OF THE 1ovemment of !Palestine. PUBLISHED FORTNIGHTLY BY AUTHORITY. No. 110 4 JERUSALEM 1st. March, 1924. CONTENTS I. ORDINANCE No. 5 of 1924, Page ,׳Expropriation of Land Ordinance 1924 516 II. DRAFTS OF ORDINANCES. (a) Plant Protection Ordinance 1924 516-519 (b) Licensing• of Trades & Industries Ordinance 1924 . 519-525 III. ORDERS. (a) Promulgation of Ordinances Nos. 1, 2, 3 & 4 of 1921 526 526 . 1921׳ b) Under Land Courts Ordinance) (c) Local Jurisdiction of Courts ... 527 IV. PROCLAMATION. Under Game Preservation Ordinance 1924 527-530 V. REGULATIONS. Under Game Preservation Ordinance 1924 530-534 VI. GOVERNMENT NOTICES. (a) Slaughter of young animals ... 534 '(b) Import of Cattle . 534 (c) Importation & Exportation of Antiquities 535-536 (d) Brokers' Licences 536 (e) Municipal Bye-Laws ... 536 (f) Mixed Telegraph and Postal Service . 537 ־g) Registration of Partnerships and Trade Marks 537-541) (h) Return of Immigrants .. ... ... ... 541 (i) Tenders & Adjudication of Contracts. 542-543 (k) The Palestine AVorkers Fund Limited 543 (I) Quarantine Summary .. 543 Price 5 P.T 516 OFFICIAL GAZETTE. 1st. March, 1924. PALESTINE EXPROPRIATION Or LAND ORDINANCE No. 5 of 1924. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE PUBLIC NOTICE WITH REGARD TO EXPROPRIATION OF LAND ISSUED BY THF CHIEF ADMINISTRATOR IN MAY, 1919. BE IT ENACTED by I he .High Commissioner of Palestine with the advice of the Advisory Council thereof: Public Notice of 1. The Public Notice dated the 20th May, 1919, concerning May 1919 does the expropriation of land for public purposes shall not be deemed not affect purpo- to restrict the purposes for which land may be expropriated ses of expropri- outside Municipal areas. Section 1 of the Ottoman Law of atlon• Expropriation of the 21st. Jamada al-Ula 1296 as amended by the law of the 17th Nisan 1330, shall continue to be in force with regard to the purposes of such expropriation. Procedure of 2. Subject to the provisions of the Acquisition of Land for the Expropriation to Army Ordinance 1920 and the Town Planning Ordinance 1921, follow law of the procedure of expropriation for all purposes shall be that 1332 ATI. prescribed by the Ottoman Law of the 7th. Rabi' al-Awal 4332 ns amended by the said Public Notice. Citation Tins Ordinance may bv cited as the Expropriation of Land Ordinance, 4924. HERBERT SAMUEL 13th February, 1924. High Corn miss toner The following drafts of Ordinances are made ,public in accordance •with Article 17 A) (dj of the Palestine Order-in Council, 192?, as amended by Article 3 of the Palestine (Amendment) Order in Council, 1093. AN ORDINANCE TO PREVENT THE INTRODUCTION AND SPREAD OF DISEASE DESTRUCTIVE TO PLANTS. BE IT ENACTED by the High Commissioner• for Palestine, with the advice of the Advisory Council thereof: — Definition. 4. In this Ordinance, unless the conlext other-wise requires,, the following words shall have the following meanings:- ''Plant" includes all members of the vegetable kingdom or any part of a plant whether severed therefrom or not. "Disease" means any disease affecting plants caused by or consisting in the presence of any pathogenies!, animal or vege• table organism which tire High Commissioner may, by procla• mation from time to time, declare to be a disease. "Pest" includes any parasitical, epiphytal or other' animal or vegetable organism, and also any insect, vertebrate or inver• tebrate animal affecting or injurious to plants, which tire High Commissioner• may, by proclamation from time to time, declare to be a pest. 1st. March, 1924. OFFICIAL GAZETTE. 517 "Vegetable Organism" means any vegetable organism in. whatever stage of existence such organism may be. r "Animal Organism" means any animal organism in what• ever state of existence such organism may be. "Occupier" means the person in actual occupation of any land or building. 2. The High Commissioner may from time to time appoint High Commissi• persons to exercise the powers conferred on Plant Inspectors oner may under this Ordinance. appoint Plant Inspectors. 3. The High Commissioner may, from time to time, Power of High by Order : — Commissioner to declare what is a disease or (a) declare what is to be deemed a disease or pest pest. within the meaning of this Ordinance; •(b) prohibit the inportal.ion into Palestine of any plants or seeds, fruits, packages, coverings or wrappings thereof, or of any soil if he is satisfied that such prohibition is necessary to prevent the introduction or check the spread of disease or pests among plants, and such prohibition may be either absolute or upon such conditions as may be specified in the Order. 4. Every plant, article or thing imported into Palestine in Power to seize, contravention of any Order under this Ordinance, or of any of destroy plants the conditions imposed thereby, may be seized by any officer etc. which have entered Pales• of Customs or by any Plant Inspector, and destroyed or otherwise tine contrary to dealt with and no compensation shall be payable to any person an Order under claiming any interest in such plants, articles or things. Article 3. 5. Any Plant Inspector may at all reasonable times enter Power of Plant without notice upon any land or cultivation or into any building Inspector to or part of any building not being a dwelling-house, for the euler• purpose of searching for and examining any animal or vegetable organism or any diseased or pest-infected plant or any soil, manure, plant cases, wrapping or packing materials. 6. Any Plant Inspector may, by order in waiting addressed p0wer of Plant to the occupier, or if there be no occupier, to the owner of Inspector to any land or cultivation, direct him to take within a definite order destructi- time to be specified in such order all such measures as may on of plants, be necessary for the eradication of or for the prevention of the spread among plants of any disease or pest, including the total destruction, if necessary, of any plants whether infected by any disease or pest or not. 7. If any owner or occupier shall fail to comply with Power to enter the directions contained in any order served on him in accor• & carry into dance witn Article 6, a Plant Inspector may enter upon such effect any order lands and take such steps as may be necessary to carry such made under order into effect. Art. 6. 8. When any Plant Inspector shall carry into effect under Expenses to he Article 7 any order made under Article 6, the expenses incurred borne by party by him in so doing shall be paid by the party in default, in default, provided always that it shall be lawful for the High Commissioner to dispense with the payment of such expenses in cases where the High Commissioner thinks fit so to do. 518 OFFICIAL GAZETTE. 1st. March, 1924. Power of High 9. It shall be lawful for the High Commissioner to make Commissioner to grants by way of compensation or partial compensation to ers or occupiers, according- to their respective interests, in״grant compensa- ow tion for healthy respect of healthy plants destroyed in order to prevent the plants destroyed. mtro(-iuct;ion or spread of any disease or pest among other plants. Offences. 10. Every person shall be guilty of an offence against this Ordinance who: (a) in any manner obstructs or impedes any person in the execution of any of the powers conferred by this Ordinance; (b) refuses or neglects to comply with or acts in con­ travention of any of the provisions of this Ordinance or the terms of any Order issued thereunder or any regulations made thereunder or any order given in pursuance !hereof; (c) introduces any disease or pest into any cultivation unless he proves to the satisfaction of the Court that such introduction was accidental and not due to neglect or malice. Penalty. 11. If any person is guilty of an offence against this Ordinance he shall for every such offence be liable to a line not exceeding £E. 20. Powers to make 12. The Director of Agriculture may, with the approval Regulations. of the High Commissioner, make regulations for any of the following purposes : — - (a) for regulating or prohibiting' the removal from any land or cultivation or the transfer or conveyance from one ].)art of Palestine to any other pari thereof of any plants, packages, coverings or wrappings thereof, or o.f soil or manure with a view to preventing or checking the spread of disease or pests among plants; (b) for securing the detention and. examination of any plant, package, covering' or wrappings therefor and of any soil or manure which is suspected to be diseased or pest-infected and of boxes, baskets, pots, packages and cases which are sus­ pected to contain or to have contained diseased or pest-infected plants or to harbour or to be infected by disease or pest; (c) for securing the treatment of diseased plants and the eradication or prevention of disease and pests, and for• the supply of chemicals, appliances and other means whereby such treatment or eradication or pre­ vention may be facilitated; (d) generally, for carrying into effect the provisions of this Ordinance. 13. The following Public Notices which appeared in Official Gazette No 61 of the 15th February, 1922, are hereby cancelled :- Public Notice entitled "For• the Prevention of the Intro­ duction of Insect Pests and Plant Diseases from Egypt", dated the 17th January, 1922. Public Notice entitled "To facilitate the export of Fruit Trees from Palestine to Egypt", dated the 18th January, 1922. .1st. March, 1924. OFFICIAL GAZETTE. 519 Public Notice entitled "For the prevention of the intro­ duction of Insect Pests and Plant Diseases", dated the 2nd February, 1922.
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