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BOULEVARD TEMPLE BULLETIN Volume 96, Number 16 • November 1, 2009 Make No Apology make no apologies If you believe that halachah (Jew- serve respect as long as they uphold the ish law) deserves a vote but not a veto highest ethical and moral values of the I for being a Reform in the decision making of a Jew—make Torah and contribute in their own way Jew, and neither no apology. to the great story of the Jewish people— If you believe that Judaism has make no apology. should you. evolved and should always evolve in order If you are ashamed of the narrow- If you believe that men and women are to embrace the best of our tradition and mindedness and inflexibility of some equally responsible for the covenant the best of modernity—make no apology. fundamentalist Jews—make no apology. between God and the Jewish people and If you believe that a Jew can and If you are ashamed of the wholesale have an equal right to share in its privi- should love both Israel and the country assimilation and self-loathing, the igno- leges—make no apology. in which he or she lives, the way we love rance and apathy of some Jews—make If you believe that all Jews—wheth- both of our parents, neither love negating no apology. er born Jewish or choosing Judaism later the other—make no apology. If you belong to a reform syna- in life; straight or gay; young or old; If you believe that Jews should reach gogue with devotion and integrity— Caucasian, African American, Asian inward and upward to God to enrich make no apology. or Hispanic; Republican or Democrat; our spiritual lives, and outward to the If all of this makes sense to you, you wealthy, middle class, working class or communities of other faiths around us to are a Reform Jew. Be proud of it, live up poor—are equally entitled to the respon- enrich our society—make no apology. to it, make no apology! sibilities and privileges of Torah and a If you believe that all types of Rabbi Steven Z. Leder Jewish life—make no apology. Jews—Orthodox, Conservative, Recon- structionist, Reform and Secular—de- In This Issue TeeN TRIP A GivingCommunity LEARNERS TO ISRAEL SUMMER 2009 WITHOUT BORDERS Torah Portion What Is G’milut Chasadim? GENESIS Vayera 18:1 – 22:24 od appeared to Abraham by the terebinths of Mamre; he imperative to do these mitzvot in a way that might extend— “Gwas sitting at the entrance of the tent as the day grew hot. but not break—the pragmatic realities of life in the big city? Looking up, he saw three men standing near him. As soon as Opportunities are numerous. Let’s make a New Year’s he saw them, he ran to greet them and, bowing to the ground, resolution (it’s still early!) to be sure we’re not on the phone said, ‘My lords, if it please you, do not go on past your servant. while speaking to someone else, no matter who they are (I’m Let a little water be brought; bathe your feet and recline under remembering this when in the checkout line at a store). If we the tree and let me fetch a morsel of bread that you may refresh witness an accident, let’s stop and offer help. Even just saying yourselves…’” “please” and “thank you” on a regular basis (no matter what What a great example of g’milut chasadim, a deed of our age!) goes a long way. loving-kindness—but stories are one thing; reality, often The ancient tale of Abraham’sg’milut chasadim is a another. How would we react to strangers knocking on our timeless reminder of why we’re “chosen”: not because we’re door? Without questioning them, would we invite them in, better, but because we can—and we must—better the world. rush to fetch food and water, and offer them the chance to freshen up? Living in our megapolis, that might be Rabbi Stephen Julius Stein asking a bit much. Yet, how do we reconcile Judaism’s Plugged In Would You Rather Mail, Call or Click? Clicking the Mitzvah - Our Temple’s Experimentation with Online Contributions s an experiment, this fall we lenos a Thanksgiving gift they’ll Aoffered an online option to not forget. This year, we want to participate in our High Holy Days make it even easier for you to help, Tikkun Olam Drive. Amazingly, over so we’re offering you the ease of 200 people clicked on our link to online contributions. the Temple’s Amazon.com Wish Visit www.wbtla.org to pur- List. It worked! And you liked it! chase Thanksgiving dinners for Due to this success, we will be the Big Give. Through Paypal, your continuing our online experiment contribution will immediately be as we offer you the opportunity to added to our effort. also contribute to the Big Give on- If contributing online is not line through our website. Last year, your cup of tea, don’t fret. We will the Big Give was a GIANT success always accept contributions by mail as you contributed $25,000 in and phone, (213) 388-2401 x523. tzedakah to purchase 1,000 turkey dinners, providing 4,000 Ange- Learn more about the Big Give at www.wbtla.org 2 Tikkun Olam The Window is Gone but the Will Lives On hen I joined the Temple and was tasked with energiz- The Temple’s gifts will assist individuals with personal hygiene Wing tikkun olam, the iconic symbol of the sanctuary’s and in enhancing self-worth. Our church is intimately appre- Rose Window became ours: We are all different and we are all ciative of such an insightful gesture.” united. Even though the window has been removed for restora- John Maceri, Executive Director of OPCC, expressed tion, you have more than filled its gap by turning the High his gratitude: “Socks and towels seem ordinary for us, but for Holy Days Tikkun Olam Project into a stunning success, with a homeless person, a clean pair of socks is much more than a more than 200 bags, 200 clicks on Amazon.com and more simple comfort—it’s protection from the harsh elements of than $11,000. street life. For those we serve, socks and towels are extraor- Tani Isaacs, Tikkun Olam Committee chair, wrote, dinary gifts. All of us at OPCC appreciate the kindness and “Upon sorting the collections, we were overwhelmed by the generosity of your congregation.” N O KU LA generosity of our congregation. On behalf of the Tikkun Olam IK M On behalf of our senior staff who initi- T Committee, we thank you for starting the New Year with this ated this project, our pride and gratitude go outpouring of mitzvah.” to you for all you’ve done to start the New R D E L Rev. Jeffrey Thomas, Ph.D., pastor of Skid Row’s Central PA R IR O Year in such a meaningful manner. ING THE W City Community Church, reminds us, “Toiletry items often Rabbi Stephen Julius Stein are taken for granted. Yet, on Skid Row, they are not only es- sential for hygienic purposes—they are a gift of human dignity. To learn more about our food pantries, visit www.wbtla.org/events/item/204/tikkun_events Adult Opportunities They Schlep, They Smile, They Hold, They Care aregivers stand by the ones they love—their husband, Community at Wilshire Boulevard Temple—we can assist in Cwife, parent, child, cousin, friend. Their stories are full of small ways. See if the caregiver will accept a little help from love and determination, exhaustion and hope. volunteers, as well as support from the rabbis. Call our chair- One caregiver, Sally, wrote: “Once we began our journey, person, Ronni Kopulsky, or Nan Brostoff at (213) 388-2401 to I put together the beginnings of what would be my home away receive spiritual support from our congregation. from home: the sack of essentials—address book; quarters if the cell phone wouldn’t work; copies of insurance and medical Prayer for the Caregiver: reports; the vital journal to record all facts, doctors’ visits and O God, remain by my side, bring me Ometz Lev, Heartfelt Cour- prescription changes. Oh, then there were the snacks, water age, Continued Strength and love enough for the journey. As you bottles and an extra set of clothes. Those were the physical remained by the side of the Israelites in Egypt, bring me hope for necessities, but emotional readiness takes a different set of comfort and peace. Amen. preparations.” Rabbi Karen L. Fox How can you help a caregiver? Step in and give respite care; offer to cook a meal and eat at home together; order a massage; rent a movie and watch it together; suggest accessible books and magazines; share the time at home and listen to NEED A CHAVER? WANT A CHAVER? the realities of a changing life. And inform the Chaver Caring Contact Nan Brostoff at [email protected] or call (213) 388-2401 x501 3 Brawerman Elementary School LEARNERS WITHOUT BORDERS ach year, Brawerman students explore the world beyond Ethe Irmas Campus. Their expeditions—a trip across the globe to Israel, traveling across the state to Sacramento, visits to nearby locations—provide enriching opportunities for experiential education. Last month, fifth graders enjoyed American art at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, while sixth graders attended theater workshops and a Shake- speare production at the Theatricum Botanicum.
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