Evolution, 58(6), 2004, pp. 1225-1241 SPECIATION ON THE COASTS OF THE NEW WORLD: PHYLOGEOGRAPHY AND THE EVOLUTION OF BINDIN IN THE SEA URCHIN GENUS LYTECHINUS KIRK S. ZIGLER'^^ AND H. A. LESSIOSI-^ ^Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Box 2072, Balboa, Panama •^Department of Biology, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina 27708 '^E-mail: lessiosh @ naos. si. edu Abstract.•Beginning witli E. Mayr's study in 1954, tropical sea urchins have played an important role in studies of speciation in the sea, but what are the processes of cladogenesis and divergence that give rise to new species in this group? We attempt to answer this question in the genus Lytechinus. Unlike the majority of other tropical sea urchin genera, which have circumtropical distributions, Lytechinus is mostly confined to the tropics and subtropics of the New World. We sequenced a region of mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I and the entire molecule of nuclear bindin (a sperm gamete recognition protein) of nearly all species in the genus, and we assayed isozymes of three partially sympatric closely related species and subspecies. We found that in both mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and in bindin the genus Lytechinus is paraphyletic, encompassing Sphaerechinus granularis as the sister species of L. euerces. The rest of the species are arranged in an Atlantic clade composed of L. williamsi and L. variegatus, and a Pacific clade containing L. anamesus, L. pictus, L. semituberculatus, and L. panamensis. Divergence between these clades suggests that they were separated no later than the closure of the Isthmus of Panama, and possibly before this time. Our data confirm that L. anamesus and L. pictus from California are a single species, and provide no evidence of differentiation between L. variegatus variegatus from the Caribbean and L. variegatus atlanticus from Bermuda. Lytechinus variegatus variegatus mtDNA is distinct from that of L. variegatus carolinus from the North American seaboard and the Gulf of Mexico, whereas their bindins are very similar. However, there is clear evidence of introgression of mtDNA between the two subspecies and they share alíeles in all sampled isozyme loci. Lytechinus williamsi from the Caribbean shares mtDNA haplotypes with L. variegatus variegatus, and they also share isozymes in all assayed loci. Their bindin, however, is distinct and coalesces within each morphospecies. A private clade of mtDNA in L. williamsi may be indicative of former differentiation in the process of being swamped by introgression, or of recent speciation. Recent sudden expansions in effective population size may explain the predominance of a few mitochondrial haplotypes common to the two species. Despite the high divergence of bindin (relative to differentiation of mtDNA) between L. variegatus and L. williamsi, comparison of amino acid replacement to silent substitutions by various methods uncovered no evidence for positive selection on the bindin of any clade oí Lytechinus. With the possible exception of L. williamsi and L. variegatus, our results are consistent with a history of allopatric speciation in Lytechinus. The molecular results from Lytechinus, along with those of other similar studies of sea urchins, suggest that the general speciation patterns deduced in the middle of last century by Mayr from morphology and geography have held up, but also have uncovered peculiarities in the evolution of each genus. Key words.•Echinoid, gamete recognition, hybridization, selection, speciation. Received July 21, 2003. Accepted February 11, 2004. The multifaceted question of how speciation proceeds re- and subspecies in the genus, only L. pallidus is found outside quires many kinds of data to be addressed. Mitochondrial the New World, at the Cape Verde Islands in the eastern DNA (mtDNA) sequences combined with geographical in- Atlantic (Mortensen 1943; Serafy 1973). All the Lytechinus formation can provide clues on the order of splitting between species in which developmental mode is known form plank- clades and on the possible extrinsic barriers that caused the tonic feeding larvae from small (100-111 [xm diameter) eggs, observed patterns. DNA sequences of nuclear loci involved which can metamorphose into juveniles in as little as two in reproductive isolation can be used to examine the role that weeks (Mortensen 1921, 1943; Harvey 1956; Mazur and divergence in such loci has played in perfecting reproductive Miller 1971; Cameron 1984, 1986; Emlet et al. 1987 ; Emlet isolation. Data on reproductive compatibility can provide in- 1995).The species of Lytechinus exhibit a variety of distri- formation on the degree of completion of the speciation pro- bution patterns. The widespread and morphologically vari- cess between putative species. When reproductive isolation able L. variegatus contains three subspecies: L. variegatus is incomplete, independent molecular dataseis can identify atlanticus at Bermuda; L. variegatus carolinus, ranging from introgression and prevent incorrect conclusions about species North Carolina around the tip of Florida through the Gulf of relationships. We carried out a study that combines these Mexico to the Yucatan peninsula; and L. variegatus varie- types of information in the sea urchin genus Lytechinus. gatus from southern Florida throughout the Caribbean all the Unlike most genera of shallow water sea urchins that show way to southern Brazil (Serafy 1973). A morphologically very wide geographical distributions, Lytechinus is confined different species, L. williamsi, is present in most localities in almost exclusively to the coasts of America, ranging from the Caribbean (Chesher 1968; Hendler et al. 1995, pp. 218- California to the Galapagos in the Pacific and from Bermuda 220). Other species are distributed over much smaller areas. to Brazil in the Atlantic (Mortensen 1943). Of the 11 species Lytechinus pallidus has only been reported from the Cape Verde Islands. Lytechinus euerces and L. callipeplus are found ^ Present address: Friday Harbor Laboratories, University of *" ^eep waters at the West Indies (Mortensen 1943; Lewis Washington, Friday Harbor, Washington 98250; E-mail: ziglerk® 1963). Lytechinus pictus and L. anamesus, two nommai spe- u.Washington.edu. cies the distinctiveness of which has been questioned (Clark 1225 © 2004 The Society for the Study of Evolution. All rights reserved. 1226 K. S. ZIGLER AND H. A. LESSIOS 1 36°N , A 9 25°N- 4 .'S 3 • SO-N 0"^ •> 6 as^s- 7 1 1 24''N 100°W SO'W syw 81 °W 75°W FIG. 1. Collection sites in (A) tropical America, with detailed inset (B) of southeastern North America. Lytechinus anamesus and L. pictus were collected at southern California (1); L. semituberculatus at the Galapagos (2); L. panamensis and Toxopneustes roseus at the Pacific coast of Panama (3); L. williamsi at Belize (4) and the Caribbean coast of Panama (5); L. variegatus variegatus at Belize (4), the Caribbean coast of Panama (5), Recife (6) and Rio de Janeiro (7), Brazil, and at Miami, Florida (8); L. variegatus atlánticas at Bermuda (9); L. variegatus carolinus at Tallahassee (10), Tampa (11) and Jupiter (12), Florida, and at Beaufort, North Carolina (13); L. euerces in the Bahamas (14). Sphaerechinus granularis was collected at the Canary Islands, Corsica, and the Aegean Sea (not shown). 1940; Cameron 1984), are found off the coast of California et al. 1998) and in Tripneustes (Zigler and Lessios 2003b), and in the Sea of Cortez. Lytechinus panamensis is known two genera in which all species are allopatric, there are fewer only from the Gulf of Panama (Mortensen 1921). Lytechinus sequence rearrangements and no evidence for positive selec- semituberculatus is abundant at the Galapagos and is also tion. One sequence of Lytechinus bindin has been published known from the adjacent Ecuadorian coast. Thus, Lytechinus (Minor et al. 1991), but without information on the variation contains both sympatric and allopatric combinations of spe- of the molecule, its mode of evolution within the genus re- cies. mains unknown. Lytechinus pictus and L. variegatus have been used as mod- In this study we attempt to reconstruct the history of spe- el organisms for the study of fertilization and early devel- ciation in Lytechinus. We use mtDNA sequences to recon- opment (e.g. Ettensohn 1985; Hardin and Cheng 1988; Et- struct the phylogeny of its species and subspecies and to tensohn and McClay 1988; Sherwood and McClay 1999), but determine whether there is geographic structure within the little is known about the levels of gametic compatibility be- widespread Atlantic subspecies L. variegatus carolinus and tween the various species oí Lytechinus. Minor et al. (1991) L. variegatus variegatus. We also assess variation in bindin found that gametes of the Atlantic L. variegatus and the Pa- to see whether it has been evolving under positive selection, cific L. pictus could cross-fertilize. Cameron (1984) found in particular in association with the evolution of reproductive no evidence for gametic incompatibility between L. pictus isolation between sympatric species. Finally, we examine in and L. anamesus from the coast of California. more detail three closely related species and subspecies with The sperm protein bindin plays a central role in sea urchin overlapping ranges in Florida and the Caribbean through the gamete interactions. It is the major insoluble component of use of isozymes. the acrosomal vesicle and has been implicated in sperm-egg attachment (Vacquier and Moy 1977). A portion of the mol- MATERIALS AND METHODS ecule functions as a membrane fusogen, suggesting that it Samples may be involved in fusing sperm and egg membranes (Ulrich et al. 1998, 1999). This fusogenic activity is concentrated in Individuals representing nine species and subspecies of an 18-residue portion of the 55-residue bindin "core" that Lytechinus were collected from various localities throughout is highly conserved among all bindins characterized to date the New World (Fig. 1). We were unable to obtain specimens (Ulrich et al. 1998; Zigler and Lessios 2003a). The pattern of L. callipeplus, which is known from deep (125-300 m) of bindin evolution has been examined in five genera of sea waters from the West Indies (Mortensen 1943, p.
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