Office for a Democratic Belarus Belarus Headlines Issue XL April 21, 2009 Round Table on Schengen Visa Liberalisation Policy towards Belarus and Belarus-EU Cooperation in the Field of Tourism Takes Place in Brussels would help spreading that had been collected by European values the National Association of among Belarusians, Tourist Organisations of and would bring some Belarus showing the nega- economic benefits to tive consequences of the Office for a Democratic both Europe and Bela- Schengen area expansion on rus. He stressed, how- the tourism sector. For ex- Belarus ever, that both sides ample, since 2007 the num- would have to take ber of trips to Poland Inside this issue: some important steps booked via agencies On April 16, a round table to achieve this goal: while the dropped by 90%, while sales ‘Schengen visa liberalisation EU would have to make some for holiday packages to Round table on 1 policy towards Belarus and real progress towards relaxa- Croatia and France de- visa liberalisation Belarus-EU cooperation in tion of the visa regime, Bela- creased by 88% and 47% policy towards the field of tourism’ took rus should continue carrying correspondingly. In general, Belarus place in the European Parlia- out reforms towards democra- the number of travellers to in Brussels ment. The event was organ- tisation of the political re- EU countries went down by ised by the vice-chairman of gime. 66%. Belarusian travel Visit of 2 the Delegation for relations agencies stressed that the Belarusian with Belarus, Latvian MEP Delegates from Belarus, current EU visa policy Experts on Aldis Kuskis (EPP-ED Barys Vlasau of the Merlin causes great losses also to Tour travel agency and Al- energy group), in cooperation with the EU tourism and service the Office for a Democratic yaksandr Mirski of the Sakub businesses affecting mostly Conference on 3 Belarus (Brussels). Travel, described difficulties the new EU member states. faced by Belarusians when EaP in Minsk The working meeting brought together representatives of the obtaining a Schengen visa. The visa policy officer from European Parliament and the They spoke about a very long the Directorate General on Commission, the Group of list of documents requested Justice, Freedom and Secu- 3-4 EU and Belarus National Travel Agents’ and by embassies for the visa ap- rity of the European Com- Tour Operators’ Association plication, an excessively long mission Anne-Marie Soer- within the EU (ECTAA), the period it takes for a visa to be ensen explained that the Politics and 4-5 Association of Latvian Travel issued, and a high visa fee Schengen zone is a common Society Agents (ALTA), directors of which amounts to a sustain- space of free circulation several Belarusian travel able part of an average salary within 25 states and re- in the country. Olga Stuzhin- quires high level of security. 6-7 agencies, chairman of the Finance and skaya, director of the Office A common set of rules and Economics board of the National Asso- ciation of Tourist Organisa- for a Democratic Belarus, conditions is being applied tions of Belarus journalists added that Belarus is the only by the states signatories to and other interested parties. country on the EU Eastern the Schengen agreement. ‘The Men We 8-9 neighbourhood, whose citi- Choose’ zens have to pay 60 euro fee Mrs Soerensen expressed In his opening statement, her hope that the situation Aldis Kuskis said he believed for a Schengen visa while By Maryia Martysevich Russians and Ukrainians pay with Schengen visas for the liberalisation of visa pol- Belarusian citizens would icy towards Belarus was an only 35 euro. We on the Web improve with the recently important issue for everyone Representatives of Belarusian adopted new visa code. in Belarus and in the EU. www.democraticbelarus.eu travel agencies offered data Easier travel regulations Continued on p. 2 PAGE 2 BELARUS HEADLINES ISSUE XL Current Activities Round table on Schengen Visa Liberalisation Policy towards Belarus and Belarus-EU Cooperation in the Field of Tourism Takes Place in Brussels (continuation) Mr Michel de Blust, Secretary General tion were invited to attend the EC- of the Group of National Travel TAA General Assembly meeting Agents’ and Tour Operators’ Associa- which is scheduled to take place in tion within the EU (ECTAA) spoke Budapest in May 2009. about the negative impact of the strict Schengen visa policy on tourism indus- Participants of the round table agreed try and gave examples from different to send a joint letter to the govern- countries presenting not only the case ments of all 25 states signatories to of Belarus but also that of other coun- the Schengen agreement and to EU tries, such as India. He explained that institutions. The letter should explain According to the document, visa appli- member states focus mostly on security the current situation with visas and cation fees would be cut by 50 % for 6- and illegal migration issues and there is request changes in the visa policy. to 12-year old children; visa fees lack of real impact assessment from the Travel associations of various Euro- would be waived for certain categories tourist industry perspective. pean countries will be requested to of citizens, including students; multiple support the appeal. Michel de Blust advised the Belarusian entry visas would be issued more often Participants of the meeting agreed to for frequent travellers. EU authorities association of tour operators to join the ECTAA. Membership in the organisa- organise the next expert gathering in also plan to introduce standardised Minsk in the coming months. application documents, with collected tion, he stressed, would help Belaru- biometric and digital data remaining sians to address such issues as visa poli- 17/04/2009 valid for 5 years, and a common cies and increase awareness of the EU Schengen visa information system. institutions of similar cases. Represen- Source: ODB tatives of the Belarusian travel associa- EU Policy: Sharing Knowledge with Belarus. Second Visit of Belarusian Experts to Brussels ion and the Commission working on recent positive developments in the the region and the energy issues, in political situation in Belarus may pave general. European experts stressed the way for the intensification of EU- that energy is one of the crucial areas Belarus cooperation in all areas, in- for the EU-Belarus cooperation and cluding energy. European experts ex- Belarus is recognised as an important pressed their hope that Belarus would energy partner of the EU. They ex- take an active part in the Eastern Part- plained that main topics include the nership initiative, which has a special security of gas and oil transit through platform for cooperation in energy Belarus, nuclear safety and develop- matters. On the invitation of the Office for a ment of renewable sources of energy. Democratic Belarus (Brussels, Bel- The Belarusian delegates also learned The visit was part of a larger pro- gium) and the Foundation for Legal how the EU deals with energy issues gramme for Belarusian experts, which Technologies Development (Ukraine), and how some of this experience, es- is being implemented by the Office for a group of Belarusian experts on en- pecially that of the new member a Democratic Belarus in cooperation ergy visited Brussels on March 29 – states, could possibly be applied in with the Foundation for Legal Tech- April 2, 2009. The Belarusian delega- Belarus. This mostly concerns the use nologies Development and supported tion, which included representatives of European expertise, norms and by the Swedish International Develop- from government institutions, civil standards for construction of a nuclear ment Cooperation Agency (SIDA). initiatives, entrepreneur groups and plant in Belarus and in the promotion Topics for next seminars in Brussels media took part in a training course, of alternative sources of energy and include transport, transit and educa- entitled ‘EU Energy Policy: Sharing energy efficiency. tion. Candidates for participation in the Knowledge with Belarus’ programme are selected through an Belarusian experts encouraged the open call for applications. The organis- In the framework of the course, Bela- European Commission to carry out ers welcome participation of experts rusian delegates had a chance to get more projects with Belarus stressing from both civil society groups and acquainted with the work of the EU the need for EU assistance and exper- government-affiliated structures. institutions and meet with key experts tise in their country. Their counter- 29/03-02/04/2009 from the Council of the European Un- parts, for their part, stressed that the Source: ODB PAGE 3 BELARUS HEADLINES ISSUE XL Current Activities A Conference ‘Participation of the Belarusian Civil Society in the Eastern Partnership Initiative’ to Be Held in Minsk The conference profit groups and associations, gov- aims to provide ernment representatives and think forum for discus- tanks to participate in the discussion. sion on the recently Questions on the agenda of the event introduced Eastern include the meaning of the Eastern On April 22, 2009 the Platform for Partnership initiative (EaP) and the invi- Partnership initiative (EaP) for Bela- Cooperation between Civil Society tation of the European Commission to rus, the role of the Civil Society Fo- Organisations and Local Governments contribute to shaping the European Part- rum in facilitating more active partici- in cooperation with the Office for a nership Civil Society Forum . pation of Belarus in the EaP, etc. Democratic Belarus (Brussels) will Taking into account the importance of The event will take place in Minsk. hold a conference, entitled the initiative, and in order to secure ‘Participation of the Belarusian civil transparency and openness of the civil 20/04/2009 society in the Eastern Partnership ini- society dialogue, the conference or- tiative’. ganisers invite a wide range of non- Source: ODB Exhibition of Belarusian Posters Opens in Brussels Again The Office for a Democratic Belarus, Toulouse.
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