I. Uluslararası Bir Bilge Bir Ülke Sempozyumu 3-5 Ekim 2018 Aliya İzzetbegoviç ve Bosna-Hersek GÜMÜŞHANE ÜNİVERSİTESİ YAYINLARI Gümüşhanevi Kampüsü, Bağlarbaşı Mahallesi, 29100, Gümüşhane Telefon: +90 456 233 10 00 Faks: +90 456 233 11 19 ISBN: 978-605-4838-19-6 Eser Adı: I. Uluslararası Bir Bilge Bir Ülke Sempozyumu: Aliye İzzetbegoviç ve Bosna-Hersek Bildiriler Kitabı Yayın Türü: e-kitap (Aralık 2018) Editörler / Editors Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Mümin HAKKIOĞLU Dr. Öğr. Üyesi M. Ahmet TÜZEN Öğr. Gör. Çağlayan DOĞAN Arş. Gör. Zeynep ŞİMŞEK Arş. Gör. Fatih UYAR Grafik Tasarım & Dizgi / Graphic Design & Typesetting Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Mehmet Ali GÜCER (Gümüşhane Üniversitesi /Gümüşhane University) Bu çalışma “Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Koordinatörlüğü”nce desteklenmiştir. Proje No: 18.F1211.08.01 This study has been supported by “Gümüşhane University Scientific Research Projects Coordination Department”. Project Number: 18.F1211.08.01 Yayın hakları Gümüşhane Üniversitesi’ne ait olan bu eserin, hukuki ve etik sorumluluğu yazarlarındır. Tüm hakları saklıdır. İzinsiz kopyalanamaz ve çoğaltılamaz. i I. Uluslararası Bir Bilge Bir Ülke Sempozyumu / 1st International A Luminary A Country Symposium Bildiriler Kitabı / Full Paper Proceedings Alıja Izetbegovıc and Sandzak Emir ASCERIC President of the Youth Association of SDA Sandzak, Deputy Mayor of Novi Pazar City, [email protected] I will try to speak on the this matter from the aspect of Sandzak Bosniaks and from the aspect of Sandzak as a historical region where Bosniaks have lived for centuries as an indigenous nation. Geographical position of Sandzak among Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia- Herzegovina and Kosovo, disintegration of former Yugoslavia through civil war, establishment of national states and national armies, a new attempt of Greater Serbia ideologists to create Greater Serbia, ethnically cleansed according to the project called „Karlobag-Ogulin-Karlovac-Virovitica“ provides an answer to the following questions: Why Sandzak is stipulated as one of 16 most vulnerable areas of the world Why the Bosniaks have third largest number of refugees, after Afghans and Palestinians Why Minority Rights Groups designate Bosniaks as a nation under threat Why the President, late Alija Izetbegovic, used to speak: “After the Berlin Congress, Sandzak people are less fortunate part of our nation, left behind on the other side of the Drina river“. Who are Bosniaks When speaking about Bosniaks, we should take into consideration several important facts. Bosniaks are an indigenous people in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Sandzak and are part of single Bosniak national corps in former Yugoslavia, a nation that suffered genocide from Serbian forces in Srebrenica. Bosniaks are a nation fully aware of their national, cultural and religious features and needs to promote their identity. The late President Alija Izetbegovic used to say: „Preserve and protect your nation and the name of Bosniak, your religion and your tradition. The loss of identity is paid with slavery and humiliation.“ The Sandzak Bosniaks are a European nation, of European thought and traditions; hence Bosniaks take an active participation in process of European and NATO integrations of Serbia and Montenegro. The Sandzak Bosniaks are a peaceful, civilized, educated, responsible, conscious and a well-organized people, which has had its SDA Sandzak 212 | S a y f a I. Uluslararası Bir Bilge Bir Ülke Sempozyumu / 1st International A Luminary A Country Symposium Bildiriler Kitabı / Full Paper Proceedings party and Bosniak National Council since the fall of comunism and introduction of democratic system. These are the bodies which have been fighting for Bosniak rights for the last 27 years, through institutions of the system in their country. The Bosniak fight for survival In order to fully understand life and problems of Bosniaks, I have to underline the following facts: After fall of Yugoslavia, neither statuses of Bosniaks nor Sandzak have been solved. Establishment of new countries in former Yugoslavia and their strivings to enter the European Union. The European Union does not accept into its membership the states with territorial disputes, which relates to Serbia and Montenegro, which have occupied parts of Sandzak. Serbia and Montenegro are over-exploiting natural goods in Sandzak, they have no development plans related to the region, the infrastructure is poor, road communication among majority municipalities in Sandzak is non-existent. Unemployment rate is high, up to 60% in some municipalities. Aggravating circumstances are lack of rule of law, legal security and equality before the law, a tolerant attitude of Serbian and Montenegrin authorities towards crimes against Bosniaks in Sandzak. All these combined represent an objective threat to existence of Bosniaks in the region. We especially stress the fact that Peace Conferences for former Yugoslavia in the Hague, London and Geneve failed to accomplish their goals. The Dayton Agreement, signed on November 21, 1995, stopped Serbian aggression on Bosnia-Herzegovina, but failed to solve Yugoslavia crisis and statuses of Bosniaks and Sandzak. Minimum for survival of Bosniaks Sovereign, undivisible, prosperous, democratic Bosnia-Herzegovina, based on rule of law, legal secutiry, trade economy, an EU and NATO member, and the autonomy of Sandzak. The late President, Alija Izetbegovic, fought for undivisible and unique Bosnia-Herzegovina, equally Bosniak, Serbian and Croatian, a multi- national and a multi-religious concept of a state that represents basic philosophy of the European Union. However, European statesmen had no strenght to support it. Years of suffering, caused by misunderstanding of European statesmen, have been imposed on Bosnia-Herzegovina citizens, who trusted in Alija, followed him and who resemble him. Paddy Ashdown, High Representative of International Community in Bosnia-Herzegovina, when speaking on funeral of Alija Izetbegovic, said: 213 | S a y f a I. Uluslararası Bir Bilge Bir Ülke Sempozyumu / 1st International A Luminary A Country Symposium Bildiriler Kitabı / Full Paper Proceedings “Alija Izetbegovic was proud of his European origins and proud of his Islamic religion and apologized to nobody for that.“ What is Sandzak and where is it? Sandzak is a historical region, with its international borders determined at the Berlin Congress as a corpus separatum, at the same time when borders of Serbia, Montenegro and Bosnia-Herzegovina were determined. Geo- political significance Sandzak has in the Balkans presents both an advantage and misfortune. Bearing in mind the plans from Greater Serbia ideologists who foresaw ethnic cleansing of Sandzak, bitter experiences from the past, caused by Serbian and Montenegrin governments, as well as Russian plans for an „orthodox highway“ through Sandzak and Montenegro to the Mediterranean, the late President Alija Izetbegovic was justly worried for survival of Bosniaks in Sandzak. In his letter to the secretary of Organization of Islamic Cooperation, Hamid Algabid, on September 24, 1995, the late President Alija Izetbegovic says: “I want to use this opportunity to draw your attention to the state in Sandzak, with a plea to do everything in Your powers to improve it.“ Although Sandzak iz beyond borders of Bosnia-Herzegovina, we remain permanently interested in this part of our national corps. Sandzak has a Bosniak population of 319,500 Bosniaks, an indigenous people and majority in the region. During the last four years, this part of our nation has been exposed to state terror from Serbia and Montenegro, at times reaching proportions of genocide. Related to the issue, the Government of Bosnia-Herzegovina held a session on March 07, 1995, and the Parliament of Bosnia-Herzegovina also had a session on March 29, 1995, passing a Declaration on violation of human rights and freedoms of Bosniaks (Muslims) in Sandzak and other parts of Serbia and Montenegro1. Lack of protection mechanisms of life, freedom and security for Albanians, Bosniaks and Turks in the Sandzak region, under control of Serbia and Montenegro, including rights to economic development, are the main reasons why citizens of Sandzak have sought refuge elsewhere, in Europe and America. This is the main reason why the diaspora of Sandzak indigenous people exceeds the population of Sandzak. History of Sandzak Sandzak was occupied by Serbia and Montenegro with tacit approval from League of Nations, when Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes was established in 1918. The solution of territorial disputes is a prerequisite for admission into the European Union. If Serbia and Montenegro want to 1 IZETBEGOVIC ALIJA: Year of War and Peace: Selected speeches, interviews and letters. 1996. Sarajevo: Ljiljan, 1997, pages 15-16 214 | S a y f a I. Uluslararası Bir Bilge Bir Ülke Sempozyumu / 1st International A Luminary A Country Symposium Bildiriler Kitabı / Full Paper Proceedings register Sandzak as their territory, they have to stipulate Bosniaks into their respective Constitutions as a constitutive nation. Sandzak is an occupied land. Sandzak citizens have been exposed to state terror from Serbia and Montenegro for the last 100 years. The goal of the terror is to change demographic map of the region. A Serb academic, Vasa Cubrilovic, drafted a memorandum called „Expulsion of Arnauts“ back in 19371, which foresaw colonization with Serb and Montenegrin populace in Sandzak and the change in balance in disfavor of Bosniaks. After the Berlin Congress and during the
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