The Clinton Republican VOL. XXXIXNO. 22. ST. JOHNS, MICH., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1894. WHOLE NO. 1,998. George Foersch has typhoid fever. Letters advertised September 19,1894 See Church Will Curtis, Wm. Fitzpatrick, Miss The Republican Rob. Allison is home from New York. HON. JULIUS C. BURROWS Before selling your stock. He is in H. E. Walbridge is in Detroit today. Katie Myers, John Steel. he market for cattle, sheep and hogs, C. C. VAUGHAN, Pcbuihii . Miss Nettie Conn is visiting friends Mrs. Allison Richardson left for Salt and is buying large quantities at the Lake City Monday to spend a few MICHIGAN’S GREATEST CAMPAIGNER ------TERMS: in Detroit. highest market prices. months with her neice, Miss Carrie Strictly in Advanoa, •1.00 AND ELOQUENT CONGRESSMAN. Miss Helen Lampbere returned to Paine, hoping to recover her health Coming, the Event of the Season. All Settlements of Past Due Snbsorip Stanton yesterday. 8he is seriously afhicted with stomach St. Katherine ’s Guild has secured the tlons will be made at the rate Miss Neita Stout left for Pasadena, difficulty, and her friends believe At St. Johns, Monday Afternoon, September 24th. services of some of the greatest wonders of S1.50 Per Tear. California, yesterday. change of climate absolutely necessary of the day, and will soon place them Oar advertising rates are 1100 per column per Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ward returned August 15th some persen unknown Next Monday afternoon Hon. J. C. Burrows, leader in the lower house of mourn. Baslness notices flev oenta per line foi before the public of St. Johns. eaoh Insertion. Editorial no'icea, ten cents. from their wedding trip Tuesday. bought a railroad ticket -in Cincinnati congress, aud one of the most eloquent speakers of the nation, will open the Business cards, tl per Hue per year. for St. Johns. The ticket was left with ______ BUSINESS LOCALS. Marriage, birth and death notices Inserted free. D. B. Chase, of Essex, has rented his campaign in Clinton county at St. Johns. This will be a great opportunity. Obituary comments, resolutions, cards of thanks, farm and will remove to Palo this fall the porter at Toledo, and the pastenger Everybody come. Special Prices on Capes and Jackets. etc., will be oharged for at the rate of five cents Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tromp and Miss undoubtedly had to pay fare from On Saturday, September 22, we will per line. make the following low prices on all of Correspondence containing local news Issollc- Edith Dunn visited Detroit and the fair Toledo to St. Johns. By calling on M. E. APPOINTMENTS. ted from all parts of the county. Agent Bromley steps will he taken t o one Summer and Fall Capes and Anonymous communications not Inserted under this week. REPUBLICAN MEETINGS. Rev. C. G. Thomas Goes to Sturgis and D. Jackets, and continue the same until any circumstances. adjust the matter. D. Martin Comes to St.Johns. they are all sold: All $250 to $3.50 Charles Reed’s custom shirt factory, HON. WILLIAM A. NORTON. John T. Woodard, aged 54, who Capes and Jackets to go at $1.98; All JOB PRINTING. over Clark & Hulse’s, is doing a good The M. E. appointments for this dis­ $4 00 to $5 00 Capes and Jackets to go at lived on the Wilcox farm, in Eagle Hon. Wrn.A. Norton will open the Gur material Is new and of the latest styles, and business. trict are announced as follows: St. Johns. $2.98; All $6.00 to $8.50 Capes and we guarantee satisfaction, both in prices township, was adjudged insane by campaign in this county next week, in and quality of work. *^The populists will nominate a county D. E. Martin, from Reading; Bath, A. E Jackets to go at $4.98 ; All $9 00 to $15.00 Judge Merrill, Monday and committed the evening of the dateB given, as fol­ Capes and Jackets to go at $6.98. Come ticket and representative at the court North; DeWitt, A. W. Burns; Elsie, A. gTATE Ba NK OF ST. JOHNS. to an asylum. Woodard has been con ­ lows: early, we can save you money. These house Saturday. Fowler............................Monday, September 24 K. Stewart; Maple Rapids and Green- are great bargains John Hicks . COMMERCIAL AND SAVINGS. siderably stirred up over Spiritualism Town Hall, Riley...............................September 25bush, A. O. Carman; Ovid, A. T. Fer­ -t——------------------- Mrs. V. L. Johnston, an elocutionist the past year, aud before his arrest by For Sale Cheap, CAPITAL. $50,000. Eagle......................................................September 20guson; Sbepardsville, J. P. Durham; of Rock Island, Ill., is the guest of Mrs. Sheriff Leland, became violent and Wacousta, at the church .....................September 27 Large sized parlor stove nearly new. NET ASSETS OF STOCKHOLDERS, $900,000.00. Eagle, W. H. Wright; Pewamo and Frank Butler. tried to kill himself. DeWitt, Masonic Hall,...................... September 28 Iwk Mrs. T. C. Beach . PORTER K. PERRIN, President. Bath, Town Hall................................. September 29Fowler, W. J. Massey; Bannister, Thos. J. W. Fitzgerald was called to Ovid Register Union, September 13: Coal, Coal, Coal. GEO. F. MARVIN, Vice-President. Young; Delta, E. J. Bradner; Grand We sell coal and will save you money. Brighton yesterday by the serious ill­ Mrs. Almira Valentine, wife of Stephen Ledge, J. W. Vickers; Hubbardston, II John Hicks . J. W. FITZGERALD, Cashier. ness of his father. Valentine, died at her home in Shepards- H. H. FITZGERALD, Asst.Cash. THE GALLANT SECOND R. Hardey; Ithaca, George Killeen Don ’t Forget Mack Bayliss and Alex. Kinmond ville, on Thursday night last, aged 72 Perrinton, J. W. Steffe; Sickles and DIRECTORS: MICHIGAN INFANTRY REUNION AT ST. That we always have a good line of played ball with the Owosso club at years. She leaves a husband and one Ashley, John Klose. good goods and that our prices are P. K. Perrin, O. W. Munger, Geo. F. Marvin, J. H Corunna Tuesday. son, Byron Valentine, who mourn for JOHNS YESTERDAY. Corbit, J. II. Fedcwa, J. W. Fitzgerald, Mich ­ Rev. Bradner will be a little nearer always the lowest, Kendrick . ael Spitzley, Jesse Sullivan, C. S. Allison, { Cashier H. N. Keyes and druggist her. Funeral was held Sunday at 2 p. Gen. Poe, U. S. A., Gen. Shakespeare, and home, as Delta is on the south line of Capt. Stevens Among Those Present. Our Children ’s Cloaks James Richardson, G. E. Corbin. Beebe, of Ovid, wheeled to St. Johns m. Rev. McLean officiating. Remains this county. Are here. Prices always the lowest interied in Maple Grove cemetery. 4 Per Cent. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. Monday afternoon. The 12th annual reunion of the 2d Rev. C. G. Thomas, who has labored At Kendrick ’s. hUr. H. W. Holton and Miss Hattie Michigan Infantry was held in St. Johns successfully in St. Johns the past five Brick, Brick, rpHE CLINTON COUNTY SAVINGS BANK. G. A. Bowles has been assigned to Brick. Matherton by the North Michigan con ­ L. Seaman were united in marriage by yesterday. There was a good attend ­ years, goes to Sturgis, St. Joseph county We sell Brick and will save you ST. JOHNS, MICH. ference of United Brethren. Rey. Frederick Hall, at the home of ance, members being here from several a thriving town on the G. R. & I. and money. John Hicks . PAYS 4 PER CENT. INTEREST ON DEPOSITS the bride, Monday morning. Both are states. Prosecuting Attorney Norton Mr. M. R. Frink will be at Justice Lake Shore roads, with 3,000 population. Tortoise shell hair pins. made a stirring addrees of welcome, AND LOANS MONEY ON APPROVED Duncan ’s office the week previous to the popular members of St. Johns society, He is now in the Coldwater district. At Allison ’s. and have a host of friends. The affair which was gracefully responded to by BONDS AND REAL ESTATE SECURITY. fair to receive entries for the fair. Rev. A. D. Newton goes to Carson Call on or address B. G. Tripp, SL was kept very quiet, but it leaked out Gen. O. M. Poe, of Detroit. City. Rev. James Hamilton returns to ALBERT J. BALDWIN, President. H. W. Wannica, of Sand Beach, was Johns, for the best catarrh remedy just in time for the boys to reach the Gov. Rich was on the program for an East Street church, Grand Rapids. known to man. It is an Atomizing G. PENNELL. Vice-President. the guest of his brother-in-law, H. W. address, but not being present, Presi­ depot with the usual amount of rice. Rev. Martin, who comes to St. Johns inhaler and cures catarrh, bronchitis, P. E. WALSWORTH, Treasurer. Morris, in St. Johns, over Sunday. dent R. B. Carusss called on Genera asthma, croup, coughs, colds, hoarse ­ The bride and groom are visiting friends Wm. Shakespeare, of Kalamazoo. The is about 33 years t Id, has a lamilv and The democrats of Shiawassee county ness, hay fever, heart ache, neuraligia in New York State. general said be was taken entirely by is a successful preacher and a successful and all diseases of the breathing LOCAL MATTERS have nominated Editor Frank Rose, of Married, at the home of the bride ’B surprise, and that it was the first mean church builder. organs. lw the Independent, for county clerk. thing he ever knew the 2d Michigan to parents in Eagle, by Rev. Goodell, Rev. C. G. Thomas is packing his Carpet*, Carpets. Get your watches, clocks and jewelry do. He spoke of the welcome to St. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Brainard went to Carrie E., eldest daughter of Mr. and Johns, of army service, and of the goods and expects to leave for Sturgis Do not forget we will save you money repaired at Allison ’s, the old reliable Detroit Saturday.
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