• r ’ ; i ' ' ■ / --f: -r ' ‘• ■I , .. gi|hBKyr*BioH7 ' THimspAV,ia[AT 17,1961. iltrl|fr;^r lEttnti^ •r- ‘ liti’.ifri III I ill'll lila iiiiM A v e n g e Xkdljr N et P re n Run ,r*/, - V. 1 , rUrttaWaekEiiried ^ . Tke Weether May Ek, 1808 ' FWeeast at V. a. WeaUiar : 13,578 / Clear, tuHd IwUght SatuMay, Msnihar a( the AudH eoatianad Warn* and humid, high rCiOOD>^tAR -Bureau at near tO; Manchesterr^A City of Village C A ^ riti VOL.LXXXL (TWlBNTY-FOUB PA G E ^lN 'TWO SECTIONS^ .MANCHESTER, CDNN., FRIDAY, MAY 18, 1962 "(Claaatfled Adrrerttaing wi Pag* 88) PRICE FIVE CElhR of DELUXE II resses These Are Not Delayed Again Same Old Story tidd in Court CAPE. CANAVERAL, t "This, is part of ths eohUnuing (A P )—The world ortlt fligj process of greater rellahUlty— HARTFORD [A F ) — Th « On West Europe Defense taking advantage of past flight ax- at Navy Lt. Gmdr. Mali story told in Superior C<Hirt perience—and it gives me a yeeterday was a familiar one Sedtt Cafpenter has been de­ chance to work with conhdenca.” layed three days ointil next Earlier Thuinday, prepamtlna -^-an. elderly .man with money> Tuesday to improve reliabil­ for the Olght were mBred by a a persuasive securities sales­ No Gimmicks - Just Low, Low Prices plane crash 'near Nairobi, Africa, man, gpd an exchange of sav­ Marines Dig ity of the parachute system that killed 14 Air Force men in­ Tell Frantii _________ . on his spacecraft, Aurora 7. ings for stock of (Questionable volved In support of emergency value.' The burprtse announcen^t of recovery operations for the Car­ In 30 Mile8 the delay came late Thursday ' The Victim, state police said, penter flight. was an 84-year-oId New BriUln U.S. Feeling • night after ji mission reyimv meet­ Most of the victims were miwdi- ing attended by Carpentm', Oper­ man. The suspected swindler is Near Bangkok 19" Deluxe G-E ations Director Walter /Williams anlcs flying to g continmn^y site Donald L. Duncan, .41, ef'^New at Nairobi to service pUmes Which York City. • and other top Project Mercury of­ BANGKOK,. Thailand For Action ficials. would be used hcarch for Duncan was arrested as be and VHP Aurora T should It'land In an un* hie customer—who had already (AF) — American Marines Portable T V Discussion centered ^ a ques­ scheduled apqt In the Indian tion raised nearly three months paid him |74,0(M in cash and dug ill today 30 miles from W(^INGT0N (AP) — Ocean or ^elurtem Africa. The Mcurities—entered a bank‘to get Presiuent 'Kennedy wantg ago; Why did the s r ^ l 'stabilis­ ■ ____ 1_ more; money. the Lahtjan border in a deter­ ing parachute on MuTne Lt. Gol. (Coutfaiaed on Page Two) In return tor the 874,000, the mined show of force to dis­ Ftanch'President Charles da Jem H. Olenn Jr.'s capsule un­ elderly man had received New courage any Communist ag­ Gaulle— and other European furl at 7,000 feet hv stead of the Mexico oil stock valued by off!- intended 21,000 feet gression against Thailand leaders— to understand that olala at 8500 at moat. as long as the United States Mercury officiale apparenUy Dupcah was charged with vio­ from embattled Laos. were convinced at/that time that SS-How Work lating a Connecticut law which re. The U.S. buildup of armed carries the ultimate burden o f It was a random nilure, not like­ qui]ws dealers in oU and mining might in this pro-Westem oriental Western, Europe’s defense it ly to happen agmn, and no para­ stock: to obtain permiaaion from land moved swiftly and amoo^y will particii>ate .fully in the Week Without toward a planned p4ak of S.OQQ chute changes v^re made In Car­ ths itate banking commisrioner gi-eat decisions affecting war penter's capsule/ X before they pisddle their wares. men. Flans had been progressing The landing In Bangkok of 2,990 and p ^ e in Europe. smoothly for a flight scheduled Pay Gut Sought combat.ready U.S. Marinep wae KenncKly, In an open but re­ NO Mo n e y d o w n Saturday. Body Recovered completed Thursday night within strained clash with Da Gaulle, But at Thursday night's hastily- ATLANTIC. OtTY. N.J. (AP)— WESTPORT (AP) — A body IS hours after the first Leather­ laid out the U.g. side of the great eWed meeting, WiUiaiu reviewed George Meany, president of the found In Long Island Sound yea- neck touched shore. A contlnuoue tronMtlantlo debate . in a speech completely the Glenn' threeK>rblt AFtrCIO, says a 88-hour week tarday haa been identified tenta­ airlift ferried them to northeast Thursday night and a nswa oon- 2.75 Wbekiy a nuaons ^Dajdight Blue'*’ plctore^ Ug, sqnu« comer flight and, a National Aeronautics without any . redudjon - in pay tively- as that ■ of a i0-ysarK>ld Thailand. lerence Thursday afternoon. >< lO-hwh aet«en,/wlilter whites, sharper oontraet. and Space Administration Spokes­ would solve the -problem'of unem­ Monroe youth, whp, with his 14- Another 600 Marines and Vtrmy In effect he told- De Gaulle that \ Or man said, "began to ask questions ployment In the United States. yaar-old cousin, was lost in a.boat­ infantrymen began leaving Hawaii Europe cannot have g blank * New ta-INiwaf ciiaeris wMh mil power trana- ing accident March 38. The youthf X about the parachute deployment." He predicted Thursday the AFL- at daybreak, bound for this South­ check to draw on U.8. defensive Seenier—m<TO “ poll-fn" power—powerful fringie rc- WUUama . wanted to -'know if CIO would start a nationwide James Paul, was idmtlfied by his east Asian kingdom in Jet trans­ power when disaster threatens but XJ there was a posslbUity the small drive for the shorter week "unless parents. The. body of James' ports. The infantrymen Included bypsss this country in the earlier 11.50 Monthly parachute could pop out even we very' quickly see the end of cousin, ' Arthur Bmdtmuller of 200 -members of .the 27th Infantry stage ot policy decisions. 0 Vl^flroat eons4rie sound—wide range dynapower Fairfield, was dlicovaced last . ^ 4Ulter ' . sooner, perhaps during orUt. If this unemployment problem, un­ Regiment, joining a 1,000-nian Administration officials say Da On Our Own Bodget Plan so. It would bum up on reentry less we see the economic growth week at Sunktn Msadows State Army battle group and 800 Engi­ Gaulle’s policy line at a newa con­ \ U BnUt-la aatenaa—teleeeoping—adjustable. Park, Lmg Island- \ and lose Its value as a stabilizing step up beyond the 3% per cent neers who remained in Thailand ference. In Paris Tuesday indi­ Value Means So T h in g s... force for the aapuule. which is ekrwly but surely going, after maneuvers two weeks ago.' cates he wants a dsorsaslng U.B. .No Kiqdanatloa to relegate Us to the status of a eSaims Drop . Tke Marines went Into camp role In European affairs though Engiaaers were not able to ex­ second class nation, unless this HARTFORD (^AP) “-^nem ploy- near Udon, 90 milea from. the Europs would rely on Amerlean happens right .sooti." Mekong River border and 40 miles \ plain the malfunction to WilUam'e mant compensation claims, filed nuclear power for Us plUmate CONSOLE TV SET TABLE MODEL TV SET satlatsetion, the spokesman said, Meany ^dressed the biennial last week totaled 81,498, the low­ south of the p^Wastem .Laotian protection. -, For example, value m i^ t mean quality only where pare our margins to the bone, use cost-cutting meth­ and at 10:S0 p.m. Eastern Stan­ convenUMi of the Amalgamated est lever since December 1969, the government's administrative cap­ ^Cruising Down the River on a Sunday Aiterpoon .. y Decision Challenged ’ dard Mime, alter a 2H-bour sais- Clothing Workers Union edtieh State Labor Department reported ital of VlenUanO. American-oper­ Dartmouth OoUega atudanta start their annual canoe trek down tha Conneetk^t River late Thurs­ At the news conference Krone- the food budget is unlimited. Or, in these days of ods of operation — so we can pass the savings on Sion, WUllams decided to postpone gave .him thunderous applause. yesterday. One year ago the week­ ated planes shuttle' frequently day. Some 30 students in 10 eanoea expect to take five-days on tha SlS-^iUe voyage to Sayhrook, dy challenged De Gaulle's deci­ the tU|^t to provide a backup Workera Vets ly total was 68,817. from lidon to Laoe and its .alr- and Long Island Sound.. --- J There are--- seven------------ portages------------------- past dams.jcitfoute. (AP Wlrephoto). sion to make Francs an Independ­ ■trip is a base for aerial recon- high costs, value might mean price only. Then again, to you, along with that fine quality you want. parachute deployment switch. The clothte workers,-a iOO.im)- . ■ - . ent nuclear power saying It would UHF UHF ..The coprecUon involves install- member A F L d O ' union, voted ntssance of the river frontier. New lead to a dangerous situation In MliBter Plan hiikways are being built In the it could mean — just as it does in our friendly store -Iqg a second aneroid; barometer Wsidnesday to seek' the shorter HERTFORD (AP) — Hartford the world and w6uld weaken, tha VHF switch- w)4<^ is sensltlvt to altl- work week WlUi no pay ,cut . flat, arid region to several border North Atlantic Treaty Organiza­ Look around our friendly store. On every shelf, VHF Hoepjtal'e Board of Directors towns, Radieal Style — an unbeatable combination of top quality AND tuds chsngiM.
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