THE LONDON GAZETTE, 12TH FEBRUARY 1963 1365 APPLICATIONS FOR DISCHARGE discharged as from the 29th January, 1963. Grounds named in Order for refusing an absolute EYREi John Lorimer Rashdall, and EYRE, Johanna Order of Discharge—Proof of Facts mentioned Cornelia, residing at Old School House, Eythbrrie, in section 26 subsection 3 (A, B and C), Bank- Dover in the county of Kent, lately residing and ruptcy Act, 1914, as amended by section 1 of the" carrying on business in partnership under the name Bankruptcy (Amendment) Act, 19261. or style of Sparrowcourt Poultry Farm (Rearers and Suppliers), at Sparrowcourt, Lower Eyfhorne, Dover* in the said county, POULTRY FARMERS. HUDSON, Horace Edgar, and HUDSON^ Horace, (Separate Application of Johanna Cornelia Eyre.) carrying on' business in co-partnership under the Court—CANTERBURY. No. of Matter—25 of style of Hudson & Son (a firm), at 4, Clifford 1961. Day Fixed for Hearing—22nd March, 1963. Avenue, Beeston-, Nottinghamshire, BUILDERS and 11 ajn. Place—The Sessions House, Longport, CONTRACTORS. (Separate Application of Canterbury. Horace Edgar Hudson.) Court—NOTTINGHAM. No. of Matter—32 of 1950. Date of Order— BARBY, Alfred Heriry, 5, Holland Street, Crewe, 17th Jan., 1963. Nature df Order made—The in the county of Chester, BUILBER. Court— Bankrupt's discharge suspended for three months < CREWE and NANTWICH. No. of. Matter—8 of and that he be discharged as from <the 17th 1955. Day Fixed for Hearing—29th March. 1963. April, 1963. Grounds named in Order for refus-- 11.30 a.m. Place—The Court House, Nantwich ing an absolute Order of Discharge—Proof of Road, Crewe, Cheshire. Facts mentioned in section 26 subsection 3 (B and' C),. Bankruptcy Act, 1914, as amended by section 1 OULTON, Erie, of Ferney Lees- Farm, Tiverton, of the Bankruptcy (Amendment) Act, 1926. Tarporley in the county of Chester, FARMER. Court—CREWE and NANTWICH. No. of Matter MlTMAN, Frederick Snyder (junior), residing at 1, —2 of 1960. Day Fixed for Hearing—29th March, Chestnut Grove, Radcliffe-on-Trent in the county 1963. 11.30 a.m. Placfr—The Court House, of Nottingham, and at "Hillside", Clumbef Road Nantwich Road, Crewe, Cheshire. East, The Park in the city of Nottingham, Sales* Manager, formerly a COMPANY DIRECTOR. BLIGHT, Gerald Harry, residing at 5, Waltham Court—NOTTINGHAM. No. of Matter—13 of Road, Whalley Range, Manchester, 16 in the county 1961. Date of Order—17th Jan., 1963. Nature of Lancaster, and carrying on business at IA, King of Order made—Bankrupt's discharge suspended Street, Oldham in the county of Lancaster, under for 4 years, and that he be discharged as from the styl'e or name of " Premier Sports", as a the 17th day of January, 1967, and it be conditional SPORTS OUTFITTER, and previously carrying upon the bankrupt providing from his after- on business at 461, Cheetham Hill Road, Man- acquired property, and earnings the sum of £800,; chester, 8 aforesaid, under the- same style or name such sum to be paid by instalments of not less' as a SPORTS OUTFITTER. Court—OLDHAM. than £2 per week, and such provision to remain No. of Matter—4 of 1959. Day Fixed for Hear- effective after 17th Jan., 1967, if required. ing—21st March, 1963. 11 a.m. Place—The Court Grounds named in Order for refusing an absolute House, Church Lane, Oldham. Order of Discharge—Proof of Facts mentioned in Section 26 subsection 3 (A and D)j Bankruptcy RABJOHNS, Roger, of 346, Torquay Road, Preston, Act, 1914, as amended by section 1 of the Paignton in the county of Devon, Electrician, Bankruptcy (Amendment) Act, 1926. formerly residing at and carrying on business at 77, Braddons Hill 'Road, Torquay aforesaid, as a DINGLE, Edwin, and DINGLE, Roy Moffatt (in BUILDER and ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR. the Petition and Receiving Order described as E. Court—TORQUAY. No. of Matter—1 of 1959 Dingle and Son (a firm)), 2, Headleigh Road, Day Fixed for Hearing—20th March, 1963'. 11.30 Newquay, Cornwall, BUILDING CONTRAC- a.m. Place—The Court House, Union Street, TORS. (Separate Application of Roy Moffatt Torquay. Dingle). Court—TRURO and FALMOUTH. No. of Matter—15 of 1940. Date of Order—llth Jan., 1963. Nature of Order made—Immediate discharge APPLICATION FOR REVIEW OF ORDER of Roy Moffatt Dingle. OF DISCHARGE DINGLE, Roy Moffatt, and TREMAIN, Thomas (in GUMMERSON, Martin James, 61, Upwood Road', ithe Petition and Receiving Order described as Lee, London, S.E.I2, Painter and Decorator, and Dingle and Tremain (a firm)), 2, Headleigh Road, lately carrying on business at 24 and 26, Lewisham Newquay, CornwaiH, BUILDERS. (Separate Appli- Model Market, Lewisham, London, BUILDERS' cation oif Roy Moffatt Dingle). Court—TRURO MERCHANT (described in the Receiving Order (and FALMOUTH. No. of Matter—17 of 1940. as M. J. Gummerson (male), 61, Upwood Road, Date of Order—llth Jan., 1963. Nature of Order Lee, London, S.E.12, lately carrying on business made—Discharge of Roy Moffatt Dingle suspended at 26, Lewisham Model Market, Lewisham, for three weeks. Grounds named in Order for London, Painter and Decorator.) Court— refusing an absolute Order of Discharge—Proofs CROYDON. No. of Matter—52 of 1949. Day oif Facts mentioned in section 26 sub-section 3 (A, Fixed for Hearing—4th March, 1963. 10.30 a.m. C and I), Bankruptcy Act, 1914, as amended by Place—Croydon County Court, Scarbrook Road, section 1 of the Bankruptcy (Amendment) Act, 1926. Croydon, Surrey. APPOINTMENT OF TRUSTEES ORDERS MADE ON APPLICATIONS FOR DISCHARGE EVANS, Dorothy Ellen, of 41, The Crescent, Cbedcae Estate, Nantyglo in the county of Monmouth, JEVONS, John, residing at 13, Dixons Green, Dudley married woman., carryinig on business at 114, High in the county of Worcester, and formerly carrying Street, Blaina in the county of Monmouth, and at on business at 187, Wolverhampton Street, Dudley 80, Baattey Street, Brynmaiwr in the county of aforesaid, as a RADIO, TELEVISION and ELEC- Brecknock, as a CHIROPODIST and DRUG TRICAL ENGINEER, under the style of "R.E.C. STORE PROPRIETRESS. Court—BLACK- Stores ". Court—DUDLEY. No. of Matter—12 WOOD, TREDEGAR and ABERTILLERY. No. of 1953. Date of Order—18th Dec., 1962. Nature of Matter—1 of 1963. Trustee's Name, Address and of Order made—Discharge granted subject to the iDescriptiion;—Ross, Derek Guy, 166, Newport Bankrupt paying to the Official Receiver, Somerset •Road, Cardiff, Chartered Accountant. Date of House, 37, Temple Street, Birmingham 2,, the sum Certificate of Appointment—7th Feb., 1963. of £1'00. Grounds named in Order for refusing an absolute Order of Diseharge-^Proof of Facts mentioned in section 26 sub-section 3 (A, B and C), CLEGG, Douglas, and' CLEGG, Dorothy, his wife, Bankruptcy Act, 1914, as amended by section 1 residing; and' carrying on business in- co-partnership, of the Bankruptcy (Amendment) Act, 1926. under the name' of style of D. & D. Clegg at 19, Crossroads, Keighley in the county of York, DAVIS, Oliver William, of 143, Westfield Road, Grocers and General Dealers, and formerly carry- Wellmgbordugh. Court—NORTHAMPTON. No. inig on' business at Main Street, Cottingley in the of Matter—11 of 1922. Date of Order—15th Jan., county of York, GREENGROCERS. Court— 1963'. Nature of Order made1—Bankrupt's dis- BRADFORD". No. of Matter—2 of 1961 Trustee's charge- suspended fot two weeks' and that he be Name, Address and Description—Trigg, Arthur D.
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