Vol. XXII ChesapeakeTHE Guardian TheTh YearlyYlM Magazine i of fthMldAiNtilGd the Maryland Air National Guard 2014 Edition Guarding America, Defending Freedom Leadership Perspec ve Let me start by saying Thank You! Thank you to each and every one of you for a job well done in 2014. You all never cease to amaze me, whether you are part of the wing’s full- me staff or a tradi onal Guardsman. It has been a very busy year and through many challenges you all con nue to be the most prepared, dedicated and loyal group of Airmen I have had the privilege of serving with and leading in my military career. Together, we have accomplished great things Th e Chesapeake Guardian this year and, in the coming year, Volume XXII we will take the momentum 175th Wing gained and push forward into 2015 2701 Eastern Blvd. reaching for greater success. Baltimore, MD 21220 410-918-6539 DSN 243-6539 During a me that is mired in uncertainty, the members of the The Chesapeake Guardian Editorial Staff 175th Wing con nued to train Table of Contents Commander: and prepare for any mission. Brig. Gen. Scott Kelly The training that took place was Public Aff airs Offi cer: completed all while deploying 2nd. Lt. Benjamin Hughes numerous personnel in support of global na onal security objec ves Contributing Editors: and humanitarian missions to Maj. Wayde Minami countries around the globe. Maj. Brenda Reed, CAP Capt. Joe Winter I would like to take a second to highlight some of the great things we accomplished as a wing this year. The 175th Opera ons and Maintenance Groups deployed 10 A-10C aircra to Eglin Air Force Public Aff airs Staff : Base, Florida, in support of both Combat Hammer and Combat Archer Weapons Standardiza on Senior Master Sgt. Edward Bard and Evalua on Programs. They also sent six aircra to Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada, in support Master Sgt. Gareth Buckland of the Weapons Instructor Course. Finally, they were part of a group that included the Logis cs Tech. Sgt. David Speicher Readiness Squadron that par cipated in Exercise RED FLAG 14-3 at Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska. Tech. Sgt. Christopher Schepers A1C Enjoli Saunders The 235th Civil Engineer Flight played an integral part in suppor ng our NATO partners in the European theater. They had a key role in the design and execu on of many projects that enhanced military infrastructure and civilian quality of life. With the newly formed 135th Intelligence Squadron comple ng their inaugural year with many Vol. XXII great achievements, the future looks bright. The squadron was able to hire over 40 personnel and 2014 Edition conduct 10,000 hours on intelligence training. Through high quality leadership and a dedicated work force, the squadron has become the model for intelligence units across the Air Force. THE ChesapeakeTheTh YlMYearly Magazine i fthMldAiNtilGdof the Maryland Guardian Air National Guard The 175th Network Warfare Squadron has been equally busy this year transi oning to the new cyber opera ons group. This unit, which is co-located with the United States Cyberspace Command at Fort Meade, will soon be providing a combat ready force for USCYBERCOM na onal mission teams. As you can see the 175th did many great things this year. I looked forward to the future with great hope for this organiza on. In closing, I look forward to leading with you into the future. I ask that you maintain your personal readiness by maintaining your training. We have a rich history of providing professional, trained and equipped airmen that can handle the taskings requested by the Governor and President of Guarding America, Defending Freedom the United States of America. If there is anything I can do for you please let me know. I am here for you and relish in the opportuni es to speak with each and every one of you. On the Cover: Sincerely, Photograph by: Tech. Sgt. Christopher Schepers 175th Wing Public Aff airs Safety is EVERYONE’S responsibility. If you see something, say something. Report it! Senior Master Sgt. Bruce Strong Lt. Col. Stephen Cowart Safety Superintendent Chief of Safety 410-918-6524 410-918-6278 DSN 243-6524 DSN 243-6278 [email protected] [email protected] TThehe CChesapeakehesapeake GGuardianuardian TTableable ooff ContentsContents 6 2014 Year in Review in Photos by 175th Wing Public Affairs Exercise SILVER FLAG 10 by Master Sgt. Gareth Buckland 175th Wing Public Affairs Maryland Air National Guardsman Awarded Shooting Badges 14 by Tech. Sgt. David Speicher 175th Wing Public Affairs Exercise RED FLAG 16 by Tech. Sgt. Chris Schepers 175th Wing Public Affairs Tornado Hits, Guardsman Responds 18 by Tech. Sgt. David Speicher 175th Wing Public Affairs Wing Participates in Base Beautifi cation 19 by Tech. Sgt. Chris Schepers 175th Wing Public Affairs Joint Force Headquarters Brig. Gen. Allyson R. Solomon was commissioned in Chief Master Sgt. Glenn D. Hart graduated from Perry 1986 through the Academy of Military Science at McGhee Hall High School in 1973 and enlisted in the Maryland Tyson Air Na onal Guard Base in Knoxville, Tennesee. Prior Air Na onal Guard as a Communica on Specialist on to being commissioned, she was an enlisted member for Aug. 24, 1974. In 1976, he cross-trained into the aircra seven years. As Assistant Adjutant General–Air, General maintenance career fi eld. In 1995, he was selected as the Solomon is the principal advisor to the Governor and the Air Force Crew Chief of the Year. As State Command Chief, Adjutant General of Maryland on ma ers pertaining to Chief Hart is the personal advisor to the Adjutant General the Maryland Air Na onal Guard and overall commander and the Assistant Adjutant General–Air on enlisted issues of the Maryland Air Na onal Guard. She was appointed to and a key advocate for the Maryland Air Na onal Guard her present posi on in June 2008. In addi on, she serves enlisted force. Chief Hart was awarded a Community as the ANG Assistant to the Secretary of the Air Force, College of the Air Force degree in Aircra Maintenance Manpower and Reserve Aff airs. Technology. He was appointed to his present posi on in July 2009. Since 2013, he has also held the posi on of Senior Enlisted Leader of the Maryland Na onal Guard. Federal Mission In peace me, the MDANG prepares for war me tasks and maintains readiness for mobiliza ons, supports homeland security opera ons and par cipates in interna onal peacekeeping eff orts. In war me, it provides combat-proven close air support capability and cyber opera ons capability to meet the needs of combatant commanders worldwide and can deploy mission-ready security forces, civil engineering, logis cs, medical and other support func ons either independently or as part of a larger unit package. State Mission The MDANG provides forces for defense support to civil authority during natural disasters, civil disturbances and other emergencies at the call of the governor. Local Mission The MDANG par cipates in and supports community service projects and events throughout the local area through volunteerism and partnering with local business and government. 4 2014 Chesapeake Guardian www.facebook.com/175wing AAirmenAAirmeniirrmmeenn SSpotlightSSpotlightppoottlliigghhtt AAirmenirmen SSpotlightpotlight AAirmenirmen SSpotlightpotlight AAirmenirmen SSpotlightpotlight AAirmenirmen SSpotlightpotlight Staff Sgt. Ousseynou Soumou Sonko, Avionics Test Tech. Sgt. Ilir Kojtari, Precision Guided Munitions Station and Components Craft sman. Section Non-Commissioned Offi cer in Charge. See our social media sites below To read more about these Spotlight Airmen. Senior Airman Miriam Y. Jarvis Airman 1st Class Andrea Chaves, 175th Security Forces Squadron. 175th Civil Engineer Squadron Emergency Management. Like us on Facebook at Visit us on the web at www.facebook.com/175wing www.175wg.ang.af.mil Follow us on Twitter at For more photos, videos and stories visit www.twitter.com/175thwing www.dvidshub.net/unit/175WMANG www.175wg.ang.af.mil 2014 Chesapeake Guardian 5 22014:014: A YYEAREAR IN PICTURES Airmen from the 175th Wing dig out after a snowstorm blanketed the state. Chief Master Sgt. Dale Sanders is presented with a memento by his son during his retirement ceremony. Members from the 175th Wing participate in Ability to Survive and Operate training during a Unit Training Assembly. Emergency Management completes the fi rst physical challenge station during the Fire Team Challenge. Members of the new intelligence squadron perform training during a Unit Training Assembly. The175th Operations Group team completes the UXO identifi cation station during the Fire Team Challenge. 6 2014 Chesapeake Guardian www.facebook.com/175wing 2014: A YEAR IINN PPICTURESICTURES Senior Airman Miriam Yaffa Jarvis works with outside agencies during active shooter training. Military members, friends and family gather at the 5th Regiment Armory for Unity Day 2014. Members of the 175th Wing perform their annual physical training test. Col. Paul Johnson gets pinned during his promotion ceremony. Chaplain Rivera performs the imposition of ashes on Chaplain Otten during an Ash Wednesday ceremony at Warfi eld Air National Guard Base. Staff Sgt. Randall Roelker changes a T5 Amplifi er on a TF34-100A Turbo Fan Engine that is used on the A-10C. www.175wg.ang.af.mil 2014 Chesapeake Guardian 7 175th Wing Commander 175th COMPTROLLER FLIGHT 175th Command Chief Brig Gen Scott Kelly Lt Col William York CMSgt Michele Vogel 235th CIVIL ENGINEER FLIGHT 175th Executive Officer Vice Commander Col Todd Hirneisen Capt Joe Winter Col Randolph Staudenraus JFHQ DETACHMENT 1 (INTELLIGENCE)
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