State Route 62 Embankment Restoration Project SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA DISTRICT 08-SBd-62 (PM 124.0/ 142.0) EA 08-1G010 PN 0815000106 Draft Initial Study with [Proposed] Negative Declaration/Environmental Assessment Prepared by the State of California, Department of Transportation The environmental review, consultation, and any other actions required by applicable Federal environmental laws for this project are being, or have been, carried out by Caltrans pursuant to 23 USC 327 and the Memorandum of Understanding dated December 23, 2016 and executed by FHWA and Caltrans. April 2019 This page intentionally left blank. General Information About This Document What’s in this document: The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), as assigned by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), has prepared this Initial Study/Environmental Assessment (IS/EA), which examines the potential environmental impacts of the alternatives being considered for the proposed project located on State Route 62, from 1.76 miles west of U.S. Route 95 (Post Mile [PM] 124.0) to 0.25 mile west of Parker Dam Road (PM 142.0), in San Bernardino County, California. Caltrans is the lead agency under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Caltrans is also the lead agency under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). This document tells you why the project is being proposed, what alternatives have been considered for the project, how the existing environment could be affected by the project, the potential impacts of each of the alternatives, and the proposed avoidance, minimization, and/or mitigation measures. What you should do: Please read this document. Additional copies of this IS/EA, as well as the related technical studies, are available for review at: Caltrans District 8 Palo Verde Valley District Library Parker Public Library 464 West 4th Street 125 West Chanslor Way 1001 South Navajo Ave. San Bernardino, CA 92401 Blythe, CA 92225 Parker, AZ 85344 This IS/EA may be downloaded at the following website: http://www.dot.ca.gov/dist8 We’d like to hear what you think. If you have any comments regarding the proposed project, or would like to request a Public Hearing, please send your written comments to Caltrans by the deadline below. We will begin accepting comments on: Monday, April 8, 2019. Send comments via U.S. postal mail to: Renetta Cloud, Senior Environmental Planner California Department of Transportation, District 8 464 West 4th Street, 6th Floor, MS 823 San Bernardino, California 92401-1400 Send comments via email to: [email protected] Please use “SR-62 Embankment Project” in the subject line. Submit comments by the deadline: Tuesday, May 7, 2019. What happens next: After comments are received from the public and reviewing agencies, Caltrans as assigned by FHWA, may: (1) give environmental approval to the proposed project, (2) do additional environmental studies, or (3) abandon the project. If the project is given environmental approval and funding is appropriated, Caltrans could design and construct all or part of the project. Alternative formats: For individuals with sensory disabilities, this document is available in Braille, in large print, on audiocassette, or on computer disk. To obtain a copy in one of these alternate formats, please call or write to Caltrans, District 8 Attn: Renetta Cloud, Senior Environmental Planner, 464 W. 4th Street, 6th Floor, MS 823, San Bernardino, CA, 92401-1400 or call the California Relay Service 1 (800) 735-2929 (TTY), 1 (800) 735-2929 (Voice), or 711. This page intentionally left blank. This page intentionally left blank. NEGATIVE DECLARATION SCH: STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 08-SBd-62 – PM 124.0/142.0 EA 08-1G010 PN 0815000106 Proposed Negative Declaration Pursuant to: Division 13, Public Resources Code Project Description The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) proposes to restore storm eroded embankments with rock slope protection (RSP) and concrete aprons, and install rumble strips at ten (10) desert wash locations on State Route 62 (SR-62) from 1.76 miles west of U.S. Route 95 (Post Mile [PM] 124.0) to 0.25 mile west of Parker Dam Road (PM 142.0), in San Bernardino County, California. Build Alternative The Build Alternative would restore storm eroded embankments at ten desert wash locations along SR-62 to their original condition, by constructing eleven water embankment protection systems. This would consist of installing RSP, consisting of a concrete apron for drainage purposes, as well as a non-erodible concreted rock side slope at the downstream portion of each site, beginning at the edge of traveled way. Concrete aprons would also be installed at various locations upstream of the RSP, at the edge of traveled way, to prevent undercutting of the edge of pavement. Rumble strips would be installed along concrete aprons to alert drivers and help prevent vehicles from running off the road. Temporary staging and storage of materials would be located at PM 125.8 and PM 134.1. Both locations are currently graded, devoid of native vegetation, and currently used by Caltrans Maintenance with direct access to SR-62. Additional, permanent right of way drainage easements would be acquired from the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and the Colorado River Indian Reservation for construction and maintenance activities. No-Build Alternative Under the No-Build Alternative, the storm eroded embankments at the ten desert wash locations along SR-62 would not be restored with water embankment protection systems. SR-62 would also continue to flood during rain events, resulting in excess roadway debris, continued roadway damage, road closures, and increased maintenance costs. After the public circulation period, all comments will be considered, and Caltrans will select a preferred alternative and make the final determination of the project’s effect on the environment. Under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), if no unmitigable significant adverse impacts are identified, Caltrans will prepare and approve a Negative Declaration. Determination This proposed Negative Declaration is included to give notice to interested agencies and the public that it is Caltrans’ intent to adopt a Negative Declaration for this project. This does not mean that Caltrans’ decision on the project is final. This Negative Declaration is subject to change based on comments received by interested agencies and the public. Caltrans has prepared an Initial Study for this project and, pending public review, expects to determine from this study that the proposed project would not have a significant effect on the environment for the following reasons. The proposed project would have no effect on: Aesthetics, Agriculture and Forest Resources, Land Use Planning, Mineral Resources, Population and Housing, Public Services, and Recreation Utilities and Service Systems. The proposed project would have less-than-significant effects on Air Quality, Biological Resources, Cultural Resources, Geology and Soils, Hazards and Hazardous Materials, Hydrology and Water Quality, Noise, Transportation and Traffic, and Tribal Cultural Resources. David Bricker, Deputy District Director Date Division of Environmental Planning California Department of Transportation, District 8 CEQA Lead Agency Table of Contents Table of Contents Page Chapter 1 Proposed Project .................................................................................1-1 1.1 NEPA Assignment .....................................................................1-1 1.2 Introduction ................................................................................1-1 1.2.1 Existing Facility ..............................................................1-2 1.2.2 Project Background ........................................................1-2 1.2.3 Purpose and Need .........................................................1-2 1.2.4 Capacity, Transportation Demand, and Safety ...............1-7 1.2.5 Roadway Deficiencies ....................................................1-8 1.2.6 Modal Interrelationships and System Linkages ...............1-8 1.2.7 Independent Utility and Logical Termini ..........................1-8 1.3 Project Description .....................................................................1-9 1.4 Alternatives ................................................................................1-9 1.4.1 No-Build (No-Action) Alternative .....................................1-9 1.4.2 Proposed Build Alternative .............................................1-9 1.4.3 Transportation System Management and Transportation Demand Management Alternatives ....... 1-25 1.4.4 Final Decision-Making Process .................................... 1-25 1.5 Permits and Approvals Needed ............................................... 1-25 Chapter 2 Affected Environment, Environmental Consequences, and Avoidance, Minimization, and/or Mitigation Measures .....................2-1 2.1 Human Environment ..................................................................2-4 2.1.1 Utilities/Emergency Services ..........................................2-4 2.1.2 Traffic and Transportation ..............................................2-5 2.1.3 Cultural Resources .........................................................2-6 2.2 Physical Environment .............................................................. 2-13 2.2.1 Water Quality and Storm Water Runoff ........................ 2-13 2.2.2 Geology/Soils/Seismicity/Topography
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