DIRECTORY.] HUNTINGDONSHIRE. H.AMERTOX. Birch Frederick Peregrine COMMERCIAL. [Martin George, farmer Trowe-r Lionel, The ManDr house I Ellington William Henry, farmer Rowel! Freder·ick, farmer HAIL WESTON, anciently called "Helowstone" m• Elizabeth. Raphael Hollinshead, the well-knowa "Halenstone," is a village and parish, on the borders chronicler of that period, whose histories were pub- of Bedfordshire and near the Kim, a tributary of the , lished in 1577, refers at some length to the wells of Ouse, and on the road from St. Neots to Kimbolton, 3 Hail Weston, and to the great repute of the waters miles north-west from St. Neots station on the main yielded by them as remedies for diseases of the skin, line of the Great Northern railway, 7 south-east from dimness of sight and other affections. A short poem Kimbolton and 9 south-west from Huntingdon, in the by Michael Drayton, "The Holy Wells of Hailweston" Southern division of the county, hundred and petty describes these springs; and their characters and sessional division of Toseland, union and county court reputed medicinal properties are also mentioned by district of St. Neots, rural deanery of St. Neots, arch- Fuller the historian, and by Camden and otherli. deaconry of Huntingdon and diocese of Ely. The church Later on the wells fell into disuse, in consequence of of St. Nicholas is a small edifice of rubble, brick and the land surrounding them having been much tres- wood, in the Early English style, consisting of chancel passed upon, and therefore enclosed by the owners ; and nave under one roof, porch on the south side, and but in 1815, samples of the water yielded by the two a wooden tower at the west end covered with oak mineral springs were submitted to analysis by Dr. C. shingles and containing 3 bells : the stained east window R. Aikin, whose report (dated June 24th, rBrs) was was erect-ed by Henry Shadforth esq. to the memory produced when the Hail ·weston springs were sold of his wife, w} J died on October 2rst, 1913: the church April 2nd, 1844. In December, IB85, the springs were was thorouglsy restored in 1884, at a cost of £I,ooo, visited, and samples taken from each, by Arthur H. raised by voluntary contributions: there are 140 sit- Hassall esq. ~.D. and E. Godwin Clayton esq. F.I.C., tings. The register dates from the year 1558. The F.C.S. and these samples were afterwards submitted living is a vicarage annexed to the rectory of Southoe, to full chemical analysis, with the following results:~ joint net yearly value £260, with residence, in the The water taken from the fresh-water spring wa;. gift of and held since 1895 by the Rev. Richard found to be of excellent quality, and therefore well Moorsom M.A. of Merton College, Oxford, who resides adapted for ordinary consumption; the water from the at Southoe. The great tithes, r.ommuted at £3oo first of the two mineral springs contained as its chiPf yearly, belong to the Ecclesiastical Commissioners. constituents chloride of sodium and sulphate of soda Here is a Baptist chapel, founded in 1757, with an and belongs to the class of saline aperient mineral endowment for the maintenance of the minister. waters, but without their unpalatable qualities; it HI Edward Reynolds esq. who is lord of the manor, and j free from every kind of organic contamination, and the trustees of the late Mr. John Humbley are the chief. constitutes an agreeable table water. The water of landowners. The soil is clay and gravel; subsoil, clay. the second mineral spring has a local reputation for The principal crops are wheat, barley and beans. The its beneficial effects in cases of skin disease, and ha-. area is 1,590 acres; rateable value, £2,051; the popu- long been known by the name of "Scorbutic" or lation in 19II was 258. "Sore" water. These springs are used by the Hail Weston Springs Company, for the manufacture of Post Office.-Mrs. Ann Sarah Page, sub-postmistress. soda and potash water and other aerated beverages. Letters arrive from St. Neots at 7·5 & 10.45 a.m.; The results of the analysis of 1885 are given below. dispatched at 3.25 & 7·55 p.m. St. Neots, 2 miles the figures representing in each case parts by weight distant, is the nearest money order & telegraph office of roo,ooo parts of water: Public Elementary School (mixed), built in 1849, for 70 children; .Mrs. Eliza Maud Roberts, mistress Fresh ~Iineral Miuerl\t Springs.-Near the village, and on the right bank of, Constituents. Water Spring Spring but at some distance from, the brook, are three Spring. No. I. No. 2. mineral springs or wells of considerable value, and Chloride of Sodi urn ............. 3· 2 9 212.57 1 37-92 'Jnce in high repute: they rise within a limited area Sulphate of 8oda ................. 2.17 108.72 82.45 situated on high ground sloping gently to the brook, Carbonate of Lime .............. 17.05 12.95 14.29 and through strata of the secondary period, but Nitrate of Lime ................. 5.61 !.07 though near each other, differ materially in their Carbonate of Magnesia ........ 0.42 s.64 constituent elements, two being distinctly mineral, Sulphate of Magnesia ........... 3·9° 9· 15 and therefore medicinal in character, while the third Carl:>ona te of Iron .............. I. 54 o.6I supplies fresh water of remarkable purity. It appears Silica ................................ 0.66 0.76 I.20 probable that the existence of these wells was known at a very early period, land in the immediate vicinity 351.47 245-09 of the springs having furnished large numbers of Roman remains, some of considerable antiquarian Free Amn1onia .................... Absent Absent 0.001 interest; and it is an ascertained fact that the springs Albuminoid .Ammoma.......... , , 0-004 in question were extensively used for medicinal pur­ Oxygen absorbed ... .-............ o.oos a. 114 o.oso poses as long ago as 1597, during the reign of Queen PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Brightman Frank E. fruit grower King Martha Jane (Mrs.), Royl\.1 Giff<.~rd John, Highfield house Davies Alfred, poultry farmer Oak P.H Harvey Edwin Wabey, Belton villa Hail Weston Springs Co. mineral Kitchener Frederick, baker water manufacturers Mash William, farmer COMMERCIAL. Humbley Grace (Miss), farmer Page Edward Townsend, blacksmith Abraham George, beer retailer Ingle John, farmer Parish Timothy, shopkeeper Banks Charles, farmer, Pasture farm Jordan Alfred, farmer Solloway Frederick, beer retailer HAMERTON is a parish and village, 7 miles south- rectory, net yearly value £3oo, including 39 acres of east from Barnwell station on the Northampton and glebe, wivb residence, in the gift of the Rt. Hon. Lord Peterborough branch of the London and North Western Barrymore, and held since 1914 by the Rev. George railway, 7 north-west from Abbots Ripton station on A. Green B . .A. of St. David's College, Lampeter. Th"' the main line of the Great Northern railway, and 10 Rt. Hon. Lord Barrymore is lord of the manor and sol~ north-west from Huntingdon, in the Southern division landowner. The soil is cold clay; subsoil, clay. The of the county, hundred and petty sessional division of chief crops are wheat, barley and oats. The area. i~ Leightonstone, union and county court district of 2,184 acres; assessable value, £819; the population ia Huntingdon, rural deanery of Leightonstone, arch- 19II was 159. deaconry of Huntingdon and diocese of Ely. The Sexton, Frederick Coles. church of All Saints is a fine edifice of rubble stone, Post Office.-Robert Murphy, sub-postmaster. Letters in the Early English style, consisting of chancel, arrive through Huntingdon at 7.20 a.m. & 3 p.m.; clerestoried nav-e, aisles, south porch and a western dispatched at 9 a.m. & 4 p.m. except sunday, on whiclt battlemented tower containing 4 bells : the modern day there is no delivery of letters. Leighton is the stone pulpit is adorned with carvings of the Four nearest money order office & Great Gidding, 3 miles Evangelists: the church was restored in 1864, at an distant, the nearest telegraph office expense of about £2,ooo: there are 200 sittings. The Church School (mixed), erected, with residence, in r86r, register dates from the year 1752. The living is a for 66 children; George Pringle, master Green Re-.,. George A., B.A. (rector), Gale Arthur, carpenter Knighton William, farmer & t~tt: Rectory Hern Fanny (Mrs.), farmer, Rookery collector, Manor farm COMMERCIAL. fann Murphy John, farmer, Grove farm Forteseoe John Tebbutt, farmer, Jellis Joseph, farmer, The Grange Murphy Robert, brewer, & post offic!'l Cotta~e farm Topham Chas.farmr.Salome Wood fm .
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