TORRANCE PRiSS Monday, August 4, 1958 Page S*v»n AutomobiUs tor Salo 200 Automobile* for Salo 200 Automobiles for Sale) 200 Automobiles for Sal* 200 4\utomoblU» for S«l« 200 for Sal* 17 Automobiles for Salo. 200 Automobiles for Sale 206 Automobiles for Sale 200 "WHYTblUOW" HAVE ECONOMY WE NEED MONTH MILK UNLESS ITS THE LEADER HAVE FUN USED -END- WHY BUY? CLEARANCE UNLESS ITS HAVE PRESTIGE CARS if NO Have yourself a real good deal with one of these low, * THE BEST low, priced imported used cars . CAflH * CARRY Due to the huge Increase In Used Car sales during the WITH A GOOD A-l USED IMPORTED CAR DOWN WHY PAY? May-June campaign, we find our Used Car Stock ex­ VERBURG tremely low. PAYMENT UNLESS ITS '58 TAUNUS $1795 (German Ford) 4 door sedan. Radio, heater, whit* walls. 2 ton*. If Qualified UP TO 36 MO. TO PAY DAIRY THE LEAST '57 SIMCA ARONDE $1195 Highest Prices For 18158 CRENSHAW WHEN 4-Door sedan. Heater, white walls. Wagons - Wagons - Wagons 1956 Plymouth Custom Surburan Wagon Chevrolets V8. Automatic transmission, radio, boater. This 4<loor DAv"s9-H9l FRED GLEDHILL '56 SIMCA ARONDE $1095 station wagon in perfect condition. 2-tone color, black 2093 W. 174TH 4-Door sadan. Radio, haatar, whit* walls, two tone. over white. Low mileage. THE LEADER and Full Price $1595 OPEN DAILY '57 FIAT ...... $1295 GIVES YOU 600 sadan. Radio, haatar, whit* walls 1954 Ford Ranch Wagon V8 Automatic transmission, radio, heater. A beautiful two- tone red and white. Runs like a dream. THE BEST '56 RENAULT $995 Sport Cars Full Price $895 LEONARD'S 4 CV 4-door sedan. Radio, haatar. FOR 1953 Ford V8 Ranch Wagon Overdrive, radio, heater, original maroon paint. Interior AUCTION '54 VOLKSWAGEN $1195 all original. THE LEAST Sunroof. Radio, haatar, white walls. Ilka new. SALE SEE US TODAY Fu If Price $695 1 SALES EVERY WEEK 1953 Ford 4-Door Country Sedan TUESDAY, 7 P.M. '56 Karman '55 TR-2 ROADSTER $1795 9-Passenger station wagon. Automatic transmission, radio, * SAT., 9:30 A.M. heater. A beautiful grey color. Really a fine car. Furniture, Appliances Ghia...$1999 '53 SUNBEAM TALBOT $ 795 Full Price $795 Coupe. Radio, heater, low mileage. Rugs, Lamps Mech. u»irv4. This Is that hard to Convertible. Radio, heater, white walls. BROKAW 1957 Plymouth Savoy V8 Hard Top Coupe Baby Furniture find model. Automatic transmission, radio, heater, tinted glass, white Power Tools wall tires, power steering and power brakes, dual anten­ Outboard Motors '53 M.G. $1195 nas, power pack. White over yellow. This one still new. '56 Chev.. $2499 Roadster Immaculate. All white. Lumber, Building Corvette. Radio, heater, whltewalls, Full Price $1995 Materials 3 speed transmission. Red In color. CHEVROLET Sold new by us. Plumbing and Electrical '53 ZEPHYR $595 1957 Ford V8 Fairlane 500 Victoria 4-Door <t«dnn. Heater, whlta walls, new paint. 4-Door Hardtop. Automatic, radio, heater, whitewalli, Supplies Pacific Coast Hwy at 30th Bring It in '53 Chev... $699 tinted glass, power steering and brakes. All black with We Buy or Sell Bel Air 4-door sedan. PowerGllde, gold trim. Original 10,000 mile car. A black beauty. For Commission heater, 2-tone paint. One owner. '52 SUNEAM TALBOT $595 4-Door sedan. Radio, heater. Full Price $2295 Leonard Burleson Hermosa Beach FR 2-1151 1956 Ford V8 Crown Victoria Auctioneer '58 Chev.. $2699 Bel Air 4-door sedan. Executive White and turquoise. Fordomatic, radio, heater, tinted 1311 W. Carson car. Fully equipped. '54 TR-2 ROADSTlfT $1595 glass, whitewall tires, power steering, rear seat speaker. Radio and haatar. Full tonnaau. Loaded with extras. This car is a steal at Tor ranee FA 8-2602 '55 Chev.. $2199 $1695 Corvette. Large radio ft heater. '53 JAGUAR $1195 AH white In color. IT'S NEW . 1955 Ford Fairlane Club Sedan FT. house trailer with 10 ft Atu Sport Coupe. Radio ft heater. Immaculate. awnlnfl, $400. 2 7ft h P. Etoln out Two-tone tan and white, automatic, radio, heater. Orig , hoards, S50 each. 2016 Grant St /nal throughout. This is a sharpie! ?edondo Beach. THE PERFECT ANSWER TO ALL CAR NEEDS FOR SALsT, Shetland oaldlno ft saddle, '57 Chev.. $1599 '58 FIAT1100 SEDAN $1695 Full Price $1195 sewing machine, 18-cu. ft. deep 4-door sedan, radio ft heater, stan­ Heater, white wall tires, windows, vents* ate. Demo. 2-tone finish. freeze, lron«r, Atlas metal lathe. dard transmission. Excellent buy. 2271 W. 231st St. DA 4-2920 1954 Buick 4-Door Sedan BORO SPORTSMAN camper, with Dynaflow, radio, heater, power steering. A beautiful bunks for '55 thru '57 Chevrolet '/»- white car priced to sell at ton pickup. All steel, factory built, '55 Chev... 1200. 16704 Kornblum. OA 44107. 4-door sedan. Where Pprice It the BMW Isetta most Important Item. $795 14-PT. RUN-A-BOUT, completely glassed, H85. i apt. stove, MO. sectional divan with center table, 1958 Chevrolet 1/2 -Ton Pick Up «0. Admiral TV, 24" $60. All in Light tan color. Heater, white walls. A beautiful truck I excellent condition. FA t-0424 '56 Chev.. $1399 Never used commercially. V-t 4 door. Stand, trans., heater, IUJTOM MADE FURNITURE. All w/w tires, one owner. ) kinds. Choice of woods. Reasonable. k:Guaranteed._________OS 4-3500 Full Price $1495 I II IN. Craftsman lawn mower, 15 Oood condition. 20U W, 1*0 st. '53 Ford... $599 The New 1953 Chevrolet 2-Door Sedan I DA 9234 sedan. Overdrive, heater Ppwerglide, radio & heater, 2-tone blue. A beautiful run­ MAPLE baby wardrobe chest, made paint. One owner. DIVISION ning car. by LulUby. Laroe I«"x39"x45", «35. 600" Model PR 5-452* 505 Pacific Coast Hwy. Full Price $695 Pontiac $499 Now on Mitcollanoou* Wanted 175 4 door sedan. Hvdramattc, R & H. Hermosa Beach FR 4-0921 1951 Plymouth Station Wagon A real buy I Display Stick shift, radio, heater. You can buy tois economy TURN YOUR Open Eves. & Sunday Lilce New Clothing Info car for only $ $ $ $395 » Women's sizes, II to 22 1/. TRUCKS PLYMOUTH FIAT Man's, largo s!z*s Remember: All our cart carry a 7000 mile or 17-month warrant** At Children, maternity wardrobes, BOB KEEPER ALFA ROMEO no cost to you. Many of tht»t cars can be bought without a down pay­ drapes, curtain*, baby furniture, etc. ment And tow easy terms. Buy your oood used car from your new car WORN-A-BIT SHOP Dealer. We retain only the cleanest cars. 10501 Hawthorn* Blvd., Lennox 55 Chev.. $11 99 New Car Prices Start At MORE BEAUTIFUL ft MORL VIV\L>ILI , , , MORE ROOM OR 40«1« V-l, '/«-ton pickup. Automatic trans., deluxe cab, chrome bumper. For Lowest Cost Mileage (up to 60 miles per gallon) of Driving f rucks for Sale 178 See, sit in, drive and compare these plush BMW Alpine Queens 1?5S FORD »/t Tn. pick-up, 4 cylinder, before you decide on a car. You'll choose either BMW Isetta Radio, heater, heavy duty springs, 57 Chev.. $1399 Herman Miller spot light, SI75. 241 Call* De Ma­ drid. PR 52150 Vi-ton panel. Sold ft serviced by "600" hardtop, BMW Isetta "300" or Sunliner. Front and back, us. Must see and drive to appreci­ $1134 '54 FORD pickup. V-8, deluxe cab, ate. BMW Isetta gives you more room than any other popular priced Plymouth Triumph Fordomatic, turn Indicator, tinted olas*, large rear window. Very STATION WAGONS imported car! Six-footers can comfortably sit in front or back. harp. I owner. PR 54574 Afta Dealer P.M. 57 Chev. $1499 Over 30 New and Used to Choose from. Example: Make the "hat test." TRUCK 'SO Chevy Panel. Good con­ %-T Pickup. 4500 actual miles. '57 Plymouth ................................ $1499 1311 Cabrillo Ave. dition, *200. 2517 W. U4th St Oerdena. 1957 Ford "500" Victoria ......................:.... ....... $1999 FA 8-40 1 4 'fo^SaioT .~T85 '49Plym. $299 Pord-o-matlc, radio, heater, white (Ida walls. 9 pass. Sub. This Is the best trans­ 1957 Plymouth Belvedere ...................................... $1999 Marsh and Carlson '4t HARLE ' M. Motor re portation car In the entire harbor 4-Door hardtop. Torquefllte, radio, haatar, white side walls cently OVP /I cond. $500 area. BOB WOOD AUTO SALES 1956 Plymouth 4 Door . ... ..................................... $1099 Isetta Sales & Service V-l. Automatic, radio, heater. 400 North Sepulveda Manhattan Beach SPECIAL FOR TORRANCE PRESS READERS Automobile* for Sale 200 1955 Chevrolet "210" 2 door .............._........._ $ 999 '55 Chev. $899 Automatic. Radio, heater. ~ FR 6-9469 FR 6-9460 FA 1-1797 ? Door. Heater, WSW tires. Must 1954 Dodge 4-door Custom ................................ $ 799 see ft drive. V-l. Automatic, power steering, power brakas, radio, hoater, white IT'S £oids~$1395 side walls. Discount Coupon "W" Holiday coupe. Automatic. Re See Us Today, We'll 1953 Plymouth 4 door ............................................ $ 399 dlo, heater. Radio, heater. 100 Deal Your Way HILLMAN Can b« used on any car advertised below HEADQUARTERS RIVIERA CONVERTIBLES AMERICA'S Dollar Days These cars are already priced low, but Over 10 New ft Usad to Choose from, example: Imported Cars No. 1 Economy Car AT with this coupon, you can SAVE as never before! (Your So. Bay Volkswagen Dlr.) FRED GLEDHILL '55 Ford ........................................ $1099 FULL WITH 2601 Pac. Cst. Hwy. Chevrolet Hampton Imported Cars PRICK COUPON Hermosa Beach FR A-34M Open ftvnday 305 E. Anaheim NO DOWN PAYMENT REQUIRED ' on approved credit 1st '40 CHEVROLET.............. $139 $ 39 ? door. Runs oood. Wilmington U««d Carg Guaranteed One Full Year ft in Performance HAWTHORNE BLVD. & I20TH NEW TRIUMPHS '49 MERCURY ................ $149 $ 49 ft in Styling Club COUP*.
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