The League of Women Voters: Celebrating 100 Years The League was officially found- prove the education of their children. ed in Chicago in February 1920, just Frederick’s League was formally RATIFICATION OF THE six months before the 19th amend- founded on March 31, 1960. 19TH AMENDMENT ment was ratified and women won Men became members in 1974 The 19th Amendment the vote. Formed by the suffragists of and Lord Nickens, the noted civ- the National American Woman Suf- il rights leader in Frederick, was the granting women the right frage Association, the League began first African-American to join the to vote passed the US Con- as a “mighty political experiment” League. Today, Frederick’s League gress in June 1919—with designed to help 20 million women has approximately 100 members. the final hurdle for the 19th carry out their new responsibilities One of the Frederick League’s ear- Amendment: ratification by as voters. liest initiatives focused on improv- the states. As anti-suffrage In her address to the National ing voter services, such as lobbying groups still fought to oppose American Woman Suffrage Associa- tablish the United Nations and to en- the county to offer locations beyond ratification, suffrage leaders tion’s (NAWSA) 50th convention in sure U.S. participation. The League downtown Frederick to register to mobilized to continue their St. Louis, Missouri, in 1919, President was one of the first organizations in vote. The League continues to em- pressure campaign in the Carrie Chapman Catt proposed the the country officially recognized by phasize the importance of voting by states. Finally, the Amend- creation of a league of women voters the United Nations as a non-govern- registering voters at high schools and ment was ratified in Tennes- to “finish the fight” and aid in the re- colleges by publishing a voters’ guide mental organization; it still maintains see and officially made law construction of the nation. And so a official observer status today. for every election. League of Women Voters was formed In 1973, Frederick Communi- on August 26, 1920. within NAWSA, composed of the or- THE LEAGUE OF WOMEN ty College’s faculty and the coun- ganizations in the states where wom- VOTERS IN FREDERICK COUNTY ty Board of Education were dead- ick County, which lobbied the hospi- an suffrage had already been at- In Frederick, it started with a locked in contract negotiations. The tal’s board and published materials tained. woman named Ruth Hallo Landman. faculty declared a work stoppage and in the local newspaper. The hospital Since its inception, the League An excellent student, she graduat- were fired. The League hosted pub- changed its policy and began to pro- has helped millions of women and ed Phi Beta Kappa from Vassar Col- lic forums to inform the public, and vide the specialized training that was men become informed partici- lege at age 20, studying anthropology reached out to the faculty and mem- required. pants in government. In fact, the first under Ruth Benedict and Margaret bers of the board. At that time, the Recently, the League focused on is- league convention voted 69 sepa- Mead. She married another refugee Board of Education oversaw the entire sues such as the privatization of Citi- rate items as statements of princi- from Germany, Otto Landman, in public system of education, including zens Care and Rehabilitation Center ple and recommendations for legis- 1948, and joined him at Yale for grad- the community college. The League and Montevue Assisted Living, chang- lation. Among them were protection uate study. Landman earned a mas- conducted a study and determined es by county government in land use for women and children, rights of ter’s degree and doctorate in anthro- that Frederick Community College development policies, immigration working women, food supply and de- pology while her husband earned should have its own board of trustees. and ethics in government. mand, social hygiene, the legal status graduate degrees in chemistry and Its recommendation was accepted. For decades the Frederick League of women, and American citizenship. microbiology. The family moved to Victims of sexual assault have has monitored public officials for un- The League’s first major national leg- Frederick when Otto accepted em- access to health care in Frederick ethical behavior, promoted greater islative success was the passage of ployment at Fort Detrick as a genet- in part because of the leadership transparency and decried the weak the Sheppard-Towner Act provid- icist. role the League played in pressur- supervision of ethics in politics. It ing federal aid for maternal and child While living in Frederick, Land- ing Frederick Memorial Hospital to pushed for a stronger code of ethics care programs. In the 1930s, League man, then a mother of three, helped change its policies. In 1977, a rape for public officials. members worked successfully for en- to found Frederick’s chapter of the victim had gone to the hospital for The League recommended the actment of the Social Security and League of Women Voters. She served treatment but had been denied an formation of a nonpartisan Ethics Food and Drug Acts. Due at least in as the chapter’s first provisional examination to gather legal evidence. Commission whose members would part to League efforts, legislation president from 1959-1960. She was Instead, she was taken to Washing- periodically evaluate the adequacy passed in 1938 and 1940 removed a “Fort Detrick wife,” one of many ton County. of the ethics law and distribute infor- hundreds of federal jobs from the women who moved to Frederick The denial of care led to months mation to employees and officials. spoils system and placed them under County because of their husbands’ of public opposition with many Civil Service. work at the Army base. Many of the groups protesting hospital policy. At — Adapted from an article in During the postwar period, the wives were young mothers and par- the forefront of the protest was the Frederick Magazine and research by League helped lead the effort to es- ticipated in civic organizations to im- League of Women Voters of Freder- Professor Hoda Zaki TABLE OF CONTENTS: U.S. Representative District 6 .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................4 U.S. Representative District 8 .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................6 Frederick County Circuit Court Judge ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................8 Delegates to the Republican National Convention Congressional District 6 .............................................................................................................................................9 Delegates to the Republican National Convention Congressional District 8 .............................................................................................................................................9 Alternate Delegates to the Republican National Convention Congressional District 6 .............................................................................................................................9 Alternate Delegates to the Republican National Convention Congressional District 8 .............................................................................................................................9 Female Delegates to the Democratic National Convention Congressional District 6 ...............................................................................................................................10 Female Delegates to the Democratic National Convention Congressional District 8 ...............................................................................................................................10 Male Delegates to the Democratic National Convention Congressional District 6 ....................................................................................................................................11 Male Delegates to the Democratic National Convention Congressional District 8 ...................................................................................................................................12 Frederick County Board of Education.........................................................................................................................................................................................................14 2 | SATURDAY, MAY 9, 2020 | 2020 VOTERS GUIDE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES Ground Rules for Presidential Candidates Criteria for Participation in VOTE411.org: All presidential candidates who one candidate running for the Republican Party’s nomination for President will appear on Maryland’s ballot are listed below. The League of Women Vot- has met the LWVEF criteria listed above. Therefore, no Republican presi- ers of the United States, through the League of Women Voters Education dential candidates have yet been invited to participate. As soon as any two Fund (LWVEF), established criteria to determine which candidates to invite Republican candidates meet the criteria or the party’s national nominating to respond
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