VOLUME 78, ISSUE 4 For the Students and the Community . ·October 23, 2000 Y's Tuition Tab By Bryan Fleck icy at the University at this time," she said. Senior StaffWriter Baruch College President Edward Regan did not respond after given numerous opportunities. The City University ofNew York recently asked Becauseof strong tuition collections in the sum- its colleges to increase its tuition income by a col- mer and winter semesters, Baruch has lective sum of $3 million, $2.5 million of which. already raised and paid the additional $2.5 million. Baruch College had to pay. according to Lirtzman. - The hefty portion of the bill that Baruch was For the 2000-2001 budget, Baruch is expected to expected to foot IS-the result of a fonntila cfumgeur- -raise--n:-r-mifiionover-its tuition revenue target. computing tuition revenue for the 1999-2000 bud- Brabham noted that CUNY officials see the new get. According to Sheny Brabham. interim vice formula ~ fair because it "shows major swings" chancellor of Budget, Finance and·Information which allows for proper adjustments. Services at CUNY, revenue targets for senior col- ButLirtzman also noted that no other college was leges are based on a weighted average of the col- expected to come up with more than $400,000. lege's tuition income collection rate for the previ- The additional money was distributed to CUNY ous three years. An individual college's contribu- colleges in need, said Lirtzrnan. "The effect ofthat tion changes according to its prior record. has been essentially to throw the budget out of This new formula does not make any sense, whack." according to Sidney I. Lirtzman, dean of the Last year, acting as interim president, Lirtzman ZicklinSchool ofBusiness, who was interim pres- proposed increasing tuition for the College's MBA ident of Baruch at the time the new formula was program. It would seem that this proposal. partly at implemented. least, was made in order to meet increased revenue "I don't think it's fair, ~ said Lirtzman. "[CUNY demand. ·l~izing colleges for being efficient.., The. proposal, which was drafted in accord with .' Indeed, it seems that because Baruch was able to the office ofCUNY Chancellor Matthew Goldstein" demooStrate an ability to collect its tuition revenue and prepared for presentation for May 2~ is cur- target at a much higher rate in ~e past, the College rently off the table. But Goldstein, himself a for- .......................:.....;.:.;:::;:;;:::::: was asked to bear an extraordinary amount of the e r id t f Baruch College has shown his t.III.III~':~~;·toB~hamBrab~thhameformutedla, fith0ratn0thw =Pgr:~~:~:~:~ry ~::~i=a:n ~~nago:l~ ".w.·.·.·.·.·.·.·......·_·.~~w.· ..,·..,..·.·.·.·~.·.·.·.·.·.· In any case IS a Just one no e Previous Acib1g President SId Urtzman speaks at IUtyear·s student Jeadship vieekend. '. ~ .. .. d th Co _ in the future. Urwhanproposed increasinG thf! IIBAprogram·s tuition In order to accommodate the ~hcy IS Umv:rsl!y-Wld~ an ererore.not pecu Increaseil revenue demands:. '(phOtoI e.-ud1 aROhW-l .: --- har to Baruch. It IS an even-handed, equitable pol- See THE· FUTURE. Page 3 ... ~ _..... ".-.- _.--_._-.,...-:----- .......;. --':.--_. -.- .._._ .. ~ ... "-. "-.....-..,.;. -. -.--~--, -... ~ Acting Provost Speak. on Baruch'. , ...... By Vanessa Witenko Many students feel their voice is unheard, News Editor however Chase believes students have an open forum to raise their concerns. The Ticker recently had the opportunity to "It should· not be too difficult for ~s meet with Acting Provost Myrna Chase to dis­ voice to be heard, and the presideDt is ~ uss her goals and opinions about various thetic to studeats.~ said Chase, and that ~ln-tht issues affecting Baruch College. 6O~s and 70's stUdenis were on eYuy dq8t­ 'Last semester Chase was looking forward to ment commiUl:e." Chase wiU look into the retiring, and helping her son apply to college, governance to see if this still applies, which when the previous Acting President Sid would allow IIlOR: communication 'between Lirtzman offered the position. Lirtzman student and faculty. believed Chase would be more stable and had However, with all these opportunities stu­ the experience to take the position. Chase dents are still apathetic about Baruch. _Cbase accepted and now holds the title as acting agreed that students, as well as faculty and provost. administrators contribute to the low morale of Chase began her career 30 years ago working the college. Chase believes that some causesof at Baruch as a graduate student She was a the low moral are due to the fact that the class Professor of history and emphasized on intel­ lectual history and later became the department chair for history.. A portion of Chase's experi­ ence includes helping start the FElT seminars "Ihave a lotof 20 years ago, and was the director until last semester. Chase has also served on many com­ confidence in students, mittees including the College Personnel and Budget Committee for nine years. The P&B expecially owstudents. " (College Personnel and Budget) committee consists of several administrators and one stu­ dent. One of their responsibilities is to reap­ sizes are too large and that faculty feels they are point professors. not recognized for their work. Chase supports students, and their active par­ Another solution to the apathy is more faculty development. Faculty Development focuses on ticipation at the college, and is in favor of hav­ their classes. The grid arranges the schedule 0 ing astudent representative on the P&B com­ new methods ofteaching and better communi­ classes. This determines w~.days classes will mittee. "I have found the students are serious cation between faculty and students. be held, how long the breaks are in between and responsible. I have a lot of confidence in The issue of whether or not there win be a students especially our students." change in the grid was addressed. Since stu- See CLASSES. Page 2 In OolEds: ..- In Sports: InFeatures: Free Cori Berenson, Racial Profiling Call X-Coimtry, Volleyball, Navaratri, SOS Workshop, Roving Tennis, Subway Series! Reporter, Pop Quiz! and Response i SeePage9 See.Back Page See Page 5 In~lum: In Business: Porn Star Sbayla LaVeaux Heats It Up Job Track.com Economic Index Reviews Galore, more.. ~ • See Page 13 See Asylum _~ '~ _:'_'~'.-" ~ -..~ ~ '_-=-_,_ .. _-, _.,..-__"_0"_"' __"._" _" _"'_' _0 _" _" _"_"_' _.:_.: _':_" _.-_". .. ." .':. _ ,; ___ .. 'III _. _" ••• til _ . • -. -----~ ! $ ; . .' \ 3 2 TICKER NEWS OCTOBER 23, 2000 TICKER NEWS OCTOBER 23, 2000 Baruch Clubs Unite to Recruit New-Members Scheduling Proposed Tuition Hike Hits Graduate Students Problems, Student Ellis argued that CUNY should not be com­ Continued From Front last decade. This has led to a loss of approxi­ pared to private universities. who serve a dif­ mately 5.000 full-time faculty lines. 'Involvement edged that it could very well be back on the ferent group of people. He also disagrees with What is more, Ellis sees the entire problem of agen in the future. the notion that graduate students can afford a funding CUNY through the lens of a growing addressed by The proposed increase would raise tuition tuition increase. trend to privatize education. This. he says. is Provost York State residents and $320 to $450 for out of increased services as it is an issue of increased CUNY's Master Plan. which mentions CUNY staters. tuition. "Ifyou ask a student ifthey want to pay as a feeder for businesses. not the other way Continued From Front Only Baruch's MBA program. and not the more tuition, well, the answer is obvious," MPA program, would be affected. admitted Ducoffe. "But if you ask them if they classes and how often classes meet. There was some confusion. however. that the are satisfied with the quality of the services There are possibilities of going back to the proposal would allow for a tuition increase of they are getting at the MBA program. many "Any plan that old grid, for the old grid allowed more integra­ "whatever the market would bear." times the answer will be that they are not satis­ tion between faculty and students. "We are But Rob Ducoffe, director of Graduate fied." depends on tuition as reexamining the grid. Changing the grid would Studies at Baruch. quickly quelled the rumor. Both Ducoffe and Lirtzman noted that the "Our proposal was not to bring tuition up to MBA program, Baruch College and CUNY in the primary source market rate." he said. general. are "horribly under funded." Faculty offunding for CUNY "Changing the grid Ducoffe gave two reasons why the proposal is recruitment. salary increases and technology a sound one: upgrades are all badly needed, according to is wrong headed" . First, Baruch's MBA program (and CUNY's Lirtzman. A modest tuition increase for the would allow more graduate programs in general) still cost far less MBA program is their way of alleviating some than a private school's graduate education. A ofthat burden. communication withing complete MBA program at Baruch costs For Ellis, on the other hand, the primary the department" $8,800, while the same program at Columbia responsibility for raising money for this public . ..... University or New York University would run university should come from the city, state and A student smiles as she was given a f.... prize from the Business to Business Marketing SocIety after making shot In a mlnl-basketball contest. approximately $60,000. federal governments. (photolWeishi William Wang) Second. at least 50 percent of Baruch gradu­ "Depending on Baruch to raise the money is ate students have part or all oftheir tuition paid a mistake," said Ellis. "If CUNY proves that it By Vanessa Witenko "They gave prizes out and everyone was allow more communication within the depart­ for by the company they are working for.
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