District. Project Description BE 2016-17 LAKKI MARWAT LK15D00001-HT/LT Extension and distribution Transfo 6,100,000 LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00001-Training and Distribution of Sewing Machine amongst needy/ Poor 300,000 women i LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00002-Training and Distribution of Sewing Machine amongst needy/ Poor 2,142,067 women LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00003-Equipment for PWDs (hearing aid, white cane, Wheel Chair/ Tri-Cycle) 4,000,000 LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00004-Social uplift and livelihood program for females through Sewing 5,346,933 machine, LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00005-Operationalization of Bacha Khan Women Vocational Center Sarai 1,000,000 Naurang LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00006-Construction of Flood Protection wall at Different Locations in District 1,600,000 LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00007-Construction of Barani Water Tanks at Different Locations in District 300,000 LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00008-Repair & Rehabilitation of Rod Kohi Structure in District 700,000 LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00009-Construction and Lining of Water Courses in District Lakki Marwat 1,333,333 LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00010-Strengthening of Farmer's knowledge through training on safe use 5,566,936 ofpesticides LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00011-Provision of furniture for staff at BHUs 400,000 LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00012-Purchase of Medicine for Mobile Civil Dispensary VC Garzai 600,000 LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00014-Installation of P/Pump and laying of Pipe lines in UC Lakki City I,IIand 2,200,131 UC Takhti Khel, Landiwah, Pahar Khel Thal and Ghazni Khel LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00015-Functionalization of incomplete WSS 250,000 LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00016-Installation of Solar Panel at Govt: High Schools 11,133,000 LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00017-Installation of Solar Panel at Govt: Middle Schools 5,700,000 LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00018-Installation of Solar Panel at Govt: Girls High Schools 1,433,334 LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00019-Installation of Solar Panel at Govt: Girls Middle Schools 5,850,000 LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00020-Construction of Boundry Wall at GMS 800,000 LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00021-Construction of Group Latrine at GGHS Gandi Khan Khel 300,000 LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00022-Construction of Group Latrine at Govt: Middle Schools 350,000 LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00023-Construction of Floor in the C/Rooms,Corridors,Pathway in the GGHS 500,000 GandiKhan Khel LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00024-Leveling of School Ground/Lawn in GGHS Gandi Khan Khel 133,333 LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00025-Solarization in GGMS Ghazi Khel 400,000 LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00026-Water Tank in GGMS Marmandi Azim 500,000 LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00027-Water Tank in GGMS Pahar Khel Pacca 500,000 LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00028-Repair/Rehabilitation of Govt: Middle School Mela Shahab Khel 533,134 LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00029-Completion/Raising of Boundary Wall and Installation of Barbed Wire 1,900,000 inGovt: Schools LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00030-Installation of Solar System at Health Facilities 1,400,000 LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00031-Repair/Rehabilitation and Raising of Boundary Wall, Solarization 7,433,335 etc.inHealth Facilities LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00032-Construction of Group Latrine at Health Facilities 2,166,667 LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00033-Establishment of Waiting Shed and waiting Chairs at Health Facilities 1,966,667 LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00034-Installation of water Supply Schemes at Health Facilities 2,300,000 LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00035-Solarization of Emergency Ward/OPD along with Solar Fans Civil 600,000 HospitalNaurang LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00036-construction of addl: class rooms in GMS abba khel, GMS Taj 2,400,000 Muhammad Tak LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00037-Laying of sewerage line/drains etc near city hopital NC I&II Lakki 4,111,331 LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00038-PCC/Pavement of streets and drain to health facilities 4,266,667 LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00039-Rehabilitation of roads/streets/drains/culverts in Lakki City 8,222,665 LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00040-Rehabilitation of roads/streets/drains/culverts in Nazim town Lakki 283,330 Cityc/o Mashal Khan LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00041-Const: of PCC road in Distt Lakki Marwat 24,566,651 LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00042-Const: of Retaining Wall 3,400,000 LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00043-Const: of Road/Street pavement in Lakki 6,783,334 LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00044-Construction of Drain (3x3sft) 1,400,000 LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00045-Repair / Rehabilitation of roads 2,400,000 LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00046-Construction of culverts at different location in Lakki 2,100,000 LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00047-Pavement of streets/PCC at different locations in Lakki 4,750,000 LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00048-Const: of causeway in Mohalla Michan Khel UC Lakki-II 250,000 LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00049-Construction of water tank/diggi 200,000 LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00050-Const: of water tank, diggi, underground water tank in Lakki 1,711,200 LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00051-Operationalization of drinking water supply schemes with electric 200,000 motorand interlink, Muslim Bagh LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00052-Inst: of P/Pumps at Badshah Khan, Samin, Zafran Wanda Aurangzeb 400,000 LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00053-Inst: of P/Pumps at VC Behram Khel 200,000 LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00054-Inst: of P/Pumps at Duran Takhti Khel, Dil, DSP Asmatullah, Nar 600,000 TajMuhammad Sarkori, Younas Khan UC Naurang LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00055-Inst: of P/Pump at VC Begu Khel MashalKhan Nazim Town Lakki/Yousaf 266,667 Masih LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00056-Inst: of P/Pumps at VC Dara Thang 400,000 LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00057-Inst: of P/Pumps at Lakki City 200,000 LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00058-Inst: of P/Pumps at Hazratullah Muslim Bagh Nar Abu Samand Begu 200,000 Khel LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00059-Inst: of P/Pumps at Hashim Khan Muslim Bagh Nar Abu Samand Begu 200,000 Khel LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00060-Inst: of P/Pumps at Kotka Mir Badshah Sulaiman Khel 200,000 LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00061-Inst: of P/Pumps at Landi Mir Salam Sulaiman Khel 200,000 LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00062-Inst: of P/Pumps at Abba Khel-IV Lakki 200,000 LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00063-Inst: of P/Pumps at Masjid Sattar Koroona Wanda Balooch 200,000 LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00064-Inst: of P/Pumps at UC mama Khel 200,000 LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00065-Inst: of P/Pumps at Abdul Qayum Khan Marmandi Azim 200,000 LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00066-Inst: of P/Pumps at Zeshan Marmandi Azim 200,000 LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00067-Inst: of P/Pumps at Attashi Michan 200,000 LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00068-Inst: of P/Pumps at Haji Asmatullah Khan Nazim VC Gandi Khan Khel 266,667 LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00069-Inst: of P/Pumps at VC Mama Khel 266,667 LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00070-Inst: of P/Pumps at VC Hassan Abad Ghazni Khel 266,667 LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00071-Inst: of P/Pumps at VC Gandi Khan Khel 266,667 LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00072-Inst: of P/Pumps at NC -IV UC Lakki III 200,000 LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00073-Inst: of P/Pumps at Sher Dila JAN, Irfanullah at VC-II Landiwa 600,000 LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00074-Inst: of P/Pumps at VC-I, VC-III Mama Kh 600,000 LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00075-Inst: of P/Pumps at Wanda Shahab Khel 600,000 LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00076-Inst: of P/Pumps at Shah Quli Khan VC-I,II,III 400,000 LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00077-Inst: of P/Pumps at VC-II, Tajori 200,000 LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00078-Inst: of P/Pumps at VC Gharzai & Kotka 600,000 LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00079-Inst: of P/Pumps at Karim Khan VC Tabi M 200,000 LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00080-Inst: of P/Pumps at Lakki Machin Khel 266,667 LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00081-Inst: of P/Pumps at VC Baist Khel 266,667 LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00082-Inst: of P/Pumps at Dara Pezu Village Ab 200,000 LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00083-Inst: of P/Pumps at Mohalla Baday Khel 200,000 LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00084-Inst: of P/Pumps at Mohalla Nusar Khel 200,000 LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00085-Inst: of P/Pumps at Mehtab Khan NC-III 200,000 LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00086-Inst: of P/Pumps at Village Landiwa & Ko 100,000 LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00087-Inst: of P/Pumps at VC Baist Khel 400,000 LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00088-Inst: of P/Pumps at Gul Baz Dehqan Haji 250,000 LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00089-Inst: of P/Pumps at Lakki Saeed Khel Raf 100,000 LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00090-Inst: of Drinking Water Supply schemes in District Lakki 1,333,333 LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00091-Extension of pipeline from different tube wells in Lakki 3,900,000 LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00092-Const: of Water Tank/Underground Water Tank VC Khero Khel PaccaVC 600,000 Pahar Khel Pacca LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00093-Const: of Water Tanks/Underground Water Tank at VC Behram Khel 200,000 LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00094-Const: of Water Tanks/Underground Water Tank at Isak Khel 200,000 LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00095-Const: of Water Tanks/Underground Water Tank at Langer Khel Hati 200,000 Khan LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00096-Const: of Water Tanks/Underground Water Tank at Zangi Khel 200,000 LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00097-Const: of Surface Water Tank at Masjid Muhammad Ayaz Koroona 200,000 B.Ahmadzai LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00098-Const: of Water Tanks/Underground Water at VC Masha Mansoor 600,000 LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00099-Const: of Water Tanks/Underground Water at VC Lakki-IV 200,000 LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00100-Const: of Water Tanks/Underground Water at Tajori 200,000 LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00101-Const: of Water Tanks/Underground Water at VC Matora UC Kakka 400,000 Khel LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00102-Const: of Water Tanks/Underground Water at VC Chuhar Khel Shah 200,000 SawarMasjid Mohalla Mabat Khel LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00103-Const: of Water Tanks in village Adamzai 250,000 LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00104-Const: of Water Tanks/Underground Water at village Jhang Khel Nazir 100,000 Khan LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00105-Const: of Water Tanks/Underground Water at village Langer Khel 100,000 PaccaHaji Ayaz Khan LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00106-Const: of Water Tanks/Underground Water at village Langer KhelAyub 100,000 Khan Mala LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00107-Const: of Water diggi in village Wanda Shahab Khel Asmatullah 50,000 LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00108-Const: of Water Tank in Passani Shakh Quli Khan 200,000 LAKKI MARWAT LK16D00109-Const: of
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