Queensland Parliamentary Debates [Hansard] Legislative Assembly TUESDAY, 16 MARCH 1971 Electronic reproduction of original hardcopy Questions Upon Notice [16 MARCH) Questions Upon Notice 2933 TUESDAY, 16 MARCH, 1971 release commercially, it will have to be approved by the Technical Committee on Veterinary Drugs and be registered by Mr. SPEAKER (Hon. D. E. Nicholson, The Agricultural Requirements Board of Murrumba) read prayers and took the chair Queensland. All relevant information must at 11 a.m. be made available prior to registration to these bodies. The aspects raised by the QUESTIONS UPON NOTICE Honourable Member are taken into full consideration by the respective authorities QUEENSLAND HEALTH EDUCATION COUNCIL in determining whether or not chemicals Mr. Melloy, pursuant to notice, asked The are approved for release." Minister for Health,- Who are the members of the Queensland Health Education Counc:il, what office RAIL TRANSPORT OF CATTLE, FORSAYTH does each hold and what salary and/ or AND MuNGANA LINES allowance is each paid? Mr. Wallis-Smith, pursuant to notice, asked The Minister for Transport,- Answer:- How many cattle were transported by "As requested by the Honourable rail from (a) Forsayth, (b) Einasleigh, Member, the names of Members of the (c) Mount Surprise and (d) Mungana Queensland Health Education Council and for the year ended December 31, 1970? their office are as follows:-Deputy Chairman-Dr. M. H. Gabriel, B.Sc., M.B., Answer:- B.S., (Qld.), D.P.H., (Syd.), A.R.A.C.I. " YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 30, 1970 Members-Dr. P. G. Livingstone, M.B., B.S., (Qld.), M.R.C.P., (Edin.), D.P.H., (Syd.), F.A.C.M.A.; Dr. G. M. S. May, Station From No. of Head M.B., B.S., (Melb.); Dr. J. M. Deakin, of Cattle M.B., B.S., (Syd.), M.R.C.P., (Edin.), M.A.C.D.; Mrs. M. F. Wilson; Dr. K. S. Mowatt, M.B., Ch.B., (Edin.), L.R.C.P., Forsayth .. 17,731 L.R.C.S., (Edin.), L.R.F.P. and S., (Glasg.) D.M.R.T., (Edin.), M.C.R.A., Einasleigh 3,811 F.F.R., F.C.R.A., M.B., B.S., (Qld.); Professor D. Gordon, M.B., B.S., (Qld.); Mount Surprise 11,544 Mr. B. T. A. Homan, M.D.Sc.; Professor H. C. Webster, C.M.G., Ph.D. (Camb.), Mungana .. 16,369 D.Sc., (Tas.), F.A.I.P., F.I.E.E.; Mr. 49,455" H. F. B. Tomlinson, B.A., A.Ed.; Mr. C. A. P. Clark, A.A.S.A.; Mr. J. W. McKay; Mrs. M. J. Vol!er; Mrs. W. H. Roberts, O.B.E.; Mrs. I. J. Wilson; Mr. W. L. Rudder, M.B.E.; and Dr. J. F. DETERGENTS FOR OIL-POLLUTION McFarlane, M.B., B.S., (Qld.), M.R.C.P., DISPERSAL (Edin.), F.A.C.M.A. Members of the Mr. Wallis-Smith, pursuant to notice, asked Council all act in an honorary capacity and The Minister for Conservation,- receive no allowances. Mr. G. Healy, B.A., who had been a Member of the ( 1) Has his attention been drawn to Council for 20 years and its Chairman for an article in The Courier-Mail of March 15 years, has recently resigned and con­ 11 which stated that many detergents used sideration is at present being given to the to disperse oil slicks could cause more filling of the position of chairman damage than the actual oil slick? following his resignation." (2) Are there a number of such deter­ gents and, if so, will he have an investi­ CATTLE-TICK CONTROL CHEMICAL gation made in order to ensure that a Mr. Wallis-Smith, pursuant to notice, asked type not injurious to other forms of life The Minister for Primary Industries,- will be used at all times? In view of the statement made by Mr. Answers:­ G. Janssen relative to the chemical to overcome all known strains of cattle ticks, (!) "Yes." will he ascertain the contents of this com­ (2) "There has been significant pro­ pound, whether such chemicals are gress in recent times in the development injurious to other forms of life and for of low toxicity oil dispersants. Officers of how long they remain potent? my Department of Harbours and Marine are investigating the availability of these Answer:- dispersants in commercial quantities. If "The chemical referred to is currently they are available and prove to be efficient under development and its exact formula­ in dispersing oil pollution they will be tion is not officially known. Prior to its used by my Department." 2934 Questions Upon Notice [16 MARCH] Questions Upon Notice ALLEGED SERIOUS OFFENCE, GoLD COAST (2) "Eight teaching spaces were avail­ Mr. Murray, pursuant to notice, asked The able, designed to hold 280 children under Minister for Works,- normal conditions. Over 300 children Further to his Answer to my Question could be accommodated without discom­ concerning a Gold Coast incident wherein fort. It should be pointed out that the he named Alderman Clem Jones as one new primary school buildings allow a of those involved and the subsequent pub­ degree of flexibility regarding the number lished statements of four other persons of pupils and teachers occupying a teaching involved that they were not the identified block." suspect- (3) "Following a delay caused by the ( I) Was Alderman Clem Jones the rail strike, 140 desks and chairs were subject of any police enquiry? delivered on the opening day. Pending (2) Was a decision, made by the Officer­ further deliveries, additional furniture was in-Charge of Police at Southport that the obtained from local schools for both pupils grounds warranted a charge, subsequently and staff. New teachers' furniture, pupils' changed because of advice from his trapezoidal tables and the movable space superior officer? dividers were lacking." ( 3) Which superior officer advised such ( 4) "When it became known that enrol­ caution that, in fact, no charge was made? ments would exceed the estimated number, ( 4) Did the Crown Law Office consider arrangements were made for a demountable the m1l;tt~r prior to such decision and give building complete with furniture to be the oprmon that a charge should be laid? supplied, and this became available for use on February 22. The manufacturers have (5) Can he give this House an absolute been slow in filling orders for furniture, assurance that nothing was done in this but a second delivery of 140 desks and matter that would suggest that there is chairs was made on March 9 and an one law for the influential and one for the ordinary citizen? additional 70 desks and chairs were des­ patched on March 3. Furniture for the Answers:- administration block has been noted for urgent despatch when available. I should ( I) "Yes. Along with the other people involved." like to impress upon the Honourable Member that the estimated enrolment of (2) "No." 200 to 250 children was based upon surveys carried out locally. It is obvious that many (3) "See Answer to (2)." parents changed their minds without (_4 ~ "The matter was considered by the informing my Department. No doubt, they Solicitor-General and the opinion given were influenced by the attractive appear­ that a charge should not be laid." ance of the new school. It is hoped to construct another teaching block in the (5) "Yes." next financial year." HEATLEY PRIMARY SCHOOL, TOWNSVlLLE RAIL-MOTOR HIRE CHARGES Mr. Tucker, pursuant to notice, asked The Minister for Education,- Mr. Tucker, pursuant to notice, asked The Minister for Transport,- ( 1) How many children were enrolled at the new Heatley Primary School, Towns­ ( 1) Further to my Question of March ville, at the commencement of the school 12 in regard to hire charges for 2000-class year? rail motors from Townsville to Ayr, Charters Towers, Ingham and Innisfail, how (2) What accommodation was then available and how many pupils was it can the large rises in hire charges be designed to hold in comfort? justified when, on the figures given, wages and fuel charges account for only 50 per (3) What furniture, including seating, cent of the charge? was available for (a) pupils and (b) teaching staff and what was lacking? (2) Is he aware that many sporting bodies in Townsville which cater for the ( 4) How have accommodation and youth of the community have been forced furniture shortages been overcome and can to curtail their away-from-home activities, he state when the next permanent class­ rooms will be built? which children eagerly anticipate, due to these savage rises? Answers:- (3) Why can freight concessions be (!) "336 children were enrolled on th<> granted to wealthy enterprises while the opening day. This has since increased to needs of the youth of the community and 356." those who toil hard for them are ignored? Questions Upon Notice [16 MARCH] Questions Upon Notice 2935 Answers:- Answer:- ( 1) "As was stated in my reply of "The Honourable Member is industrially March 12 there are other charges involved naive in the extreme. There is no doubt including the maintenance of track, that any percentage increase as a result of servicing and maintenance of vehicles, a General Ruling creates considerable Traffic Branch charges, supervision, etc." difficulties in the gazettal of wage rates (2 and 3) "The Railways are very con­ under all Awards and Industrial Agree­ scious of their social resp<:~nsibilities and ments. In respect of the General Ruling provide many concessions--for which there of the State Industrial Commission award­ is no reimbursement sources other than its ing that the 6 per cent. increase be customers--to public bodies as part of their operative from January 4, 1971, all varia­ contribution to the welfare of the com­ tions were gazetted by February 6, 1971.
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