Issue Number Guide to Middle-earth (Introduction) Playing the Game (Rules) Battle Game (Scenarios) Painting Workshop Modelling Workshop 1 Welcome to the lands of Middle-earth!, Aragorn - King of Men Getting Started Goblin Ambush Moria Goblins Making a Basic Battlefield 2 Welcome to the lands of Middle-earth! Characteristics, Warriors of Middle-earth The Last Alliance Men of Gondor, High Elves Tools and Materials, Making a Simple Ruin 3 Welcome to the lands of Middle-earth! Priority and Move Pursuit of the Ringwraiths Frodo Baggins Making a Hedgerow 4 Fighting Uruk-Hai! The Fight Phase Elven Attack Uruk-hai Warriors Making a Hill 5 Lurtz, Servant of Saruman The Shoot Phase Hunt of the Uruk-hai Lurtz Making a Gaming Area 6 Aragorn, Hero of Helm's Deep Movement and Terrain Defend the Ruins! Aragorn Making Ruins 7 Defenders of the Riddermark Defending Barriers Repel the Marauders! Warriors of Rohan Walls and Fences 8 Weapons of Middle-earth, Lothorien, Land of the Elves, Legolas Woodland Prince Missile Weapons Raid on Lothorien Legolas Trees and Forest 9 The Uruk-hai Invasion of Rohan Melee Weapons Burn the Village! and Battle Report pt1 Basic Techniques, Uruk-hai Captain Warning Beacon 10 The Creatuib of Saruman's Army Courage Burn the Village! Battle Report pt2 Batch Painting A Rohirrim Building 11 Boromir, Captain of Gondor Heroes, Might and Fate Ambush at Amon Hen (Capture and Rescue Scenario) Boromir Making a Standing Stone 12 Gandalf the Grey Magic and Will Clash of Wills Gandalf the Grey A Hilltop Ruin 13 The Lands of the Riddermark Battlefield Tactics Wizard's Duel (Mini Game) Rohan Horses Scenic Details, Making a Barrel, Making a Crate 14 The Riders of Rohan Cavalry Attack at the Ford The Riders of Rohan Rivers and Fords 15 Isengard, Stronghold of Saruman, Master of Orthanc Saruman the White, Gandalf the Grey The Gap of Rohan and Battle Report pt1 Saruman the White Making Bridges 16 Ugluk, Captain of the Uruk-hai The Forces of Isengard The Gap of Rohan and Battle Report pt2 Ugluk Outcrop and Ridges 17 Grishnakh, Champion of Mordor Creating Scenarios A Thief in the Night Grishnakh Fangorn Forest 18 Eomer, Marshall of the Riddermark The Forces of Rohan The Wrath of Rohan! Eomer Wilderness Campsite 19 The Walls of Moria Linking Battle Games The Watcher in the Water Colour Palettes Lakes and Shores 20 The Mines of Moria The Forces of Moria Lost in the Dark Moria Goblins Dwarven Mines 21 Gimli, Dwarven Hero Warriors of The Fellowship Balin's Tomb Gimli Balin's Tomb 22 The Bridge of Khazad-dum Theming Your Forces The Bridge of Khazad-dum, The Moria Campaign Painting Armies, converting a Goblin Captain, Themed Bases Khazad-dum, Dwarven Ruins 23 The Realm of Gondor Forces of Gondor Open War! Battle Report pt1 Warriors of Minas Tirith Tools and Materials 24 The Lands of Mordor Forces of Mordor Open War! Battle Report pt2 Mordor Orcs The Bits Box 25 Corncerning Hobbits, Sam and Frodo's Journey Hobbits of the Shire Escape from Osgiliath Samwise Gamgee Osgiliath Sewers 26 Rangers of Gondor Lords of Gondor, Volley Fire Ambush in Ithilien Faramir Pathways and Roads 27 March on Helm's Deep Siege Games, Helm's Deep, Siege Movement Hold the Fort Uruk-hai Siege Troops Palisade Fort, Siege Equipment 28 Haldir at Helms Deep Fighting in a Fortress The Helm's Deep Campaign Haldir Fortress Walls and Towers 29 Theoden, King of Rohan Assaulting the Battlements The Deeping Wall King Theoden The Gatehouse 30 Uruk-hai Berserker The Fortress Retreat to the Hall pt1 Uruk-hai Berserker The Fortress Keep 31 The Heroes of Helm's Deep Siege Weapons Retreat to the Hall pt2 An Uruk-hai Army Fortress Tower 32 Brave Little Hobbits The Last March of the Ents Breach the Dam! Merry and Pippin, Basing your Models Dam at Isengard 33 The Battle for Osgiliath Different Ways to Play Besieged! Soldiers of Gondor Ruins of Osgiliath 34 Osgiliath has fallen! Banners Defend the Bridge! Gondorian Banner Bearer Osgiliath Bridge 35 Galadriel, Elf Queen of Lothlorien The Forces of Lothlorien Crossing the Silverlode The Lady Galadriel Elven Tree Platform 36 Ancient Elves of Middle-earth The Army of Lorien Watchpost Attack Elrond Elven Watchpost 37 The Ringwraiths The Ringwraiths Hunting the Ringbearer The Witch King of Angmar Amon Sul (Weathertop, Bucklebury Ferry) 38 Wormtongue, Agent of Saruman Grima Wormtongue Assault on Orthanc pt1 Grima Womtongue Saruman's Industry 39 Gandalf the White Wizards of Middle-earth Assault on Orthanc pt2 Gandalf the White The Tower of Orthanc 40 Wolves of Isengard Mounted Warriors Retreat from Edoras Rohan Royal Guard Barrows 41 Creatures of Darkness Monster of Mordor River Assault Minions of Sauron Mordor Assault Boat 42 Overrun by Mordor! The Army of Mordor Battle of the Ruins, Points Matches Mordor Orc Banner Bearer Osgiliath Tower 43 The Failure of Faramir The Army of Gondor Retreat from Osgiliath Captain Faramir Gondorian Roads, Gondorian Bridge 44 The Last Alliance Grand Strategies Battle in Gorgoth High Elves and Men Plains of Mordor 45 Sauron's Treachery, The One Ring Elves of the Last Alliance Sauron the Deceiver Gil-Galad Mordor Lava Flow 46 The Fall of Sauron Forces of Sauron The Last Alliance pt1 King Elendil Your Own Projects (Broken Ground) 47 Isildur's Bane Men of the Last Alliance The Last Alliance pt2 Isildur Mountains of Mordor 48 Sourge of Middle-earth Competitive Play Defend the Garrison Gorbag Garrison Outpost 49 Pass of the Spider Battle Game Tactics Treachery at Cirith Ungol Shagrat The Tower of Cirith Ungol 50 Rohan Enslaved! Special Scenario Rules Saruman's War Campaign pt1 Soldiers of Rohan Rohan Cottages 51 Banners of Rohan Specialised Scenarios Saruman's War Campaign pt2 Gamling Meduseld, the Golden Hall of Rohan 52 Shieldmaiden of ROhan The Army of Isengard Saruman's War Campaign pt3 Eowyn Rohan Palisades 53 Loyal to Rohan The Army of Rohan, Lords of Rohan Saruman's War Campaign pt4 Hama Rohan Towers and Gates 54 Gwaihir, The Windlord Flying Creatures Escape from Orthanc Painting Techniques (Recap) Modelling Techniques (Recap) 55 The White Tree of Gondor Competitive Armies Competitive Scenario Minas Tirith Banner Bearer Walls of Minas Tirith 56 Lieutenant of Mordor The Siege of Minas Tirith Break the Gates! Gothmog Minas Tirith City Gates 57 Kingdom of Men, the Kingdom of Gondor Gaming Clubs Assassinate the Steward! Denethor The Fountain Court 58 The Shadow of Mordor Battlefields Rescue the Prisoners Orc Captain Orc Encampment 59 The Fate of Faramir The Lord of the Rings (Campaign) The Doomed Charge Captain Faramir Gondorian Buildings 60 Lords of Gondor The Council of Elrond War in Osgiliath Captain Boromir Siege Engines 61 Aragorn, Ranger of the North The Long Dark of Moria Escape from Bree Strider The village of Bree 62 Bilbo Baggins The Followship Breaks Ambush in Hobbinton Bilbo Baggins Hobbit Holes 63 Gollum and The Ring Gollum The Path to Mordor Gollum The Forbidden Pool 64 Eomer and Eowyn Tournaments Escape from Edoras Eomer of Rohan Rohan Royal Stable 65 Theodred Battlefield Effects The Fords of Isen Theodred Winter Terrain 66 Charge of the Rohirrim Map Campaigns (with Middle-earth hexmap) Battle for Middle-earth pt1 Rohan Conversions Destroyed Cottages 67 The Wild Men The Two Towers Battle for Middle-earth pt2 Horses of Middle-earth Dunland Hovels 68 Creatures of Evil The War for Rohan Warg Hunt! Wargs Realistic Landscapes 69 The Evil of Saruman The Fate of Rohan Baggage Train Raid Warg Riders Baggage Train 70 Soldiers of Sauron Warriors of Evil Siege of Minas Tirith pt1 Haradrim The Pelennor Fields 71 Oath-breakers The Return of the King, Army of the Dead Siege of Minas Tirith pt2 The King of the Dead Pelennor Details 72 The Siege of Gondor Towers of Mordor Siege of Minas Tirith pt3 The Morgul Horde Siege Towers 73 Heroes of the Shire Battle Companies pt1 Defend the Walls Merry and Pippin Modelling Details (Interior and Battlefield Casualties) 74 The With-king of Angmar Battle Companies pt2 King-slayer The With-king Modelled Boards 75 Heroes of Middle-earth Battle Companies pt3 Company Scenarios Converting Heroes Dioramas 76 Corsairs of Umbar The Return of the King Capture the Fleet Legolas Corsair Galley 77 The Black Gate The Battle for Gondor The End of All Things Wasterling Captain The Black Gate 78 The Final Battle The Tird Age Ends The End of All Things Aragorn, King Elessar Mount Doom 79 Wizards of Middle-earth Master of the Wild, Magic Powers Kill the Wizard The Brown Wizard Radagast's Cabin 80 Tom Bombadil The Barrow-downs, Tom Bombadil & Goldberry Fog on the Downs Tom Bombadil Ancient Tombs 81 The Long Retreat Defenders of Rivendell Surrounded Glorfindel Rivendell Hall 82 The Eye of Sauron Shamans of Darkness Rivendell Campaign Orc Shaman The Desecrated Statue 83 The Long Decline Forces of the Dwarves Into the Depths Dwarf Captain Moria Ruins 84 The Invasion of Moria Drums in the Deep Balin's Campaign The Goblin King Goblin King's Lair 85 Balin, Lord of Moria Armies of the Dwarves The Balrog Unleashed! Balin The Balrog's Lair 86 The Haradrim Lords of Harad Battle in the Desert Suladan Desert Boards 87 Assassination and Murder Force Strategies Desert Siege Hashadrin Haradrim City 88 The Citadel of Dol Amroth Forces of Dol Amroth Defend the Fortress Prince Imrahil Border Fortress 89 Woses of the Wood Gahn-buri-Gahn The Dangerous Journey Gahn-buri-Gahn Traps 90 The Souring of the Shire Hobbits of the Shire Battle for the Shire pt1 Farmer Maggot Ravaged Shire 91 Journey's End Sharkey's Rogues Battle for the Shire pt2 Sharkey Industrial Mill The Fellowship of the Ring Edition Journey to Rivendell The Road to Rivendell (Campaign), Race to Bruinen Ford Arwen Evenstar The Two Towers Edition Gandalf the White Battle for Helm's Deep, Gandalf the White, Shadowfax The Return of the King The Return of the King Assault on Minas Tirith Aragorn Elessar.
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