If you no longer need this publication write to the Geological Survey in Washington for an official mailing label to use in returning it UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR GEOLOGY OF DAM SITES ON THE UPPER TRIBUTARIES OF THE COLUMBIA RIVER IN IDAHO AND MONTANA Part 2. HUNGRY HORSE DAM AND RESERVOIR SITE SOUTH FORK FLATHEAD RIVER FLATHEAD COUNTY, MONTANA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY WATER-SUPPLY PAPER 866-B UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Harold L. Ickes, Secretary GEOLOGICAL SURVEY W. E. Wrather, Director Water-Supply Paper S66-B GEOLOGY OF DAM SITES ON THE UPPER TRIBUTARIES OF THE COLUMBIA RIVER IN IDAHO AND MONTANA Part 2. HUNGRY HORSE DAM AND RESERVOIR SITE SOUTH FORK FLATHEAD RIVER FLATHEAD COUNTY, MONTANA By C. E. ERDMANN WITH^AiSECTION ON GEOPHYSICAL INVESTIGATIONS By B. E. JONES UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON : 1944 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. Price 40 cents CONTENTS Page Summary and conclusions.______---__-___--_---___--________-_____- vil General features-_________-_-___-_-_----_----_---__----_------- vil Dam site._______________________ __._._ _________ vni Reservoir site____________________________ ___________________ ix Introduction. _______________--_-___-_-_---__---_--------------__-_ 37 Location and accessibility of the project_____________________.____ 37 Previous investigations_______-______-___-____________-__.._____- 39 Present investigation, ________________________________________ 40 Topography ___________--______-_-_-_____-___--______-__-_ 40 Geology.__-__-_-_--_-----___-_._-_-----_------.--__---.-- 41 Geophysics-_________-_---_-___---___---_---__--_-_----_-- 42 Vegetation_ _ _______i___-__-__-___---_--_-__-_--______-____-_ 43 Climate._________-_________________________ 43 Utility of the Hungry Horse project.____________________________ 44 Proposed accessory diversions_____________________-______-_____- 44 Acknowledgements ____________________________________________ 46 Geology.. _____________-.._ _______ __ ___ __ ___ 47 Stratigraphy __________________________________________________ 47 Belt series_-_--_-_-_--__--_______-___-_________-_____-___- 47 Grinnell argillite_______________________________________ 47 Siyeh limestone_______________________________________ 48 Thickness. _____________________________ 48 Lithology_ ______________________________________ 48 Chemical nature_________________________________ 53 Metamorphism_ ___________________________________ 54 Nomenclature-..__________________________________ 54 Transition facies__________________________________ 55 Missoula group______________________________________ 55 Tertiary______________________!__________ 62 Oligocene (?) and Miocene (?) ________________________ 62 Pleistocene__ ___________________________________________ 63 Kansan (?) till-____________________________ 68 Interglacial deposits of Yarmouth (?) age_________________ 68 Illinoian (?) till_________.____________________________ 69 Interglacial deposits of Sangamon (?) age_________________ 72 Wisconsin drift____________________.__________________- 72 Deposits of glacial Lake Missoula_____________________ 74 Mechanical composition of glacial boulder clays ___________ 75 Recent deposits.________________________________________ 77 Post-Lake Missoula gravels___--_-__-______________--__- 77 Alluvium-...___________________________._ 77 Structure. ____________________________________________________ 77 Mountain structure______________________________________ 77 Probability of movement along faults________________________ 80 Possible influence of earthquakes.__-___-_-___-_-__-___-____- 83 T7^-, in IV CONTENTS Page Geophysical investigations, by B. E. Jones__________________________ 84 Resistivity measurements.._____________________________________ 85 Hungry Horse dam site___-_-______-____________-__-_______ t 85 Lion Hill Gorge arid Abbott Gorge________________________ 86 Seismic observations___________________________________________ 86 Hungry Horse dam site_-_--____________________________________ 88 Bedrock____._______________________________________ 88 Dip___________________________________ 90 Joints_______________j____________________________________ 91 Faults..-._________.-_.______._____________ 92 Permeability______________________________________________ 92 Abutments ________________.!_______-__________________-_______ 95 Foundation ___________________________________________________ 96 Comparison of sections_________________________________________ 98 Appurtenant works.__________________________________________ 100 Spillway tunnels_____.____________________________________ 100 Canals___________________________._._.____ 100 Powerhouse site___________________________________________ 100 Hungry Horse reservoir site_____-______-_-_____.-_-__-__-___^______ 100 Topographic features_________________________________________ 100 Capacity of reservoir_________________________________________ 101 Composition of river water -_--__-__-__-_-____----.--__-____ 102 Silting_____________________________________________ 104 Geologic conditions_-_____-_______-_-______-_-___--____--______ 105 Leakage from Hungry Horse Reservoir___________________________ 105 Drilling exploration.___________________________________________ 110 Mineral deposits of the Hungry Horse Reservoir area-____--__-____ 111 Coal-_-_----__-----------------_--------_---------- __ 111 Oil.-. _-.-----_---------------------_--.--------------_- 114 Metalliferous deposits ____________________________________ 114 Materials for construction___________-_______-____-__-__--______ 115 Glacial drift.__________________________________ 115 Sand_____________________________________________________ 115 Cement--_----_-----__--_----_-----------_-----------,---_ 115 Pozzuolanic materials_____-__-__-_____-__-__-___-_--__-____ 115 Concrete aggregate_________-_-_-__-__-_--__-_--__-_---____ 115 Masonry ___________--____-____-___-___---_-__--_--_--_--_ 116 Timber___________________________________________ 116 Coal_________________________-____-_-__--_----_---.__ 116 Water supply.-____---_---__-__-_-------_----_---^-_------ 116 Electric power_______-__--_----____-_----_----------_---__ 116 Natural gas______________________-____-_-----__----_--__ 116 ILLUSTRATIONS Page PLATE 8. Geologic map of Hungry Horse dam site, Flathead fCounty, Mont________________.--______--_--_------_--_-__ In pocket 9. Geologic cross sections, Hungry Horse'dam site____________ In pocket 10. Map of Lion Hill-Abbott Ridge district_________________ In pocket 11. Cross sections of Abbott gorge andjALion Hill gorge, Hungry Horse project--_____-____ .. -___ __ In pocket CONTENTS V Page FIGUEB 2. Index map showing Hungry Horse dam and reservoir site in their relation to the drainage area of South Fork of Flathead TUver_ _____________"_________________..__ 38 3. Mechanical analyses of glacial boulder clays ________________ 71 4. Diagrammatic section showing regional geologic setting of Hungry Horse dam site________________________________ 89 5. Diagram showing relation of strike of beds and joints to direc­ tion of river flow______________________________________ 92 6. Graphic comparison of dam sections, Hungry Horse site____l_ 99 7. Typical analyses of river and spring waters, Hungry Horse project_____________________________________________ 103 8. Index map showing relation of buried glacial gorges to South Fork of Flathead River and Hungry Horse reservoir. _____ 106 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS The Hungry Horse dam site, in Flathead County, Mont., is suitable for a high * concrete dam, and leakage from the reservoir area appears to be improbable. Geologic conditions at the dam site are relatively simple. A low saddle in the drainage divide of the reservoir site limits the maximum height of" a dam to 630 feet above the foundation, but other considerations limit the practical height to 500 feet (high-water flow line 3,540 feet). The critical area is in the vicinity of the saddle near the west quarter corner of sec. 24, T. 30 N., R. 19 W. GENERAL FEATURES Location and topography. The South Fork of Flathead River is one of the three important affluents of the upper Flathead River, which it joins at the head of Bad Rock Canyon. The total length of the South Fork is about 105 miles, and the direction of flow is to the northwest (fig. 2). The gradient of the lower part is about 12 feet per mile. The dam site is in sec. 21, T. 30 N., R. 19 W. (fig. 2). It is rectangular and covers about 110 acres. Its center is about 750 feet northeast of the center of sec. 21. The reservoir area extends upstream from the dam site for 40 miles and will have an area of a little more than 40 square miles. The area of the catchment basin above the dam site is about 1,725 square miles. The average annual runoff from this basin is about 2,000,000 acre-feet, but the stream shows great seasonal fluctuation in flow. i The dam and reservoir sites are within the Flathead National Forest. Accessibility. !At present the dam site can be reached only by walking or riding 3% miles up the South Side Trail from South Fork Bridge, or from the west end of the Geological Survey gaging cable. The bridge is on United States Highway No. 2, 5 miles east of Columbia Falls and 22 miles northeast of Kalispell. The town of Coram, on the Great Northern Railway about 4 miles northeast of the bridge and about 5 miles from the dam site by the most direct route, is the nearest shipping point. The east side of the reservoir area is easily accessible
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