Appendix A—Digest of Other White House Announcements The following list includes the President’s public sched- July 3 ule and other items of general interest announced by The President announced his intention to nominate the Office of the Press Secretary and not included Hershel Gober to be Secretary of the Department elsewhere in this book. of Veterans Affairs. The President announced his intention to nominate July 1 Rita D. Hayes to be Deputy U.S. Trade Representa- The President announced the nomination of Gordon tive in Geneva. D. Giffin to be Ambassador to Canada. The White House announced that the President The President announced the nomination of James has accepted the invitation of Queen Margrethe II F. Mack to be Ambassador to Guyana. of Denmark to stay at her summer palace following The President announced the nomination of Keith his arrival in Denmark on July 11, and that he will C. Smith to be Ambassador to Lithuania. meet with Prime Minister Poul Nyrup Rasmussen and The White House announced that the President address the people of Denmark on July 12. promoted J. Terry Edmonds to the position of Deputy The White House announced that on July 17, the Assistant to the President and Deputy Director of President will address the 88th annual convention of Speechwriting. the NAACP in Pittsburgh, PA, and the national con- vention of the National Association of Black Journalists The White House announced that the President in Chicago, IL. promoted Stephanie S. Streett to the position of As- sistant to the President and Director of Presidential July 5 Scheduling. The President and Hillary Clinton traveled to Palma The White House announced that the President de Mallorca, Spain, arriving in the afternoon. After promoted Michael Waldman to be Assistant to the being greeted by King Juan Carlos I and Queen Sofia President and Director of Speechwriting. of Spain, they toured Bellver Castle. In the evening, The White House announced that the President they toured the cathedral. appointed Paul Begala as Assistant to the President and Counselor to the President, a role he will assume July 7 in August. In the afternoon, the President and Hillary Clinton The White House announced that the President traveled to Madrid, Spain. named Sidney Blumenthal as Assistant to the Presi- In the evening, the President met with NATO Sec- dent as part of the communications team, which he retary General Javier Solana in the Miguel Angel will join in August. Hotel. Later, the President and Hillary Clinton attended The White House announced that the President an informal dinner for NATO leaders and their will meet with President Eduard Shevardnadze of spouses hosted by President of the Government Jose Georgia at the White House on July 18. Maria Aznar of Spain in the Garden of the Official The White House announced that the President Residence at Moncloa Palace. Following the dinner, will meet with President Heydar Aliyev of Azerbaijan the President met with Prime Minister Tony Blair at the White House on August 1. of the United Kingdom at the Miguel Angel Hotel. The President declared a major disaster in Texas July 2 and ordered Federal aid to supplement State and local In the afternoon, the President traveled to Balti- recovery efforts in the area struck by severe thunder- more, MD, where he met with Baltimore Orioles and storms and flooding beginning June 21 and continuing. Philadelphia Phillies players at Oriole Park at Camden The President declared a major disaster in Wis- Yards before attending the game. Following the game, consin and ordered Federal aid to supplement State the President returned to Washington, DC. and local recovery efforts in the area struck by severe The White House announced that the President storms and flooding on June 21–23. and Hillary Clinton will depart on the evening of July 4 for Spain, where the President will participate July 8 in the July 8–9 NATO Summit in Madrid. Prior to In the morning and afternoon, the President at- arriving in Madrid on July 7, they will travel to Palma tended NATO Summit sessions in the Palacio Munic- de Mallorca for a private visit at the invitation of ipal de Congresos. In the late afternoon, he met with King Juan Carlos I and Queen Sofia of Spain. President Jacques Chirac of France. 1829 VerDate 11-MAY-2000 15:38 Oct 17, 2001 Jkt 010199 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 1238 Sfmt 1238 C:\PUBPAPER\PUB_APPA txed01 PsN: txed01 Appendix A / Administration of William J. Clinton, 1997 In the evening, the President and Hillary Clinton International Affairs at the Department of the Treas- attended a dinner for NATO leaders and their spouses ury. hosted by King Juan Carlos I and Queen Sofia at The President announced his intention to nominate the Royal Palace. John J. Hamre to be Deputy Secretary of Defense. The President announced his intention to nominate The President announced his intention to appoint Donna Jean Hrinak to be Ambassador to Bolivia. Attorney General Janet Reno, Donald Gips, and Brig. The President announced his intention to nominate Gen. Donald Kerrick as members of the Steering Richard Dale Kauzlarich to be Ambassador to Bosnia Committee of the President’s Commission on Critical and Herzegovina. Infrastructure Protection. The President declared a major disaster in Michigan July 9 and ordered Federal aid to supplement State and local In the morning, the President met with President recovery efforts in the area struck by severe storms, Leonid Kuchma of Ukraine in the Palacio Municipal tornadoes, and flooding on July 2. de Congresos. Later in the morning, he attended the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council meeting and, in the July 12 afternoon, a Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council lunch- In the morning, the President addressed the U.S. eon in the Palacio Municipal de Congresos. Embassy staff in the Margrethe Salon at the Hotel In the evening, the President and Hillary Clinton Store Kro in Copenhagen, Denmark. In the afternoon, traveled to Granada, Spain, where they toured the he participated in a wreath laying ceremony at Alhambra castle with King Juan Carlos I and Queen Mindenluden Memorial Cemetery. In the evening, the Sofia. After midnight, they returned to Madrid. President returned to Washington, DC. The President announced his intention to nominate July 14 John C. Angell to be Assistant Secretary for Congres- The President announced the appointment of Judith sional and Intergovernmental Affairs at the Depart- A. Winston as Executive Director of One America ment of Energy. in the 21st Century: The President’s Initiative on The President announced his intention to nominate Race. I. Miley Gonzalez to be Under Secretary for Research, Education, and Economics at the Department of Agri- July 16 culture. The President announced his intention to appoint the following individuals as members of the Federal July 10 National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae) Board In the morning, the President traveled to Warsaw, of Directors: Poland. Thomas Leonard; In the afternoon, following an arrival ceremony, he Kevin O’Keefe; met with President Aleksander Kwasniewski of Poland Eli J. Segal; in the White Room of the Presidential Palace. Kathryn G. Thompson; and In the evening, the President met with former Jose Villarreal. President Lech Walesa in the Royal Castle. The President announced his intention to nominate July 17 Edward M. Gramlich and Roger W. Ferguson, Jr., In the morning, the President traveled to Pitts- to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve burgh, PA, and in the afternoon, he traveled to Chi- System. cago, IL. In the evening, he traveled to Harrison, The President announced the nomination of August AR. Schumacher, Jr., to be Under Secretary for Farm and The President announced his intention to nominate Foreign Agricultural Services, Department of Agri- Harold C. Pachios to be a member of the U.S. Advi- culture. sory Commission on Public Diplomacy. The President announced his intention to reappoint July 11 Maurice R. Greenberg and Susan Hammer, and ap- In the morning, the President traveled to Bucharest, point William J. Hudson and Terry K. Watanabe to Romania. the Advisory Committee for Trade Policy and Negotia- In the afternoon, he attended a reception hosted tions. by President Emil Constantinescu of Romania in the The President announced his intention to reappoint Cotroceni Palace, during which he met with Romanian Lee Williams to the J. William Fulbright Foreign political and opposition leaders. Scholarship Board. In the evening, the President greeted the U.S. Em- bassy community at the Ambassador’s residence. He July 18 then traveled to Copenhagen, Denmark. In the morning, the President traveled to Jasper, The President announced his intention to nominate AR, and in the afternoon, he returned to Washington, Timothy F. Geithner to be Assistant Secretary for DC. 1830 VerDate 11-MAY-2000 15:38 Oct 17, 2001 Jkt 010199 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 1238 Sfmt 1238 C:\PUBPAPER\PUB_APPA txed01 PsN: txed01 Administration of William J. Clinton, 1997 / Appendix A In the evening, the President addressed members recovery efforts in the area struck by severe storms, of Girls Nation in the East Room. Later, he met ice jams, snowmelt, flooding, and extreme soil satura- with President Eduard Shevardnadze of the Republic tion on March 1 and continuing. of Georgia in the Oval Office. The President declared a major disaster in Vermont The President announced his nomination of Felix and ordered Federal aid to supplement State and local G. Rohatyn to be Ambassador to France. recovery efforts in the area struck by excessive rainfall, The White House announced that the President high winds, and flooding on July 15–17. will send a Presidential mission headed by Secretary The President declared a major disaster in Alabama of Transportation Rodney E.
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