
This Is Amazing Grace Words & music by Jeremy Riddle, Josh Farro, and Phil Wickham Arranged and orchestrated by Dan Galbraith Based on the popular recording from the Phil Wickham album “The Ascension” PraiseCharts Worship Orchestrations are a group of contemporary arrangements in a time-tested format by PraiseCharts’ best writers. The Praise Band level begins with a contemporary “R&B horns” praise band sound, while the Orchestration level incorporates instruments scalable up to a medium-sized “studio” orchestra. The Rhythm part is for the section player (pianist, guitarist, Rhythm section: any exceptions are listed on the score. When the part is written in unison, or drummer) with all the specific rhythms and chords necessary for the the men should sing it down one octave or it may be done as a solo. This arrangement. The Lead Sheet is a combination rhythm and vocal chart meant for method provides a contemporary sound in an easy-to-learn manner. the vocalists, worship leader, or rhythm player needing more vocal cues. The Piano, Vocal part includes a full piano part in “songbook format” for those not Alternate keys: There is at least one alternate key included to comfortable with playing from a chord chart. When playing with a complete accommodate either a keyboard-based band or a guitar-based band, to give band the pianist would be advised to simplify this part in order to "stay out of the orchestra a more playable key, or to make the vocal range more the way". accessible if necessary. Our charts can include a SAT Lead Sheet, a SATB Vocal/Piano score, Vocals: Other notes: Each instrumental part includes Lyric Cues to aid the player and a SATB Choir Sheet. When using the SAT part (soprano/alto/tenor), the in keeping their place. baritone/basses should sing the melody (soprano) down an octave – Parts included in the PraiseCharts Worship Band Series Praise Band (Level 1) vocal, rhythm and, instrumental parts: Lead Sheet (SAT) – for the worship leader and vocal team Trumpet 1-2 Piano/Vocal (SATB) – for the pianist and SATB choir Alto Sax Choir Sheet (SATB) – for the SATB choir Trumpet 3 (doubles Alto Sax) Rhythm – a more detailed chart for keyboard, guitars, and drums. Trombone 1-2 Ac. Guitar – a modified Rhythm part in appropriate capo keys Tenor Sax 1-2 (doubles Trombone) Bass Trombone/Tuba Bari Sax (doubles Bass Trb.) Orchestration (Level 2) level instrumental parts (includes all Praise Band parts plus the following): Percussion 1-2 Violin 1-2 (stacked parts are divisi unless otherwise indicated) Horn 1-2 (French Horn) Viola Flute/Oboe 1-3 Cello-Bass (non-transposed) Clarinet (doubles 3rd woodwind part) String Reduction (string parts condensed for keyboard synth) www.praisecharts.com [email protected] (800) 695-6293 Lead Sheet Key: B (SAT) This Is Amazing Grace b (based on the recording from the Phil Wickham album "The Ascension") www.praisecharts.com/25298 Jeremy Riddle, Josh Farro, and Phil Wickham Modern Rock Arr. by Joel Mott q = 100 Driving! B E ma7 ƒ b b œ œ b œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ & b 4 . ‰ J ‰ ‰ J Whoa, oh, oh.J Whoa, oh, 4 opt. group voc 1 Verse 1 2 more open groove E ma7 B b b Rhy El. muted F b œ œ œ . œ œ œ . 4 & b ‰ œ œ . ‰ œ œ . ‰ j oh.J oh.J W.L. 1. Whoœ breaksœ theœ powœ - erœ œ 2. Who shakes the whole earth . E ma7 b b 7 & b ‰ j ‰ j ‰ j œ œ œ œ œ œ œ. œ œ œ œ œ œ.œ œ œ œ œ œ œ of sin and dark - ness, Who'sJ love is migh - ty, andJ so much strong - er? with ho - ly thun - der, and leaves us breath - less in awe and won - der? 1 Gm F E ma7 b b . 10& b ‰ j ‰ j ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ . Theœ Kingœ ofœ Gloœ œ- ry,œ theœ Kingœ œa - boveœ. allœ œ kings.œ ˙ The King of Glo - ry, the King a - bove all kings. 2 Chorus ˆˆ 2 E ma7 B ˆ b b Drivingƒ | j bb ˙ j Œ ‰ œ œ œ œ. 14& ’ ’ All‰ œ œ œ œ. ’Mel.’ on bottom œ œ œ œ. œ œ œ This is a - ma - zingœ œ grace,œ œ thisœ isœ unœ - failœ.-ingœ œ love,œ E 2 Gm7 b j bb Œ ‰ œ œ œ œ. Œ 18& œ œ œ ˙ œ œ œ œ. œ œ œ œ ’ ’ œ œ œ ˙ thatœ Youœ wouldœ takeœ. myœ œ place,œ œ F B b b j j 21 b ‰ œ œ œ œ. Œ ‰ œ œ œ. œ. Ó & œ œ œ œ. œ œ œ ˙. œ œ œ. œ. œ œ œ œ œ œ œ that You would bear myœ œ cross.œ ˙. You laid down Yourœ œ lifeœ œ œ œ œ © 2012 Bethel Music (Admin. by Bethel Music Publishing), Phil Wickham Music, Seems Like Music, Sing My Songs (All admin. by Music Services, Inc.), and WB Music Corp (Admin. by Word Music Group, Inc.) | All rights reserved. Used by permission | CCLI #6333821 | Duplication of this music is not allowed except under the terms outlined at www.praisecharts.com/copyright Lead Sheet This Is Amazing Grace - page 2 of 3 Key: B (SAT) b 3rd X to Coda ı 2nd X to Coda E 2 ı Gm7 ı b b j j j 25 b ‰ œ œ œ œ Œ ‰ j & œ œ œ œ œ œ ˙ œ œ œ ˙ œ œ œ œ œ œ that I would be œ setœ free. œ œ ˙ Whoa,œ œ Je-sus I sing œ forœ F5 Int. B Driving b ‰ Œ Ó ƒ bb j ‰ j ‰ œ 29& ¿ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ j œ œ œ ‰ œ œ œ œ. œ œ œ opt. group voc œ allJ that You've done for me. Whoa, oh, oh. 3 Verse E ma7 B b b Active, busy groove F bb ‰ j ‰ ‰ j 32& œ œ œ œ œ œ œ j œ œ W.L. or œ opt. unis œ œ œ œ Whoa, oh, oh. œ œ Who brings our cha - osœ œ. E ma7 b bb ‰ j ‰ ‰ j ‰ j 35& œ œ œ œ j œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ back in - to or - der?œ Who makes the or - phanœ œ. a son and daugh - ter?œ œ Gm F B b b 38& b ‰ j ‰ j ‰ j Theœ Kingœ ofœ Gloœ - ry,œ theœ Kingœ ofœ Gloœ - ry.œ Whoœ rulesœ theœ naœ - tionsœ œ. E ma7 b bb ‰ j ‰ j ‰ j 41& œ œ withœ truthœ and jusœ - tice,œ œ shinesœ likeœ theœ sunœ inœ œ allœ ofœ it's brilœ - liance?œ œ D.S. al Coda Gm F E ma7 ı b bb ‰ ‰ ‰ j 44& j j œ œ œ œ œ œ. Theœ Kingœ ofœ Gloœ - ry,œ theœ Kingœ œa-boveœ. allœ œ Kings.œ ˙. Yeah, this is a-maz-ingœ œ graceœ ı Coda Band hold & fade F B 5 Gtrs - chunky 8ths cont b b 48& b ‰ j | ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ allœ thatœ You'veœ doneœ œ forœ me.œ Lead Sheet This Is Amazing Grace - page 3 of 3 Key: B (SAT) b 4 Bridge B 5 E 2 b b P b . 51 b . Ó & œ ˙œ. œ œ œ Worœ - thyœ isœ theœ Lambœ whoœ wasœ slain, worœ - thyœ isœ theœ Kingœ œ whoœ con - W.L. or opt. unis B 5 Building... b Drms heavy 2&4 w/ fills F bb Œ . Œ Ó 54& œ . œ œ œ queredœ theœ grave.œ œ Worœ - thyœ isœ theœ Lamb who was slain,œ œ E 2 Gm7 b bb Œ 57& œ œ œ œ œ worœ - thyœ isœ theœ Kingœ œ whoœ con - queredœ theœ grave.œ œ Worœ - thyœ isœ the Lamb thatœ wasœ slain, B E 2 D.S.S. al Coda b b ıı bb ‰ j ‰ j ‰ j 60& œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ All | œ œ œ œ. wor - œthy, wor - thy,œ wor - thy! ‰ This is a - maz - ingœ œ graceœ 5 Tag ıı Coda Gm7 F B ƒ b Driving bb ‰ ‰ j & j W.L. œ œ œ œ. œ œ œ w Jeœ - susœ œI singœ œ forœ all that You've done for me. CHOIR (prime unis.) ƒ bb ∑ ‰ ‰ ‰ j 63& j j œ allœ thatœ You'veœ doneœ. forœ œ Whoa,œ œ œ oh,œ œ œ E ma7 B b b b j & b w ˙ ’ ’ ‰ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ j œ œ œ œ All that You've done. for me. œ . b 66& b ‰ j œ ‰ j ‰ j ‰ j œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ oh.œ Whoa, oh, oh.œ œ Whoa, oh, œ B E ma7 b b U bb j & œ. œ œ. ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ w œ œ œ ˙ w bb ‰ ‰ j ‰ ∑ 70& j œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ j œ œ oh.œ Whoa, oh, oh.œ œ œ Piano-Vocal Key: B (SATB) This Is Amazing Grace b (based on the recording from the Phil Wickham album "The Ascension") www.praisecharts.com/25298 Jeremy Riddle, Josh Farro, and Phil Wickham Arr. by Joel Mott Modern Rock q = 100 opt. group voc ƒ bb 4 .
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