UNIVERSITY OF BRASÍLIA – UnB INSTITUTE OF GEOSCIENCES – IG GRADUATE RESEARCH PROGRAM IN GEOLOGY TAXONOMY, PALEOECOLOGY AND CHRONOBIOSTRATIGRAPHY ACROSS THE EDIACARAN-CAMBRIAN BOUNDARY: TAMENGO AND GUAICURUS FORMATIONS Doctoral thesis N° 157 Doctoral thesis by Rodrigo Rodrigues Adôrno Supervisor: Prof. Dermeval Aparecido Do Carmo Brasília, May 2019 UNIVERSITY OF BRASÍLIA – UnB INSTITUTE OF GEOSCIENCES – IG GRADUATE RESEARCH PROGRAM IN GEOLOGY Rodrigo Rodrigues Adôrno TAXONOMY, PALEOECOLOGY AND CHRONOBIOSTRATIGRAPHY ACROSS THE EDIACARAN-CAMBRIAN BOUNDARY: TAMENGO AND GUAICURUS FORMATIONS Thesis submitted to the coordination of the graduate research program in geology, University of Brasília, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of doctor on geology. Area of concentration: Biostratigraphy and Paleoecology Supervisor and Chair of Committee: Prof. Dermeval Aparecido do Carmo (IG/UnB – BR) Committee Members: Prof. Shuhai Xiao - Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University – USA Prof. Juliana de Moraes Leme Basso - IAG-USP – BR Prof. Martino Giorgioni - IG/UnB – BR Brasília, May 2019 TAXONOMY, PALEOECOLOGY AND CHRONOBIOSTRATIGRAPHY ACROSS THE EDIACARAN-CAMBRIAN BOUNDARY: TAMENGO AND GUAICURUS FORMATIONS Thesis submitted to the coordination of the graduate research program in geology, University of Brasília, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of doctor on geology. Area of concentration: Biostratigraphy and Paleoecology Supervisor: Professor Dermeval Aparecido do Carmo Committee Members: _________________________________________ Professor Martino Giorgioni University of Brasília (UnB) _________________________________________ Professor Shuhai Xiao Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (USA) _________________________________________ Professor Juliana de Moraes Leme Basso University of São Paulo (USP) Brasília, May 2019 i DEDICATION I dedicate this thesis to my wife, Gabriela Adôrno, and my parents, Rui Adôrno and Cirene Adôrno, for the love and support during my PhD journey. I also dedicate this thesis to Prof. Detlef. H. G. Walde, for being an outstanding professor and an inspiration to my study. ii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS My sincere thanks to all who have contributed directly or indirectly to this work. I extend my sincere thanks to all those who eventually have not been included in the list of contributors below. My special thanks to my lovely wife Gabriela Adôrno, my parents Rui Adôrno and Cirene Adôrno, my sister Daniany and brother-in-law Carlos Silva for the closest accompaniment and support, indispensable to the good progress of the whole doctoral journey. Thanks also to the Germs family in the person of Dr. Gerard Germs, Alta Germs and Nandi Germs for the warm hospitality in Oudtshoorn in 2014 during fieldwork in South Africa and Namibia under Dr. Germs supervision. To the Geological Survey of Namibia in the name of Dr. Gabi Schneider and the geologist Ralph Muyamba who provided logistics support and access to the outcrops as well as documents needed to transport samples collected in Namibia. To Alfred Uchman, Institute of Geological Sciences, Jagiellonian University, Poland, for providing access to some rare articles. To Dr. Lucas V. Warren for contributing constructively through discussions and also for yielding samples for analyses of sections not visited by the author in South America, making possible studies of international correlation. To the IZIKO Museum in Cape Town South Africa and Museum of Earth Sciences of the Geological Survey of Brazil, for providing access to the type-material of Cloudina riemkeae and the type-material of Cloudina lucianoi in Namibia and Brazil, respectively imperative to the comparison work performed in the taxonomic study. I am also grateful to the X-ray diffraction laboratory of the Institute of Geosciences of the University of Brasília in the name of Professor Dr. Edi M. Guimarães and the Geol. MSc Gabriela Fazio, who in addition to performing mineralogical analyses, also participated actively in the research during field works in the Corumbá region. To the laboratory of Micropaleontology where this doctorate was executed, especially to the fellow researchers: Geol. MSc Matheus Denezine who contributed in a unique way to discussions, analyses, preparation of samples and slides; to Dr. Evelin Sanchez to Geol. MSc Thais Tobias, who greatly cooperated with constructive discussions and support especially for providing data that served as a starting point and reference for the palynological analyses presented in this research; to Dr. Lucas S. Antinietto and Geol. MSc Amanda Moreira for the encouragement, constructive discussions and also for participating in the acquisition of SEM images presented in this thesis and the published articles; to Geol. André Alvim for providing data of his ProIC carried out with samples of the Guaicurus Formation in Corumbá. To other colleagues of the laboratory of micropaleontology among which I must highlight the valuable contribution of Biol. MSc Lívia Golçalves, Geol. MSc Guilherme M. Caixeta, Geol. Juliana R. Vasconcelos, Geol. Maria Eduarda Ramos and Lívio Gonçalves. Special thanks to the collaborating professors Dr. Lucieth Vieira, Prof. Detlef H. G. Walde, to Prof. Martino Giorgioni for all support and knowledge transfer. To Laboratory of Electron Microprobe of the Institute of Geosciences of the UnB and the Laboratory of Microscopy of the Institute of Biology by the metallization of the material imaged in the SEM. My gratitude also goes to the Geological Survey of Brazil - GSB in the person of Geol. MSc Noevaldo Araujo Teixera, head of the Center for Technological Innovation- CEDES and Technical Training Committee CTC-GSB for all support, and to ensure the continuity of the research in its most delicate moment, without its aid in formalizing this iii doctorate in the SGB, it would not have been viable. To the several colleagues from the GSB, of which I must highlight the great friends and supporters, Dr. Edgar Iza, Dra. Isabel Iza, Dr. Norma M. C. Cruz, Geol. MSc Tiago Buch, Geol. MSc Leandro Guimarães, Dr. Cassiano Castro, MSc Marcos C. Baptista and the technical support provided by the librarian Danielle Menezes C. da Costa. My special gratitude goes to the invaluable scientific support provided by Prof. Bernie Erdtmann from the Freie Universität Berlin and for participating in two fieldworks in Corumbá-MS. Finally, I would like to express my special gratitude to Prof. Dermeval A. Do Carmo for all support, guidance, and cooperation throughout the execution of this research. I could not fail to express my gratitude to PETROBRAS - Petróleo Brasileiro S.A. for financial support, and in particular to Milene F. Figueredo and Oscar Strohschoen Junior for encouragement and scientific support. To FINATEC for assistance in administrative affairs supporting scientific projects in Brazilia. I would also like to thank Prof. Shuhai Xiao, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, USA, Dr. Chuanming Zhou, Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (NIGPAS), and Dr. Claudio Gaucher, National University of Uruguay, for discussions and for sharing bibliographic references, as well as to thank the Geological Survey of Namibia and Dr. Helke Moche. I would like to thank Professor Hong Hua and Dr. Yaoping Cai of the State Key Laboratory of Continental Dynamics, Department of Geology, Northwest University, Xi'an, China, for discussion and partnership in comparative studies on cloudinids. Finally, I thank the mining companies Votorantim (ITAU) and Corcal, the engineering geologist Felisberto Santiago, the Brazilian Army and the Corumbá Fire Brigade for their support during fieldwork. To the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul-UFMS for logistics assistance in Corumbá and to Prof. Aguinaldo Silva from the UFMS. iv “Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end” “Todo novo começo, nasce do fim de outro começo” Lucius Annaeus Seneca v TABLE OF CONTENTS Page DEDICATION ii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS iii TABLE OF CONTENTS vi LIST OF FIGURES vii LIST OF TABLES x RESUMO EXPANDIDO I EXPANDED ABSTRACT IX CHAPTER – 1: INTRODUCTION 1 1.1. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES 9 1.1. EDIACARAN PERIOD AND LIFE RECORD 10 1.2. UPPERMOST EDIACARAN STRATA IN SOUTH AMERICA 16 1.2.1. CORUMBÁ GROUP, BRAZIL 18 1.2.2. ARROYO DEL SOLDADO GROUP, URUGUAY 20 1.2.3. SIERRAS BAYAS GROUP AND CERRO NEGRO FORMATION, ARGENTINA 22 1.2.4. ITAPUCUMI GOUP, PARAGUAY 25 1.2.5. SETE LAGOAS FORMATION, BAMBUÍ GROUP 26 1.3. UPPERMOST EDIACARAN STRATA IN ÁFRICA 28 1.4. UPPERMOST EDIACARAN STRATA IN CHINA 30 1.5. UPPERMOST EDIACARAN STRATA IN THE USA 32 1.6. UPPERMOST EDIACARAN STRATA IN CANADA 34 1.7. UPPERMOST EDIACARAN STRATA IN OMAN 35 1.8. UPPERMOST EDIACARAN STRATA IN SIBERIA 37 CHAPTER – 2: LOCATION AND ACCESS ROADS TO THE STUDY SECTIONS IN BRAZIL 39 CHAPTER – 3: METHODOLOGY 40 CHAPTER – 4: RESULTS 44 4.1. DESCRIPTION OF TAMENGO FORMATION SECTIONS 44 4.1.1. PORTO SOBRAMIL SECTION 45 4.1.2. ECOPARQUE CACIMBA SECTION 47 4.1.3. CORCAL QUARRY SECTION 48 4.1.4. LAGINHA QUARRY SECTION 51 4.1.5. PORTO FIGUEIRAS SECTION 53 4.1.6. DISCUSSION ON LITHOSTRATIGRAPHIC RECORD 54 4.2. STUDIED FOSSIL ASSEMBLAGE OF TAMENGO AND GUAICURUS FORMATIONS 54 4.2.1. DISCUSSION ON FOSSIL ASSEMBLAGE 73 4.3. PALEOECOLOGY AND PALEOENVIRONMENTAL INFERENCES 74 4.3.1. DISCUSSION ON PALEOECOLOGY AND PALEOENVIRONMENTAL INFERENCES 81 4.4. BIOSTRATIGRAPHIC ESSAY 82 4.4.1. Cloudina Assemblage Superzone - new unit 84 4.4.2. Cloudina lucianoi/Corumbella werneri
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