Central Sydney Intensive English High School Annual Report 2018 8288 Page 1 of 14 Central Sydney Intensive English High School 8288 (2018) Printed on: 13 June, 2019 Introduction The Annual Report for 2018 is provided to the community of Central Sydney Intensive English High School (formerly Cleveland Street Intensive English High School) as an account of the school's operations and achievements throughout the year. It provides a detailed account of the progress the school has made to provide high quality educational opportunities for all students, as set out in the school plan. It outlines the findings from self–assessment that reflect the impact of key school strategies for improved learning and the benefit to all students from the expenditure of resources, including equity funding. Jennifer Pilon Principal School contact details Central Sydney Intensive English High School Cnr Power Avenue and Park Road ALEXANDRIA, 2015 www.centralsydneyintensiveenglishhs.schools.nsw.edu.au [email protected] 9319 4807 Message from the Principal In 2018 Cleveland Street Intensive English High School was re–named as Central Sydney Intensive English High School and was re–located to Park Road, Alexandria. Throughout the year staff, students, parents and carers participated in information and consultation sessions and futures focused student presentations in preparation for the move to the new school at the beginning of 2019. Page 2 of 14 Central Sydney Intensive English High School 8288 (2018) Printed on: 13 June, 2019 School background School vision statement Central Sydney Intensive English High School (formerly known as Cleveland Street Intensive English High School) welcomes newly arrived permanent and long–term temporary resident students as they embark upon their educational journey in their new country. This supportive and diverse learning community is committed to building student resilience, knowledge and creativity so that they may achieve their full potential as futures focused learners and contributors to Australian society. School context Central Sydney Intensive English High School provides innovative English language, orientation, wellbeing, settlement and high school preparation programs to secondary aged, newly arrived students requiring intensive English as an Additional Language tuition. The school's quality intensive English curriculum is referenced to NESA syllabus outcomes and the Intensive English Program Curriculum Framework. The transition to high school, Technical and Further Education and school to work programs are taught by highly skilled and specialist English as an Additional Language teachers. Students learn in age, stage–based, level of English language proficiency classes with senior students participating in Year 11 language–based elective courses. Intermediate and Transition level students learn in project–based learning environments. Students are supported in their development as community members, performers and leaders through extra–curricular activities, including the Student Representative Council. A specialist school counsellor, careers adviser, librarian, wellbeing team, school learning support officers–ethnic and other agencies support students and families in their settlement. Self-assessment and school achievement Self-assessment using the School Excellence Framework This section of the Annual Report outlines the findings from self–assessment using the School Excellence Framework, school achievements and the next steps to be pursued. This year, our school undertook self–assessment using the School Excellence Framework. The framework supports public schools throughout NSW in the pursuit of excellence by providing a clear description of high quality practice across the three domains of Learning, Teaching and Leading. In the domain of Learning we continued to focus on student engagement and achievement through the application of formative assessment built on personalised learning strategies implemented to support students to be successful learners in their new country. Work continued on the revision of teaching and learning programs particularly, on the inclusion of project–based learning skills for Stage 4 and 5 Intermediate and Transition students. Students were able to showcase progress in their English language acquisition and skills and knowledge as 21st Century learners to parents, visitors, fellow students and teachers at presentation days throughout the year. In the domain of Teaching, our priorities have been to ensure that Performance and Development Plans are aligned with the adjustments required by staff as the school was relocated prior to moving to the new school in 2019. Performance and Development Plans continued to reflect the strategic directions of the school plan in developing the knowledge and skills required to deliver project–based learning to newly arrived, secondary age students. In the domain of Leading, our main focus has been on developing executive and distributive leadership. Throughout the year teachers and head teachers have been supported to develop their skills and experience in executive roles through professional learning and mentoring. Experienced futures focused teachers mentored colleagues and presented professional learning sessions as they continued to develop their leadership skills. Our self–assessment process will assist the school to refine our school plan, leading to further improvements in the delivery of education to our students. For more information about the School Excellence Framework: https://education.nsw.gov.au/teaching–and–learning/school–excellence–and–accountability/sef–evidence–guide Page 3 of 14 Central Sydney Intensive English High School 8288 (2018) Printed on: 13 June, 2019 Strategic Direction 1 Successful New Arrivals Learners Purpose To have a whole school approach ensuring all students participate successfully in their intensive English language, literacy, numeracy, high school preparation and settlement programs to be skilled, independent learners with clearly articulated educational goals. Overall summary of progress All students made progress in their intensive English language acquisition and high school preparation programs. As students engaged in their English acquisition they were also supported to reflect on their own learning through clearly described learning goals, feedback and self–assessment criteria. There was an ongoing focus on the use of the ESL Scales as a diagnostic tool for moderation of student achievement and to inform differentiation of student learning. Teacher professional learning continued to embed formative assessment, differentiation strategies and explicitly documented student achievement of learning outcomes. Whole school professional learning continued to support knowledge of futures focused and project–based learning strategies. Progress towards achieving improvement measures Improvement measures Funds Expended Progress achieved this year (to be achieved over 3 years) (Resources) • Student survey responses $15,584 Students participating in Learning Now For The indicate high level of engagement Future class survey responses indicated that they in learning and settlement experienced high levels of satisfaction with experiences. project–based learning experiences, personalised learning strategies and orientation to learning and settling events and experiences within the teaching and learning programs. • Assessment of student $2,271 Student cognitive academic language proficiency progress shows improved English and expanded learning skills accelerated with their language acquisition and participation in the futures focussed classes. Stage confidence in participation in 5 Intermediate students began participation in the futures focused learning. Learning Now For The Future strategy. Stage 6 students participated in targeted project–based learning projects. Next Steps In 2019 student learning will be supported in our new school environment. Performance Development Plans and the 2019 School Plan will reflect strategies initiated to learn about teaching and learning in our futures designed buildings to ensure student success in achieving their learning outcomes. Page 4 of 14 Central Sydney Intensive English High School 8288 (2018) Printed on: 13 June, 2019 Strategic Direction 2 Quality Teaching and Leadership Purpose To provide a quality learning environment for new arrivals students. Teachers are involved in research, cross curriculum collaboration, data analysis and professional learning to continually reflect and innovate their classroom practice to build capacity and leadership density for whole–school improvement. Overall summary of progress Teachers, executive and principal continued to develop their Performance and Development Plans and provide supportive evidence for their goals. Teachers' goals were well supported by documentation of evidence. School administrative and support staff also developed professional learning plans. Progress towards achieving improvement measures Improvement measures Funds Expended Progress achieved this year (to be achieved over 3 years) (Resources) • All teachers demonstrate $58,549 Throughout the year all teachers participated in currency of EAL pedagogy, professional learning to ensure currency in their syllabus content, knowledge and practice in EAL pedagogy, syllabus content, evidence–based, future–focused knowledge and evidence–based, future–focused practices. practices. • All teachers and leaders have $8,898 All teachers and
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