206 Jan. 20 / Administration of William J. Clinton, 2001 Proclamation 7402ÐEstablishment toric and prehistoric structures, and other of the Governors Island National objects of historic or scientific interest that Monument are situated upon the lands owned or con- January 20, 2001 trolled by the Government of the United States to be national monuments, and to re- By the President of the United States serve as a part thereof parcels of land, the of America limits of which in all cases shall be confined to the smallest area compatible with the A Proclamation proper care and management of the objects On the north tip of Governors Island, be- to be protected. tween the confluence of the Hudson and Whereas it appears that it would be in Eastern Rivers, Governors Island National the public interest to reserve such lands as Monument served as an outpost to protect the Governors Island National Monument: New York City from sea attack. The monu- Now, Therefore, I, William J. Clinton, ment, part of a larger 1985 National Historic President of the United States of America, Landmark District designation, contains two by the authority vested in me by section 2 important historical objects, Castle William of the Act of June 8, 1906 (34 Stat. 225, 16 and Fort Jay. Between 1806 and 1811, these U.S.C. 431), do proclaim that there are here- fortifications were constructed as part of the by set apart and reserved as the Governors First and Second American Systems of Island National Monument for the purpose Coastal Fortification. Castle William and of protecting the objects identified above, all Fort Jay represent two of the finest types of lands and interests in lands owned or con- defensive structures in use from the Renais- trolled by the United States within the sance to the American Civil War. The monu- boundaries of the area described on the map ment also played important roles in the War entitled ``Governors Islands National Monu- of 1812, the American Civil War, and World ment'' attached to and forming a part of this Wars I and II. proclamation. The Federal land and interests The fortifications in the monument were in land reserved consist of approximately 20 built on the most strategic defensive posi- acres, which is the smallest area compatible tions on the island. Fort Jay, constructed be- with the proper care and management of the tween 1806 and 1809, is on the highest point objects to be protected. of the island from which its glacis originally Subject to existing law, including Public sloped down to the waterfront on all sides. Law No. 105±33, Title IX, section 9101(a), Castle William, constructed between 1807 111 Stat. 670 (Aug. 5, 1997), all Federal lands and 1811, occupies a rocky promontory as and interests in lands within the boundaries close as possible to the harbor channels and of this monument are hereby appropriated served as the most important strategic defen- and withdrawn from all forms of entry, loca- sive point in the entrance to the New York tion, selection, sale, or leasing or other dis- Harbor. The monument also includes a num- position under the public land laws, including ber of associated historical buildings con- but not limited to withdrawal from location, structed as part of the garrison post in the entry, and patent under the mining laws, and early part of the 19th century. from disposition under all laws relating to Governors Island has been managed by mineral and geothermal leasing. the U.S. Army and the U.S. Coast Guard over The Secretary of the Interior (``Sec- the past 200 years. With the site no longer retary''), acting through the National Park required for military or Coast Guard pur- Service, shall manage the monument in con- poses, it provides an excellent opportunity for sultation with the Administrator of General the public to observe and understand the Services, consistent with the purposes and harbor history, its defense, and its ecology. provisions of this proclamation. Section 2 of the Act of June 8, 1906 (34 For the purpose of preserving, restoring, Stat. 225, 16 U.S.C. 431), authorizes the and enhancing the public visitation and ap- President, in his discretion, to declare by preciation of the monument, the Secretary, public proclamation historic landmarks, his- acting through the National Park Service, Administration of William J. Clinton, 2001 207 shall prepare, in consultation with the Ad- January 17 ministrator of General Services, a manage- In the afternoon, the President traveled to ment plan for the monument within 3 years Little Rock, AR, and in the evening, he re- of this date. Further, to the extent authorized turned to Washington, DC. by law, the Secretary, acting through the Na- The President declared an emergency in tional Park Service, shall promulgate, in con- Illinois and ordered Federal aid to supple- sultation with the Administrator of General ment State and local recovery efforts in the Services, regulations for the proper care and area struck by record/near record snow on management of the objects identified above. December 10±31, 2000. The establishment of this monument is subject to valid existing rights. January 18 Nothing in this proclamation shall be The President announced his intention to deemed to revoke any existing withdrawal, appoint Alfred R. Berkeley III, Paul E. reservation, or appropriation; however, the Busick, Jr., David H. Langstaff, Robert G. national monument shall be the dominant Liberatore, Harris N. Miller, Alan Paller, reservation. Gary Locke, Raymond L. Ocampo, Peter Warning is hereby given to all unauthor- Albert Kind, Philip Chase Bobbitt, Wel- ized persons not to appropriate, injure, de- lington E. Webb, William H. Gates, Richard stroy, or remove any feature of this monu- K. Davidson, James Phillip Chandler, Erle ment and not to locate or settle upon any Nye, Charles R. Stuckey, Jr., Judith Rodin, of the lands thereof. Jack Quinn, Robin Hernreich, Arthur Levitt, In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set Jr., and Lawrence P. LaRocco to the National my hand this nineteenth day of January, in Infrastructure Assurance Council. the year of our Lord two thousand one, and The President announced his intention to of the Independence of the United States of appoint Maya Angelou, Edgar Bronfman, Sr., America the two hundred and twenty-fifth. Gila Bronner, Norman Brownstein, Stuart William J. Clinton Eizenstat, William Gray III, Myron Cherry, Frank Lautenberg, Ruth Mandel, Harvey [Filed with the Office of the Federal Register, Meyerhoff, Set Momjian, Nathan Shapell, 8:45 a.m., January 24, 2001] Eli Wiesel, and Karen Winnick as members NOTE: This proclamation will be published in the of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Council. Federal Register on January 25. The President announced his intention to appoint William M. Daley, Vinod Gupta, and Jean Kennedy Smith to the Board of Trustees of the John F. Kennedy Center for the Per- forming Arts. Digest of Other The President declared a major disaster in White House Announcements Vermont and ordered Federal aid to supple- ment State and local recovery efforts in the The following list includes the President's public area struck by severe storms and flooding on schedule and other items of general interest an- December 16±18, 2000. nounced by the Office of the Press Secretary and not included elsewhere in this issue. January 19 The President announced his intention to January 13 appoint Robert E. Litan as Chair, Ken In the evening, the President and Hillary Bentsen as Vice Chair, and Robert D. Atkin- and Chelsea Clinton went to Camp David, son, Rosamond Brown, Jerry L. Calhoun, MD. Edward Fire, Garey Forster, James Gray, Randy Johnson, Thea M. Lee, Lisa Lynch, January 14 and Michael Thurmond as members of the The President and Hillary Clinton re- Commission on Workers, Communities, and turned to Washington, DC. Economic Change in the New Economy..
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