CABINET 10.00 am on Wednesday 8 June 2016 MEETING PAPERS ATTACHED Cabinet Wednesday 8 June 2016 at 10.00 am Cabinet Suite - Shire Hall, Gloucester AGENDA Item Discussion Portfolio 1 Apologies Leader of Council To note any apologies for absence. 2 Minutes (Pages 1 - 18) Leader of Council To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 20 April 2016, (minutes attached). 3 Declarations of Interest Leader of Council Cabinet members are invited to declare any pecuniary or personal interests relating to specific matters on the agenda. Please see note (a) at the end of the agenda 4 Questions at Cabinet Meetings Leader of Council To answer any written and/or oral questions from a County Councillor, (or anyone living or working in the county, or anyone who is affected by the work of the County Council), about matters which relate to any item on the agenda for this meeting. Up to 30 minutes is allowed for this item. The closing date for the receipt of written questions is 4.00 pm on Thursday 2 June 2016. Please send questions to the Chief Executive marked for the attention of Jo Moore (email: [email protected]) 8 June 2016 An oral question may be asked by a member of the public if notice of the question is given by the questioner to the person presiding at the meeting, or the Chief Executive’s representative, at least 30 minutes prior to the start of the meeting. Depending on the nature of the questions, it may not be possible to provide a comprehensive answer at the meeting, in which case a written answer will be provided as soon as reasonably possible after the meeting. Questions received and proposed responses do not accompany this agenda but will be circulated prior to the meeting. Overview and Scrutiny Committee Reports 5 Overview and Scrutiny Task Group Report (Pages 19 - 38) Cllr Shaun Parsons To consider recommendations from the A429 Scrutiny Task Group. The report to be presented by Chairman of the Task Group, Cllr Shaun Parsons. Key Decisions 6 A417 Missing Link - Payment of Revenue Funding to Fire, Planning and Highways England (Pages 39 - 44) Infrastructure To seek approval for the payment by Gloucestershire County Council to Highways England of £1m revenue funding to assist Highways England in the delivery of the solution to the A417 Missing Link. 7 Reshaping Services for Families with Young Children (Pages Children and 45 - 128) Young People and Strategic To seek Cabinet approval of the recommendations for reshaping of Commissioning services for families and young children and the procurement of those services. 8 Extension of contracts for accommodation based support Long-term Care services for vulnerable homeless adults (Pages 129 - 136) To seek authorisation to exercise contractual options to extend the contracts for accommodation based housing related support services for vulnerable homeless adults. 8 June 2016 9 Extension of the Parking Management Services Enforcement Highways and Contract (Pages 137 - 144) Flood To seek Cabinet approval to exercise the contractual right to extend the current Parking Management Services Enforcement contract for a further 2 years commencing on 1 April 2018, with an estimated gross value of £2.4m. 10 Building Better Lives - Consultation on all age, all disability Long-term Care short breaks provision (Pages 145 - 156) To seek approval to consult on the reconfiguration of adult learning disability respite care services in order to inform the ongoing commissioning strategy for respite and short breaks. 11 Building Better Opportunities (Gloucestershire GEM Project) Long-term Care (Pages 157 - 164) To authorise the Council to act as the lead organisation for the Gloucestershire GEM Project and to accept and administer European Social Fund funding as the responsible body should the funding bid to the Big Lottery Fund be successful. 12 Revenue and Capital Expenditure 2015/16 (Pages 165 - 186) Finance and Change To consider the Council's outturn expenditure for 2015/16 and consequential actions. Other Decisions 13 Quarterly Strategic Performance Report 2015-16 (Quarter 4) Leader of Council (Pages 187 - 220) To provide Cabinet with strategic oversight of the Council’s performance during 2015/16. CABINET Cllr Mark Hawthorne, Cllr Ray Theodoulou, Cllr Dorcas Binns, Cllr Andrew Gravells, Cllr Paul McLain, Cllr Nigel Moor, Cllr Vernon Smith and Cllr Kathy Williams 8 June 2016 NOTES 1. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST – Members requiring advice or clarification about whether to make a declaration of interest are invited to contact the Monitoring Officer (Jane Burns 01452 328472 /fax: 425149 e-mail: [email protected]) prior to the start of the meeting. 2. INSPECTION OF PAPERS AND GENERAL QUERIES - If you wish to inspect minutes or reports relating to any item on this agenda or have any other general queries about the meeting, please contact: Jo Moore, Senior Democratic Services Adviser :01452 324196/fax: 425240/e-mail: [email protected] 3. DEFINITION OF A KEY DECISION - A ‘Key Decision’ is one that is, if implemented, is likely to Result in significant additional expenditure or savings to the value of £500,000 or more, or Be significant in terms of its effect on communities in two or more electoral divisions. 4. GENERAL ARRANGEMENTS - Members are required to sign the attendance list. 5. PHOTOGRAPHY, FILMING AND AUDIO RECORDING OF COUNCIL MEETINGS is permitted subject to the Local Government Access to Information provisions. Please contact Democratic Services (01452 324202) to make the necessary arrangements ahead of the meeting. If you are a member of the public and do not wish to be photographed or filmed please inform the Democratic Services Officer on duty at the meeting. EVACUATION PROCEDURE - in the event of the fire alarms sounding during the meeting please leave as directed in a calm and orderly manner and go to the assembly point located outside the main entrance to Shire Hall in Westgate Street. Please remain there and await further instructions. 8 June 2016 Agenda Item 2 MINUTES of meeting of the Cabinet Held on WEDNESDAY 20 APRIL 2016 PETER BUNGARD CHIEF EXECUTIVE Page 1 Minutes subject to their acceptance as a correct record at the next meeting CABINET MINUTES Gloucestershire County Council 20 April 2016 PRESENT Cllr Mark Hawthorne - Leader of Council Cllr Ray Theodoulou - Finance and Change Cllr Dorcas Binns - Older People Cllr Andrew Gravells - Public Health and Communities Cllr Paul McLain - Children & Young People and Strategic Commissioning Cllr Vernon Smith - Highways & Flood Cllr Kathy Williams - Long-term Care Cllr Nigel Moor - Fire, Planning and Infrastructure 1. Apologies No apologies were received. The Leader of Council welcomed the recently appointed Cabinet Member for Fire, Planning and Infrastructure, Cllr Nigel Moor, to the meeting. 2. Minutes The minutes of the meeting held on 3 February 2016 were agreed and signed as a correct record of that meeting. 3. Declarations of Interest No declarations of interest were made at the meeting. 4. Questions at Cabinet Meetings Public questions No oral questions were submitted for consideration at the meeting. - 1 - Page 2 Minutes subject to their acceptance as a correct record at the next meeting Member questions Please refer to the following link to view the responses to the member questions submitted for consideration at the meeting. http://glostext.gloucestershire.gov.uk/ieListDocuments.aspx?CId=117&MId=8217&Ver=4 A total of 16 (member) questions were submitted for consideration, for which the following supplementary questions were asked at the meeting. Question 1: Cllr Paul Hodgkinson The issue of excessive noise on the A417/419 is a major issue. Does this council have the power to bypass the bureaucracy of DEFRA and identify additional areas where noise is a problem? Will you, as Cabinet Member, work with opposition groups to move this matter forward? Response by: Cllr Nigel Moor I share your concerns about the A429 and give you my commitment to work with you on this issue. Question 2: Cllr Paul Hodgkinson Thank you for your answer. What I really need is a detailed timetable of the proposed works on the A417 Missing Link. This scheme was announced 18 months ago. Could you please provide details of the timeline before the next cabinet meeting? Response by: Cllr Nigel Moor Highways England is due to meet with the Planning Approvals Board on 29 April 2016 to seek funding for Phases 1 and 2 of improvements to the A417 Missing Link. After this meeting, we should have a better feel for the proposed timetable of works. Question 3: Cllr Paul Hodgkinson The A417 Missing Link is a top priority for the county. Are you aware that the council’s twitter page and web-page on this issue are out of date and have not been activated for about 10 months? I believe the council’s Communications Team should be doing something better to promote awareness. Response by: Cllr Nigel Moor Adoption of the Gloucestershire Local Transport Plan will be noted by this Council. The Local Transport Plan incorporates proposals on the A417 Missing Link and, after today’s cabinet decision, will provide a fresh platform from which to inform everyone of where we are with the proposed works. - 2 - Page 3 Minutes subject to their acceptance as a correct record at the next meeting Question 4: Cllr Iain Dobie Will the Cabinet Member consider use of dual performance indicators as a means of providing more challenge, and to inspire Drug and Alcohol Services? Response by: Cllr Andrew Gravells This was discussed at Shadow Member meetings. I will speak with officers and get back to you with a response. I think it is important to be clear on your different roles as Chairman of the Health and Care Scrutiny Committee and Shadow Member for Public Health.
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