![FOIA Logs for US Department of Justice Criminal Division for FY 2005](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Description of document: FOIA CASE LOGS for: US Department of Justice Criminal Division for FY 2005 – FY 2007 Requested date: 13-August-2007 Released date: 28-November-2007 Posted date: 11-January-2008 Title of Document FOIA Requests for Fiscal Year 2005, 2006, 2007 Date/date range of document: 04-October-2004 – 17-September-2007 Source of document: FOIA/PA Unit Criminal Division Department of Justice Suite 1127, Keeney Building 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington, DC 20530-0001 Phone: (202) 616-0307 The governmentattic.org web site (“the site”) is noncommercial and free to the public. The site and materials made available on the site, such as this file, are for reference only. The governmentattic.org web site and its principals have made every effort to make this information as complete and as accurate as possible, however, there may be mistakes and omissions, both typographical and in content. The governmentattic.org web site and its principals shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused, or alleged to have been caused, directly or indirectly, by the information provided on the governmentattic.org web site or in this file u.s. Department ofJustice Criminal Division Office ofEnforcement Operations Washington, D.C. 20530 ~ov 2 8 2007 CRM-200700777F This letter is in response to your request ofAugust 13, 2007, for an electronic copy of the FOIA case logs for the DOJ Criminal Division for the time period FY2005, FY2006, and FY 2007-to-date. We located FOIA logs in the Criminal Division within the scope ofyour request. We have processed your request under the Freedom ofInformation Act and will make all records available to you whose release is either required by that statute, or considered appropriate as a matter ofdiscretion. In light ofour review, we are have determined to release these items in part. We are withholding the portions indicated ofthe items pursuant to the following FOIA exemption set forth in 5 U.S.c. 552(b): 6) which permits the withholding ofpersonnel and medical files and similar files the disclosure ofwhich would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion ofpersonal privacy; and, You have a right to an administrative appeal ofthis partial denial ofyour request. The appeal should be in writing and addressed to: The Office ofInformation and Privacy, United States Department ofJustice, 1425 New York Ave., NW, Suite 11050, Washington, DC 20530­ 0001. Both the envelope and the letter should be clearly marked with the legend "FOIA Appeal." Department regulations provide that such appeals must be received by the Office ofInformation and Privacy within sixty days ofthe date ofthis letter. 28 C.F.R. 16.9. Ifyou exercise this right and appeal is denied, you also have the right to seek judicial review ofthis action in the federal district (1) in which you reside, (2) in which you have your principle place ofbusiness, (3) in which the records denied are located or (4) for the District of Columbia. If you elect to file an appeal, please include, in your letter to the Office of Infonnation and Privacy, the Criminal Division file number that appears above your name in this letter. Sincerely, ~~,ifar h~·TaYIOr Associate Director for Policy Office ofEnforcement Operations Criminal Division 2 • ,.. _ • ••_ ..uv..o '~i!i ""'n;;AaOciated Press 200401308-F Me5hl1ne, llIny 101412004 50 Rockefeller Plaza ~ New Yor1< tIV ,nn,>n ~edie John J, Gottl 911412006 200401316-F Goldstein, Robert 10/5/2004'- ,~ I~ ) Other AG'a lilt of Subversive Orgenlzations (Copy of Memorandums M ioned In Memo deted in April. 1974) 1112312004 IMolAtl NBC Channel 5V_ 200401314-F Estrede, Ismeel 101512004 454 North Columbus Drive ChlcBgo, Il 60611 Medie Number or Current Extredltlon Requeats for People Wented In Mexl end WlInled World WIde 212412005 200401315-F Belancier, Eric 101512004 ' PrivlIle Individual USAM ~.139 26 U.S.C,: Internal Revenue Code 311812005 200401336-F Zirbel', Vmcent 10I5l2OO4 Prlvete IndMdual AulhorizaIIon to IndlclmBnt 11/1612004 200401349-F Glec!deu, Dweyne 101512004 .' \1 Priaoner Documentation From U.S. v. Devid Hill, Cese No. 01-191-A 11512005 200401361-F McCartney, Casey 101512004 \y) \P ('{) ) PrIvate Individuel Records Kept By DOJ In Regard to Possible Federeltnvastigation l1999 - 2003) 111312004 2oo401363-F Pete, Kenneth 101512004 prtsoner 911 Commission Reporta I 11/23/2004 200401364-F Krause, Jeson 101612004 321 N, Clark Street, 15th Floor Chicago, Il 80610 Medie Crilerie Used In DOJ Detebasea To Determine Terrorista end Crimral. 313012005 l 'j) ~ oo,~",,,,,,_ ~.-._.~ q ...,,,_.__ 200401374-F Coney, Lillie 101612004 ' _ .......... Akin, Gump, Streuss, Heuer & Feld, llP I Robert S, Streuss Building 200401388-F Zimmarmen, Tobies 101612004 1333 New Hampshire Avenue, N,W, WIIshington, DC 20036 Attorney Report by Michee! K, Block, Fred C, NOld, Hoover Institution (dIb/eIBlock & Nold) 31812005 200401389-F Hunter, Jecob 101512004 L h j (, Privete Individuel Russien Mafie 611012005 i 2oo401397-F Nichols, Cordell 101612004 0J?) V Prisoner CBSe No, 02-CR-35 & Violation of the PetRe Policy 512812005 The Netionel Security Archive The George Weshlngton University Gelmen library, SuRe 701 2004013OO-F Evens, Michee! 101Bl2004 2130 H Street, N'w, Washington, DC 20037 Reseercher Records Perteining to Meetings Between US Ambassador Morris ~uSby end Colombien OfflCieis 912912005 I I 200401301-F Tumer, Semn 101Bl2004 Other Reporta Submitted to Congresa Purauent to The Clasaifl8d Inform~ion Procedures Act Case No, B-a6-OOB, B-86-009, BllEHll 0, ~11; Int......te ~ent on DetairMes; WrIts or Habees Corpus; Cus10dy Exch8nge Federet & Steta; Federal & Stete Sant 'ng Sheet & CommRment; ExlradRion & 200'l01373-F Gin, Raymond 101B12004 ..:,~'v; Prisoner DelAIirMe's from New Jersey to Merytand 2/1112005 200401376-F Hepler, JennKer 101B12004 , Prlvete Individuel Investigation or Former US Postal Servica OIG Karle Corcoran 7115/2005 \iJ Nat~ns 200401407-F Keufmen, Zechery 1011312004 , ~) Other U,S, Govemment's Support or the Establishment of the UnRed IntBmationel Criminal Tribunel (ICTY) 512512005 I Jeme~, Quartes Slreet Crew end the Crtmlnellnveatigation or Henry e,k.e, little Men, who wes Sentenced for 200401410-F Besir, Sundiete 1011312004 ' Prisoner First Degree Murder In 1992 In WIIahlngton, D.C, I ,!,1112005 Mormon & Foerster, llP Attorneys AI law Attomey Trenlcripl of Heerlng Claim No. 212-002764 ! 611012005 200401411-F lee, Jin 10/1312004 1290 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10104 , -~ Copy of Seerch Werrant No, 5848182, AlIldavtt Submitted by DBl~FrankShaa Badga .1816 and -t\!1.) DBlactlve Francis Shea 1131469, Copy Of DDS·UF18 Police R Dated Oct 8, Oct 15 and Oct 18 1982, 611012005 200401412·F Cesieno, Rodolfo 1011312004 ' Prteoner Neme of Diractors for Internal Affairs Ebert & Asaoclatea, llC U.S. Cftlzena Ir4tnd In 1l1l'88I, the WWIl Bank, n the Gaze Strlp Sapt_ber 2000 n the Present Attomeyl A1l.ew (September 2004) In ..... by PaI8ItWan T_OrgIniZIIllanI, .-.Military Groupe, PoIIcamenl of the 4I29l2OO5 200401413·F Jenl1l, Robert 1011312004 300 PBtk A_, Suite 1700 ,...York, NY 10022 AlttImay PaleIlInIIn ~ ~ 513112005 200401414·F Bums, Robert 1011312004 '\yJ~ Prtlloner USA Patriot fvj, Domllltlc Sec.utly ErNncemenI fvj, Homelend Act, TNlh In Sentenclng U,S. Governmenra Support of the EllabIlahment of the Uniled Net~s Int~1ona1 Cmlnet Trlbunet for 5/25/2005 200401415-F Ksufman, Zechery 1011312004 .. Other Rwenda (ICTR) ; I"'UIIo\ "-equests ,or I"'ISCIII Tear ;iW~ \ ':')\;) 200401416-F Keufman, Zachary 101131200' ~/' Other U.S. Govemmant's Support for the Et1abllshment of the Special urt for Sierre Leone 5I2llI2005 200401419·F Goldstein, Robert 101151200 <\.Q Other Subversive ActIvMles Control B08rd (SACB) or the AG's List of S erslve OrganiZlllions 11412005 ~J 200401418-F Beilay, Kimberly 1011812004 Prisoner Richard Cart Post, III 612312006 Steff WrIter Stallstical Breekdown of Arrests & Cou1 DlsposRions of Offender ProHCuled under 18 U.S.C. 992 (G) (B), The State Newspaper Specif'1C811y Offenders comricled of DonIestic VIOlence or subject , a Court Order ProhlbMIng Heresslng, 20040142D-F Brundretl, Rick 10/1912004 P O. Box 1333 Columbia, SC 29202 Media Stalking or Thrsatening an Intimate 1112312004 200401422-F Dewey, Donna 1011912004 Private Individual Wilfiam Michaal Carter (alk/a Willard Marshall ClIlron) 511012005 Commercial ContrllC1s Between US DOJ ICITAP & Scienca Appli tions Intemetional Corporation (SAIC) 200401423-F Coster, Sharon 1011912004 • .,\fJ ~\0 Privllle Indlviduel of Lorton, VA (SAIC Provides Polica Trainers/Advisors for ICITAP rograms Around the World) 1112312004 \~l) Material Relating to the Omnibus Crime Bill 011934 (Including Horj1er S. Commlng's12 Point Program) & 200401424·F Rosenbloom, Alexa 10/1912004 . ~, Other the Lindbergh Lew of 1932 Investigations of Duke Energy Corporation, Duke Energy Treding ;. Marketing, Duke Energy Field Servicas, 200401425-F Maupin, Jamas 10/1912004 401 South Boston Avenue Tulsa, OK 74103 Atlomey or Duke Energy North America I 111712005 The Netional Securtty Archive The George Washington University Gelman Library, SuRe 701 200401553-F Batlla, Joyce 1011912004 2130 H Stnset, NW. Washington, DC 20037 Researcher Enka (Enka Marketing Export Import, Inc) InvestigationlRelease During World War" ofYezo Yutani, Kimik~utani'Wiliiam Yoshie Yutani, Norman 200401430-F Yutani, JannWar ·1012612004 '\ \.J Private Individual Kimio Yutani . 1012412005 , '(' I Records Relating to USA v. Edward M. Spector, Case No. 82·282 M, USDC, S.D. Ca.; Caliente Touring 200401431-F Hoeks'ra, Tim 1012612004 ~ Private Individual Company 613012006 -\0 Copy of Documents Which Delegate Authority to DOJ, AG, USA AUSA to Represent USA In Criminal Tax '-Q) Matlers and Delegation Order Authorizing Paul K. Chartton, Robe L. Miskell & Mark T. Odullo to Prosecute 200401434·F Bantson, wayne 1012612004 \) Private Individual Criminal Tax Cases 1212812005 200401444·F Baker, Donald 101261200< Other Investigation of the Career Education Corporation (Nasdaq: CEC! 1/1712005 Records Transferred to NARA Under the Nazi War Crimes Disclos re Act or the Japanese Imperial 200401454·F Simpson, Christopher 1012612~ \0 Other Goverrvnent DisdosUn! Act 200401443·F Smith.
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