16 -Ma n c h e s t e r h e r a l d . Tuesday. Dee. 26,1989 r> 'V J*- y:;. s I R O O M S TRUCKS/VANS , ..r • t istore/office ' ,L, [ F O R R E N T I FOR SALE FOR RENT CLOTHING i Battered SUEDE-coat. Leather- INTERNATIONAL-1970, PEOPLE WHO know ^ N CHESTER- MANCHESTER-4 alr- know there's a certain magic |% l ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ male or ,trlm, brown, small. % ton, good for parts. 4 condltloned offices are wheel drive, t foot jn single family $50. Mahogany leather about Classified Advertising. 643-2711 L ithuanians yoiif home. Quiet nelghbor- now available. The coat. Pile lined, small, Fisher plow. Make an Dineen’s late goal sauare footages are offer. 1 977 Ram Prosecutors appalled n?iwM Parking, house 600, 480, 300, and 240. $50. Leather jacket. ch utilities In- Mahogany,hooded, Charger. 643-9.‘:7i to regain freeddW S Offices are centrally CARS saves the Whalers/11 I J l ' ' - * . ^uded. $100 a week, 1 located with ample pile lined, small.$25. I q^C A R S r ^ C A R S by jury’s decision/7 security. 645- Man's leather jacket. LOOKING FOR a second FOR SALE 1 2 1 1 FOR SALE 6966 after 3pm. parking and Ideally su­ EU for sale [ s D forW ited for an attorney or Brown, extra large. car for your family? accountant. 649-2891. $50. Ladles leather Don't miss the many offer­ Iq o l APARTM ENTS boots. Lined, new, ings In today's classified brown, size 8C. $40. columns. c £ J f o r r e n t ELLINGTON 649-8635. MEADOWVIEW M a n c h e s t e r - 4 room CARDINAL BUICK opartment. Applian­ PLAZA iCARS ces, heat, hot water, FURNITURE FOR SALE cable. 649-5249._______ WISHES YOU A MANCHESTER - 2 bed­ 1000 sq. ft. SLEEP-Sofa. 68” Colonial room townhouse with Busy Rte. 83. new 1 000sq. ft. style, dark green. $150. OUTTO BECOME fireplace. All applian­ rental area. In attractive Call 643-1260 Happy New Year ces, heat, hot water, shopping plaza. Ideal tor re­ MANCHESTER'S tail, office, professional, serv­ -------------------------------------- '^SPECIAL OFFER’' --------------------------------------- carpeting, air condl- I g H SPORTING iManrltpatpr I m if i ice. tlonlng. Call 649-5240. Call CijGOOOS #1 I I , DEMOSTRATOR FOR j MANCHESTER - 2 bed­ James J. Gessay room townhouse. All HART Skis, size 170, So- USED CAR I $89 UNDER H urry B efore 1990 i s h e r e , appliances, heat, hot 875-0134 lomon bindings. Nor- water, carpeting, air dica boots, size 7; ^ FACTO RY INVOICE ("O NLY 5 LEFT") P rices are gone. Available upon Request | Wednesday, Dec. 27, 1989 conditioning. Call 649- poles. $110. 6-16-0599. DEALER !■ ■■ wmm mm mm mm mmm mm mm mm mm wm wm Lm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm i h mm mm mm mm mm ^m mm J Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm Newsstand Price; 35 Cents 5240.________________ 84 Alliance 2 Dr. $2,495 MANCHESTER - 2 bed­ CHILD CARE room luxury town- 84 Camara 2 Dr. $3,995 ISH for^sale house. All appliances, IN Need Of A Babysitter? 84 Crown Vic $4,995 heat, cable, carpeting, I'm available for even­ air conditioning. Call ing hours. (5pm or PONTIAC, 1979, Station 84 Sunbird 4 Dr. $2,495 647-1595.____________ after.) Looking for Wagon-Good condi­ tion, excellent shape. 85 Escort 4 Dr. $1,995 Home safe from Panama weekly lob Mondav- MANCHESTER-Newer 3 new tires, many new Democracy bedroom Duplex. 1'/j Thursday and Satur­ 85 Reliant 4 Dr. $3,295 1989 BUICK REGAL days orafewnightsper ports, motor work. 1989 CENTURY LTD 1989 BUICK LESABRE baths, appliances, Asking $400. 875-6358. 85 Lynx 2 Dr. $2,395 Sk. #9349 deck, basement, wa- week. Call 742-8758, ask Sk. #9074 Sk. #9306 sher/dryer hookup. for Cherel. 85 Fiero 2 Dr. $3,695 V-6, Auto, Power Windows, Locks, Seat, Auto, Power Locks, Air, Wire Wheel Auto, A/C, Cruise, Cass., Wire Wheel C A R D IN A L Air, Loaded, LIST PRICE: Covers, Stereo, LIST PRICE: Covers, Pwr. Windows, Locks, LIST PRICE $725 monthly + utili­ 85 Merkur 2 Dr. $4,595 ties. Security deposit I MISCELLANEOUS BUICK, INC. and references. No 85BMW 325E $10,895 I SERVICES 1985 Buick Skylark LTD $ 5 ,3 9 5 is promised pets. 649-7874 after 1986 Pont Trans Am 26K $8,995 85 Sunbird 2 Dr. $2,995 6pm._______________ GSL Building Mainte­ 1986 Dodgs 600 Sed $ 5 ,8 9 5 86 Riviera 2 Dr. $9,495 $89.00 Under Factory Invoice $89.00 Under Factory Invoice $89.00 Under Factory Invoice HEBRON-2 bedrooms, nance Co. Commercl- 1986 Grand Marquis V-8 $8,980 heat and hot water al/ResIdentlal building 1986 Chev Monte Carlo $7,460 86 New Ykr. 4 Dr. $6,995 Included, appliances, repairs and home Im­ 1986 Corvette Loaded $18,990 4.8% CMAC FINANCING IS AVAILABLE ON SELECT MODELS...UP TO 48 MONTHS... 86 Fiero 2 Dr. $4,395 cellar storage, park­ provements. Interior 1986 Cutlass Sup. Cpe. V-8 $7,495 ing, large yard. $625 and exterior painting, 1987 Hyundai Excel $ 3 ,6 9 5 86 5TH Ave4Dr. $7,395 Offer Expires 12-30-89 in Romania monthly. 649-2871. light carpentry. Com­ 1987GMCS-15SplPAJ $ 6 ,3 8 0 87 Sable 4 Dr. $7,895 MANCHESTER-2 bed­ plete lanltorlal ser­ 1987Chev S-10 P/U $ 6 ,2 8 0 PRE-OWNED CAR OF THE WEEK room apartment, 1st vice. Experienced, rel­ 1967 Cadillac Brougham $ 1 3 ,9 8 0 87 Sable 4 Dr. $7,595 By Dusan Stojanovic former first couple’s execution by iable, free estimates. 1967 Buick Regal $8,695 firing squad. floor, lust remodelled, 87 Nissan P/U $4,895 1986 CHEV MONTE CARLO The Associated Press parking, cellar stor­ 643-0304.____________ 1987 Oldsmobile Firenza $6,490 — «»»».. V-8, Air, Power Windows, Power Seats, The 40-minutc videotape showed age, large yard. $595. SNOW Removal- 1988 Skylark LTD V-6 $8,980 87 Mazda P/U $4,995 a dictator refusing to acknowledge 1988 S-10 Ext P/U $ 1 0 ,9 8 0 Power Locks BUCHAREST, Romania — The 649-2871. Commerclal and resi­ 87 Maxima SE $11,395 either the severe hardship he forced MANCHESTER- dential, plowing and 1988 Chev S-10 PAJ $ 7 ,4 9 5 new government today set up 1988 Skylark Sedan $ 8 ,5 9 0 on the Romanian people or the mas­ Immaculate 4 room, 2 snow blowing. Call Dan 87 Cougar LS $8,695 Watch This Space Each Week $7,480 military courts to try members of 1989 Century Coupe $ 1 1 ,9 8 0 sacre of thousands of people by his bedroom Flat. Stor­ at 643-6252.__________ 87 Cutlass 4 Dr. $7,995 Nicolac Ceauscscu’s vicious age, aulet street. $575 IRONING-Done In my 81 Adams St., CARS security police, and it sought to reas­ security forces. plus gas heat. No pets. home. $7.00 per bushel Manchester 87 Corolla 4 Dr. $6,995 1986 Corvette Loaded SI 0,980 sure anxious Romanians that their “Everything that was said here is Call Sue, 643-4862. 1987 Buick Riviera T-Type basket. 649-8635. 6 4 9 -4 5 7 1 87 Mazda RX7 $10,795 1988 Buick Skylark Sedan SPECIAL S8,590 S6,490 democratic yearnings will be ful­ false, and I don’t want to talk MANCHESTER-3 -t- bed­ 1987 Oldsmobile Firenza ^ m LEGAL NOTICE 88 CMC P/U $10,495 1988 Chevrolet S-10 P/U Truck 17,495 1986 Grand Marquis V-8, RW Drive S8,980 filled. anymore,” Ceausescu told his ac­ room, kids welcome. SI 0,980 S5,895 cusers, insisting he was still in $675 monthly + utili­ A public auction will take CLYDE 88 Town Car $16,495 1988 Chevrolet S-10 Ext. Cab P/U 1986 Dodge 600 Sedan “Nobody claims to monopolize a place on January 4, 1990 be­ S8,99S power. ties. Available Imme­ CHEVROLET-BUICK, INC. 1988 Buick Skylark LTD V-6 SI 3,980 1986 Pontiac Trans Am 26K new power,” Ion llicscu, chairman diately. 649-9443 after 4 tween 10:00 AM and 12:00 ROUTE 83, 'JERNON 88 Reliant 4 Dr. $6,595 S6,280 Earlier in the day, state television noon at Manchester Honda. 1987 Hyundai Excel 10K S3,695 1986 Olds Cutlass Supreme Cpe. V- of the provisional National Salva­ pm.________________ 84 Line. Continental $9,995 88 Cougar LS $9,995 S8,79S 30 Adams Street, Manchester, 1987 CM C S-15 P/U Truck 56.280 1985 Buick Riviera Loaded tion Committee, said in a speech on showed pictures of the bullet-riddled MANCHESTER-2 and 3 Conn. The following vehicles 84 Buick Century Vbg $ 5 ,9 9 5 88 Grd Marq, 56.280 SS,39S bodies of Ccauscscu and his wife bedroom, first months $10,695 1987 Chevrolet S-10 P/U Truck 1985 Buick Skylark LTD Romanian television late Tuesday. will be available for review: 84 Bonneville 4 Dr. $ 6 ,8 9 5 and sccond-in-command. Ousted rent free. Security and 88 Mazda MX6 $9,495 1987 Cadillac Brougham Sedan SI 3,980 “Wc are fed up with this monopoly references a must. Call 1979 CB750F VIN. 85 Elecira 4 Dr. $9,995 of power.” Friday and captured Saturday, they 88 Mazda MX6 $9,985 645-8201. #RC042009551 85 Caprice Wagon $C,895 Ccauscscu, unrepentant right up were U'ied, convicted and executed 85 Buick Somerset 4 Dr $7,295 1983 CB650SC VIN.
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