PRINCE GEORGE'S COONTY MEMORJAL liBRARY ·Oiretnbelt ''We Mean Business This Time" Says GHI ' In Drive To Rid Member Homes cd Dogs '« &>Cause of failure to get rid of their dogs or eata by the A.uc.­ ust 1 deadline, eight Greenbelt Homes, Inc. homeowners recet~ notice this week that cancellation of their mutual own~p con­ tracts will be considered at the next meeting of the GHI board ~­ llttw s llttt itw directors on Friday, August 9. These first no\iees, anRounced eiver, 'Bowman aid It wu net. 110- ·AN IIDEPEIDENT NEWSPAPER GHI manager .John 0. W'alker, in­ much the economy aqle tbat moti­ volved caaes which had been re­ vated the· commlttet: u the fact.. :: Publlehed Em Thursdax B.LJ:!!!. ~8!nb..!!!_Cooperative Publishing Association, Inc. peatedly brought to the attention that thia aproach will procluce the-. v~i. 21, NO. 52 . GreeDbelt, J.raryland, Thunday, August 1, 1957 . Five cents of the corporation during the lut least amount of dlllturb&Dce aDCI\ year. In the following weeks. con­ digging up of yarda. ainM' no new" tinued Walker, other violators of meters will need tc be lutailed.. .• Qarbage Collection R4aJerendum Sho¥15 the GHI ban on dogs and '•cats wtn WSSC bas already notified GHl receive notice, u complaints are that it will accept the ua:e of tbe City Fav.o~ 3-e-week; McDonald Says . lodged with the GHI oftlce. meters at their preeent locatkm. The names of the first batch of Bowman also advised tbat the eon­ ·. First returns from the mail referendum on garbage collections violators were not disclosed, since fusion over the division of ree­ revealed city &e!ltiment in favor of 1JWitching from two to three Recistration any violator, by certifying 'to the ponsibility for maintenance of the ooDections a week. With almost half the questionnaires returned, GHI office that he bas disposed of water lines baa been ciari&ecL t .:-k tbe vote stood 588 in favor and 322 ag·ainst as of last Monday, ac­ his pet, can have his name with­ WSSC has now agreed to .-amP­ drawn from the list that will be responsibility for the mafnteniDlce , .· ~. cording to city manager C"narles McDonald. The City Clerk's office submitted to the board for punitive of the laterals up to the meters. ' · ·, One surprising ~ement of the vodng, said McDonald, was the actian on August 9. The second recommendaticm con­ ;, c~esa·of the balloting,among the ·ddense units. It had been will be open on Satt:r- "We mean business this time," cerned the location of ··m.etera ia ',1 · atPpoaed that because of the Iac!t of adequate garbage' facilities, said Walker, in outlining to the the defense home areas. ·_"'he com­ .the .defense units would have favored the switch more enthusiast­ board at its regular meeting last mittee wu faced with a choit!e iaally than the brick homes. As it turned out, said McDonald, day, Aug. 3, 1957 from Friday night the steps that mana­ of using one large meter per ClOu¢ ·· oJielnal Greenbelt led the voting for the three collections a week. gement is taking to enforce the or us,ng 5 small metera located ae · This turn of events may create problems for the city council, revised regulations on -dogs and strategic po)nts around tbe coud.. which is scheduled to discuss the probJ~ at the next regular meet­ 10:30 A.M/to 3:00 P.M. cats adopted bS" the board at its The commil~. again In order to• iD,J,:'of the council on Monday, August 12. The courtcil had felt l'.hy 24 meeting. The board deci­ minimize the disturbance to home­ sion to strengthen and enforce owners' lawns, favored the one­ ~t the additional expenae of three colleCtions could best be jU.sti­ to permit citizens to .. reg­ the ban on dog.s and cats followed the defense units. Some council members had even large meter, although this mlgbt. AeCJ.· with a mail referendum conducted laat lessen possible control over water· tinkered with .the idea of putting the new schedule into effect for spring which disclosed membership ·consumption. Bowman stated that-.: " only certain ·sections of town, such as the defense areas, and re­ ister to vote in the Sep- sentiment of over 2% to 1 in favor WSSC also favored the use of one ta:int;ng the two collectiona a week for the apartments, the new of taking drastic actkln against large meter. The cost of install­ · ~g .aubdivi&ons,· and possibly original Greenbelt. Btit with tamber Council election. violatorB of the prohibition. ing. the large metera ln detr'llJM;· ~ an 'arrangement apparently nm.ning contra.J-Y-. to the senti· The new regulations, which were areaa wu estimated at $32.000- m~ expreased in the balloting, the city ~uncil may be fac~ with distributed to every :member by R.eAnallelDc Pla.u '· mail several weeks before the an ~ or -ilO~ propoeitioll. ·· Winfield ~cCamy GHI treasurer Uoyd •:Moore an-· Augu3t 1 effeetive dnte, permit nounced that iMtruGtiODII bave beeB C!ty Cl~rk / only two exdeptions to the general' prepared for the Internal ·guidance ban (1) a "seeing eye" dog; and of the GHI aales force in procee&­ ··· Outgoing Council to O~r Successor (2) a dog for tbe prot~ction of an ing loans under the new reftnanc­ elderly person. ing agreement negot!ated With Water Meter& Planning Guide lor Greenbelt:'.s Future· * * * * First Mutual Investment Com~. \. The board approved an interim Loans will be approved by the GHZ Xu a compromise proposal, which won unanimous support, the ' report of th£ -special GBI com­ staff up to 100 percent of equity· ' cit)r council voted at a spec~ meeting last Monday to prepare rec­ mittee appointed to advise on the plus interest and fee cha~1r of­ cmullendations for the guidance of the next council in the establish- location of water meters in con­ FMIC, but not to exceeft $:i500 in­ •· ment 'Of a Greenbelt development and planning committee. Such nection with the dedication of the the case of brick homes and $1000" 'rt'COmmendations, which could take thte form of a directtve or 'res­ city's water and sewer system to in the case of frame home~~. EquitJy \Vashington Suburban Sanitary olution,· would ·include a statement of the principles which the is here defined as the difference be­ New tary Commission. The committee, tween the original GBI book price prejJent city council feels, in the light of it.s experiences, should City Directory composed of directors Bruce Bow­ UnderUe the future development of Greenbelt. Also included would and the current contract balance Work tui.s begun on a currently man and Frank Kriby and of GHI plus the percent working capital be a ·description of the initi!U purposE:s or objeetives of the com- s revised edition of the Greenbelt members Charles Cormack and assessment. Wh~e thfe toi'JilUia... ' mittee, its duties &nd functions, and its composition. :Mayor Tom City Directory, the Greenbelt Lions H~rry Rhodes, made two major re­ would permit the borrowing of the­ · Camniug appointed councilmen Alan Kistler and · ~b Hurst to Club announced. Sales of advertis­ commendations. · 1 total down payment, ·the require­ draft the re<:ommendations which will be considered by the out- ing and compilation of correct The first was that the present ment in the FMIC contract that . •Jr.liqg cow,rtil as a body before 8.dopticm. · listings will get under way im­ hot water lines in original Green­ at least 20 percent of the do'wlr. action was the outgrowth _,.____________ _ • ·• frhis mediately. Distribution to the belt be capped and that the cold payment must be paid in cash will' . at ·a .motion propose& by Kistler a public is planned for early in water lines behind the meters be go into effect. · WE!(:k qo at a meeting devoted Athletic Club Bows November-. Further information tapped fOl the hot water. Unless Moore also announced that F.MI<:r" tO -lndustrial development, for the may be obtained from Emory Har­ this were done, Bowman said, atl­ has petitioned 1'.-faryland banking man, pres.ident; or Ralph Bartho­ ditional meters would be required, ~edlate establishment of a To St:. Ambrose9~6 authodties for permission to set development and planning lomew, Ed Burgoon, Lloyd Moore, since the present hot water lines up a b~nch offilce in Greenbelt. i;a..· ln a .tatement submitted laat A young, stubborn St. Amb~se members of the AdviSory Com­ come off the main lines before the attached to the GHI otllce. Such ~:Snday to the city co•.mcil, Kl.etler nine defeated our previously un· mittee. meters. Under the comJnittee's permission is needed before the '. •'bOrated on his motion. beal:f·n powerhouse from Greenbelt, suggestion, the present meters new refinancing agreemeat can go . Set Up Body in •:tra· inninp, by a score of 9 could serve to measure both cold into effect. and hot water consumption. U G'reenbelt fa to control or to 6. Aluminum Seftlell Doon It was originally estimated that lnftuenee the proeeuee .of change Th1~ spectators were treated to Elect:ion lnEo Walker announced that u a the installation of the new m.t'ters .tbat are lnevitabiy ~ng. Kiatler a thrilling pitching duel for the result of complaints from its loeal Residents wishing to run for i,n original Greenbelt would cost .aid,. it i8 nece••IU'Y that a con­ first seven innings between Obery outlets. ~ Reo.rby manufacturer city cour:tcil posts in the forth­ about $7,000.
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