E1692 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks December 2, 2014 standing with us. At this time and on behalf ‘‘BG Wojtecki works under the command [Press Release, Dec. 11, 2013] of the people of American Samoa, I thank of General Grass of the National Guard Bu- NATIONAL DEFENSE AUTHORIZATION ACT FOR General Lee for his continued support. As a reau, and the NGB is coordinating with the 2014 people, we are deeply appreciative of the DOD as this study moves forward. With the Congressman Faleomavaega announced service he renders in support of our troops United States pivoting towards the Asia Pa- today that the National Defense Authoriza- and we commend him for his dedication, cific, I have asked the DOD and NGB to con- tion Act (NDAA) for 2014 contains a provi- commitment and leadership, the Congress- sider foremost the strategic importance of sion requiring the Department of Defense man concluded. both American Samoa and CNMI, especially (DOD) to do a feasibility study on estab- since our military men and women serve our lishing National Guard units in American [Press Release, Mar. 13, 2009] nation in record numbers. BG Wojtecki Samoa and the CNMI. The House is expected FALEOMAVAEGA PUSHES AIR NATIONAL GUARD agreed that this would be a top consider- to vote later this week. FOR AMERICAN SAMOA ation.’’ In the case of American Samoa, Congressman Faleomavaega announced ‘‘Other areas that are being reviewed are Faleomavaega has worked on this issue since today that he is pushing to establish a Ha- force structure, demographics, what units 2004 with the late Senator Daniel K. Inouye waii Air National Guard unit in American would be best suited and if a National Guard and 2005 with Major General Robert Lee, Samoa. On January 28, 2009, Faleomavaega unit can be sustained in American Samoa former General of the 9th Regional Support wrote to Senator Inouye and also met with since the local government would have to Command. the Senator on January 29. On March 12, participate in cost-sharing. Also, there are As previously stated, ‘‘While I am pleased 2009, he sent a letter to General Craig R. many legal matters which must be ad- that the U.S. Congress supported efforts to McKinley, Chief of the National Guard Bu- dressed, including the need for lawyers to as- construct a new $20 million U.S. Army Re- reau. A complete text of the letter, which sess how National Guard legalities would fit serve Center in American Samoa, I am hope- was copied to Senator Daniel K. Inouye, fol- with local law but I am confident we can re- ful that the Congress will now give serious lows: solve any issues that might be of concern.’’ consideration to the establishment of a Na- Dear General McKinley: ‘‘One issue that BG Wojtecki and I agreed tional Guard unit in the Territory as I be- I am writing as a follow-up to discussions on, which Governor Lolo also supports, is lieve that it is in our national interest for I have had with U.S. Senator Daniel K. that due to legal issues American Samoa the United States to increase its military Inouye, Major General Robert Lee who is may not be able to have a guard unit func- presence in American Samoa,’’ The Adjutant General (TAG) for the State of tion under the Hawaii National Guard be- Faleomavaega said. Hawaii, and also Major General Darryll D.M. cause, unlike the Reserve, different rules ‘‘During WWII, the naval station in Amer- Wong, Commander of Hawaii Air National govern the National Guard.’’ ican Samoa served as a critical refueling Guard, regarding the establishment of a Ha- ‘‘And so, if the study team recommends a point for U.S. troops. With increasing ten- waii Air National Guard unit in Pago Pago, guard unit for American Samoa and should sions in the Asia Pacific region, now more American Samoa. the DOD agree, our next step would be to in- than ever the U.S. needs to reconsider its re- Major General Lee and Major General clude funding in the National Defense Au- lationship with U.S. insular areas in the Pa- Wong have informed me that you are aware thorization Act for 2016, and after that we cific.’’ of this request, and that our efforts look could still be looking at three years out be- After many discussions and delays in Con- promising. I thank you for your support fore we transition into a fully functioning gress, in May 2013, the Congressman provided which is critical to our success, and I am National Guard. If we succeed, then the Gov- testimony before the House Committee on hopeful that you will join me in sending a ernor would select an Adjutant General but Armed Services where he urged the Com- joint letter to Governor Togiola Tulafono so a Colonel would also be appointed who would mittee to finally include language for a fea- that we may expedite this process. work directly with General Grass of the Na- sibility study for a National Guard in Amer- As you may know, American Samoa has a tional Guard Bureau. The Colonel would ican Samoa. The Committee decided to in- per capita enlistment rate in the U.S. mili- oversee all U.S. fiscal funding, property, and clude CNMI as well because it does not have tary which is higher than any State or U.S. equipment and would report directly to the a National Guard unit. Territory. Our sons and daughters have National Guard Bureau.’’ In June 2013, Congresswoman Bordallo of- served in record numbers in every U.S. mili- ‘‘In hopes that we can one day make this a fered an amendment at Faleomavaega’s re- quest and the amendment was passed. The tary engagement from WWII to present oper- reality, I also suggested, and the Brigadier language is now included in the final bill to ations in Iraq and Afghanistan. We have General Wojtecki agrees, that we should con- sider having a National Guard unit co-share be considered. stood by the United States in good times and A feasibility study is the first step for the bad, and I believe this relationship would the Reserve building, and the study team would review this option as a cost-savings to establishment of a National Guard unit in only be strengthened by establishing a de- American Samoa, and the conferees to the tachment of the Hawaii Air National Guard strengthen our case for establishing a Na- tional Guard presence in American Samoa.’’ NDAA agreed to include language author- in American Samoa. izing the study. The House is now expected Faleomavaega concluded his letter by stat- ‘‘BG Wojtecki also informed me that the to vote on the NDAA as early as tomorrow. ing, ‘‘I am hopeful to work with you on this timeline for the study to be completed could important initiative, and I congratulate you be as early as September or as late as No- f vember or December of this year, given that on being the first four-star General in Na- JORDAN’S MIXED SIGNALS HARM tional Guard history.’’ the NGB needs to coordinate with DOD, USAR, and other federal agencies to make REGIONAL PEACE AND STABILITY [Press Release, June 11, 2014] sure the study team has the most accurate information possible upon which to base its CONGRESSMAN FALEOMAVAEGA MEETS WITH HON. MATT SALMON recommendation. BG Wojtecki and I firmly GENERAL WOJTECKI TO DISCUSS NATIONAL OF ARIZONA believe the NGB and DOD must receive input GUARD FEASIBILITY STUDY from Command Sergeant Major Iuniasolua IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Congressman Faleomavaega announced Savusa, who was once a candidate for CSM of Tuesday, December 2, 2014 today that he met with Brigadier General the Army.’’ Timothy Wojtecki, Vice-Director of Force ‘‘In fact, they said that the study requires Mr. SALMON. Mr. Speaker, I want to bring Structure, Resources and Assessment for the his input since he is the Director of Home- to my colleagues’ attention an incident that oc- National Guard Bureau (NGB) to discuss the land Security in American Samoa. To allevi- curred on November 16, 2014 in which two feasibility study now underway for a Na- ate any concern about his time commitment, American rabbis and three Israeli citizens tional Guard unit in American Samoa. Colo- I was assured in today’s meeting that the were brutally murdered in a West Jerusalem nel Mike Mellor, Branch Chief of the Force time commitment on CSM Savusa’s part synagogue by two cousins associated with the Capabilities and Requirements Analysis Di- would be minimal making it possible for him Har Nof terrorist group. vision, and Master Sergeant (MSG) Bryan to devote all of his time and attention to his Rotherham, Joint Programs Legislative Li- While I appreciate the role Jordan, her gov- job as Director of Homeland Security while ernment, and her people play in fighting ter- aison, also attended the meeting held in the also contributing his unparalleled expertise Congressman’s Washington, DC office. to this historic study.’’ rorism and promoting regional stability, I am ‘‘I want to personally thank BG Wojtecki ‘‘I very much look forward to working deeply disappointed at the Jordanian govern- for the update he provided me regarding the closely with Governor Lolo to make sure ment’s response to this sickening, ruthless act feasibility study on establishing National that the study put forward by the team is as of terrorism and murder. Guard units in American Samoa and CNMI,’’ strong as possible in hopes that the rec- While the Prime Minister’s office officially Faleomavaega said.
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