, t rt SENIOR BALL ISSUE Volame XXXVI Z-79 HARTFORD, CONN., MAY 17, 1940 Number 25 Teddy Powell, "Ten Minute Alibi," are Featured .. As Trinity Students Change Gloom to Glamour P~omenaders Fear Blitzkrieg; Threat of "TEN MINUTE ALIBI" IS Parties, Ball Games, Dinners, Fifth Column Exposed by Correspondent STAGED BEFORE LARGE Dances Promise Fuel for Fun The Germans have made a smashing !P:icnics. The Spring Dance Friday AUDIENCE BY JESTERS drive on' three fronts. Holland has night will be t he major engagement. DANCE CHAIRMAN Northampton Phalanx Leads capitulated. The French are trying In Jr¥1ny respects, a prom is an en­ PRESENTED AT A VERY to repel an advance that is steadily counter against specific odds; the Attack on Hilltop as gaining through French territory. degree of success with Wlb.ich one real­ Isabel Macauley, Lewis Sheen, Floods Recede Poland, Finland, Norway, Czechoslo­ izes one's objectives depends upon the And Edward Foley Star vakia, Austria! ·C'est la guerre. But strategic offensiVIes, the resources In Production tonight there is to be conscripted a for a strong defensive, and the nature HOUSES DECKED OUT synchronized force of people who will Thursday, May 16-The most tre­ of the social sabotage. Consider these Six Fraternities Select Choicest hold the floor at the Hartford Club. matters from the girl's vantage point: mendous success the J esters have ever The Spring Dance will not be defended she goes to a prom, for one of three presented was produced at the A very Connecticut Cow Pastures after the intermission from the fifth reasons. The first is because she is Memorial before a completely sold-out For Big Sunday Picnics column tactics of the stag-line re­ solely interested in having a glamour­ house this ev~m i ng. Even standing Friday afternoon, May 17-With serves. C'est la neutralite. But for ous opportunity to be with her date, room was not available, and many Teddy Powell and his band ready to the grace of God and the Allies, we whom, we will say, she really "likes." had :to be t urned away from the thea­ swing into action at the Hartford may not long be neutral, and t he The second reason is to meet other ter doors. The cast, headed by Miss Club tonight, the J esters going ravishing spread of hostilities gives men through her date, or through the Isabel Macauley, Lewis Sheen and through frantic last-minute rehears­ certain credence to the sour prospect stag-line. The third reason is a com­ Edward Foley, are to be given the als, and feminine charm flooding onto of this being our last prom,. But bination of the first two. If t he first heartiest congratulations for their come, let's ihave a more wholesome reason actually prevails, her tactics sterling performances; and Director the campus from all sections of New England, Trinity shook off the cloak outlook on our weekend prospects! are strictly defensive. If the second Helmbold is to be especially lauded of intellectual pursuits this afternoon Wholesome, indeed, is the prospect is the case, she must use her arms for his ingenious interpretation of and adorned itself with its most fes­ of activities that will last fr·om Thurs­ and other equipment in a fast offen­ the actions and ·emotions of such an day evening to Sunday evening: The sive. Number three requires much intricate drama. tive attire. At the J ester headquar­ ters the weather was sultry, but the Jesters' Thursday and Friday per­ skill and strategy in her man-oeuvres. Friday the play is to be presenJted forecast for tonight was clear and cool. formpmces, the Saturday gam~ with She must hold her ground with her for the second and last time, for THOMAS McLAUGHLIN At the seven national fraternit y Amiherst, house dances, and Sunday (Continued on page 3.) wP,ich all seats have been sold for houses furious last-minute prepara­ more than a week in advance. This is tipns were being made, preparations the culmination of a, series of increas­ Trinity Students Advised on Subject of which ranged from removing unwant­ ingly great success~s which the Jest­ BLUE AND GOLD TEAM ed photographs, unloading a moving ers have been presenting successively Love, Borrowing Money, Dodging Checks van in back of Psi Upsilon with furni­ for the past two years. Beginning TO OPPOSE JEff. NINE ture for the enlarged cellar, calling The great American public is for­ with "The Late Christopher Bean," "Wooing," claims Miss Dix, "should up Northampton at the last minute tunate in having its behavior guided "Journey's End," and "Silas the Chore SCULLY T O TWIRL be a labor of love." There are certain to see if there were any prospects of by a body of independent workers Boy," and continuing through this definilte steps to be taken, and the another flood, to cleaning up an old who, in >their respective fields, are present production the Jesters have Chances For Successful Season successful wooer will watch his step. rusty still which had long been for­ masters of the social graces. There First the girl's mother must be tack­ met with a continued success which Hinge on Saturday's Game gotten. Latest reports show that ·over are, of course, many reasons for and led. Then her father must be asked promises to be carried on by the With Amherst Nine one hundred girls will !be visiting fra- a few advantages of our complicated if he could love you like a son. If ever-increasing interest in the Society. ternity houses and that many others system of manners. The reasons are the father says he cannot afford to, The cast supporting the three lead­ Hartford, May 14-The Trinity will bring the total to two hundred or social, culltural, and biological, and then perhaps you should try else­ ing characters are )10t to be left un­ baseball team, with a record of seven more. Outstanding on the lists of there is an economic advantage; and whel\e. Marrying the boss's daughter, wins and two losses behind it, will mentioned. Henry Getz as Detective weekend dates is the name of a guest each one has its specialist. For in­ or betlter, the boss's wife, is a good Brace, John Sweetser as Detective­ take on its old rival, Amherst, ~hi s from French Indo-China, and of two stance: Dorothy Dix dictates the Boy­ policy. Love, however, should pre­ Inspector Pember, Frank Romaine as Saturday afternoon on the. home f1eld oth er gues t s f rom R'1c h mon d , y·1rg1ma. · · · Meets-Girl relationship, and the prob­ vail. That accounts for 1he social before a large gathermg of house- AI th 1· t th f Sir Miles Standing, and Theodore . · so on e JS are e names o a lem of relatives that are inevitably considerations. party guests and the1r escorts. Swiderski as Hunter, all turned in large company from Smith, incorpo­ involved in that plot. She teaches us When the ourrent season opened in The cultural aspects of the social performances not only admirable in rated at Northampton, Massachusetts, how to keep our daughters at home, April, the prospects for a successful graces is Miss Emily Post's depart­ their own rights but also superlat!v~: and girls from other colleges such as what will make father and mother year rested on the shoulders of sev­ ment. She not only tells us how to as supporting roles. (Continued on page 4.) more congenial, and how to woo. invite your wife's friends to dinner eral sophomores, who thus far have when your wife is not in the office, or more than lived up to expectations: how to keep your stenographer in her In the pitching department there were place when she is. Miss Post also FRESHMAN NINE DROPS no veterans returning and the entire ALPHA CHI RHO TAKES REVIEW BOARD ELECTS tells us how to introduce your "in­ burden fell on sophomores Scully, INTERFRATERNITY SING NEXT YEAR'S OFFICERS laws" poli'tely, how to console a DECISION TO SUFFIELD Steers, and an untried junior by the widow, and what not to put in writ­ name of John Fox. Scully started the Sunday, May 12-Before an un­ ing. \Ve are also told how bes't to Sporting a record of one victory and season off well against Yale, and if he usually large audience the second! A't a meeting of the Board of Edi­ use our tongue when there is com­ two defeats, the freshman baseball had had normal support might easily annual Interfraternity Sing was heidi tors of the "Trinity Review," Ralph pany. Miss Post says, "the word team traveled to Suffield, Conn., to have won his first game. Since the this ev.ening in the Chemistry Audi­ Grover was elected Editor-in-chief for 'company' is not restricted to a group, engage the Suffield Sohool nine. Suf­ Yale game, the Blue and Gold has torium. Although there were only two the ensuing year. Marshall Nead was but that two people may constitute field won, 7-5, and thereby depressed tasted defeat only once, and then in fraternities coinpe'ting, the competi­ appointed Associate Editor and W'il­ company." If we forget this, our the fros.h record to one victory and a heartbreaker to Williams. tion was keen. The Glee Club of Alpha liam Howard, Business Manager, a conduct becomes entirely a personal three defeats. Last week's ninth inning victory Chi 'Rho, led by Richard Barnes, was newly-created position.
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