IRISH DEMOCRAT FOUNDED IN 1939. THE PAPER THAT SHOWS THE WAY FORWARD No. 325 AUGUST 7977 7p How they can England, get out disengage 1 H E British Government should— (1) Renounce ail claim to Irish soil; British (2) Announce a policy of with- drawal; (3) Disarm Orange forces, rifle clubs, etc.; of Ireland" troops (4) Ban provocative parades; (5) Establish equality and de- mocracy through a Bill of Rights; are not (6) Proceed with withdrawal of trrops; (7) Conclude an agreement with Dublin based on a impartial united Irish Republic; (8) Finish withdrawal of all says Labour British administration. says M.P. CPEAKING at a meeting ar- PRISONER J ranged in Hammersmith Town Hall by the Connolly As- sociation, Mr. Frank MacManus, RE-ELECTED M.P., said that it was not true Weekly kJLR. JOE McBRINN was re- that British troops were holding elected this year to the the line impartially between HE most definite call yet for an "absolute and uncon- Executive Council of the Irish Protestants and Catholics in the Transport and General Workers' T ditional" English disengagement from Ireland has been six counties. made in the influential Labour weekly, the "New Statesman." Union. This was despite the facl He himself had complained about that Mr. McBrinn will not be The writer, Paul Johnson, the Catholics if they knew Eng- a substantial illegal arms dump held able to carry out any of thQ says that the fact must be faced land were going and the game by the Orangemen, and had asked functions of an executive coun- that Northern Ireland is being was up. for ministerial action to remove this cil member. held as a colony just like Aden, threat to the Catholic people. He Guyana, Kenya and Cyprus. "LIIS proposal does not arise was still waiting. For Mr. McBrinn is inside from conversion to anti- prison in Britain for alleged in- They had to get out of these He expressed the opinion that the imperialism, but from a shrewd volvement in an arms deal* places and they will have to get most evil influence in the six estimate of the cost in men and counties today was that of the attempting to bring help to his out of Ireland. money of trying to hold the six Orange Order, which in some cases fellows in the North in the To the argument that "the counties indefinitely. usurped the functions of the Trade aftermath of the pogroms of people would eat each other" if But his motive does not mat- FRANK MacMANUS Unions. August, 1969. England went, he objects that ter. He offered the suggestion that Mr. McBrinn is not forgotten (in his slightly snide anti-Irish Nor does it matter that he United Nations troops might be by his fellow trade unionists, manner) the Irish would be used for peace-keeping purposes. has not worked out the exact however, nor by the general "forced to come of age." These would have to come from an series of steps that would be PROTEST secretary of his union. By this he means that the required by a government acceptable country of origin. HPHE fresh wave of terror by British At the annual conference of Protestants would probably not genuinely desirous of quitting. J- Crown forces in Belfast and other If British troops continued to be fight but come to terms with It would not be a matter of just areas of the six counties is causing used indefinitely he could not the I.T.G.W.U. in Galway last the troops. It would have to be fierce indignation. answer for the consequences that month the conference passed a were likely to result. resolution demanding the re- the total withdrawal of every It is directed solely against the English administrative institu- Catholic population, and those who T ORD BROCKWAY who was to lease of all Irish political pris- MOVING! tion. Once this comes to be ac- are being hunted are people whom ^ have attended the meeting oners in British jails. One union the authorities profess to believe may sent a message of support. He delegate, Dr. Conor Cruise O far the "Irish Democrat" and cepted as the aim, a solution of have had contact with the "official" would be re-introducing the "Bill of O'Brien, wanted to have a de- Connolly Association have failed our problems may be in sight. I.R.A. S Rights" in the autumn. He would to agree a reasonable rent for the finition of who a political pris- The Special Powers Act is being give careful consideration to the renewal of their lease at 283 Grays ^yj[ANY influential English oner was before he could sup- used, and at the time of going to creating of conciliation machinery. Inn Road. people are thinking along press the "IRISH DEMOCRAT" has port the motion. It was clear, It looks as if we will be moving the same lines. What is needed been unable to And out the names of Mr. Desmond Greaves suggested however, that the union mem- In September. now is that the Irish in Britain the dozens of men who have been that the vital first step in any bers were thinking of Mr. Mc- Even so, finding a place at a rent arrested and are being held without settlement was the disarming of the Brinn and his colleaguesi should so influence the Labour charge or trial. They can at present we can pay Is going to be difficult. 80,000 Orangemen. If this were and trade union movement that be held for only 48 hours in this way, done, there would be no excuse for They passed the resolution in There has been some response to disengagement from Ireland but British Home Office spokesmen our appeal for funds. Donations keeping the British troops there. support of the brave Belfastman becomes the official policy of have mentioned the possibility of in- will be acknowledged thitf month. ternment. At present British imperialism pos- and demanded his release and But we need to have about £250 the next Labour government. sessed two alternative forces of that of all his confreres as an The successive steps needed Protests against the wave of terror coercion. What was wanted was no essential prerequisite of the re- extra by the »nd of August. We should take the form of trade union hope our many supporters will not are suggested at the top of this resolutions, letters and telegrams to coercion at all. Mr. Sean Redmond turn of any kind of normality to delay sending their donations. page (column five). Mr. Mandling. took the chair. the North of Ireland. FROM OUR ARCHIVES HE "Irish Democrat" photo- T graphic archives contain unique historical material relating to the Irish In Britain and their move- ment. RIGHT: Larry O'Dowd piping into London the men who had carried the "Ireland One Country" banner 275 miles across England in 1962. Note the poster: "We demand equality of human rights." LEFT: A year or two later. Black flags outside the Ulster Office. The C.A. was the first organisation ever to picket it. To Judge how long ago it is, look at Peter Mulligan. He's nn old man now! August 197! THE IRISH DEMOCRAT 2 THE IRISH DEMOCRAT August 1971 KOftllE<»\ DESK CELTIC WORLD THE MONTH IN THE GREAT SELL-OUT By THE NEWS Hugh MacDiarmid-Polymath Scot Why the bosses Common Market ?-No! Hypocrites NEW HOPES Pat Devine .11' i Y Michael eel man > ap- By R. MULHOLLAND pointment .•> lull-time J'HE opening of the grouse scream E EC. ffETWEEN those sections of can be raised, against the brain- and service to Scotland. Oral countries . " and he said also aii'-iio! Hi the In -1> Council (it the shooting season in Scotland washers. Ask the doubters if JS discussions between China tion of the Arabian countries praise and adulation is heaped ol the Scots writer Lewis Clas- European Movement v. a- an- the population (the majority) and traitors WHY do the bosses all scream and the Soviet Union for from imperialist exploitation is on August 12th and is a date on Burns the Ploughman Poet nounced He v>a> >t'( omU'tl from who have kept their sanity, and they can trust Edward Heath sic Gibbon, "he showed that was on the cards. which the majority of the and much jocularity engendered ttu' Confederation o! Iri.-h Industry. for entry into Europe? the howling jackals and bumb- What about the prices that were •THE antics of the pro-Marketeers agreement on a solution of their laise internationalism so gen- people of Scotland are familiar as a result of Burns' reputed li- At the Mime tune T. V. O'Higgins Go into your butchers and ling half-wits who support en- to come down "at a stroke." • in the Labour Movement differences are about to get eral amongst Scottish, not to Imperialism was going to be with, though only a tiny minor- replaced Sean Lemi\*s President. you will find the answer. New try into the Common Market Now they are running down Traf- should be remembered. centious moments, but through- say British, Socialists which under way, we hear of the U.S. made to pay a proper price for ity (the rich) take part in the The new vice-presidents are Garret Zealand lamb at 30p a pound, because they are too stupid or ford Park, Manchester, closing When Mr. Wilson foolishly re- out the ritual there is hardly a make them very keen about President Nixon's suggestion the oil essential for its profits.
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