ike L/" / Arunachala! Thou dost root^ out the ego of those who meditate on Thee in the heart. Oh Arunachala! vol. vii, ^no.'fa, octblfef 1970 Let me, Thy prey, sur• 3» render unto Thee and be consumed, and so have Peace, Oh Arunachala! — The Marital Garland (A QUARTERLY) of Letters, verse 28 " Arunachala! Thou dost root out the ego of those who meditate on Thee in the heart, Oh Arunachala ! " —The Marital Garland of Letters, verse 1. Publisher : T. N. Venkataraman, Vol. VII OCTOBER 1970 No. 4 President, Board of Trustees, Sri Ramanasramam, Tiruvannamalai. CONTENTS Page EDITORIAL : # What is Death If Scrutinised ? 188 Dear Arthur (Poem) — Harindranath Chattopadhyaya . 193 Editor : Arthur Osborne — Lucia Osborne .. 194 ' Blessed are the pure in Heart . Mrs. Lucia Osborne — Gladys de Meuter .. 201 Sri Ramanasramam, Thank You — G. N. Daley . 203 Tiruvannamalai. A Tremendous Achievement — Marie B. Byles . , 205 The Call of Arunachala — Prof. R. Sadasiva Aiyar .. 206 * A Sincere Friend — Wei Wu Wei ... 206 The Collaborator — Lucy Cornelssen . 209 A Fully Surrendered Great Devotee Managing Editor : — V: Ganesan .. 210 In Memoriam — Arthur Osborne (Poem) V. Ganesan, — A. K. Vatal . • 214 Sri Ramanasramam, An Outstanding Devotee — Swami Anuananda 215 Tiruvannamalai. Man's Target — Swami Ramananda .. 216 The Unbroken Unity — Prof. G. V. Kulkarni 217 A Great Loss — Ruth Wilson ... 219 A True Seeker — Mrs. & Dr. Sankaranarayanan . 220 An Extraordinary Personality — Ramamani 221 A Philosopher, Saint and Guide Annual Subscription : — P. V. Srinivasan . 223 INDIA .. Rs. 6. , An Appreciation — Douglas E. Harding . 224 FOREIGN .. 12sh 6d $ 1.50 dear — paul rePS . 225 Absorbed in Arunachala-Ramana Life Subscription : •—Arunachala Bhakta Bhagawata ^ .. 226 Rs. 125 £ 12-10-0 $ 30. The Secret of Deathlessness — Dr. P. J. Saher . 227 Single Copy : Na Separation Consciousness Rs. 1.75 3sh. 6d. $ 0.45 — Joel S. Goldsmith .. 230 The Conquest of Death — Prof. Eknath Eswaran . 232 A Perfect Gentleman — S.. P. Mukherjee .. 233 CONTENTS— (Contd.) Page Qtye fountain ^aty Lucia .... —' Alone ' 234 (A QUARTERLY) Enfolded in Bhagavan's Grace — A. Devaraja Mudaliar . >• 236 The aim of this journal is to set Arthur Osborne : A Silent Link forth the traditional wisdom of all — Barbara Rose .. 237 religions and all ages,. especially An Evidence for Rebirth as testified to by their saints and — Amarasiri Weeraratne . - 238 mystics, and to clarify the paths A Great Simple Man — T. P. R. 241 available to seekers in the condi• A Tribute to Arthur Osborne — S. 5. Cohen 242 tions of cur modern world. My Father — Katya Douglas . 243 To His True Memory — Madan Mohan Varma 245 Garland of Guru's Sayings (Poem) . 9 246 Letters to the Editor . 247 Ashram Bulletin .'. 255 Contributions for publication should be addressed to ' The Editor, The Mountain Path, Sri Ramanas- GRACE IN WORDS: The Verses (UPADESA SARAM) ramam, Tiruvannamalai, Madras in Tamil reproduced on the fly-leaf facing the frontispiece State' . They should be in English is the fascimile of Sri Bhagavan's own handwriting. The and typed with double spacing. translation is a new free rendering into English by Contributions not published will be Prof, K. Swaminathan. returned on request. To Our Subscribers The editor is not responsible for 1. The official year of the quarterly is from January statements and opinions contained to December. in signed articles. 2. SUBSCRIBERS IN INDIA should remit their annual subscription by Money Order only as far as possible and not by cheque. The words ' subscription for The Mountain Path for year/years' should be written on the M.O. coupon and the full name and address written in BLOCK No payment is made for contri• LETTERS on the reverse of the coupon. butions published. Anything herein Life Subscription should be sent by cheque drawn published may be reprinted else• favouring The Mountain Path and crossed. where without fee provided due The journal will not be sent by V.P.P. acknowledgement is made and the 3. FOREIGN SUBSCRIBERS can send their subscrip• editor is previously notified. tion by International Money Order, British Postal Order oi by Bank cheque or draft payable in India, U.S.A. or U.K. The subscription rates are for despatch of the journal by surface mail to all parts of the world. Contributions are accepted only If despatch by AIR MAIL is desired the following on condition that they do not additional annual amount should be remitted: appear elsewhere before being pub• lished in The Mountain Path. They £ $ can be published later elsewhere (a) Pakistan, Ceylon Rs. 6.80 but only with acknowledgement to (b) Aden, Kuwait, Hongkong, Malaysia, The Mountain Path. Indonesia, Phillipines 15s 1.80 (c) U.K., France, Belgium, Greece, Italy, Monaco, Switzerland, East, South and West Africa 22s 2.70 (d) Australia, Denmark, Netherland, THE MOUNTAIN PATH Norway, Poland, Spain, Sweden 30s 3.60 is dedicated to (e) North, Central and South America, Fiji, Hawaii, New Zealand 37s 4.50 Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi %xntt in Pforfts ^Jfr^rttm r^rr«s«t«0«O dq^Ujp . 21. Of the term ' 1', the permanent import Is That. For even in deep sleep Where we have no sense of ' 19 We do not cease to be. 22. Body, sense, mind, breath, sleep — All insentient and unreal — Cannot be 'I', ' I' who am the Real. 23. For knowing That which Is There is no other knower. Hence Being is Awareness; And we are all Awareness. 24. In the nature of their being creature and creator Are in substance one. They differ only In adjuncts and awareness. — BHAGAVAN SRI RAMANA MAHARSHI v3» (QUARTERLY) Editor: LUCIA OSBORNE Vol. VII OCTOBER, 1970 No. 4 WHAT IS DEATH IF SCRUTINISED? Editorial ^J^HE problem of death has been baffling or middle age ? Each was quite different mankind since time immemorial. from the other. Only the memory of them Death, the great leveller, may come at remains the same as only the memory of any moment with a total demand to those whose bodies have passed away. The leave behind everything one has labour• passing away of our body as a child, youth ed for and cherished in life. Man etc., was gradual, almost imperceptible. The may establish mastery over outer space and finale, this last passing away of the body unprecedented progress in the fields of usually worn out by disease or old age is science and technology but for the individual more dramatic and sudden. Whether the all these achievements are put to nought by transition is for worse or better or the death. What is the secret of death ? One highest good depends on how we have lived moment the body pulsates with life and the and prepared ourselves for the revelation of next moment it is inert like a log. The body the mystery of Being. The last transition dies but are we the body ? When the body can also be watched but not by those who is crippled or mutilated this pertains to its seek to know through reason based on know• dimensions or physical form but it does not ledge derived from sense perceptions. Rishis diminish the man in himself. It may be and adepts in yoga develop awareness trans• just the contrary as portrayed in that most cending the mind by means of concentra• moving story of Robin Drake by his father tion and self-control, by withdrawing the in Thy Son Liveth. The body is a wonder• senses from phenomenal concepts. In a still ful organism which continuously eliminates mind unobscured by thoughts, yet their very used up cells and creates new ones. It is source, the deepest phases of existence or known that after seven years all our cells rather Existence as It is, reveals itself. Life have been completely renewed and for all and death cease to be a mystery on a plane practical purposes we have a new body. In where ' killing does not take away life nor old age where is the body of the child, youth does giving birth add to it \ 188 THE MOUNTAIN PATH October The body and mind subject to incessant knowledge of Brahman in the form of an change — sensations, emotions, images, illustrative story and to prove the Reality of thoughts succeeding one another incessantly, the One Self and the phenomenality or the restlessly — cannot be the real I Am, the true unreality of the universe of names and Self which witnesses them as they come and forms. This Vedic truth cannot be compre• go. In a faint the function of the mind hended easily by the average man or ex• ceases yet we do not cease to be. Both pressed adequately in words. But it can be sleeping and fainting and the loss of con• known intuitively and aided by the Grace sciousness and sensations under an anaesthe• of the Guru ultimately experienced through tic could be called temporary death. Sri one-pointed practice and discipline. Bhagavan actually said that sleep is tempo• To return to the story in the Katha Upani• rary death and death is longer sleep. On shad, Nachiketas eager to save his father waking we know there is continuity or else from the consequences of giving away un• a new person would wake up. Also we would worthy gifts during a sacrifice, asked him to be afraid of falling asleep instead of court• whom he was going to be given since a son ing it as something desirable and revitalising. was also property. Angered by this thrice Some may start watching themselves already repeated question the father replied that he in childhood and adolescence and wondering would give him to Yama, the king of Death. whether there is not some entity in us which Nachiketas obeys his father and goes to the is steady and not in continuous flux subject abode of Yama.
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