Key SourceDate added Website title URL Cell C DD MTN MWeb Rain Telkom Vodacom Vox 0002 DBE 2020-04-02 African Storybook www.africanstorybook.org 0003 DBE 2020-04-02 CAPS Radio www.capsradio.co.za E D E 0004 DBE 2020-04-02 Department of Basic Education www.education.gov.za 0005 DBE 2020-04-02 Department of Basic Education administration functions smartdbe.doe.gov.za 0006 DBE 2020-04-02 Department of Basic Education cloud dbecloud.org.za D 0007 DBE 2020-04-02 Department of Basic Education curriculum content resources dbecontent.bhelela.com D 0008 DBE 2020-04-02 Department of Basic Education email facilities webmail.doe.gov.za D 0009 DBE 2020-04-02 Eastern Cape Department of Education www.ecdoe.co.za D 0010 DBE REINSTATED Eastern Cape Department of Education curriculum resources www.eccurriculum.co.za ? ? ? ? ? ? 0011 DBE SUSPENDED Eastern Cape Department of Education examination resources www.ecexams.co.za S S S S S S S S 0012 DBE 2020-04-02 Free State Department of Education www.education.fs.gov.za P 0013 DBE 2020-04-02 Gauteng Department of Education online admissions www.gdeadmissions.gov.za E 0014 DBE 2020-04-02 Gauteng Digital Platform www.gauteng.gov.za E D D 0015 DBE 2020-04-02 Khan Academy www.khanacademy.org D 0016 DBE 2020-04-02 Khan Academy in IsiXhosa xh.khanacademy.org D 0017 DBE 2020-04-02 Khan Academy in IsiZulu zu.khanacademy.org D 0018 DBE 2020-04-02 KwaZulu-Natal Department of Education www.kzneducation.gov.za 0019 DBE 2020-04-02 KwaZulu-Natal Funda eLearning Portal kznfunda.kzndoe.gov.za 0020 DBE 2020-04-02 Limpopo Department of Education www.edu.limpopo.gov.za 0021 DBE 2020-04-02 Mpumalanga Department of Education www.mpumalanga.gov.za 0022 DBE 2020-04-02 North West Department of Education desd.nwpg.gov.za 0023 DBE 2020-04-02 Northern Cape Department of Education ncdoe.ncpg.gov.za E 0024 DBE 2020-04-02 Tech Teachers www.techteachers.co.za D D 0026 DBE 2020-04-02 Western Cape Education Department wcedonline.westerncape.gov.za 0027 DBE SUSPENDED Western Cape Education Department ePortal wcedeportal.co.za S S S S S S S S 0028 DBE 2020-04-02 Xander language applications xander.co.za 0034 DBE SUSPENDED Cape Teaching & Leadership Institute wcedctli.co.za S S S S S S S S 0037 DBE 2020-04-09 Telematic Schools Project schools.sun.ac.za 0039 DBE 2020-04-09 Western Cape Education Department COVID-19 Teacher Support wcedeteacher.wixsite.com/covid19 D D 0040 DBE 2020-04-09 Western Cape Education Department Demystify Coding in Education wcedeteacher.wixsite.com/coding D D 0041 DBE 2020-04-09 Western Cape Education Department eLearning wcedelearn.westerncape.gov.za 0042 DBE 2020-04-09 Western Cape Education Department eTeacher wcedeteacher.wixsite.com/eteacher D D 0043 DBE 2020-04-09 Western Cape Education Department ICT Adoption Strategy wcedeteacher.wixsite.com/adoption-online D D 0044 DBE 2020-04-09 Western Cape Education Department Innovation Hubs wcedeteacher.wixsite.com/hubs D D 0215 DBE SUSPENDED Bishops Lavis High Schol E-Learning Portal blhs.co.za S S S S S S S S 0217 DBE 2020-04-28 Effingham Secondary School website www.effinghamsecondary.co.za 0218 DBE 2020-04-28 Glenashley Prep School website glenashleyprep.co.za 0219 DBE 2020-04-28 Greytown High School website greytownhigh.co.za 0220 DBE 2020-04-28 Maritzburg College Moodle moodle.mcollege.co.za E 0221 DBE 2020-04-28 Nomaswazi High School website www.nomaswazionline.org.za 0222 DBE 2020-04-28 Star of the Sea Convent School website starofthesea.co.za 0224 DBE 2020-04-28 Zwaanswyk Academy website zwaanswyk.net 0225 DBE 2020-04-28 Zwaanswyk High School www.zwaanswykhighschool.co.za 0227 DBE 2020-05-03 2Enable www.2enable.org D E 0228 DBE 2020-05-03 Al-Falaah College alfalaah.itsi.mobi E E 0229 DBE 2020-05-03 Al-Falaah College eschool.itvarsity.org 0230 DBE 2020-05-03 Alexandra High School apollo.alexhigh.org.za D 0231 DBE 2020-05-03 Bishops Diocesan College learning.bishops.org.za 0232 DBE 2020-05-03 Bishops Diocesan College learning.bishopsprep.org.za 0233 DBE 2020-05-03 Brettonwood High School brettonwoodhighschool.co.za 0234 DBE 2020-05-03 Bryanston Primary School bpsonline.co.za 0235 DBE REINSTATED Centurion Christelike Laerskool www.lscenturion.co.za ? ? ? ? ? ? 0236 DBE 2020-05-03 Empangeni High School ehs.org.za 0237 DBE 2020-05-03 Graeme College www.graemecollege.co.za 0238 DBE 2020-05-03 Greytown Junior School greytownjunior.co.za 0239 DBE 2020-05-03 Hillary Primary School www.hillaryprimary.co.za 0240 DBE 2020-05-03 Hoërskool Elspark news.hselspark.co.za E 0241 DBE 2020-05-03 Hoërskool Hans Moore hansmoore.co.za 0242 DBE 2020-05-03 Hoërskool Heidelberg www.hsheidelberg.co.za 0243 DBE 2020-05-03 Hoërskool Montana www.hsmontana.co.za D 0244 DBE 2020-05-03 Hoërskool Reitz reitzhs.co.za D 0245 DBE 2020-05-03 HTS Welkom htswelkom.co.za 0246 DBE 2020-05-03 Hyde Park High School www.hydepark.gp.school.za D 0248 DBE 2020-05-03 Jeppe High School for Girls www.jeppegirls.co.za D 0249 DBE 2020-05-03 King's Education Group keg.edgebase.co.za E 0250 DBE 2020-05-03 Laerskool Ashton laerskoolashton.co.za E 0251 DBE 2020-05-03 Laerskool Bakenkop www.laerskoolbakenkop.co.za D 0252 DBE 2020-05-03 Laerskool Generaal Nicolaas Smit lgns.co.za 0253 DBE 2020-05-03 Laerskool Lynnwood www.lynnies.co.za 0254 DBE 2020-05-03 Martie du Plessis School www.martieduplessis.co.za D 0255 DBE 2020-05-03 Maths Curriculum Online maths.gsed.co.za ? 0256 DBE 2020-05-03 Nico Malan High School www.nicomalan.co.za E 0257 DBE 2020-05-03 Phoenix Muslim School www.phoenixmuslimschool.co.za ? 0258 DBE 2020-05-03 Pretoria Boys High boyshigh.com 0259 DBE 2020-05-03 Rhodes High School www.rhodeshigh.co.za E 0260 DBE 2020-05-03 Riebeek College Girls’ High School www.riebeekcollege.co.za D 0261 DBE 2020-05-03 Rosehill Primary School www.rosehillprimary.co.za 0262 DBE 2020-05-03 Scottburgh Primary School www.sps.org.za D 0263 DBE 2020-05-03 Tendopro www.tendopro.co.za 0264 DBE 2020-05-03 The Settlers High School www.settlers.org.za 0265 DBE 2020-05-03 Victoria Primary School www.victoriaprimary.co.za 0266 DBE SUSPENDED Westville Boys' High School www.wbhs.co.za S S S S S S S S 0267 DBE 2020-05-03 Westville Junior Primary School wjps.co.za E E 0461 DBE 2020-05-07 Afrikaanse Hoër Seunskool affies.net E 0462 DBE 2020-05-07 Ashbury College ashburyedu.co.za 0463 DBE 2020-05-07 Belvedere School www.belvedereschool.co.za 0464 DBE 2020-05-07 Bright Star Christian Learning Centre brightstarchristian.co.za D 0465 DBE 2020-05-07 Cedarwood School www.cedarwoodschool.co.za 0466 DBE 2020-05-07 Clarendon Park Primary School www.clarendonpark.co.za D 0467 DBE SUSPENDED d6 Communicator dl.d6communicator.com S S S S S S S S 0468 DBE SUSPENDED d6 Communicator downloads.d6communicator.com S S S S S S S S 0469 DBE 2020-05-07 d6 Communicator fp.d6communicator.com E E D D 0470 DBE 2020-05-07 d6 Communicator afeed.d6communicator.com E E D E 0471 DBE 2020-05-07 d6 Communicator ifeed.d6communicator.com E E D E 0472 DBE 2020-05-07 d6 Communicator mobilefeeds.d6communicator.com E E D E 0473 DBE 2020-05-07 d6 Communicator admin.d6communicator.com D D 0474 DBE 2020-05-07 d6 Communicator engine.adyo.co.za E D D 0475 DBE SUSPENDED d6 Communicator cdn.adyo.co.za S S S S S S S S 0476 DBE 2020-05-07 d6 Connect capi.d6.co.za E E D E 0477 DBE SUSPENDED d6 Connect connect.d6.co.za S S S S S S S S 0478 DBE 2020-05-07 d6 Connect go.d6.co.za E D D 0479 DBE SUSPENDED d6 Connect dl.d6.co.za S S S S S S S S 0480 DBE SUSPENDED d6 Connect d6plus.co.za S S S S S S S S 0481 DBE 2020-05-07 Droom Skool www.droomskool.co.za D 0482 DBE 2020-05-07 Gelofte Skool gelofte.co.za 0483 DBE 2020-05-07 Grey College Primary School greycollegeprimary.com D 0484 DBE 2020-05-07 Grosvenor Girls High School www.gghs.co.za 0485 DBE 2020-05-07 Hoër Tegniese Skool Eden www.htseden.co.za 0486 DBE 2020-05-07 Hoër Volkskool Graaf-Reinet www.hvsgrt.org.za 0487 DBE 2020-05-07 Hoërskool Brandwag www.brandwag.co.za 0488 DBE 2020-05-07 Hoërskool Bredasdorp www.hsbredasdorp.co.za 0489 DBE 2020-05-07 Hoërskool Centurion hscenturion.co.za E 0490 DBE 2020-05-07 Hoërskool Diamantveld www.diamantveld.co.za 0491 DBE 2020-05-07 Hoërskool Dinamika www.namies.co.za E E 0492 DBE 2020-05-07 Hoërskool Ellisras www.rassies.com 0493 DBE 2020-05-07 Hoërskool Marais Viljoen www.maraisviljoen.co.za 0494 DBE 2020-05-07 Hoërskool Nylstroom www.hsnylstroom.co.za 0495 DBE 2020-05-07 Hoërskool Oosterlig www.hsoosterlig.co.za 0496 DBE 2020-05-07 Hoërskool Sand du Plessis www.sannies.co.za 0497 DBE 2020-05-07 Jacobsdal Primary School www.jakkies.com 0498 DBE 2020-05-07 Laerskool Kathu www.laerskoolkathu.co.za 0499 DBE 2020-05-07 Laerskool Krugerpark www.lskp.co.za D 0500 DBE 2020-05-07 Laerskool Worcester-Oos www.worcesteroos.co.za 0501 DBE SUSPENDED Northlands Primary School www.northlandsprimary.co.za S S S S S S S S 0502 DBE 2020-05-07 Paarl Girls High School itsi.paarlgirlshigh.com E 0503 DBE 2020-05-07 Paarl Girls High School www.paarlgirlshigh.com 0504 DBE 2020-05-07 Parkhurst Primary School www.parkhurstprimary.org.za 0505 DBE 2020-05-07 Parow High School www.parowhs.co.za ? 0506 DBE 2020-05-07 Pietermaritzburg Girls' High School Moodle Server E P 0507 DBE 2020-05-07 Randpark High School randparkhigh.co.za 0508 DBE 2020-05-07 Rondebosch Boys’ Schools www.rondebosch.com 0509 DBE 2020-05-07 Schools IT schoolsit.wcgschools.gov.za E 0510 DBE 2020-05-07 The Bostonhub www.bostonhub.co.za 0511 DBE 2020-05-07 The Data Driven Districts (DDD) Programme www.dbedashboard.co.za E E 0512 DBE 2020-05-07 Wavecrest Primary School wavecrestyep.site123.me E 0513 DBE 2020-05-07 Western Cape Government
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