GeologicalGeological SSurveySurveyurvey of of Canada Canada CURRECURRENTCURRENTNT RESEARCH RESEARCH Geological Survey of Canada Radiocarbon Dates XXXIV Collated by R. McNeely 20052003 NNaturalNaturalatural ResoResources Resourcesurces RessoRessourcesRessourcesurces natnaturelles naturellesurelles CanadaCanada CanadaCanada ©Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, 2005 ISSN 1701-4387 Catalogue No. M44-2005/7E-PDF ISBN 0-662-42290-2 A copy of this publication is also available for reference by depository libraries across Canada through access to the Depository Services Program's Web site at http://dsp-psd.pwgsc.gc.ca A free digital download of this publication is available from GeoPub: http://geopub.nrcan.gc.ca/index_e.php Toll-free (Canada and U.S.A.): 1-888-252-4301 All requests for permission to reproduce this work, in whole or in part, for purposes of commercial use, resale or redistribution shall be addressed to: Earth Sciences Sector Information Division, Room 402, 601 Booth Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0E8. Author’s address R. McNeely ([email protected]) Geological Survey of Canada Northern Canada Division 601 Booth Street Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0E8 CONTENTS 1 Abstract/Résumé 2 Introduction 4 Acknowledgments 5 Eastern Canada 5 Newfoundland 9 Prince Edward Island 12 Nova Scotia 13 New Brunswick This Date List, GSC XXXIV, is the twenty-third to be 16 Quebec published directly in the Geological Survey of Canada. 34 Ontario Lists prior to GSC XII were published first in the journal Radiocarbon and were reprinted as GSC Papers. The lists 36 Western Canada through 1967 (GSC VI) were given new pagination, 36 Manitoba whereas lists VII to XI (1968 to 1971) were reprinted with 47 Saskatchewan the same pagination. 48 Alberta 51 British Columbia 51 Mainland 74 Vancouver Island 90 Northern Canada 90 Yukon Territory 91 Arctic Mainland 91 Nunavut, ‘Keewatin region’ 91 Coats Island 91 Nunavut, ‘Kitikmeot region’ 92 Northwest Territories, District of Mackenzie 97 Arctic Archipelago 97 Nunavut, ‘Baffin region’ 97 Devon Island 99 Ellesmere Island 100 Nunavut, ‘Kitikmeot region’ 100 Stefansson Ilsand 101 Victoria Island 104 Northwest Territories, District of Franklin 104 Brock Island 105 Melville Island 105 Prince Patrick Island 107 International 107 Washington State 107 References Figures 3 1. Background data for the 2L counter. 3 2. Background data for the 5L counter. 3 3. Oxalic acid standard data for the 2L counter. 4 4. Oxalic acid standard data for the 5L counter. 4 5. Radiocarbon-dated sites in Canada. 5 6. Radiocarbon-dated sites in Newfoundland. 9 7. Radiocarbon-dated sites in Prince Edward Island. 12 8. Radiocarbon-dated sites in Nova Scotia. 13 9. Radiocarbon-dated sites in New Brunswick. 16 10. Radiocarbon-dated sites in Quebec. 19 11. Age-depth curves for Lac Perdu, Gaspésie, Quebec, and 27 five lakes in La Grande 4 Dam area, Quebec. 34 12. Radiocarbon-dated sites in Ontario. 36 13. Radiocarbon-dated sites in Manitoba. 47 14. Radiocarbon-dated sites in Saskatchewan. 48 15. Radiocarbon-dated sites in Alberta. 51 16. Radiocarbon-dated sites in British Columbia. 90 17. Radiocarbon-dated sites in the Yukon Territory. 91 18. Radiocarbon-dated sites on the Arctic mainland, Nunavut and Northwest Territories. 97 19. Radiocarbon-dated sites in the Arctic Archipelago, Queen Elizabeth Islands, Nunavut and Northwest Territories. 100 20. Radiocarbon-dated sites in the Arctic Archipelago, Nunavut. 107 21. Radiocarbon-dated sites in Washington State, USA. Tables 2 1. Monthly average count rate for backgrounds and the number of individual counts (N) made during the period January through December 1993. 2 2. Monthly average count rate for oxalic acid standards and the number of individual counts (N) made during the period January through December 1993. 111 Index GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA RADIOCARBON DATES XXXIV R. McNeely Terrain Sciences Division, Ottawa McNeely, R., 2005: Geological Survey of Canada radiocarbon dates XXXIV; Geological Survey of Canada, Current Research 2005, 113 p. Abstract: This list presents 533 radiocarbon age determinations: 364 made by the Radiocarbon Dating Laboratory, Geological Survey of Canada and 169 dates done by other laboratories (Alberta Environmental Centre–Vegreville [AECV], Beta Analytic Inc. [Beta], Brock Geological Sciences [BGS], Geochron Labo- ratories [GX], University of Saskatchewan [S], Simon Fraser University [SFU], and Isotrace Radiocarbon Facility–Toronto [TO]). The distribution of the 529 samples is as follows: Newfoundland (17); Prince Edward Island (7); Nova Scotia (4); New Brunswick (13); Quebec (90); Ontario (8); Manitoba (70); Saskatchewan (1); Alberta (13); British Columbia (240); Yukon Territory (4); Arctic, mainland (25); Arctic Archipelago, Nunavut (24); Arctic Archipelago, Northwest Territories (11); and Washington State, United States (2). Tables 1 and 2 summarize the background and standard counts for the 2 L and 5 L counters during the period from January 5, 1993, to January 4, 1994. Figures 1 to 4 show the details of the count period. Résumé: Ce rapport présente les résultats de 533 datations au radiocarbone : 364 effectuées par le laboratoire de datation au radiocarbone de la Commission géologique du Canada et 169 effectuées par d’autres laboratoires (Alberta Environmental Centre,Vegreville [AECV]; Beta Analytic, Inc. [Beta]; Brock Geological Sciences [BGS]; Geochron Laboratories [GX]; Université de la Saskatchewan [S]; Université Simon Fraser [SFU]; Isotrace Radiocarbon Facility, Toronto [TO]). Les échantillons datés, au nombre de 529, proviennent des régions suivantes : Terre-Neuve (17), Île-du-Prince-Édouard (7), Nouvelle-Écosse (4), Nouveau-Brunswick (13), Québec (90), Ontario (8), Manitoba (70), Saskatchewan (1), Alberta (13), Colombie-Britannique (240), Territoire du Yukon (4), Arctique continental (25), archipel Arctique, Nunavut (24), archipel Arctique, Territoires du Nord-Ouest (11), et état de Washington, États-Unis (2). Les tableaux 1 et 2 résument les taux de comptage obtenus pour le bruit de fond et pour un étalon par les compteurs de 2 L et de 5 L entre le 5 janvier 1993 et le 4 janvier 1994, tandis que les figures 1 à 4 montrent les détails de la période de comptage. Radiocarbon Dates XXXIV 1 R. McNeely INTRODUCTION Blake, 1973). Nonfinite dates (i.e. greater than ages) are based on a 4σ criterion (99.9% probability), whereas finite σ This publication includes all samples that have either been dates are based on a 2 criterion (95.5% probability). All dated more than 2 years ago and not published in a ‘date list’, GSC dates are therefore rounded according to the following or had their descriptions revised since initial publication. The criteria: date list in this publication has been compiled by R. McNeely from descriptions of samples and interpretations of age deter- minations provided by the collectors and submitters. The pre- Age sentation of dates within each section or subsection of the text (years BP) Significant figures is ordered from east to west. All GSC dates, up to and includ- 0–99 1 ing GSC-5700, are now accessible on a computer database. 100–999 2 The ‘Date Locator File’ provides convenient, fast access to 1000–9999 3 GSC dates by allowing the user to interactively select indexed >10 000 3 parameters, such as laboratory number, submitter, locality, nonfinite 2 material, and age range, to retrieve samples (McNeely, 1988). Supplementary information on this database is available from the Director, Terrain Sciences Division, Geological Survey Table 1. Monthly average count rate for backgrounds of Canada. and the number of individual counts (N) made during the Several of the geographic names in this report are not period January through December 1993. included in the federal government’s list of formal geo- 2L Counter 5L Counter graphic names; however, these informal names are consid- (2 atm) (1 or 4 atm) ered important local landmarks and are included offset by Month cpm* (N) cpm* (N) single quotation marks around the name. January 1.213 ± 0.025 (3) 2.148 ± 0.033 (3) February 1.214 ± 0.024 (3) 2.200 ± 0.056 (3) Sample gas preparation and purification were carried out March 1.214 ± 0.024 (2) 2.176 ± 0.051 (2) as described in Lowdon et al. (1977). Carbon dioxide gas pro- portional counting techniques have been discussed by Dyck April 1.216 ± 0.035 (4) 2.208 ± 0.053 (4) (1967). For a review of laboratory operations, the reader is May 1.179 ± 0.020 (4) 2.169 ± 0.035 (3) referred to Lowdon (1985). June 1.227 ± 0.024 (3) 2.197 ± 0.031 (3) July 1.223 ± 0.023 (4) 2.193 ± 0.027 (4) During the period from January 1993 through December August No count No count 1993, both the 2L counter (Dyck and Fyles, 1963) and the 5L September 1.191 ± 0.020 (4) 2.165 ± 0.052 (3) counter (Dyck et al., 1965) were operated continuously, October 1.266 ± 0.025 (3) No count except for the month of August, when the count laboratory November 1.246 ± 0.025 (2) 2.229 ± 0.044 (2) was closed, and no samples were counted in the 5L counter in *counts per minute October. The 2L counter was operated at 2 atmospheres (atm) throughout this period, and the 5L counter was operated at 1 atm. Table 2. Monthly average count rate for oxalic acid On a monthly basis, the counting rates for backgrounds standards and the number of individual counts (N) made and standards were within statistical limits, except for the 2L during the period January through December 1993. background in October and the 5L standard in November. The average background and oxalic acid standard counting rates, and the number of one-day counts used to determine the 2 L Counter 5 L Counter average, are shown in Tables 1 and 2, respectively. Figures 1 (2 atm) (1 or 4 atm) to 4 provide a graphical illustration of the details in the back- Month cpm* (N) cpm* (N) ground and standard counts, which show a high degree of January 18.316 ± 0.104 (2) 28.377 ± 0.182 (1) variability in the 2L counter and a baseline offset in the 5L February 18.146 ± 0.102 (2) 28.346 ± 0.137 (2) counter resulting from electronic instability late in 1993.
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