July 1, 1970 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE 22497 though we were obliged to strenuously fable gentleman from Kentucky (Mr. Rather than to reject the conference oppose the first amendment he offered. I CooPER). Mr. President, not only I, but report, therefore, I feel it is more con­ refer, of course, to the able Senator from all other Senators, salute the able Sena­ structive to go on record, again, that we West Virginia (Mr. BYRD). No Senator, tor from Idaho. He has done an extreme­ reject the concept that the Metro can be in my judgment, offered a more lucid ly fine piece of work, and I think that, kidnaped and held hostage to any par­ analysis of the constitutional implica­ in the long run, it will benefit the Nation ticular freeway. In forthcoming legisla­ tions of the Cooper-Church amend­ greatly. tion, I hope we can make our commit­ ment, throughout the whole course of the Mr. CHURCH. I thank the Senator. ment to sustained Metro construction debate. Furthermore, when the stakes Mr. MATHIAS. Mr. President, I deeply so clear that this situation will not de­ were high and the argument fiercely regret that the Senate conferees on H.R. velop again. joined, Senator BYRD never lost his civil­ 17868 were unable to persuade the other ity nor engaged in the use of a single body to accept the Senate recommenda­ PRO FORMA SESSION TOMORROW extravagant phrase to distort the issue tion of $34, 768,000 for construction of the he raised. I regard his conduct as an Metro system. Mr. BYRD of West Virginia. Mr. Pres­ exercise of self-discipline that all of us Above all, I regret that the Metro sys­ ident, tomorrow the Senate will convene would do well to emulate. tem is again being held hostage to the at 9 a.m. for a pro form.a session only, Many other Senators should be singled long-debated, long-delayed District of and it will then adjourn, under the out, including the leaders of the oppo­ Columbia freeway system. previous order, until 12 o'clock noon on sition, such as Senators GRIFFIN and Like many others, I am an advocate Monday next. DoLE. They were formidable, tenacious of a balanced transportation system adversaries and I salute them. for the Washington metropolitan area. ADJOURNMENT UNTIL 9 A.M. Finally, Mr. President, I pay special But to me this does not mean that delays TOMORROW tribute to those particular Senators in freeway construction must be balanced whose vote for the Cooper-Church by delays in building the Metro. It does Mr. BYRD of West Virginia. Mr. Pres­ amendment required them to asswne not mean that the subway system-which ident, if there be no further business to burdensome political risks. If I named has received unprecedented regional and come before the Senate, I move, in ac­ them here, I would do them no service, congressional support--should be subject cordance with the previous order, that but they played out their role in the to all the fl.ts and starts, or fits and stops, the Senate stand in adjournment until best tradition of U.S. Senators. which highway planning here unfortu­ 9 o'clock tomorrow morning. MT. BYRD of West Virginia. Mr. Pres­ nately involves. The motion was agreed to; and (at ident, the able Senator from Idaho is As I stated on Monday, the Metro sys­ 5 o'clock and 50 minutes p.m.) the Senate most gracious, as always. This is typical tem will be in a very real sense the life­ adjourned until tomorrow, Thursday, of him, and I think that the roll of those line not only of the central city of Wash­ July 2, 1970, at 9 a.m. who played such a prominent part here ington, but of the entire metropolitan in the Senate in the adoption of this area as well. It has been the beneficiary NOMINATIONS historic legislation very clearly includes of substantial financial commitments by the able cosponsor of the amendment, all of the suburban jurisdictions which Executive nominations received by the and I speak now of the Senator from will benefit from it. Now that construc­ Senate July 1, 1970: Idaho (Mr. CHURCH). Like Abou Ben tion has begun, we should exert all of ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION Adhem, his name leads all the rest. I our efforts to keep it on schedule, so Glenn T. Seaborg, of California, to be a think it was his equanimity, his courtesy that financing arrangements-in a very Member of the Atomic Energy Commission toward all, his patience and willingness tight bond market-will not be jeopar­ for a term of 5 years expiring June 30, 1975. to listen to the argwnen ts of other Sena­ dized in any way. (Reappointment). tors, his desire to cooperate with them I know that the Senator from Wis­ in accommodating their views, and his consin (Mr. PROXMIRE) and the other overall generalship in the handling of Senate conferees tried as hard as they CONFIRMATIONS the legislation, including the floor work could to convince the other body to ap­ Executive nominations confirmed by and the management of it, which con­ prove the $34,768,000 which the Senate the Senate July 1, 1970: tributed perhaps most of all, if any one had endorsed for the Metro. The con­ U.S. COAST GUARD Senator could be singled out for praise ferees did agree on several other im­ The following-named officers of the Coast with respect to the action of the Senate portant items, including $15.6 million for Guard for promotion to the grade of rear on the legislation to which he refers improvements at Blue Plains and suffi­ admiral: today. cient funds for the District of Colwnbia Austin C. Wagner I wish to share the Senator's view­ narcotics control and treatment pro­ William A. Jenkins point with respect to all of the other gram. It would therefore gain us noth­ DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Senators who played a role, and to join ing-and would only delay the bill-to William J. Bauer, of Illinois, to be U.S. with him particularly in his tribute to seek to return it to conference for an­ attorney for the northern district of Illinois his able cosponsor, the Senator and af- other try. for the term of 4 years. HOUSE OF RE.PRE.SE.NTATIVES-Wednesday, July 1, 1970 The House met at 12 o'clock noon. We remember with affection and honor THE JOURNAL The Chaplain, Rev. Edward G. Latch, those who have given and are giving The Journal of the proceedings of D.D., offered the following prayer: their lives on behalf of our country and yesterday was read and approved. in the service of noble causes. By the Behold, how good and how pleasant it power of every life usefully lived, by the is for brethren to dwell together in spirit of every person worthily engaged, MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE unity.-Psalm 133: 1. may we make our Nation great 1n moral God of our fathers, as we draw near character, great 1n religious faith, great A message from the Senate by Mr. Ar­ the day when we celebrate the birthday in justice and in the brotherhood of rington, one of its clerks, announced that of our independence as a nation, we man. the Senate had passed without amend­ pause to acknowledge our dependence May the words of our mouths, the ment a concurrent resolution of the upon Thee, to thank Thee for Thy guid­ worship of our hearts, and the works of House of the following title: ing spirit in the past, and to pray that the our hands be useful in ushering in the H. Con. Res. 671.-Concurrent resolution power of Thy presence may fit us fully day when men and nations shall learn providing for adjournment of the House for the future. Without Thee we can do to live together peacefully, in freedom from Wednesday, July 1, to Monday, July 6, nothing, but with Thee all good and and with good will toward all. In the 1970. great things are possible. spirit of Christ we pray. Amen. The message also announced that the 22498 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE July 1, 1970 Senate having proceeded to reconsider the Cambodian invasion on April 30, the President's words, was to become "virtually the bill (H.R. 11102) entitled "An act only justification he gave was the saving one large base area." By way of strengthening of American lives. Yesterday he made it his rationale for going into Cambodia in the to amend the Public Health Service Act first place he ls even citing evidence from to revise, extend, and improve the pro­ clear that another objective was to save documents which were captured after we gram established by title VI of such act, the Lon Nol government, a new military went in aud the decision was made. He ls and for other purposes," returned by the dictatorship in Indochina. The venture saying, in so many words, that "in March President of the United States with his has cost 339 American lives, $5 million and April of this year, Communist troops objections, to the House of Representa­ in arms aid to the Lon Nol government, used their long held bases in Cambodia to tives, in which it originated, it was and a commitment for continued arms move against the government of Cam­ aid and air strikes. The President says bodia ..." Resolved, That the said bill pass, two­ So it wasn't, after all, jUSlt the immediate, thirds of the Senators present having he will also "encourage and support" direct threat to our troops in Vietnam posed voted in the affirmative.
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