Administration of George W. Bush, 2004 / Oct. 19 families had been turned upside down be- On September the 14th, 2001, I stood in cause of death in World War II. But there the ruins of the Twin Towers. It’s a day was this belief in the country that if we I will never forget. There were workers helped Japan become a democracy, the in hardhats yelling at me at the top of world would be better off for it. Today, their lungs, ‘‘Whatever it takes.’’ I remem- because people held that belief, I sit at ber the fellow who grabbed me by the arm. the table with the Prime Minister of a He looked me straight in the eye, and he former enemy, talking about how to keep said, ‘‘Do not let me down.’’ Ever since the peace we all want. that day, I wake up every morning thinking Someday, someday, an American Presi- about how to better protect America. I will dent will be sitting down with the duly never relent in defending our country, elected leader from Iraq, talking about the whatever it takes. peace, and our children and our grand- Four years ago, when I traveled your children will be better off for it. great State, I made a pledge that if you I believe that millions in the Middle East gave me the chance to serve, I would up- plead in silence for their freedom. I believe hold the honor and the dignity of the office women in the Middle East want to live to which I had been elected. With your in a free society. I believe mothers and help, I will do so for 4 more years. dads want to raise their children in a free Thanks for coming. God bless. Thank world. I believe all these things because you all. freedom is not America’s gift to the world; freedom is the Almighty God’s gift to each man and woman in this world. For all Americans, these years in our his- NOTE: The President spoke at 9:15 a.m. at tory will always stand apart. There are quiet Al Lang Field at the Progress Energy Park. times in the life of a nation when little In his remarks, he referred to Gov. Jeb Bush is expected of its leaders. This isn’t one of Florida; Florida State Attorney General of those times. This is a time that requires Charlie Crist; Mayor Rick Baker of St. Pe- firm resolve, clear vision, and a deep faith tersburg, FL; Kitty Martinez, wife of Florida in the values that makes this a great nation. senatorial candidate Mel R. Martinez; enter- None of us will ever forget that week tainer Lee Greenwood; and Prime Minister when one era ended and another began. Junichiro Koizumi of Japan. Remarks in New Port Richey, Florida October 19, 2004 The President. Thank you all for coming. America, and a better America, to put me If you’re looking for sunshine, Florida is and Dick Cheney back in office. the place to come. I’m looking for votes, I’ve got a lot of reasons why you ought and Florida is the place to come. Thank to put me back in, but perhaps the most you all for coming out. I’m here to ask important one of all is so that Laura will for not only your vote, I’m here to ask have 4 more years as the First Lady. When for your help. Get your friends and neigh- I asked her to marry me, she said, ‘‘Fine, bors to go to the polls. And when you just so long as I never have to give a get them headed to the polls, remind them, speech.’’ [Laughter] I said, ‘‘Okay, you got if they want a stronger America, a safer a deal.’’ Fortunately, she didn’t hold me 2585 Oct. 19 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2004 to that deal. She’s giving a lot of speeches, I enjoyed our debates. They showed the and the American people see a warm, com- big differences between my opponent and passionate, strong First Lady. me. We have different records. We have I’m proud of my runningmate, Dick Che- different views of the future. My record ney. Now, look, I admit it, he doesn’t have is one of reforming education, lowering the waviest hair in the race. [Laughter] I taxes, providing prescription drug coverage didn’t pick him because of his hairdo. for our seniors, improving homeland pro- [Laughter] I picked him because of his tections, and waging an aggressive war judgment, his experience. I picked him be- against the ideologues of hate. cause he can get the job done for the The Senator’s record of 20 years is out American people. of the mainstream. Instead of articulating I’m proud of my brother Jeb. What a a vision or a positive agenda for the future, great Governor for Florida. I appreciate the the Senator is relying on a litany of com- strength and compassion he showed during plaints and old-style scare tactics. As proven the hurricanes. Florida showed that out of by his record and a series of contradictions adversity can come good, neighbors loving in this campaign, my opponent will say any- neighbors, people helping people who hurt. thing he thinks will benefit him politically We’ll continue to do everything we can to at the time. help the people of Florida get back on I will do what I’ve said I will do. We their feet. will keep the promise of Social Security By the way, brother Marvin is with us for our seniors. We will not have a draft; too. [Applause] Yes. We love our family. we will have an all-volunteer army. On No- And I love campaigning with my family. I want to thank Sam for his service to vember 2d, the people of America will re- the United States of America. He was in ject the politics of fear and vote for an the first gulf war. He’s in the second incur- agenda of hope and opportunity and secu- sion into Iraq. And our country is more rity for every American. secure because of his service. When I came into office, the stock mar- I want to thank Sheriff Bob White for ket had been in decline for 6 months. And joining us today. Sheriff, thanks. Appreciate then we had a recession. To help families it. I want to thank Daron Norwood, the and to get this economy growing again, I country music singer, for being with us pledged to reduce taxes. I kept my word, today. and the results are clear. The recession was I want to thank Al Cardenas and all the one of the shallowest in American history. grassroots activists who are here today. Over the last 3 years, our economy has Thank you for putting up the signs. Thank grown at a rate faster than any major indus- you for making the phone calls. Thank you trialized nation. Homeownership rate is at for working the polls. With your help, we an alltime high in America. We added 1.9 will carry Florida again and win a great million new jobs since August of 2003. The victory in November. national unemployment rate is 5.4 percent, In the last few years, the American peo- lower than the average of the 1970s, 1980s, ple have gotten to know me. They know and 1990s. The unemployment rate in Flor- my blunt way of speaking. I get that from ida is 4.5 percent. This economy is moving Mother. [Laughter] They know that I occa- forward, and we’re not going to go back sionally mangle the English language. to the old days of tax and spend. [Laughter] I get that from my father. To make sure jobs are here in America, [Laughter] They also know that I tell you America must be the best place in the exactly what I’m going to do, and I keep world to do business. We need to reduce my word. the regulations on our job creators. We 2586 Administration of George W. Bush, 2004 / Oct. 19 need to do something about these frivolous to let Senator Kerry tax you; we’re going lawsuits that hurt the small businesses. to carry Florida and win a great victory Listen, to keep jobs here, Congress on November the 2d. needs to pass my energy plan. It encour- When I came into office, our public ages conservation. It encourages the use of schools had been waiting decades for hope- renewables. It encourages clean coal tech- ful reform. Fortunately, you had a nology. It encourages environmentally Governor here in Florida who enacted friendly ways to explore for natural gas. We hopeful reform. Too many of our children will not explore off the coast of Florida. were shuffled through school without learn- What I’m telling you is in order to keep ing the basics. I pledged to restore account- jobs here, we must become less dependent ability to our schools and to end the soft on foreign sources of energy. bigotry of low expectations. I kept my To keep jobs here, we’ve got to reject word. We’re seeing results. Children are economic isolationism. I believe in free making sustained gains in reading and trade. I believe in fair trade. I know Ameri- math. We’re closing achievement gaps all cans compete with anytime—anybody, any- over this country, and we’re not going to time, anywhere, so long as the rules are go back to the days of low expectations fair.
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