at random), when the parameter B lies in the uniqueness regime of the regular tree, for both the ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic cases. Our algorithms are not based on a Markov chain approach but proceed by iteratively adding the edges of the graph and performing a resampling step at each stage. As such, our algorithms can produce samples that are within error 1/nδ from the Potts distribution for some fixed constant δ > 0 (which depends on B, q, ∆). I Remark. There are certain “bad” ∆-regular graphs where the algorithms will fail to produce samples with the desired accuracy; saying that the algorithms work on random ∆-regular graphs means that the number of these “bad” graphs with n vertices is a vanishing fraction of all ∆-regular graphs with n vertices for large n. Moreover, we can recognise the “good” graphs (where our algorithms will successfully produce samples with the desired accuracy) in polynomial time. Our approach is inspired by Efthymiou’s algorithm [6, 7] for sampling q-colourings on G(n, d/n); the algorithm there also proceeds by iteratively adding the edges of the graph and exploits the uniqueness on the tree to show that the sampling error is small. However, for the antiferromagnetic Potts model, the resampling step turns out to be significantly more involved and we need substantial amount of work to ensure that it can be carried out efficiently, as we explain in detail in Section 3.
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